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Tr a n sl at e d an d Published by

J apan ese Standards A ssociatio n

o JIS G 3101 : 2004


Rolled steels for general structure

res 77.140.01
r ene e num b e r : JI S G Slot : 2 OV11 ~L :lI _-­ 1

3101; 200


This translation has been made based on the original Japanese Industri
Standard revised by the Minister of Economy. Trade and Industry through
deliberations at the Japanese Industrial Standards Committee, as th
result of proposal for revision of Japanese Indus tria l Standard submitted
by The Japan Iron and Steel Federation (JISF) with the draft being at­
tached, based on the pr ovision of Article 12 Clause 1 of the Industrial
Standardization Law applica ble to the case of revision by the provision
of Article 14. Consequently JIS G 3 101: 1995 is repla ced with this S
dard .
Attention is dr a wn to the possibility that some parts of this Standard
may conflict with a patent right, application for a patent after opening
to the public, utility model right or application for registration of utilit
model after opening to th e public which have technical properties. Th
relevant Minister and t he Japanese Industrial Standards Committ
are not responsible for identifying the patent right. application for a
patent after opening to the public, utility model right or "a pplica tion for
registration of utility model after opening to the public whi ch have the
said technical or ooer t ies .

Da te of E s t a bli sh men t : 1952-11-25

of Revision: 2004-03-20
of Public Notice in Official Ga zet te: 20 04-03-22
vestigated by; Japanese Industrial Standards Gommitt
tandar ds Boa rd
Technical Committee on Iron and S tee l

lIS G 3101 : 2004. First English edition published in 2004-0

ranslated and published by : Ja p anese Sta ndards Associati

4-1-24. Akasaka, Minato -ku, Tokyo, 107-8440 JAPA

In the event of any doubts arising as to the contents,

the oriztnal ]IS is to be the final authority.

C J5A 2004
All rights reserved . Unle n otherwise spl!c1f1ed, no part of th is pubtteaucn ml!ly
utilized in any form or by any means; elec tron ic or mechan ical.
micro film. without perminion In writing from the publisher.

Pr inted in Japon

3101 : 2004


1 S cope 1

2 Nor m ative r eferences 1

3 Gr ade and symbol.............................................................................................. 1

4 Ch emica l com posit ion :................ .................................. 1

5 Mech anica l pr operties 1

6 Sh a pe , dim en sion s, mass and t oler an ces thereof 6

7 Appea r ance .. 6

8 Test _.................... ....... 6

8.1 Ch em ica l analysis 6
.2 Me ch anica l test 6

9 In spection ................ .......... 7

9 .1 In s pect ion 7
9.2 Reinspection 8

10 Marking B

11 Repor t 8

Att a ch ed Table 1 orma t ive refer ences . 9

An nex 1 (normat ive ) Sampling position of the test piece 10




Rolled steels for general structure

1 Scop e This St an d ard specifies the hot rolled steels used for general structur e
uch as bridges, sh ips, r ollin g stocks and other structures (hereafter r efer r e d to a
"s teel pr oduct ").

2 Norma t iv e references The standards listed in attached table 1 contain provi­

sions which , through reference in this Standard, constitute provisions of this Stan­
dard. The most recent editions of t h e s t a n d a r d s (in cl u di n g amendments ) sha ll be
applied .

Grad d s. b ol The steel product s h all be classified into four cateaorie

and their ymbol hall be a s given in t a ble 1.

Table 1 ymb o l of grade

Symbol of grade

Rem a r Stee l bars include bar-in -coils.

4 C h e m ical c o mpo s it i on The steel product shall be tested in a ccor dance with 8.1
and the cast analysis values t he reof shall b e as given in table 2.

T a b le 2 Chemical composition
Unit : %


Mechanical pro p e r t ie s The steel product shall be tested in a ccor d a nce wit
8.2 and the yield point or yield strength, tensile strength, elongation and bendability
thereof shall be as gi ven in table 3.
As to t h e bend ability, the outside surface of t he bent por t ion shall be free fro
visible cra ck .

of grad

Angle of I Inside radiu


215 min. No. 1

o No. l A 17 rni...
No. IA 21 min.

No. 4 I 23 min.
I bars 26 or under in No. 2 180' 1.5 times
r, side or distance iameter, sid
Ilats or distance
ross n

Ta b le 3

Symbol I Yield point or yield strength I Tensil e I Thickness of steel product f' ) Bendability
of grnde
I I I I I I-
Angle of
. bending
I Inside ra dius ITeat
16 or lover 16 love r 40 l Over 100 .
under up to and up to and .
N/mm 2 mm

00 min . I 390 min. I - I - I 540 min . Steel plates and sheets. steel No.6 I 16 min . I 180 0 I 2.0 ti mes the I No.1

I _ v""" ... . ..,....................... _ u •• """"",-............."'". . No.IA 113 min. I I
I I I I I I I S~l .plnt~~ ~nd shee.LB. s ~~el I No.IA 117 min.

