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మ ుందుమాట

గౌరవ తూయుల ైన ఉతృాధ్యాయులకు, ప్రియమన

ై విద్యారథులకు,

మ ుందుగా మీ అుందరికి శుభకృతు నామ సుంవత్సర ఉగాది శుభాకాుంక్షలు.

విద్యారథులకు భౌతిక రసాయన శాస్త్ ంర లో మంచి మారథులు సాధ్ంచందుకు మారగ దరశక మటీరియల్ లను అంద్ంచందుకు
ఎలల ఩పుడూ ముందుండ మీ ఫరసరకల్ సైన్స్4ఎవవర్ నుండి మరొక అదుుత ఩పస్త్ కం ఈ మోడల్ ఩ిశాా఩త్యిలు

మేము ఈ మాద్రి ఩ిశాా఩త్యిలను విద్యారథులందరూ ఩దవ తరగతి ఩బ్లలక్ ఩రీక్షలలో మంచి మారథులు తృ ంద్ందుకు స్తహాయ
఩డ విధంగా తయారథ చయడం జరిగింద్.
మేము తయారథ చసరన ఈ ఩ిశాా ఩త్యిలలో, ఩ిశ్ాలు ఩పనరావృత్ ం అవకుండయ సరలబస్ ముత్ ం కవర్ అయయా విధంగా ఇవవడం
కొతుా ఩ిశ్ాలలో ముఖ్ాంగా ఩ియోగాలు అడిగే వాతులో ఩టము ఉంటే, ఆయా ఩టాలను విడిచిప్టటి మిగిలిన ఩టాలను, ఩టాలకు
స్తంబంధ్ంచిన 33 వ ఩ిశ్ాలందు ఇవవడం జరిగింద్. అనగా విద్యారథులు మామూలు ఩ిశ్ాలందు గల ఩టాలను నేరథుకునా,
఩టాల ఩ిశ్ాలకు కూడయ స్తమాధ్యనయలు వాియ గలరథ.
మీరథ జాగరత్గా గమతుసత్ , 4 ప్త఩రల లో తృాఠాతుకి 4 చొ఩పున, ముత్ ం 4 x 10 తృాఠాలు = 40 ద్ీరఘ స్తమాధ్యన ఩ిశ్ాలు మీరథ
అద్విధంగా 1/2 మారథు ఩ిశ్ాలు 12 x 4 ప్త఩రథల = 48, 1మారథు ఩ిశ్ాలు 8 x 4 ప్త఩రథల = 32, 2 మారథుల ఩ిశ్ాలు 8 x 4 ప్త఩రథల
= 32 చదువపత్యరథ.
మా అంచనయ ఩ికారం, మీ ఩రీక్షలలో మంచి మారథులు సాధ్ంచడయతుకి మా ఈ మాద్రి ఩ిశాా ఩త్యిలు బాగా ఉ఩యోగ఩డవచుు.
కావపన ప్రియమన
ై విద్యారథులారా, మీరథ ఇందులో ఏ ఩ిశ్ాను వదలకుండయ చదవండి. ఩రీక్షలలో ఩ిశ్ాల తీరథ మారవచుు కాతూ,
ఈ ఩ిశ్ాలు వచుుటకు (ఈ స్తమాధ్యనయలు వాటటకి మారిు వాిసతవిధంగా) ఎకుువ అవకాస్తము ఉనాదతు మా ఉద్ే శ్ం.
విద్యారథులకు అవగాహనను కలిుంచుటకు మాతిమే కొతుా ఩ిశ్ాలను సర.సర.ఇ ఩దే తిలో ఇవవడమైనద్.
కాతూ ఈ స్తంవత్రం ఩రీక్షలలో నేరథగా తృాఠ్ా఩పస్త్ కాలోల గల ఩ిశ్ాలనే అడిగే అవకాశ్ం ఉంద్.
కావపన విద్యారథులు మా ఈ మాద్రి ఩ిశాా ఩త్యిలను వితుయోగించుకొతు మంచి మారథులు తృ ందగలరతు ఆశిస్తు్నయాము.

ఉతృాధ్యాయులు దయచసర మీరథ మీ విద్యారథులకు ఈ మోడల్ ప్త఩రథల చద్వించ వలసరనద్గా తృాిరు న.

ల ,
మీ ఫరజికల్ సైన్స్ 4 ఎవవర్ టీమ్

Visit: :: 2 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


2) TEST PAPER - 1 :15
3) TEST PAPER - 2 :26
4) TEST PAPER - 3 :39
5) TEST PAPER - 4 :51
6) TEST PAPER - 5 :63

Visit: :: 4 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD




Class : X Max.Marks : 50 Time : 2hrs.45min.
Instructions :
1. 15 minutes of time is allotted for reading the question paper in
addition to 2.30 hours for writing the answers.
2. All the answers should be written in the separate answer booklet.
3. There are four sections in the question paper.
4. There is an internal choice in Section IV. 5. Write all the answers
visibly & legibly

SECTION - I 12 × ½ = 6 M
Note: 1. Answer all the questions.
2. Each question carries ½ mark

1) .................... is defined as the degree of hotness or coldness.

2) Latent heat of vaporization of water is ................... ( )
A) 500 cal/gm B) 540 cal/gm C) 80 K cal/gm D) 500 K cal/gm
3) Imagine and write which gas will be evolved generally when a metal
reacts with an acid.
4) A : Aqueous sodium chloride is called brine solution ( )
B : Mg(OH)2 is alkali solution (Alkali)
K) Only A is true L) Only B is true
M) Both A and B are true N) Both A and B false
5) Write any one use of a lens in our daily life?
6) Lens Shape ( )
1. Biconvex lens ( ) p)

2. Biconcave lens ( ) q)

Match the above
A) 1 - p, 2 - q B) 1 - q, 2 - p C) 1 - q, 2 - r D) 1 - r, 2 - p
7) Which is the coloured part that we see in our eye ?
8) Which of the following is the Plank‟s constant.
A) 6.626×10-34 JS B) 6.626×10-34 J/S
C) 6.626×10-27 JS D) 6.626×10-27 J/S
Visit: :: 5 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD

9) When asked Swarup to give examples for Halogens, he stated as

Fluorine, Chlorine, Neon, Bromine. By observing the examples given
by Swarup find and write which element is not a halogen among
10) According to octet rule „Argon‟ demonstrates stability, assume and
write how many electrons are there in its outer most orbit.
11) What is the SI unit of “Potential difference”.
12) Write name of any metal that is helpful in our daily life.

Note: 1. Answer all the questions.
2. Each question carries 1 mark


A is less optically denser than B. Keeping in view of optical densities

rewrite and complete the diagram in your answer sheet.
14) Write any two required materials to determine the focal length of a
lens using UV method in laboratory?
15) What is least distance of distinct vision of a healthy human ?
16) An electron in an atom has the following set of four quantum

On the basis of the above table. Which orbital does the electron
17) Give any one example for Dobereiner‟s Triads.
18) Write any other name of „Ionic Bond‟.
19) What do you call a character of Electric conductor that opposes the
motion of electron.
20) Write any two highly reactive metals you know.

