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స్వామి వివేకవనంద
లఘు ప్ర శ్నలు :
1. స్వామి వివేకవనందుని పవత్ర స్ాభావం.
వవాస రూప్ ప్ర శ్నలు
2. వివేకవనందుడు జాతికిచ్చిన స్ందేమేమి? 3.నరందురని బాల్యం విదయయభాయస్ం గురంచ్చ రవయండి.

లఘు ప్ర శ్నలు
1. రచయిత్ పరచయం.
2. ఆత్మకథ పరకియ.
3. ఇత్రుల్ని అరథం చేస్ుకునివవడు జాాని. ఈ వవకయంపై మీ అభిపవరయానిి రవయండి. 4.కోరక నమ్మకం ,
ఆశ పట్టుకోవడం - అనే మ్ూడు అంశవల్ మీద ఎందుకు పట్టు స్వధంచయల్న.
5. మీరు జరుపుకుని దస్రవ పండుగ గురంచ్చ మిత్రరనికి ల్ేఖ రవయండి.
తెల్ుగు వవచకంల్ో పవఠ్యభాగం చ్చవర ఉని పదజాల్ం, వవయకరణయంశవల్ు చదవించయల్న.

ప్దా రత్ానలు
ప్ద్ాాలు - భావవలు
1. కుల్శైల్ంబుల్ు పవదు పల్ల గల్న
2. గవజంబూస్ యనరఘ రత్ిమ్గునయ
3. పవిపుష్పంబగు నగి మ్ంచగు
లఘుప్ర శ్నలు :
4. శత్క పరకియ
వవాసరూప్ ప్ర శ్నలు
5. నిజమైన భకుునికి ఉండదగిన లక్షణాలను గురించి వవరయండి.

తెల్ుగు వవచకంల్ో పవఠ్యభాగం చ్చవర ఉని పదజాల్ం, వవయకరణయంశవల్ు చదవించయల్న.

ప్ర బో ధం
లఘు ప్ర శ్నలు
1. రచయిత్రర ప్రిచయం
2. స్త్ు ీ శ్కిు సారూప్ం ఈ మాటను సమరిిసు త రవయండి.
3. పరవయవరణయనికి మ్ూల్మైన చెట్లను రక్ించయల్ని కోరుత్ూ కొనిి నినయదయల్ు రవయండి.
త్ెలుగు వవచకంలో పవఠ్ాభాగం చివర ఉనన ప్దజాలం, వవాకరణాంశవలు చద్ివించాలి.

ప్ద్ాాలు - భావవలు
1. మ్ునుమ్ును బుట్టు నయకు
2. ఇట్టు మ్హానుభావుల్కు హంస్
లఘుప్ర శ్నలు
3. కవిపరచయం
4. పరకియ - కథయకవవయం
వవాసరూప్ప్ర శ్నలు
5. 'ఆవు' గుణగణయల్ను గురంచ్చ రవయండి.
6. 'ఆవు - పుల్న' పవత్రల్ స్ంభాష్ణ రవయండి.
త్ెలుగు వవచకంలో పవఠ్ాభాగం చివర ఉనన ప్దజాలం, వవాకరణాంశవలు చద్ివించాలి.


1.    
2.   
1. 
1  

2. 
 
10 MARKS 
1 
1 
10 MARKS 
1.     
10 MARKS 
10 MARKS
2. 
4. 
1.          
2      
10 MARKS 
1.      
5. 
1. Œ
      
2. 
10 MARKS 
1.  

1.       
2. 

(10 MARKS) 
(10 MARKS) 
1.  
2. 
7. 
1.        
10 MARKS 
1.        
8. 
1. 

2. §
9. 
1.     
 (10 MARKS) 
 
(10 MARKS) 
1. 
1 
     
10. 
1         
2. 

