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Assignment 4


1. Please explain your activities to improve your soft skills!

- My discussion with fellow workmates and other people from different division such
as Business Analyst and Developers divisions whilst the NGBS project is ongoing has
made me realized that hearing insights from their point of view is important. By
having a light-hearted discussion, all teams can reach an agreement for conclude a
solution to solve the problem(s).
- Patience is a virtue, the quote that many may hear; however, few only done what the
quote tells. Being patient and calm while receiving many sudden revisions and
framed by the client company for doing something you didn’t do helps a lot,
especially when facing with the higher-ups. These may have helped me to have a
clear thought and communicate logically without the need to speak up with emotions
(especially when your emotions are unstable or having a feel of rushed, strong
emotions inside myself), which ended up ruining mine and my company’s reputation.
An example will be the time where I got accused by fellow client’s company
employee that my phone is not silent, however I have my phone on DND mode (Do
Not Disturb mode). Meanwhile, the notification sound came from the person beside
my desk. What I did is to calmly tell her that it was not my phone’s notification that
rings while showing her the proof of my phone is in DND mode and telling her that
the person beside me has their phone unsilenced without bringing up my emotions. It
resulted in a good outcome without any fights.

2. Please explain the role of soft skills in supporting the success of your
- Teamwork: Teamwork is one of the crucial skills we need to finish our project, where
more than one person is aiming for the same goal, where in my case is to finish the
NGBS project and have the full satisfaction of the client’s needs. As an example, I
contributed to my team by making Lo-Fi and Hi-Fi versions of receivable
management for NGBS Corporate Website
- Initiative: Being initiative helps me a lot with my project, especially when it comes to
information gathering and work allocations. Since my client’s company is a banking
company, the work that I am correlated with may not be familiar to me since I usually
do UI/UX project on E-commerce section. To help me understand my section, I need
to have the initiative of asking the Business Analyst or my senior to understand about
the user flow.
- Self-Management, Planning and Organizing: When I received a lot of work, I need to
have the ability to manage my time, workload and be responsible of my work;
including knowing what I need to do and having to manage my time so I can finish
the project by deadline. I usually start with sections that I understand better, so I can
at least finish one section before doing the harder parts. However, focusing on your
work is one of the following self-managements. The other one, I need to focus more
on my health, since having an unhealthy body may lead to unfinished work. The work
that I am supposed to finish are delayed due to my health conditions.
- Problem Solving: Another example of important skills that everyone should have
when facing with a problem. The problem that I encounter as an UI/UX designer
intern are layout problems, and self-debate whether this type of layout is considered
as a user-friendly or not. To solve this issue, I ended up asking my senior for
suggestions, which helped me to cut some time for finishing the project.

3. Please explain the improvement of soft skills that you experienced!

- Patience: Refer to Q1 second point for an example. My patience on dealing with
incompetent people has increased due to the working circumstances.
- Self-Management: Since I was sick too frequently last month, I learnt how to take
care of myself better so I won’t hinder the project’s progression.

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