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The Principles of Effective Teaching and Assessment

Group Members:
1. Chandra Fauzi (F4291221117)
2. Iyong Yoga Gunawan (F4291221095)
3. Laura Chesy (F4291221094)
4. Ranisa Immawati P.M (F4291221092)
5. Ryan Cipta Julianda (F4291221111)

Case : A group of pre-service teachers (5 persons) had been teaching for four months at a
vocational high school with B accreditation. They recognised the students’ characters and were
familiar with teachers and school environment. They also practiced the newly released curriculum,
Kurikulum Merdeka, and were intensely assisted by a supervisor whose knowledge and skills
were excellent at the new curriculum. After four months, these pre-service students were
relocated from vocational school to public school. The new school had a different curriculum and
students’ capability. K-13 was still being implemented in the school, which is the older version of
the new curriculum. The students had higher achievement in terms of English language learning.
Moreover, the school authorities were not as friendly as the older school.


Issue 1: Reverse Curriculum 1. Teaching Instructional 1. Pre-service teachers are taught

from Kurikulum Merdeka to K- Design about Kurikulum Merdeka and they
13. are expected to apply what they
have learned when they do the first
teaching practice. But in case, since
the group moved to public school
the pre-service teacher needs to
combine Kurikulum Merdeka with
Kurikulum 2013, because sooner or
later this school will adapt the
Kurikulum Merdeka in next
academic years. Therefore,
teachers could design the lesson
plan by combining the learning
objectives (Kompetensi Dasar) and
stick to the format of ‘Modul Ajar’ to
craft the instructional design. In
terms of the assessment, teacher
also can abide by the principle of
integrated assessment rather than
going back to the previous
curriculum which separates the
domain of cognitive, affective, and
2. Teaching 2. Teachers should consider from
Models/Approach Task Based-Learning to Digital
Storytelling and Literature Circle in
which individual differences are
facilitated through the use of
learning models. In terms of
pedagogy or approach to teaching,
teachers have to look for specific
approaches which accommodate
varied or mixed abilities within class
while at the same time integrating
technology as supportive learning
tools since the new school has
better facilities for teaching.

3. Vocational School allocates 5 x 45

3. Time Allocation minutes in a week for English
lessons, public school allocates 2 x
45 minutes in a week for English
lessons. It means the teacher
should manage the time allocation
to achieve the learning objectives.
The learning activities should be
carefully crafted with specific.

4. The teachers are faced with the

4. Content and delivery habit of using Kurikulum Merdeka
of curriculum but at the same they have to adapt
to older versions of Kurikulum. This
situation is worsened by the
demand of the pre-service
teachers task in which all learning
materials in the LMS should be
completed using the new
Kurikulum. The pre-service
teachers can adapt by
communicating with Guru Pamong
that the completion of tasks in the
LMS should be the priority. Thus,
the learning objectives and
contents are aligned based on the
Kurikulum 2013 but the content
delivery and format of the lesson
plan are based on the new
curriculum, Kurikulum Merdeka.
Issue 2: Students’ 1. Realigned the Teachers are faced with students with
achievement from low previous teaching different levels and most of them are
English proficiency to a style and curriculum inclined towards high performance. In
varied English proficiency that previously used other words, the gap between low,
from Low, Medium, and High the Kurikulum medium, and high achievers is salient.
English Proficiency. Merdeka, and Thus, teachers have to consider the
reverted back to K-13 pedagogy of differentiated instruction;
at the current specifically, using the TaRL approach
stationed school. Re- (Teaching at The Right Level). This
adjusting with the approach could be carried out through
current students level the following steps: (1) Conducting
of understanding diagnostic tests to map students’
toward subject capability and characteristics, (2)
matters as the differentiating the teaching contents
previous school could based on learning styles and learning
be categorized in achievement, (3) differentiating the
either A1-A2 level of assessment for low, mid, and high
English based on achiever groups students. The second
CEFR level and within alternative is to utilize the strategy of
the current Teaching remedy and enrichment. Those
approach (TaRL) students who are not capable of
achieving learning standards are
provided with remedy, and those of
high achievers would have enrichment

Issue 3: Students in the new 1. ICT use in classroom The pre-service teachers should take
school have better personal (TPACK) into account the use of technology in
learning tools (smartphone & 2. Usage of ChatGPT as teaching (TPACK) in the new school in
laptop) compared to the students personal terms of the frequency and the
previous school. learning assistant in variability of the learning platforms. For
the classroom instance, teachers utilize Quizizz,
WordWall, etc. to do the diagnostic
tests. And then, instead of focusing on
face-to-face meetings, teachers can
vary the learning mode using flipped
classroom or full online learning mode.
Additionally, teacher also implement
using the ChatGPT as an additional
learning resource to support students
learning experience in the classroom;
and adding more speed in getting
students to complete their task
especially in organizing their written
task and help them in creating text to
support their presentation in the

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