Visit: :: 6 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


SECTION - II 8 × 2 = 16 M
Note: 1. Answer all the questions.
2. Each question carries 1 mark

21) Assume and write why do we have sweat while doing work.
22) Let A, B, C materials have given red, yellow, red colours when react
with methyl orange respectively.
1) Among A, B, C which are acids, which are bases.
2) What is the change in colour when phenolphthalein added to B.
23) Write any two required materials to do the activity to prove that
„the focal length of a lens depend on its surroundings and also write
any one precaution to do this activity.
24) Doctor suggested to use 4D lens. What is the focal length of the
25) Explain nlx method briefly.
26) What is the bond angle of the following.
1) Angle of HOH in water molecule
2) Angle of HNH in Ammonia
27) Explain what happen to the value of resistance of a conductor if its
cross sectional area is doubled and length is kept under constant.
28) Write any two questions to understand how the metals extracted
from their ore ?
SECTION - III 5 × 4 = 20 M
Note: 1. Write answer for all all the questions.
2. There is an internal choice for each question.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
4. Each question carries 4 marks

29) Write the appropriate reasons for the following phenomenon.

a) Water melon brought out from a refrigerator retains its coolness
for a longer time than other fruits.
b) Oceans behave like heat store houses for the earth.
What is myopia ? How can we rectify it?

Visit: :: 7 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


By observing the above table answer the following in A, B, C, D, E, F

1) Which is the strongest acid?
2) Which is the weak acid?
3) Which is the strongest base?
4) Which is neutral?
Classify the following in to oxides, sulfides, sulfates separately

Matter Bauxite Zinc Pyrolusite Zincite Hematite Cinnabar Epsom Galena

Blend salt

Formula Al2O3 ZnO MnO2 ZnO Fe2O3 HgS MgSO4 PbS

2H2O 7H2O

31) Write the lab activity to obtain a relationship between angle of

incidence and angle of refraction (Snell‟s law)
Write the lab activity to show that the ratio V/I (Ohm‟s law) is a
constant for a conductor.
32) How the following periodic properties of atom trend in groups and
A) Ionisation Energy B) Electronegativity
C) Atomic radius D) Electron affinity
A, B and C are three elements with atomic numbers 6, 11 and 17
respectively then
1) Which of these can‟t form ionic bond? Why?
2) Which of these can‟t form covalent bond? Why?
33) An object is kept before a convex lens. Draw the ray diagrams to
the following positions of object.
1) At 2F2
2) Beyond 2F2
Draw a neat diagram of the filling order of atomic orbitals by
electrons (Moeller‟s chart).

Visit: :: 8 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


1) Temperature 2. B 3. Hydrogen 4. M
5) Convex Lens is used in Eyeglasses
Lenses are used in cameras
Lenses are used in microscopes, telescopes
Making projectors (Any one use of lens)
9) C 7. Iris 8. A 9. Neon 10. 8 11. Volt
12) 1) Gold, Platinum and silver are used as jewelleries and
2) Iron and steel are used for construction purpose.
3) Aluminium, steel are used as utensils.
4) Mercury is used in thermometer and helps to check the
5) Aluminium is used as insulation wires.
(Any one metal useful in our daily life)


14) Object (candle), convex lens, v-stand, screen, meter scale, light
(any two of the above material)
15) 25 cm
16) 2s
17) (Li, Na, K) , (Ca, Sr, Ba), (Cl, Br, I), (S, Se, Te), ( Mn, Cr, Fe)
(any one of the above triads)
18) Electrovalent bond.
19) Resistance.
20) K, Na, Ca, Mg, Al. (Any two of the above)
21) When we do work, we spend our energy mostly in the form of heat
energy from the body. As a result the temperature of the skin
becomes higher and the water in the sweat glands starts
evaporating. This evaporation cools the body.
22) 1) B is base. 2) Pink.

Visit: :: 9 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


23) 1) Convex lens, Water, cylindrical vessel, circular lens holder,

(any two of the above material)
2) Precaution: The height of the cylindrical vessel must be greater
than the focal length of lens.(the around four times focal length of
24) Given that power of lens p = 4D
Power of lens (p) = 100/f (in cms)
4 = 4f = 100 f = 25 cm
25) 1. The shorthand notation that consists of the principal energy
level (n value) the letter representing sub – level (l value) and the
number of electrons (x) in the sub-shell is written as superscript nlx.
2. It is useful in writing electron configuration of elements.
3. For example, in Hydrogen (H), the set of quantum numbers is
n = 1, l = 0
(Represents –s) and number of electrons = 1.
The electronic configuration is 1s1
26) 1) Bond angle in 𝐻𝑂 𝐻 in water is 104031l
2) Bond angle in 𝑁𝐻 𝑁 in ammonia is 107048l
27) If the cross sectional area of the conductor doubled and length is
constant then,
𝜌𝑙 1 𝜌𝑙
𝑅= 𝑅=
2𝐴 2 𝐴
If area is doubled, resistance gets halved.
28) Questions to understand how the metals extracted from their ore
1. What is metallurgy?
2. What is the process employed in the extraction of the ore?
3. What are the basic steps for metallurgical operation?
(any relevant questions to understand how the metals extracted
from their ore)
29) appropriate reasons are:
a) Higher the specific heat capacity of a body, the more heat is
required to raise the temperature of a body. So accordingly, Water
has a very high specific heat capacity. Water melon has a lot of
water in it. Due to the presence of water in a water melon, it has
high specific heat capacity and therefore thus does not heat up
easily. It stays cool.

Visit: :: 10 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


b) The oceans behave like heat store houses for the Earth. Due to
high specific heat it absorbs a large amount of heat without
appreciable rise in temperature. They moderate the temperature
near the equator. Oceans transport is the heat away from the
equator areas and helps to moderate the climates there also.
1. Some people cannot see objects at long distances but can see
nearby objects clearly. This type of vision defect is called
myopia (near sightedness).
2. In this case, the eye lens can form an image in front of the
3. Myopia is corrected by using a concave lens of focal length equal
to the distance of the far point F from the eye.

4. This lens diverges the parallel rays from distant object as if they
are coming from the far point.
5. Finally the eye lens forms a clear image at the retina.
1. A 2. C 3. F 4. D
1. Oxides: Bauxite, zinc Blend, Pyrolusite, Zincite, Hematite
2. Sulfides: Cinnabar, Galena
3. Sulphates: Epsom salt.
31) Aim: Identifying relation between angle of incidence and angle of
Materials required: A plank, white chart, protractor, scale, small
black painted plank, a semi-circular glass disc of thickness nearly
2 cm pencil and laser light.
1. Take a wooden plank which is covered with white chart.
2. Draw two perpendicular lines, passing through the middle of the
paper as shown in the figure (a).
3. Let the intersecting point be O.

Visit: :: 11 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


4. Mark one line as NN which is normal to the another line marked as

5. Here MM represents the line drawn along the interface of two media
and NN represents the normal drawn to this line at „O‟. Take a
protractor and place it along NN in such a way that its centre
coincides with „O‟ as shown in figure (b).
6. Then mark the angles from 0° to 90° on both sides of the line NN.
Repeat the same on the other side of the line NN.
7. The angles should be represented on circular line.
8. Now place semi circular glass disc so that its diameter coincides
with the interface line (MM) and its centre coincides with the point O.
9. Take the laser light and send it along NN in such a way that the
laser propagates from air to glass through the interface at point O
and observe the way of laser light coming from other side of disc.
10. There is no deviation.
11. Send Laser light along a line which makes 15° (angle of incidence)
with NN and see that it must pass through point O.
12. Measure its corresponding angle of refraction.
13. Repeat the experiment with angle of incidences of 20°, 30°, 40°, 50°
and 60° and note the corresponding angles of refraction.
i r Sin i Sin r Sin i/Sin r

Find sin i, sin r for every i and r note down the values in table.
Evaluate sin i /sin r for every incident angle i. We get sin i /sin r as
constant. The ratio of sin i and sin r is called refractive index.
31) Ohm’s law: The potential difference
between the ends of a conductor is
directly proportional to the electric
current passing through it at constant
V ∝ I ⇒ V/I = constant