11. 
1   
1 Mark Questions
1. Define Real numbers.
8 8
2. Represent and − on a number line
5 5
3. Simplify: (5 + √5)(5 – √5)
4. Draw a Venn diagram of Real numbers.
5 7
5. Find a rational number between and .
7 9
6. Write any five rational numbers.
2 Marks Questions
1. ̅̅̅̅ decimal in p/q form.
Express 0.36
2. Locate √10 on number line.
1 1
3. Find (i) (64)6 (ii) (625)4
4. Classify the following numbers as rational or irrational.
(i) √27 (ii) √441 (iii) 7.484848… (iv) 0.303003000…..
5. State whether the following statements are true or false. Justify your answer.
(i) Every irrational number is a real number.
(ii) √𝑛 is an irrational number if n is a perfect square.
6. Find the value of upto three decimal places.
(take √2 = 1.414, √3 = 1.732 and √5 = 2.236)
4 Marks Questions
1. ̅̅̅̅ on the number line, upto 3 decimal places.
Visualise 5.28
4 3 5
2. Simplify √81 − 8 √343 + 15 √32 + √225.
3. Find the value of a and b of the following equation = a + b√6.
4. Find the value of √7 upto six decimal places by long division method.
1 Mark Questions
1. Write the degree of the following polynomials.
7x3 + 5x2 + 2x – 6
2. Write the degree of constant polynomial.
3. Write the coefficient of x 3 in the following polynomial √2x3 + 5.
4. Give one example of each of a monomial and trinomial degree 10.
5. Evaluate the following using suitable identity. (99) 2
6. Factorise: 18a2 – 50
2 Marks Questions
1. Find p(0), p(1) and p(2) for the following polynomial p(x) = (t – 1)(t + 1).
2. Find the zero of the polynomial:
f(x) = px + q (p  0, p,q are real numbers)

3. Find the remainder when 9x 3 – 3x2 + x – 5 is divided by x – .
4. Factorise: 4x2 –
5. Evaluate the following using suitable identities.
(i) (49)3 (ii) (102)3
6. Find the remainder when x 3 – px2 + 6x – p is divided by x – p.
4 Marks Questions
1. If a + b + c = 9 and ab + bc + ca = 26, find a 2 + b2 + c2.
2. If x + y + z = 0 show that x 3 + y3 + z3 = 3xyz
3. If x2 – x – 6 and x2 + 3x – 18 having common factor of (x – a) then find the value of a.
4. If both (x – 2) and (x – ) are factors of px2 + 5x + r show that p = r.
1 Mark Questions
1. Define axiom.
2. Define Postulate.
3. Write any two points about the book “THE ELEMENTS”.
4. Give two examples of undefined terms.
5. Give two examples of 3 – dimensional solids.
6. Write the number of faces of a cube and cuboid.
2 Marks Questions
1. Define conjecture and give an example for it.
2. In the figure given below show that AH > AB + BC + CD

3. If a point Q lies between two points P and R such that PQ = QR, prove that PQ = PR.
4. If A, B, C are 3 points on a line and B lies between A and C then prove that AC – AB = BC.

4 Marks Questions
1. Write any 5 axioms of Euclid.
2. Write any 5 postulates of Euclid.
3. Draw an equilateral triangle whose sides are 5.2 cm each.
1 1
4. In the adjacent figure, BX = AB, BY = BC and AB = BC then show that BX = BY.
2 2

1 Mark Questions
1. What is the angle between two hands of a clock when the time in the clock is 9 O’ clock?
2. Write the complementary angles for the following angle. (a) 45 o (b) 75o
3. Write the supplementary angles for the following angle. (a) 215 o (b) 60o
4. Define Concurrent lines.
5. Define Linear pair of angles.
6. Define Intersecting lines.

