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In class, you have been discussing the statement ‘Old people should be looked after by
members of their family or it is better for them to live in nursing-home’. Your teacher has
you to write an essay expressing your own opinion.
Write your essay in 250-300 words.
Nowadays, many people believe that old people should be looked after by members of their
family but others think that it is better for them to live in nursing home. As far as I concerned, I
really love the feeling of reunion, so I strongly agree with the first idea. Firstly, in the old age
they have some health problem. It is convenient for family to look after them than in nursing-
home. For instance, old people is usually forgetful, they always forget a few things that have just
happened or even may not remember their relatives. Secondly, family especially young children
can easily share their carefree joys in our life to old parents or grandparents, which plays an
important role to help them improve their metal health. Indeed, although the forgetful desease,
my grandparent loves me by all they have. At last, they are in the habit of the habitat in home,
they love their kids and want to live happily under the roof with their family. For these reasons, I
think old people should have this privilege and the happy time with their family in their home
not nursing home.

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