Visit: :: 12 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


Aim: To verify Ohm‟s law or to show that V/I = constant for a
Materials required: 6V Battery eliminator, 0 to 1A Ammeter, 0 – 6V
volt meter, copper wires, 50 cm manganin coil, Rheostat, switch and
3V LED, etc.
1. Complete the circuit as shown in figure.
2. Knob should be adjusted to 4.5V at battery.
3. Using Rheostat change the potential difference between two ends of
manganin wire from 0V to 4.5V.
4. By using Rheostat adjust the potential difference 1V between two
ends of manganin wire.
5. Now observe the electric current through Ammeter in the circuit and
note down in the following table.
6. Using Rheostat change the
potential difference with different
values up to 4.5V and note down
the current value (I) in the table.
7. Take at least five values of V and I
and note down in the table and
find V/I for each set of values.
8. We notice that V/I is a constant. V ∝ I ⇒ V/I = constant
From this experiment we can conclude that the potential difference
between the ends of the manganin wire is directly proportional to the
current passing through it.
Hence, Ohm‟s law is verified.
Trend in
Groups Periods
From top to bottom From left to right
Ionization energy decreases increases
Electronegativity decreases increases
Atomic radius increases decreases
Electron afinity decreases increases
1. “A” cannot form ionic bond. Its valence electrons are 4. It is
difficult to lose or gain 4e- to get octet configuration. So it forms
covalent bond. [Z of A is 6 so ti is carbon (C)]
Visit: :: 13 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD

2. “B” cannot form covalent bond. Its valence electrons are 1 only. So
it is easy to donate for other atom and become anion. So it can
form ionic bond. [Z of B is 11. So it is sodium (Na)]
33) i) Object is placed at 2F2:

Nature: Real, inverted and same size.

Position: Image is formed on the principal axis at 2F1.

ii) Object is placed beyond 2F2

Nature: Real, inverted and diminished image.

Position: Image is formed on the principal axis between F1 and 2F1.
33) diagram of the filling order of atomic orbitals by electrons
(Moeller‟s chart)

Visit: :: 14 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD

Ssc public examinations : APRIL 2022

Class: X MODEL PAPER - 1 Andhra Pradesh

Time : 2:45 Hrs PHYSICAL SCIENCE Max. Marks : 50

1. 15 minutes of time is allotted for reading the question paper in
addition to 2.30 hours for writing the answers.
2. All the answers should be written in the separate answer booklet.
3. There are four sections in the question paper.
4. There is internal choice in Section IV.
5. Write all the question visible & legible
SECTION - I 12 × ½ = 6 M
Note: 1. Answer all the questions.
2. Each question carries ½ mark

1. ____________ is a measure of thermal equilibrium.

2. The difference between boiling point of water in Kelvin scale and
melting point of ice in Kelvin scale ( )
A) 0 K B) 100 K C) 273 K D) 373 K
3. Imagine and write which gas will be evolved generally when an
acid reacts with a metal hydrogen carbonate.
4. A:Bleaching powder is used for disinfecting drinking water.
B:Washing soda is used for removing permanent hardness of
water. ( )
K) Only A is True L) Only B is True
M) Both A and B are True N) Both A and B are False
5. Write any one use of optical fibres our daily life?
6. Image type Ray Diagram
1. Magnified, Real p) Beyond 2F2
2. Enlarged, Erected q) Between 2F2 and F2
r) Between F2 and O
Match the above
A) 1 - p, 2 – q B) 1 - q, 2 – p C) 1 - q, 2 - r D) 1 - r, 2 – p
7. Which is the muscle attached to eye lens that helps the eye lens to
change its focal length by changing the radii of curvature of the eye
8. Which of the following is not a Plank‟s equation? ( )
A) E= hν B) h = Eν
C) h = E/ν D) ν = E/h

Visit: :: 15 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


9. When asked Suma to give examples for Noble gases having octet in
their outer most shell, she stated as Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton.
By observing the examples given by Suma find and write which Noble
gas is not correct example among them.
10. According law of octaves, when elements are arranged in the
ascending order of their atomic weights they fall into a pattern in which
their properties repeat at regular intervals, assume and write in which
number of element starting from a given element resembles in its
properties to that of the starting element.
11. What is the SI unit of “current”?
12. Write the name of any two oxide ores of Iron.

Note: 1. Answer all the questions.
2. Each question carries 1 mark


The given diagram represents incomplete dz2 sub-shell. Keeping the

view of the complete shape of that sub-shell re-write and complete
the diagram in your answer sheet.
14. Write lens formula.
15. What is the angle of vision for healthy human?
16. Write the four quantum numbers for the electron in hydrogen
17. Write any one example for ionic compound.
18. Write the name of the bond which is formed by sharing of the
valence electrons with one or more atoms.
19. What do you call the reciprocal of resistivity?
20. Write the factors that refractive index depends on.
SECTION - II 8 × 2 = 16 M
Note: 1. Answer all the questions.
2. Each question carries 1 mark

21. Assume and write why do we get dew on the surface of a cold soft
drink bottle kept in open air.
22. Let A and B give salt and water, when they react with non-metal
oxide and metal oxide respectively.

Visit: :: 16 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


1) Between A and B, which is acid and which is base.

2) Write one example for non-metal oxide?
23. Write any two required material to do the activity to
„understanding lateral shift using glass slab‟ and also write one
precaution to do this activity.
24. Find the power of the lens, if its focal length is 50cm.
25. What is the use nlx method? Explain.
26. What is the molecular shape of the following?
1) Shape of ammonia
2) Shape of water
27. Explain what happened to the value of resistance of a conductor
if its length is doubled and cross sectional area is kept under
28. Write any two questions to understand periodic table.

SECTION – IV 5 × 4 = 20 M
1. Write answer for all the questions.
2. There is an internal choice for each question.
3. All questions have equal marks.
4. Each question caries 4 marks.

29. An optical illusion where it appears that water has collected on

the road at a distant place but when we get there, we don‟t find any
water. What is that optical illusion? Explain how it formed.
Explain about the defect of some people cannot see objects at
long distances but can see nearby objects clearly. How it is
rectify, explain with labeled diagram
30. How can we call the property in which there shall be a regular
gradation in the periodic table groups and periods? How do the
following properties change in groups and periods?

(a) Atomic radius (b) Ionization

(c) Electron affinity (d) Electronegativity
Write short notes on each of the following:
i) Roasting ii) Calcination iii) Smelting
31. Your teacher asks you to find out the specific heat of lead shots.
(i) Which apparatus you required?
(ii) How can you do that experiment?
Visit: :: 17 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD

(iii) Write the formula you use for that?

Who established “the ratio between V and I is constant for some
materials at constant temperature”? How can you prove the
above statement experimentally?
32. Observe the table and answer the following questions.
i) Write the sub-shell that
have l value as 1? Write its
ii) What are the maximum
and minimum values of ml -
for a particular “l”?
iii) Which quantum number
doesn‟t have its value as
iv) Write the names of the quantum numbers given in the table.
A, B and C are three elements with atomic number 6, 11 and 17
i) Which of these cannot form ionic bond? Why?
ii) Which of these cannot form covalent bond? Why?
iii) Which of these can form ionic as well as covalent bonds?
33. Draw the ray diagrams of the following situations in the case on
convex lens also mention the position of the object and other image
(a) To get same size image.
(b) To get virtual image.
Draw the neat labelled diagram that shows the acidity of acids is
attributed to the H+ ions produced by them in solutions.