Steel bara 25 or und er in No.2 13 m in. 180° 2.0 times the I No.2
diameter, side or distance diam eter, s id
across fla ts or distance
~ across f1
No.l4A 16 min.

Note ( I As to the term "thickness of s , it means the thicknes he position of which na

shown in a nnex 1 figure 1.
With t his respect, in the case of bars , it m e a n s th iameter for r oun d bars, the s ide length (or width) for squa re bars and dis­
ance across flats for hexagonal bars.

Rema rk 1 F or the elonga tion of No . test piece for steel plates over 90 mm in thickness , it. s h a ll be subtracted 1 % from the values of
longati on ziven in table 3 r each increase of 25.0 mm or its fraction in thickness. However, the lim it to be s ubtracted shall
be 3 1;-.:1
2 No. 3 test piece may be used for th e bond test for the s teel product 5 m m or under in thickness. o
3101 : 20

6 S h ane. dimensions. mass a n d t ole r a n c e s t h e reof The shape, dimension...,

hall be in accordance with the foll ow in g standards .
JIS G 3 19 1, JIS G 319 2, JIS G 3 193 , JIS G 3194
With this r e sp e ct , the widt h t oler ances for the cut-edged steel plate, sheet and
steel strip in coil, and length tolerances for the steel plate and sheet shall be in
ccordance with class A tolerances given in JIS G 8193, unless otherwise specified.
Tolerances of plate thickness n ot s pecified in JIS G 3198 may be agreed between
'h e purchaser and the supplier.

ppearance of the steel product sh a ll b . accordance with clause

clause 9 in J I S G 3192 , clause 6 in J I S 3193 and clause 10 in

8 Test

8.1 Cbemical anal y s is

8.1.1 General ceq uire m e nt for c h e mical analysis and sa ~ pling method of
spe c i m e n for analys is T he chemical composition of the steel product shall be de ­
termined by cast analysis , and the general requirements for chemical analysis an
sampling methods of specimen for analysis shall be as specified in clause 8 of JIS G
0404 .

8 .1.2 Ana lyti c al m e thod The method for chemical analysis shall be in accordanc
with any one of the following s t a ndards:
J I S G 12 11 , JIS G 1213, J I S G 12 14 . J I S G 1215 , .rrs G 1253, JIS G 1256,
JIS G 1257, JIS G 1258

8.2 M e c h anic a l test

8.2.1 T e s t i n gener al Gen e r al requirem e n ts for me ch a n ica l testing shall be

pecified in clause 9 of JIB G 0404. With this respect the sampling method of specimen
shall conform to class A, a n d the number of test pieces and the sampling position
shall be as foll ows .
The bend tes t m a y be omitted u n les s other wis e s pecified by t he p ur ch aser.

8.2.2 Numb e r of t est p iece s f o r tensile test and b e nd t e s t Th e num ber of

pieces for tensile t es t and bend test shall be as follows :


3101: 2004

c) Steel sect io n A t es t lot shall cons' ection from one heat rolled to
the same sectional p r ofile group wher
within twice the minimum thickness, taken'
ther efr om . When the mass of one te ctive two
st pieces shall be taken.
d) S t e e l bar A t es t lot shall con sis t of t h e steel bar from one h eat rolled to the
arne sectiona l profile group wh er e the m axi mu m diameter (side length or dis­
ta n ce a cr os s flats) is within twice the minim u m diameter (side length or db­
tance across flats), and respective one test piece shall be taken therefrom . When
the m a ss of on e t est lot exceeds 50 t, however, res p ect ive two test pieces shall
be taken.
N u m b e r o f t e s t p i e c e s fo r bea t -t rea t e d s t e el produ c t The number of test
pieces for t he heat- treated steel produ ct composed of t h e same heat roll ed to
t he same sectiona l profile group s u bj e ct ed to heat treatment under the sam
hea t treatmen t conditions shall be det er mined in acc ord ance with a ), b ). c ), and
d ) in thi s it em , r es pect ively .

•2.8 S a m p li n g p o s i t i o n of th e te s t pie c e fo r te n s iJ.

test S amplin g posit ion of the t e st piece for tensile tests and b
pecified in JIS G 0416 . Ho wever , annex 1 m a y be a pp li ed .
Test pieces of steel coil shall be sampled from t h e position adj acen t to t he part of
th e material to be eva lu a t ed .

8.2.4 T e st piece Th nsile t est piece and the bend test piece s h a ll be a s fol­
lows :
o. l A, 2, 4 , 5 or 14 A test piece specified i n JIS Z 2201.
b) No.1, 2 3 test piece specified in J IS Z 2204.

8.2.5 T e s t method The methods for ten si t and bend test shall be as follows:

a) Jl~ Z 2241
b) JIS Z 2248

8.2. 6 ere tensile test piec e havi n g sp e c ifi ed di­

n the case where it is infeasible to secure the speci­

test piece, matters on execution of tensil e testing, test res ult

value 1 be agreed upon between the purchaser and supplier .

s ion o f tensile tes t o f stee l c o il The tensile test of the I coil rna
h en a ppr ove d by the pur ch a se r .