2 Marks Questions
1. Find the value of x in the following figure.

2. In the given figure PQR = PRQ then prove that PQS = PRT.

3. In the following figure, AB // CD, find x in each case.

4. Find the value of x and y in the following figure.

5. Find the value of a and b, given that p//q and r//s.

6. Find the value of x and y from the following figure.

4 Marks Questions
1. In the given figure PQ//ST, PQR = 110o and RST = 130o find QRS.

2. In the given figure the arrow head segments are parallel then find the value of x and y.

3. In the given figure AB // CD, find the value of x, y, z.

4. Using the information given in the figure, calculate the value of x and y.

1 Mark Questions
1. Who is the father of Statistics?
2. Define primary data with an example.
3. Define Secondary data with an example.
4. What is the most frequently used measure to find the central tendency?
5. What is range?
6. Write the formula for Arithmetic Mean.
7. In finding the median, the given data must be written in order. Why?
8. Define Mode.
2 Marks Questions
1. Write the formula for mean for frequency distribution.
2. Write the formula for mean for deviation method.
3. If the number of observations is even then, how to find the median?
4. Rainfall of a place in a week is 4cm, 5cm, 12cm, 3cm, 6cm, 8cm, 0.5cm. Find the average
rainfall per day.
5. If the mean of 10, 12, 18, 13, P and 17 is 15, find the value of P.
6. Find the median of the scores 75, 21, 56, 36, 81, 05, 42.
7. Find the mode of the following data.
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 6, 7, 10, 7, 6, 7, 9, 7, 6
8. Media of a data arranged in ascending order 7, 10, 15, x, y, 27, 30 is 17 and when one
more observation 50 is added to the data, the median has become 18. Find x and y.
4 Marks Questions
1. The blood groups of 36 students of ix class are recorded as follows.
Represent the data in the form of a frequency distribution table. Which is the most
common and which is the rarest blood group among these students?
2. Three coins were tossed 30 times simultaneously. Each time the number of head
occurring was noted down as follows;
1 2 3 2 3 1 1 1 0 3 2 1
2 2 1 1 2 3 2 0 3 0 1 2
3 2 2 3 1 1
Prepare a frequency distribution table for the data given above.

3. Represent the data in the adjacent bar graph as frequency distribution table.

Scale : X - axis 1 cm = 5 vehicles

Y axis Vehicles

0 10 20 30 40 50

Cycles Autos Bikes Cars

4. The electricity bills (in rupees) of 25 houses in a locality are given below. Construct a
grouped frequency distribution table with a class – size of 75.
170, 212, 252, 225, 310, 712, 412, 425, 322, 325, 192, 198, 230, 320, 412

530, 602, 724, 370,402, 317,403, 405, 372,413
5. Number of families in a village are given below in correspondence with the number of
No. of children 0 1 2 3 4 5

No. families 11 25 32 10 5 1
Find the mean number of children per family.
6. Number of villages with respect to their population as per India census 2012 are given

Population (in thousands) 12 5 30 20 15 8

Villages 20 15 32 35 36 7
Find the average population in each village.
7. The heights of boys and girls of IX class of a school are given below.
135 140 147 152 155 160
Boys 2 5 12 10 7 1
Girls 1 2 10 5 6 5
Compute the heights of the boys and girls
(Hint: Find median heights of boys and girls)
8. Centuries scored and number of cricketers in the world are given below.
No. of centuries 5 10 15 20 25

No. of Cricketers 56 23 39 13 8
Find the mean, median and mode of the given data.
9. Number of sweet packets and cost of each packet are given as follows.
No. of packet Rs. 25 Rs. 50 Rs. 75 Rs. 100 Rs. 125 150 Rs.

No. of packets 20 36 32 29 22 11

Find the mean, median and mode of the data.

10. The mean (average) weight of three students is 40 kg. One of the students Ranga weighs
46 kg. The other two students, Rahim and Reshma have the same weight. Find Rahim’s

1. Distinguish between speed and velocity. [ 4M ]
2. Suppose that the three balls start simultaneously from the top of the hills, which one

~ 10 ~
reaches the bottom first? Explain. [4M]

3. V = U + at
S = Ut + 1⁄2 at2
V2 – 42 = 2as
Write the equations of motion. Explain the terms in it. [2M]
4. Difference between uniform and non-uniform motion [ 2 M and 4M]
5. Definition i) Acceleration
ii) Average speed
iii) Average velocity [1M]

1. Explain the reasons for the following.
a) When a carpet is beaten with a stick, dust comes out of it.
b) Luggage kept on the roof of a bus is tied with a rope.
2. An object of mass 5kg is moving with a velocity of 10m/s. A force is applied so that in
15 seconds it attains the velocity of 25m/s. What is the force applied on the object?
3. If a fly collides with the wind shield of a fast moving bus, is the impact of force
experienced same for the fly and the bus? Why?
a) Inertia
b) Impulsive force
1. Illustrate an example of each of the three laws of motion.
2. Show that action and reaction forces acting on two different objects with help of an
3. State Newton’s 2nd law of motion. Derive F=Ma.
1. Explain Linear momentum.
2. Define the following.

~ 11 ~
a) Inertia
b) Impulsive force
3. Define impulse. Write mathematical expression.
4. Two objects have masses 8kg and 25kg. Which one has more inertia? Why?
5. What is the momentum of a 6kg bowling ball with a velocity of 2.2m/s?