Visit: :: 18 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


1. Temperature 2. B 3. CO2 4. M
5. 1. Doctors use optical fibres to view internal parts of human body.
2. In tele-communications also optical fibres used.
6. C 7. Ciliary Muscle 8. B
9. Helium 10. 8th element 11. Ampere
12. Haematite (Fe2O3), Magnetite (Fe3O4)

1 1 1
14. Lens formula: =𝑣−𝑢

15. Angle of vision for healthy human = 60o

16. For hydrogen atom electronic configuration 1s1
n l ml ms
1 0 0 +½
17. Ionic compound Examples: NaCl, MgCl2, Na2O, AlCl3
18. Covalent Bond
19. Conductivity ()
20. Refractive index depends on (i) Nature of material, (ii) Wavelength
of light used
21. We get dew on the surface of the cold soft drink bottle because,
a. The temperature of a cold soft drink bottle taken from the fridge
is very less.
b. The water vapor molecules present in the air collide with the
surface of the cold soft drink bottle loses their kinetic energy,
that leads to lower their temperature and form as water
droplets (dew).
c. This process is called condensation.
22. 1) A is Base and B is Acid
2) Non-metal oxide ex: Carbon dioxide (CO2)
23. Required material: Plank, chart paper, clamps, scale, pencil, thin
glass slab and pins.

Visit: :: 19 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


24. Power of lens P = 100/f(in cm.)

= 100/50 = 2D
The power of lens (P) = 2Diaptor.
25. 1. nlx method is useful in writing electron configuration of
2. The shorthand notation that
consists of the principal energy
level (n value) the letter
representing sub – level (l value)
and the number of electrons (x) in
the sub-shell is written as
superscript nlx.
3. For example, in Hydrogen (H), the set of quantum numbers is
n = 1, l = 0 (represents –s) and number of electrons = 1. The
electronic configuration is 1s1
26. 1) Trigonal pyramidal
2) „V‟ shape or bent shape or angular
27. R1 = R, l1 = l, l2 = 2l, R2 =?
𝑅1 𝑙1 𝑅1 𝑙2 𝑅. 2𝑙
= ⟹ 𝑅2 = ⟹ ⟹ 2𝑅
𝑅2 𝑙2 𝑙1 𝑙
Resistance is doubled.
28. 1) How many periods in periodic table?
2) What is group in periodic table?
3) How periodic table arranged?
29. 1) That optical illusion is Mirage.
2) Formation of mirage:
1) During hot summer day, air just above the road surface is very
hot and the air at higher altitudes is cool.
2) We know that refractive index of air increases with density.
3) So, the cooler air at the top has greater refractive index than
hotter air just above the road.
4) Light travels faster through the thinner hot air than the denser
cool air above it.
5) On hot days, the temperature decreases with height. Thus the
refractive index of air increases with height.
6) When the light from a tall object such as tree or from the sky
passes, through a medium just above the road whose refractive
index decreases towards ground, suffers refraction and takes a
path because of total internal reflection.

Visit: :: 20 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


7) This refracted light reaches

the observer in a direction
shown as in second figure.
8) This appears to the observer
that the ray is reflected from
9) Hence we will see water on
road, which is the virtual
image of sky and an inverted
image of tree on the road.
10) Such virtual images of distant high objects cause the optical
illusion called „mirage‟.
29. 1) That defect is Myopia.
2) Explanation:
1. Some people cannot see objects at long distances but can see
nearby objects clearly. This type of vision defect is called myopia
(near sightedness).
2. In this case, the eye lens can form an image in front of the
3. Myopia is corrected by using a concave lens of focal length equal
to the distance of the far point F from the eye.

4. This lens diverges the parallel rays from distant object as if they
are coming from the far point.
5. Finally the eye lens forms a clear image at the retina.
Trend in
Groups Periods
From top to bottom From left to right
Atomic radius Increase Decrease
Ionization energy Decrease Increase
Electron affinity Decrease Increase
Electronegativity Decrease Increase

Visit: :: 21 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


i) Roasting: Roasting is a pyrochemical process in which the ore is
heated in the presence of oxygen or air, below its melting point.
Generally, Reverberatory furnace is used for roasting.
Ex: Zinc blende on heating with oxygen in Reverberatory furnace
forms zinc oxide as solid and berating
Sulphur dioxide as gas.
2ZnS(s) + 3O2(g) → 2ZnO(s) + 2SO2(g)
ii) Calcination: Calcination is a pyrochemical process in which the
ore is heated in the absence of air.
The ore gets generally decomposed in this process.
Ex: MgCO3(s) → MgO(s) + CO2(g)
iii) Smelting: Smelting is a pyrochemical process, in which the ore
is mixed with flux and fuel, then is strongly heated.
31. (i) Required apparatus: Calorimeter, stirrer, Thermometer,
water, steam heater, wooden box and lead shots.
(ii) Experimental procedure:
1) Measure the mass (m1) of the calorimeter along with stirrer.
2) Now fill one third of the volume of calorimeter with water and
measure the mass (m2)
3) Mass of the water inside the calorimeter = (m2 – m1)
4) Note the temperature (T1) of the water inside the calorimeter and
the calorimeter.
5) Place few lead shots in hot water or steam heater and heat up to
1000C (T2)
6) Transfer the hot lead shots quickly into the calorimeter.
7) Measure the temperature (T3) of the mixture after settles to a
certain temperature.
8) Measure the mass (m3) of the calorimeter along with contents.
9) Then the mass of the lead shots = (m3 – m2)
10) According to the principle of method of mixtures, the heat lost
by the lead shots (solid) is equal to the heat gained by the
calorimeter and water.
Heat lost by the Lead shots = Heat gain by the calorimeter + Heat
gain by the water
𝑚3 − 𝑚2 𝑆𝑙 𝑇2 − 𝑇3 = 𝑚1 𝑆𝑐 𝑇3 − 𝑇1 + 𝑚2 − 𝑚1 𝑆𝑤 (𝑇3 − 𝑇1 )

𝒎𝟏 𝑺𝒄 + 𝒎𝟐 −𝒎𝟏 𝑺𝒘 (𝑻𝟑 −𝑻𝟏 )

(iii) Formula using: 𝑺𝒍 =
𝒎𝟑 −𝒎𝟐 (𝑻𝟐 −𝑻𝟑 )
By using the above formula, we can calculate the specific heat of
the solid (Lead shots)

Visit: :: 22 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


31. (i) Ohm, German Physicist established “the ratio between V and
I is constant for some materials at constant temperature”.
(ii) Proof of the above statement:
Ohm’s law: The potential difference between the ends of a
conductor is directly proportional to the electric current passing
through it at constant temperature.
V ∝ I ⇒ V/I = constant
Aim: To verify Ohm‟s law or to show that V/I = constant for a
Materials required: 6V Battery eliminator, 0 to 1A Ammeter,
0–6V volt meter, copper wires, 50 cm manganin coil, Rheostat,
switch and 3V LED, etc.
1. Complete the circuit as shown in
2. Knob should be adjusted to 4.5V at
3. Using Rheostat change the potential
difference between two ends of
manganin wire from 0V to 4.5V.
4. By using Rheostat adjust the potential difference 1V between
two ends of manganin wire.
5. Now observe the electric current through Ammeter in the
circuit and note down in the following table.
6. Using Rheostat change the potential difference with different
values up to 4.5V and note down the current value (I) in the

7. Take at least five values of V and I and note down in the table
and find V/I for each set of values.
8. We notice that V/I is a constant.
V ∝ I ⇒ V/I = constant

Visit: :: 23 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


1. Draw a graph between V and I taking the
current (I) along y-axis and potential
difference (V) along x-axis with
appropriate scale.
2. We will get a straight line graph passing through the origin as
shown in figure.
From this experiment we can conclude that the potential difference
between the ends of the manganin wire is directly proportional to
the current passing through it.
Hence, Ohm‟s law is verified or the given statement is proved.
32. i) Sub-shell is „p‟. Its shape is dumbbell.
ii) Maximum ml : +l and minimum ml : -l
iii) Principal quantum number (n)
iv) n – Principal quantum number
l – Angular momentum quantum number
ml – Magnetic quantum number
i) „A‟ cannot form ionic bond.
Reason: Its valence electrons are 4. It is difficult to lose or gain
4e– to get octet configuration. So, it forms covalent bond.
Element „A‟ is carbon (C).
ii) „B‟ cannot form covalent bond.
Reason: Its valence electrons are 1 only. It is easy to donate for
other atom and become an ion. So, it
can form ionic bond. Element „B‟ is sodium (Na).
iii) Element C can form ionic as well as covalent bonds.
Reason: Atomic number of Cl is 17. It is able to participate with
Na in ionic bond (NaCl) and with Hydrogen (H) in HCl molecule
as covalent bond.