9 I n sp e c t i o

9.1 In s pection The in s p ection s h a ll be carried out as foll ows :

a) Gen er a l requireme for inspection shall be as specified in JlS G 0404.

b) The chemical composition shall confor m to the r equir em pecified in cla use 4 .


G 3101 : 200

c) shall conform to th e recuirements specified in clause 5.

d Thesh , dimensions and mass shall conform to requirements specified in
cla u se
) he appearance shall conform to the requircmen 7.

9.2 R e ins p e c t i o n T he steel product which has not pa ssed the tensile t est and
bend test may be subjected to a retest according to the specification of 9.8 in JIS G
0404 to determine whether it is acceptable or no t.

o Marking The steel product which has passed the inspection shall be marked
on each piece or each bundle with the following details by suitable means . How ­
ve r , a part of them m a y be omitted subjected to the agreement between the pur­
chaser and supplier.
n) I of grade
b) or inspection nu mber
c) Dim ens ion s
) Quantity or m a ss of each bu n dle (for steel plate, sheet and steel strip in coil
e) Ma n ufact u r er's name or its identifying bra nd

11 Report The report shall conform to the specification of clause 13 in JIS G 0404.
en required. the manufacturer shall submit the symbol 2.3 or 3.l.B of tabl e 1 of
G 04 15 to the purchaser.
the case where the remarks of table 2 is applied, the content of added elemen

hall be additivelv described in the test report.


3101 : 2004

Atta ch ed Table 1 Normative refe r e n c

G 0404 teel and steel products-General technical delivery requireme nts
JIS G 0415 Steel and steel products-Inspection documen ts
JI S G 0416 teei and steel p rod ucts-Location and p rep ara tio n of samples and
est p ieces for m echa nical testing
J IS G 121 Iron and steel- Meth ods for determination of ca rbon con ten t
JIS G 1213 Iron and steel-Methods for determination of manganese content
JIS G 1214 I ron and steel- Method s for determination of phosphorus con ten t
JIS G 12 15 Iron an d steel-Methods for determination of sulfur content
JIS G 1253 Iron and steel-Method for spark d ischarge atomic emission spec ­
trom etric analysis
JI B G 125 Iron and steel-s-Method for X -raj' fluorescence spectrome tric anal)'si
JI B G 1257 Iro n and steel-Methods for atom ic absorption spectrometric ana ly ­
JIB G 1258 Iron and steel-Methods for ind u ct ively coup led plasma atomic
mission spectrometry
JIg G 319 1 Dim ensions, mass and permissible variations of hot roll ed steel
bars and bar in coil
JI B G 319 Dim ensions , mass and perm issible v ariat ions of ho t rolled stee
JIB G 3193 D im ension s, m ass a nd permissible varia tions of hot rolled steel
p la tes. sheets a nd strip
JIB G 3 194 Dimensions, m ass and permissible variations of ho t rolled fla t steel
JIB Z 220 1 Test pieces for tensile test fo r metallic materials
J IB Z 2204 B end test p ieces for m eta ll ic m aterials
JIg Z 224 1 ethod of tensile test for metallic material
JIg Z 22 Met hod of bend test for metallic material

3101 : 20

Annex 1 (n o nna t iv
Samp lin g position of the test piece

cope This annex speci fi he sampling posi tion of th t piece for tensil
nd bend test

2 Applicable d a t e This a n nex applies u n t il Dec. 3 1. 2008.

p os it i o n of the te s Sam plin

est piece for te all be 8S follows.
) Steel pla t e , sheet and fl a t The centre of the test piece shall be at a quarter­
.dth position from a side ed ge, a n d furt her in the case of No.4 test piece. it
hall be a t a qu a r t er-t h ick nes s po s ition fr om a sur fa ce as well a s a quarter ­
width position from a side edge. When it is infea sible to allow the centre of t h
test piece to be at a quarter -wid t h position fro m 8 s ide edge or at a quarter­
thickness position from a surfa ce , h owever . th e sampling should be performed
s close to the a for e m e nt ion ed posi tion a s possible.
) Steel sectio n T h e sa m p ling posi tion s h a ll be as shown in annex 1 figu re 1.
When it is infeasible t o take a specimen as shown in annex 1 figure 1. the sam­
pling position should be as close to the aforemen t ion ed position as possible. In
the case of the steel section fro m which a specime n is unable t o t a ke in th e
me manner as shown in annex 1 figure I , the sampling position for the I section
should be applied mutatis mutandis. For other steel sections. it should be azreed
between the pu r ch a s er and the supolier.


3101 : 200

Equal angle equal angle

". :t
:t l ~

B ulb flut Channe l T section


I section tion

Annex 1 Figure 1 Sampling position of the t piec e for tensile

tests and bend tests for st I sectio


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