Reflection of light at curved surfaces

1 Mark Questions
1. What is a real image? What is a virtual image?
2. Can a virtual image be photographed by a camera?
3. Predict and write the reason, why the value of the distance of the object (u) is always
negative in the mirror equation.
4. What is reflection?
5. What is the mirror formula of spherical mirrors?
6. Why are concave and convex mirrors called spherical mirrors?
7. What is meant by converging of light rays?
8. When do you say light rays are diverging?
9. Can a convex mirror burn a paper? If not, why?
10. Why is angle of incidence equal to angle of reflection when a light ray reflects from a
11. What is spherical mirror? Give different types of spherical mirrors.
2 Marks Questions
1. How can you find out the focal length of a concave mirror experimentally when there
is no sunlight?
2. Write about different points related to mirrors.
3. What happens to a ray which passes through focal point and falls on the concave
mirror? Draw the ray diagram.
4. Which light ray after reflection will travel along the same path in opposite direction?
What can be such a ray for a spherical mirror? Draw the ray diagram.
5. What happens if an object is placed at the centre of curvature of a mirror? Draw the
ray diagram.
6. Why do we use a parabolic mirror instead of aconcave mirror?

~ 12 ~
7. The magnification of mirror is given as -3. What is the inference that you get from
this information?
8. Which type of mirror is used as a reflector in a street lamp?
4 Marks Questions
1. There is an object in front of a convex mirror at a distance of 5cm. If its focal length is
10cm, then (a) What is the image distance? (b) What is the magnification?
2. Sudheer wants to find the focal length of a concave mirror experimentally. (a) What
apparatus does he need? (b) Is the screen required or not? Explain. (c) Draw the table
required to tabulate the values found in his experiment? (d) What is the formula used
by him to find focal length?
3. Assume that an object is kept at a distance of 20cm in front of a concave mirror. If its
focal length is 20cm, then (a) What is the image distance? (b) What is the
magnification of mirror in this case?
4. An object of 6cm height is placed at a distance of 30cm in front of a concave mirror of
focal length 10cm. At what distance from the mirror, will the image be formed? What
are the characteristics of the image?
5. List the materials required for conducting an experiment to find the focal length of a
concave mirror. Explain the experimental process also.
6. What is magnification? Derive an expression for magnification.


1 Mark questions:
1. What are sub atomic particles?
2. Write the isotopes of Hydrogen atom.
3. Define atomic number.
4. Define mass number.
5. What is valency?
6. What is octet rule?
7. Write the Noble gases.
8. What are the shells?
9. Define isotones with suitable examples.
2 Marks questions:
1. What is the main difference among the isotopes of the same elements?
2. Why is an atom stable?

~ 13 ~
3. If an atom consists of sub-atomic particles like protons, neutrons and electrons, how
are they arranged in the atom?
4. What are the limitations of J.J.Thomson’s models of the atom?
5. How many electrons can be accommodated in each shell of an atom?
4 Marks questions:
1. Give the main postulates of Bohr’s model of an atom.
2. Describe the Rutherford’s alpha particle scattering experiments. What are the
conclusions of that experiment?
3. What are the postulates of Thomson model of an atom?
4. What are three sub-atomic particles?
5. Are they stationery inside the atom or moving?
4 Marks Questions
1. Explain the process and precautions in verifying the law of conservation of mass.
2. Complete the following

3. Fill the following table

4. Calculate the mass of the following

(a). 0.5 moles of N2gas (b). 0.5 moles of N atoms
(c). 3.011X1023 number of N atoms (d). 6.022X1023number of N2 molecules
2 Marks Questions
1. Calculate the molar mass of sulphuric acid (H2So4) and glucose (C6H12O6)
2. Mohith said “H2 differs from 2H”. Justify.
3. How would you write 2 molecules of oxygen and 5 molecules of nitrogen?
4. Lakshmi gives a statement “CO and Co both represent element”.Is it correct? State the
5. Define “Law of constant proportions”.

~ 14 ~
6. Define “Law of conservation of mass”.
1 Mark Questions
1. Define Symbol.
2. Define Valency.
3. Define Ions.
4. Define Molar mass.
5. Define Atomicity.
6. Define Molecular mass.
7. Define “Mole”.
8. What is the value of Avogadro number?

1 Marks questions
1. Who proposed cell theory?
2. Name the cell organelle that is known as “Protein factory of cell”?
3. What is the site of cellular respiration?
4. Name the cell organelle that is known as “control room of the cell”.
5. How many types of plastids are there in plant cells?
6. The dye which is used to identify the Mitochondria in a cell.
7. Who coined the term cytoblast?
8. Write examples for prokaryotic cells.
9. Who discovered Nucleus first time?