Visit: :: 24 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


33. (a) To get same size image: The position of object is at 2F2.

Other image characteristics: real and inverted.

Position of image: Image is formed on the principal axis at 2F1.
(b) To get virtual image: The position of object is between F2 and
optic centre P.

Other image characteristics: erected and magnified.

Position of image: Same side of the lens where object is placed.
33. Diagram showing the acidity of
acids is attributed to the H+ ions
produced by them in solutions.

Visit: :: 25 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD

Ssc public examinations : APRIL 2022
Visit: :: 1 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD

Class: X MODEL PAPER - 2 Andhra Pradesh

Time : 2:45 Hrs PHYSICAL SCIENCE Max. Marks : 50

1. 15 minutes of time is allotted for reading the question paper in
addition to 2.30 hours for writing the answers.
2. All the answers should be written in the separate answer booklet.
3. There are four sections in the question paper.
4. There is internal choice in Section IV.
5. Write all the question visible & legible
SECTION - I 12 × ½ = 6 M
Note: 1. Answer all the questions.
2. Each question carries ½ mark

1. Find the specific heat of a substance, when it‟s mass is „m‟ and the
required heat is „Q‟ to raise one degree Celsius.
2. A: Baking powder is used in making of bread or cake to make
them soft and spongy. [ ]
R: When baking powder is heated carbon dioxide gas produced.
A) Both A and R are correct, R is not correct explanation of A.
B) A is correct, R is not correct.
C) Both A and R are correct, R is correct explanation of A.
D) A is not correct, R is correct.
3. At critical angle of incidence, the angle of refraction is [ ]
A) 0 0 B) 45 0 C) 60 0 D) 90 0

4. The lens which can form real and virtual images is ________.
5. The maximum and minimum focal length value pair for human eye
among the following is: [ ]
A) 25cm, 2.5cm B) 25cm, 2.27cm
C) 2.5cm, 2.27cm D) 2.27cm, 2.5cm
6. L- shell : 8 :: M- shell : ______.
7. Arrange the following orbitals in ascending order of their energies.
3s, 2p, 4s, 2s, 3p, 1s, 3d
8. n1 sin i = n2 sin r, is called ___________.
9. Write the Dobereiner‟s triad, which elements belong to halogen
10. Write the bond angles in H2O and NH3.
11. Drift speed of the charge q, Vd
(I/nqA, q/InA, nI/qA, nA/Iq)

Visit: :: 26 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


12. Match the following.

a) Never found in nature ( ) i) Hg, Ag, Pt, Au
in free state
b) Found in earth crust ( ) ii) Zn, Fe, Pb, Cu
c) Found in nature in Free State ( ) iii) K, Na, Ca, Mg, Al
A) a-iii, b-ii, c-i B) a-i, b-ii, c-iii
C) a-ii, b-iii, c-i D) a-ii, b-i, c-iii

Note: 1. Answer all the questions.
2. Each question carries 1 mark

13. On which factors does rate of evaporation depend?

14. Complete the following equation.
2NaOH (aq) + Zn(s)  _________ + H2 (g) 
15. Why does the light ray deviate in refraction?
16. A convex lens is made up of three different materials as
shown in the figure.
How many of images does it form?
17. Are the head lights of a car connected in series or parallel? Why?
18. Mention two methods which produce very pure metals.
19. Write the Lewis notation for Ne and Ar.
20. Define Bohr‟s orbit.

SECTION - II 8 × 2 = 16 M
Note: 1. Answer all the questions.
2. Each question carries 1 mark

21. What is acid-base reaction? Give two examples.

22. Give the reason behind the shining of diamonds. How do you
appreciate it?
23. Write Lens maker‟s formula and explain the terms in it.
24. Explain about the reason for the blue of the sky.
25. Following orbital diagram shows the electronic configuration of
nitrogen atom.

Which rule does not support this?

Visit: :: 27 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


26. Explain the method used for concentration of sulphide ore with
neat diagram.
27. Explain the difference between the valence electrons and the
covalency of an element.
28. What would be the final temperature of a mixture of 50g of water
at 20oC temperature and 50g of water at 40oC temperature?

SECTION – IV 5 × 4 = 20 M
1. Write answer for all the questions.
2. There is an internal choice for each question.
3. All questions have equal marks.
4. Each question caries 4 marks.

29. How can you differentiate between the process of escaping of

molecules from the surface of a liquid at any temperature and the
process in which the liquid phase changes to gaseous phase at a
constant temperature at a given pressure.
Write the process of finding the focal length of a lens
30. Given below is the electronic configuration of elements K, L, M, N.
K. 1s22s2 L. 1s22s22p63s2
M. 1s22s22p63s23p3 N. 1s22s22p6
1. Which are the elements coming within the same period?
2. Which are the elements coming within the same group?
3. Which are the noble gas elements?
4. To which group and period does the element „M‟ belong?
Define the phenomenon of hybridization? Explain the formation
of the boron tri- fluoride (BF3) molecule using hybridization.
31. List out the material for the experiment to investigate whether all
compounds containing Hydrogen are acids or not and write the
experimental procedure.
“The presence of air and water is essential for corrosion”,
suggest an experiment to prove the above statement. Explain the

Visit: :: 28 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


32. Observe the table of refractive indices of some material media and
answer the following questions.
Material Medium Refractive index
Air 1.0003
Ice 1.31
Water 1.33
Kerosene 1.44
Fused quartz 1.46
Turpentine 1.47
Benzene 1.50
Diamond 2.42
i) In which medium the speed of light is more?
ii) Find the speed of light in Benzene.
iii) Calculate the refractive index of the Kerosene with respect to
iv) In between, which of the two mediums, we cannot identify
From the given table shows Kirchhoff‟s laws, by observing them,
answer the following questions.

i) Write the name of the law represent in the 1st diagram.

ii) State the law represent in the 1st diagram.
iii) Name the law that represents in 2nd figure in the table.
iv) The above 2nd equation is written by based on which
conservation law.
33. Draw the diagrams showing the defect of near sightedness and its
Draw the neat labelled diagrams of the orbitals which have l value
as 2.

