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Academic Session 2022-2023

Subject: Mathematics
Dates: 16th Aug – 18th Aug
Base Group: 11
Teacher: Ashish Gambhir

Learning Goal: LG: Solving problems of Linear Inequalities

Type of Lecture/Lab Session

Date/ 16th Aug 2022/Session 1
LO To apply the concepts of linear inequalities in solving problems
Lesson Time (min) Teaching Activities AFL Stickability Teaching Working Goal/WS
flow/sequence Aids/resources/web task Assignment

Hook 15 min Teacher will ask Kahoot quiz as exit Students will be able Kahoot Quiz Questions from
the students to ticket to apply the NCERT
come to the board concepts of
and solve the inequalities in
example problems. solving the problems
Teacher will cross
question on the
steps taken to
solve the
Session Flow 20 min Students will solve
the problems from
the exercise 6.1 and
misc. exercise. The
teacher will ask
students randomly to
come to the board
and solve the
Closure 5 min Kahoot quiz as exit

Learning Goal: LG: Introduction to 3D Geometry

Type of Lecture
Date/ 18th Aug 2022/Session 2
LO To understand the concept of octants and distance formula
Lesson Time (min) Teaching Activities AFL Stickability Teaching Working Goal/WS
flow/sequence Aids/resources/web task Assignment

Hook 10 min Teacher will ask Quiz Students will be able NCERT book NCERT exercise
the students to to apply the distance
come on the board formula to solve the
and make the problems
horizontal and
vertical planes.
The students will
also mark the three
axes on the figure.
Session Flow 25 min Teacher will explain
the distance formula
to the students and
also solve the
example problems in
the class.
Closure 5 min Quiz as an exit

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