2 Marks questions
1. What is cell theory? Write the statements in it?
2. Write any 4 difference between plant cell and Animal cell.
3. “Cell is the basic unit of life”.Explain the statement.
4. Write any two cell organelles and their functions.
5. What is the role of the cell wall in plant cells?
6. What are vacuoles? Write their function.
7. Draw a neat and labeled diagram of Nucleus.
4 Marks questions
1. Write the differences between prokaryotic cell and Eukaryotic cell.
2. What happens if plasma membrane ruptures or breaks?
3. Draw the typical animal cell and label its parts.
4. How could you appreciate the function of tiny cell in a large body of organism?
5. Lysosomes are known as suicidal bags of the cell. Why?

1 Marks questions
1. What is tissue?
2. What are the constituents of phloem?
~ 15 ~
3. What are the functions of stomata?
4. What is vascular tissue?
5. What is meant by differentiation?
6. Name the tissue present in tip of roots and shoots.
7. How many types of elements together make up the xylem tissue?
8. Name the scientist who coined the term parenchyma.
2 Marks questions
1. Write the differences between simple tissue and complex tissue.
Function Name of the parts
a. Photosynthesis
b. Transpiration
c. Reproduction

3. Draw a neat labelled diagram of stomatal complex.

4. Give reasons for the following
a. Xylem is a conductive tissue
b. Epidermis gives protection
5. If you want to know more about tissues in plants what questions are you going to ask?
6. What are the characteristic features of cells in meristematic tissues?
4 Marks questions
1. Differentiate between Xylem and phloem.
2. Describe the functions of Meristem, Xylem and phloem.
3. “Bark cells are impervious to gases and water” What experiment will you perform to
prove this?
4. Though chlorenchyma, Arenchym and storage tissues are Parenchyma in nature. Why
do they have different names?
5. Differentiate between Meristematic tissue and dermal tissue.

1 Mark questions
1. What is the specific function of the cardiac muscle?
2. Why is the blood called fluid connective tissue ?
3. What are the parts of a nerve cell?
4. Why are the ‘O’ group people called as universal donors ?
5. What is tendon ? What is its use ?
6. Name the tissue that is present in the hump of a camel or blubber of whale
7. What is nerve?
8. Where can you see Haversian canal ?
9. Where do you find osteocytes ?
10. How do monocytes destroy the foreign materials ?
2 Marks questions
1. If the platelets are not present in the blood , what happens ?
2. Name the following
(a) Tissue that forms the inner lining of our mouth
~ 16 ~
(b) Tissue that transports food in animals
(c) Tissue that stores fat in our body
(d) Connective tissue present in the brain
3. During winter, body shivers. Why?
4. What is muscular tissue ? What is its function ?
5. Raghu wants to know more about blood . What questions will Raghu ask the teacher ?
6. How is blood test useful to diagnose the disease? Explain with daily life situations.
4 Marks questions
1. Differentiate between striated and unstriated muscles on the basis of their shape and
location in the body ?
2. Identify the types of tissue in the following
(a) Lining of the organs
(b) Skin (c) Bone
(d) Internal lining of kidney tubule
3. Write the procedure to identify your blood group with help of kit ?

1 Mark Questions
1. What is Plasmolysis?
2. What is a hypotonic solution?
3. What is diffusion? Give example.
4. What is reverse osmosis?
5. What will happen to the cell if it is placed in hypertonic solution?
2 Marks Questions
1. What happens if plasma membrane ruptures or breaks?
2. Give examples of three daily life activities in which osmosis is involved?
3. If dried vegetables are kept in water they become fresh. What is the reason?
4. Why do doctors administer saline ( salt solution) only but not the distilled water?
4 Marks Questions
1. Draw the flow chart showing different stages in doing the experiment with egg.
2. Write an experiment to prove osmosis by using potato.
3. What are the differences between diffusion and osmosis?
4. What is cell membrane? What are its functions?

3. Hydrosphere
1Mark questions:
1. What is meant by transportation?
2. What are oceans?
3. What is meant by Isohaline?
4. Name the largest continental shelf?
5. Write any two factors which affect salinity in water bodies?
2 Marks questions:
1. Describe any one impact of ocean currents for the region you live?
2. Why differences are there in the salinity of oceans?
~ 17 ~
3. How do you justify that water is a renewable resource now- a –days?
4. What is Hydrologic cycle? How do you express it in mathematical expression?
4 Marks questions:
1. How is human life depending upon oceans?
2. How are the oceans useful to mankind?