Visit: :: 29:: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


1. S= Q/m
[S = Q/mΔT, here m=m, Q=Q and ΔT= 1 => S = Q/m(1) = Q/m]
2. C 3. D 4. Convex lens 5. C 6. 18
7. 1s < 2s < 2p < 3s < 3p < 4s < 3d
8. Snell‟s law
9. Dobereiner‟s triad, which elements belong to halogen family:
Chlorine (Cl), Bromine (Br), Iodine (I)
10. Bond angle in H2O is 104O31I and NH3 is 107O48I
11. I/nqA 12. A
13. Evaporation depends upon:
1. Surface area
2. Temperature
3. Humidity (or) the amount of vapour already present in the
surrounding air.
14. 2NaOH(aq) + Zn(s)  Na2ZnO2(aq) + H2(g) 
15. Speed of light changes at interface of two media and light ray
always chooses the path of least time to travel. So, the light ray
deviates in refraction.
16. 1. The given convex lens is made up of three different materials.
2. So, it has three refractive indices.
3. Thus for a given object it forms three (3) images.
17. The headlights of a car are connected in parallel.
1. When they are connected in parallel, same voltage will be
maintained in the two lights.
2. If one of the lights damaged, the other will work without any
18. Methods which produce very pure metals are:
1. Electrolytic Reduction 2. Smelting.
19. Lewis notation for Ne and Ar

20. Bohr’s Orbit: Orbit is the path of the electron around the

Visit: :: 30 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


21. Acid-base reaction: When acid reacts with base, forms its salt
and water. This is called Acid-base reaction. This is also called
neutralization reaction.
General Equation: Acid + Base → Salt + Water
Ex-1: HCl (Acid) + NaOH (Base) → NaCl (Salt) + H2O (Water)
Ex-2: CH3COOH (Acid) + NaOH (Base)
→ CH3COONa (Salt) + H2O (Water)
22. 1) Total internal reflection is the main reason for shining or
brilliance of diamond.
2) The critical angle of a diamond is very low (24.40).
3) So, if a light ray enters a diamond it is very likely to undergo
total internal reflection which makes the diamond shines.
4) People attracted towards the diamonds shine due to total
internal reflection.
5) So, we appreciate the phenomena of total internal reflection
of light for brilliance of diamond.
23. Lens maker‟s formula:
1 1 1
= n−1 −
f R1 R2
n = Refractive index of the medium
R1 = Radius of curvature of 1st surface
R2 = Radius of curvature of 2nd surface
f = Focal length
24. Reason for the blue of the sky:
1. Our atmosphere contains different types of molecules and
2. The reason for blue sky is due to the molecules N2 and O2.
3. The sizes of these molecules are comparable to the wavelength
of blue light.
4. These molecules act as scattering centres for scattering of blue
25. 1. Hund‟s rule does not support this electron configuration.
2. According to Hund‟s rule, the orbitals of equal energy are
occupied with one electron each before pairing of electrons
3. In the above electronic configuration pairing takes place, but
degenerate orbitals cannot filled by one electron in each.
4. Means, pairing of electrons in 2px orbital was taken place
without fill of an electron in 2pz orbital.

Visit: :: 31 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


5. Hence the correct electron configuration is,

26. The method used for concentration of sulphide ore is Froth

Froth Floatation process:
1. This method is mainly useful for
sulphide ores which have no wetting
property whereas impurities get
2. The ore with impurities is finely
powdered and kept in water taken
in a floatation cell.
3. Air under pressure is blown to
produce froth in water.
4. Froth so produced takes the ore particles to the surface
whereas impurities settle at the bottom.
5. Froth is separated and washed to get ore particles.
27. Difference between the valence electrons and the covalency of
an element:
Valence electrons Covalency
1 Number of electrons in 1 Number of valance
the outermost orbit in an electrons which are taking
atom is called its valence part in covalent bond is
electrons. called covalency.
2 Number of valence 2 Covalency is equal to the
electrons is equal to the number of electrons
group number of the participate in the bonding.
3 Valence electrons number 3 Covalency may be either
is always a positive positive or negative.
4 Ex: N (Z = 7). Its 4 Ex: N (Z = 7). Its electronic
electronic configuration configuration 1s² 2s² 2p3. It
1s² 2s² 2p3. It has 5 participates in 3 covalent
electrons in outermost bonds. So, its covalency is
orbit. So, its valence „3‟.
electrons are „5‟.

Visit: :: 32 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


28. Here m1= 50g ; m2= 50g ;

T1= 20 C,
o ;T2= 40oC.
m T +m T
Then the resultant temperature, T = 1 1 2 2
m 1 +m 2
50X20 +(50X40)
50 + 50
1000 +2000 3000
= = = 30oC
100 100
∴ The final temperature of a mixture = 30oC
29. (i) The process of escaping of molecules from the surface of a
liquid at any temperature is called evaporation.
(ii) The process in which the liquid phase changes to gaseous
phase at a constant temperature at a given pressure is called

Differences between evaporation and boiling:

Evaporation Boiling
1. Evaporation takes place 1. Boiling takes place at a
at any temperature. definite temperature.
2. This is surface 2. This is bulk
phenomenon. phenomenon.
3. Evaporation depends on 3. Boiling depends on
surface area, wind atmospheric pressure.
speed, humidity.
4. The temperature of 4. The temperature of
liquid gets down. liquids increases up to a
constant temperature.
5. The kinetic energy does 5. The kinetic energy of the
not change. molecules increases with
the increase of
6. Eg: 1) Wet clothes dries, 6. Eg : 1) Water boils at
2) Sea water evaporates 100° C,
to form clouds, 2) Water in the pressure
3) Water disappears cooker boils and cooks
from the floor after the rice.
cleaning with water.

Visit: :: 33 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


29. The process of finding the focal length of a lens experimentally:

Aim: To determine the focal length of a convex lens.
Apparatus: Convex lens, meter scale, V-stand, screen, candle
1.Take a v – stand and place it on a long
table at the middle and place a convex
lens on the v – stand.
2.Light the candle and place it at a
distance of 60cm from the lens on the
principal axis.
3.Adjust the screen which is on the other side of lens to get an
image on it.
4.Measure the distance between the candle and the stand of the
lens, this value is noted as object distance(u).
5.Measure the distance of the image from the stand of the lens,
this value is noted as image distance (v).
6.Repeat the experiment for various object distances (u) like,
50cm, 40cm, 30cm and measure the distance of image (υ) in
all cases and noted in the following table.

Object Focal
Image length
S. No. distance
distance(v) f=
(u) u−v
1 60 cm
2 50 cm
3 40 cm
4 30 cm
7.From the above table f = value is constant.
8.This average constant value gives the focal length of the given
30. 1. The elements coming within the same period: K & N
belong to the same
period and L & M belong to the same period.
2. The elements coming within the same group: K & L.
3. The noble gas element: N (Noble gases belong to VIIIA)
4. M element Group: VA Period: 3.

Visit: :: 34 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


30. Hybridization:- The process of mixing of atomic orbital‟s of

nearly same energy to produce a set of entirely new orbital‟s of
equivalent energy is known as hybridization.
Formation of Boron Triflouride (BF3):
1. The atomic number of Boron is 5.
2. Ground state electronic configuration of „B‟ is,

3. Excited state electronic configuration of „B‟ is,

4.Now in excited state the three unpaired orbitals undergo

hybridization giving rise to three sp2 hybrid orbitals which are
1200 apart.
5.The three hybrid orbitals overlap with three p-orbitals from
three Fluorine atoms forming three sigma bonds.
6. The molecule formed is triangular planar.

31. List of the material required: 1. Glucose, 2. Alcohol, 3. Dil.

HCl, 4. Dil-H2SO4, 5. Beaker, 6. Connecting wires, 7. 230
voltage AC supply, 8. Bulb, 9. Graphite rods, 10. Water.
Experimental Procedure:
1. Prepare glucose, alcohol, hydrochloric acid and sulphuric acid
2. Connect two different coloured electrical wires to graphite rods
separately as shown in figure.
3. Connect free ends of the wire to 230 volts AC plug.

Visit: :: 35 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


4. Complete the circuit as shown in the figure by connecting a

bulb to one of the wires.
5. Now pour some dilute HCl in the beaker and switch on the
1. We will notice that the bulb glows
only in acid solutions.
2. But the bulb does not glow in glucose
and alcohol solutions.
1. In glucose and alcohol solution the
bulb did not glow indicating the
absence of H+ ions in these solutions.
So, as they contain hydrogen, they
are not categorized as acids.
2. The acidity of acids is attributed to
the H+ ions produced by them in
31. Aim: To prove that the presence of air and water is essential for
corrosion or for rusting of iron articles.
Apparatus: 3 boiled test tubes, 3 corks, boiled distilled water,
anhydrous calcium chloride, clean iron nails.
1. Take three test tubes and place
clean iron nails in each of them.
2. Label these test tubes A, B and C.
Pour some water in test tube A
and cork it.
3. Pour boiled distilled water in test
tube B, add about 1 ml of oil and
cork it. The oil will float on water
and prevent the air from
dissolving in the water.
4. Put some anhydrous calcium
chloride in test tube C and cork it.
Anhydrous calcium chloride will
absorb the moisture.
5. Leave these test tubes for a few days and then observe.
6. We will observe that iron nails rust in test tube A, but they
do not rust in test tubes B and C.

Visit: :: 36 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


1. In test tube A, the nails are exposed to air and water. Hence,
the nails rusted.
2. In test tube B, the nails are exposed only to water, but not to
air, because the oil float on water and prevent the air from
dissolving in the water. Hence, the nails are not rusted.
3. In test tube C, the nails are exposed to dry air, because
anhydrous calcium chloride will absorb the moisture, if any,
from the air. Hence, the nails are not rusted.
From this experiment, we proved that air and water are
essential for corrosion.

32. i) Air (Lesser Refractive index, greater the speed of light)

Speed of light in vacuum (C)

ii) Refractive index (n) =
Speed of light in medium (V)

Speed of light in vacuum (C)

Speed of light in Benzene (v) = Refractive index (n)

3𝑋10 8
Speed of light in Benzene (v) = 1.5

Speed of light in Benzene v = 2𝑋108 𝑚/𝑠

iii) The refractive index of the Kerosene with respect to water

= The refractive index of the Kerosene/ The refractive
index of the water
= 1.44/1.33 = 1.08
The refractive index of the Kerosene with respect to water
= Relative refractive index n21 = nKW = 1.08
iv) In between, Fused quartz and Turpentine we cannot observe
refraction clearly.
Because, these two have slight variation in their refractive

Visit: :: 37 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


32. i) Kirchhoff‟s Junction law

ii) Kirchhoff‟s Junction law: At any junction point in a circuit
where the current can divide, the sum of the currents into the
junction must equal the sum of the currents leaving the
iii) Kirchhoff‟s Loop law
iv) Based on conservation of energy

33. The defect of near sightedness means Myopia.

Diagram showing defect of near sightedness or Myopia

Diagram showing rectification of near sightedness or Myopia

33. The neat labelled diagrams of the orbitals which have l value as 2:
The orbitals having l value as 2 are d-orbitals.

Visit: :: 38 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD

ssc public examinations : APRIL 2022

Class: X MODEL PAPER - 3 Andhra Pradesh

Time : 2:45 Hrs PHYSICAL SCIENCE Max. Marks : 50

1. 15 minutes of time is allotted for reading the question paper in
addition to 2.30 hours for writing the answers.
2. All the answers should be written in the separate answer booklet.
3. There are four sections in the question paper.
4. There is internal choice in Section IV.
5. Write all the question visible & legible

SECTION – I 12 × ½ = 6m

1. Answer all the questions.
2. Each question carries ½ mark

1. SI unit of heat is __________.

2. Take 2ml of NaOH in a test tube, add two drops of Phenolphthalein
solution and then add few drops of dil. HCl to it. What is your
observation with respect to colour?
3. When the light ray travels from denser medium to rarer medium it
is not deviated.
Assume and write how the light travels in the above case.
4. Match the following
1. Relative refractive index n12 ( ) P) n1/n2
2. Refractive index of vacuum ( ) Q) n2/ n1
R) 1
Q) 0
5. Find the focal length of plano convex lens, when its radius of
curvature of the surface is R and n is the refractive index of the
6. What is the maximum focal length of human eye?
7. The midpoint of a thin lens is called
A) centre of curvature B) optic centre C) focus D) radius of
8. L-shell : s-orbital, p-orbital :: N-shell :__________________.

Visit: :: 39 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


9. X: Dobereiner‟s triad example Cl, Br, I

Y: Dobereiner‟s triad example S, Se, Fe
Which is/are correct?
A) X correct, Y not correct B) X not correct, Y correct
C) X correct, Y correct D) X not correct, Y not correct
10. What type of hybridization present in NH3?
11. Name the process of concentration of
sulphide ore.
12. The given figure indicates which type of
conductors in the case of Ohm‟s law?

SECTION – II 8 × 1 = 8M

1. Answer all the questions.
2. Each question carries 1 mark.

13. Convert 200C into Kelvin scale.

14. What happens when an acid or a base is mixed with water?
15. What is critical angle?
16. Which method is suitable to enrich sulphide ores?
17. What are factors which affect the resistance of a material?
18. Write the shape of ammonia molecule.
19. A teacher asked to give an example for Dobereiner‟s triad. Ramu
wrote them as “Li, Na, Mg”. In these three, identify which element
does not belongs to this triad?
20. “No two electrons of the same atom can have all the four
quantum numbers same” which principle states like this?

SECTION – III 8 × 2 = 16 M
1. Answer all the questions.
2. Each question carries 2 marks.

21. Define the terms: (i) gangue (ii) slag

22. The electronic configuration of the elements X and Y are given
a) X = 2 b) Y = 2, 6
i) Which element belongs to second period?
ii) Which element belongs to 18th group?
Visit: :: 40 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD

23. What is an orbital? How it is different from Bohr‟s orbit?

24. Why does tooth decay start when the pH of mouth is lower than
25. What is the value of 1 KWH in Joules?
26. Give the reason for twinkling of stars?
27. How much energy is transferred when 1gm of boiling water at
100OC condenses to water at100OC?
28. Write curved surface formula and its terms.

SECTION – IV 5 × 4 = 20 M
1. Write answer for all the questions.
2. There is an internal choice for each question.
3. All questions have equal marks.
4. Each question caries 4 marks.

29. (a) “The rate of evaporation of a liquid depends on its surface

area and vapour already present in surrounding air”. Suggest
an experiment to prove this statement.
(b) The equivalent resistance of a series combination is greater
than the resistance of each of the resistors. Explain.
30. (b) Five solutions A, B, C, D and E when tested with universal
indicator showed pH as 4, 1, 11,7 and 9 respectively, which
solution is
a) neutral b) strongly alkaline c) strongly acidic
d) weakly acidic e) weakly alkaline
Arrange the pH in increasing order of hydrogen ion
(b) Write down the characteristics of the elements having atomic
number 17.
1. Electronic configuration _____________
2. Period number _____________
3. Group number _____________
4. Element name _____________
5. Element family _____________
6. No. of valence electrons _____________
7. Valency _____________
8. Last shell in this element _____________
Visit: :: 41 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD

31. (a) Explain the refraction of light through the glass slab with a
neat ray diagram.
b)Suggest an experiment to produce a rainbow in your classroom
and explain the procedure.