4. Atmosphere
1 Mark questions:
1. Why does our skin dry up more during the winter?
2. Write the full form of NASA?
3. Name the layer where the average thickness is 13 kms?
4. What is Normal lapse Rate?
5. Which layer is called Ionosphere?
6. In which layer do meteorites burn up?
2 Mark questions:
1. Differentiate weather and climate.
2. Describe the distribution of world rainfall.
3. Why does the amount of water vapour decrease rapidly with altitude?
4. What is Coriolis Effect? Explain its effects.
5. Define relative humidity.
4 Mark questions:
1. Explain the composition of the atmosphere.
2. Compare and contrast Convectional and Orographic rainfall.

5. Biosphere
1 Mark questions:
1. Can you name the great desert of India? Name some of the common animals of the
desert which you have learnt earlier?
2. Make some slogans on conservation of forests.
3. What is Acid rain?
4. What is Bio diversity?
5. What is Ecological Crisis?
2 Marks questions:
1. Suggest a few measures to prevent the global warming.
2. What is Green House Effect?
3. List 4 ways in which faster depletion of natural resources can be reduced.
4. How do plants affect water and air in return?
4 Mark questions:
1. Life itself constitutes a separate sphere called ‘Biosphere’. Explain.
2. How can we protect natural resources?
3. “Any disturbance in the life cycle can create an ecological crises” – Explain the
13. Democratic and Nationalist Revolutions 17 th and 18th Centuries
1 Mark questions:
1. What is a Republic?

~ 18 ~
2. What is Taille?
3. “The Period from 1793 to 1794 in France is referred to as the reign of terror”. Give reasons.
4. What was the slogan raised in American Independence?
5. What are the Jacobin clubs?
2 Mark questions:
1. Define Glorious or Bloodless Revolution.
2. Would you agree with the view that the message of universal rights was beset with
contradiction? Explain.
3. What do you understand by middle class? How did it emerge in Europe?
4. What were the effects of the civil war on the king and the people of the England?
5. Write about the Declaration of independence in the American war of independence.
6. Write about Bill of Rights of the American war of Independence.
4 Marks questions:
1. What were the main ideas of social thinkers which were significant to the
establishment of new forms of government? How did they gain popularity?
2. What made the American colonists to raise the slogan “No Taxation without
3. Study the following chart and answer the questions.

14. Democratic and Nationalist Revolutions 19th Century

1 Mark questions:
1. In which year was the Vienna peace conference held?
2. Who completed the unification of Italy ?
3. When did Austro Prussian war take place?
4. What is liberalism?
5. What is Romanticism?
2 Marks questions:
1. Do you agree with the statement- “When the emergence of the nation state
dominance of Aristocracy declined and middle class increased? Give reasons.
2. In which ways do you think Napolen’s conquest would have helped in the emergence
of nationalism in those countries?
3. What were the political, social and economic ideas supported by the liberals in
France in the beginning of 19th century?
4. Do you think our country has a liberal democratic political system? Give reasons.
5. Do you think Italy became a true nation state with its unification under king Emmanuel- II?
Give your reasons.
~ 19 ~
4 Marks questions:
1. Mark the sentence that describe conservatives and liberals. Try to identify examples in
our contemporary context.
2. Briefly trace the process of Germany Unification.
World map:
1. Poland 2. Germany 3. France 4. Sardina 5. London 6. Serbia 7. Austria
8. Turkey 9. U.S.A 10. Spain 11. England 12. Italy 13. Denmark 14. Corsica
15. Hungary 16. Baltic sea 17. Russia 18. Japan 19. Belgium 20. South America

India map:
1. Andhra Pradesh 2. Simla 3. Panaji 4. Delhi
5. Goa 6. Deccan Plateau 7. Western Ghats 8. Arabian Sea
9. Mumbai 10. Kolkatta 11. Chennai 12. Hyderabad
13. Himalayas 14. Malwa Plateau 15. Neelagiri Hills 16.Lakshadweep Islands
17. Tropic of cancer 18. Bay of Bengal 19. Himalays 20. Telangana

~ 20 ~

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