32. Classify the following in to oxides, sulfides, sulfates separately.




Al2O3.2H2O ZnS MnO2 ZnO Fe2O3 HgS MgSO4.7H2O PbS

A chemical compound has following Lewis
a) How many valence electrons does
element Y have?
b) What is the valency of element X?
c) How many lone pairs are there in the
d) How many covalent bonds are there in
the molecule? A chemical compound has
following Lewis

33. Draw the ray diagrams of the following situations in the case on
convex lens having focal length 15 cm. Also mention the
position of the object and other image characteristics.
(i) When the object placed at 35 cm. distance from the lens.
(ii) When the object placed at 20 cm. distance from the lens.

Draw the neat diagrams showing the shapes of the orbitals
present in L shell.

Visit: :: 42 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


1. Joule
2. First it turns to pink and it loses its pink colour when HCl is
3. The light ray travels as in the direction of normal to the inter face
or through interface.
4. 1. P 2. R
5. f = R/(n-1)
6. 2.5 cm.
7. B
8. s-orbital, p-orbital, d-orbital, f-orbital
9. A
10. sp3
11. Froth flotation
12. Ohmic conductors

13. Given, t = 20° C, T = ?

T = t°C + 273 = 20 + 273 = 293K
∴ T = 293 K
14. 1. When an acid or base is mixed with water it changes into
dilute acid or dilute base.
2. Mixing an acid or base with water results in decrease in the
concentration of ions (H30+/ OH-) per unit volume. This process
is called dilution and the acid or base is said to be diluted.
15. The angle of incidence at which the light ray propagates from
denser to rarer graze along interface is called critical angle of
denser medium.
16. Froth flotation method is suitable to enrich sulphide ores.
17. Resistance of a material depends on,
i) Nature of the material
ii) Temperature
iii) Length
iv) Area of cross section
18. Shape of ammonia molecule:
Trigonal pyramidal
19. Mg. Correct Dobereiner‟s triad Li, Na, K
20. Pauli Exclusion Principle

Visit: :: 43 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


21. i) Gangue: The impurity present in the ore is called gangue.

ii) Slag: The impurities found from molten metal during poling
process of refining are called slag.
22. i) Y ii) X
23. 1. Orbital: The region of space around the nucleus where the
probability of finding electron is maximum is called orbital.
2. Bohr’s Orbit: Orbit is the path of the electron around the
3. Orbital has a fixed shape. Ex: s-orbital is spherical and p-
orbital is dumbbell and d-orbital is double dumbell.
4. Bohr‟s orbit has a definite boundary and fixed energy at
different distances from the nucleus. They are circular in
24. 1. Tooth enamel made with calcium phosphate, is the hardest
substance in the body.
2. It doesn‟t dissolve in water but corroded when the pH in the
mouth is below 5.5.
3. Due to the bacteria which produce acids by degradation of
sugar and food particles remaining in the mouth tooth decay
take place.
25. 1 KWH = 1 KW x 1h
= 1000 W × 60 min
= 1000 W × 60 × 60 s
= 3.6 × 106 Ws
= 3.6 × 106 J.
∴ 1 KWH = 3.6 × 106 J.
26. 1) The light rays from stars come to the earth through the
atmosphere of the earth.
2) While travelling, these light rays under goes multiple
refractions due to the layers of the atmosphere which have
different densities.
3) This leads to continuous change in refractive index and
continuous change in the apparent position of star.
4) Due to this continuous change of the apparent position of the
star it looks like twinkling.

Visit: :: 44 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


27. Here,
1000C boiling water (water vapour)  1000C water:
(Phase Change) Q = m Lv
m = 1gm,
Lv = 540cal/gm, Q = m Lv = 1 x 540 = 540 cal.
Q =?
The transferred energy = 540 cal.
n2 n1 n2− n1
28. Curved surface formula: - =
v u R
Where, n1 = refractive index of the first medium.
n2 = refractive index of the second medium.
u = image distance.
v= Object distance.
R = Radius of curvature.

29. (a)
Aim: The rate of evaporation of liquid depends on its surface area
and vapour already present in surrounding air.
Apparatus: China/petri dishes, test tube, spirit.
I. Showing evaporation depends on surface area:
1. Take 10 ml of spirit in a china dish and a test tube.
2. Keep them in outside air and observe.
3. We note that the spirit in the china dish evaporates fastly
compared to the test tube.
4. So, evaporation is surface phenomenon. The rate of
evaporation increases with Increase of surface area.
II. Showing evaporation depends on vapour (Humidity):
1. Take 1 ml of spirit in two Petri dishes.
2. Keep one of the dishes in the outside the class room (hot air)
and other in the closed class room (cool air-more humid)
3. After some time, the volume of spirit remained in the dish kept
outside the class room is less than that of in the closed class
4. So, if the vapour (humidity) already present in the air is more,
rate of evaporation is less.
Visit: :: 45 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD
SSC MAY 2022

29. (b)

1. In the above figure, the resistors are connected in series and

there is only one path for the flow of current in the circuit.
2. Hence, the current in the circuit is equal to I.
3. According to Ohm‟s law, at resistance R,
Potential at R (V) = Current through R (I) x Resistance (R)
Potential difference across R1 is, V1 = IR1………… (1)
Potential difference across R2 is, V2 = IR2………… (2)
Potential difference across R3 is, V3 = IR3………… (3)
4. Let Req is the equivalent resistance of the combination of
resistors in series.
5. If the current drawn by a resistor is equal to the current drawn
by the combination of resistors then the resistor is called as
equivalent resistor (provided the source in the circuit is
So, we have V = I Req………… (4)

6. The resultant potential is equal to the sum of the potentials at

each resistor.
Therefore, V = V1 + V2 + V3....... (5)

Visit: :: 46 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


Substituting the values of V1, V2, V3 and V in the equation (5), we

get, IReq = IR1 + IR2 + IR3
IReq = I (R1 + R2 + R3)
Req = R1 + R2 + R3
7. From the above equation we can conclude that the sum of
individual resistances is equal to their equivalent resistance
when the resistors are connected in series.
8. So, the equivalent resistance of a series combination is greater
than the resistance of each of the resistors.
30. (a)
a) Neutral Solution : D (pH=7)
b) Strongly alkaline Solution : C (pH=11)
c) Strongly acidic Solution : B (pH=1)
d) Weakly acidic Solution : A (pH=4)
e) Weakly alkaline Solution : E (pH=9)
∴ Increasing order of Hydrogen ion concentration:
C < E < D < A < B.
30. (b)
i. Electronic configuration : 1s² 2s² 2p6 3s² 3p5
ii. Period number :3
iii. Group number : VII A or 17
iv. Element name : Chlorine
v. Element family : Halogen family
vi. No. of valence electrons : 7
vii. Valency :1
viii. Last shell in this element : M
31. (a)
Aim: To observe the refraction of light through the glass slab.
Material required: Plank, chart paper, clamps, scale, pencil, thin
glass slab and pins.
1. Place a piece of chart on a plank, clamp it and place a glass
slab in the middle of the paper.
2. Draw border line along the edges of the slab by using a pencil
and remove it.

Visit: :: 47 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


3. You will get a figure of a rectangle.

Name the vertices of the rectangle
as A, B, C and D.
4. Draw a perpendicular at a point on
the longer sides (AB) of the
5. Now draw a line, from the point of
intersection where side AB of
rectangle and perpendicular meet,
in such a way that it makes 30°
angle with the normal.
6. This line represents the incident ray falling on the slab and the
angle it makes with normal represents angle of incidence.
7. Now place the slab on the paper in such a way that it fits in the
rectangle drawn. Fix two identical pins on the line making 30°
angle with normal, such that they stand vertically with same
8. By looking at the two pins from the other side of the slab, fix
two pins in such a way that all pins appear to be along a
straight line.
9. Remove the slab and take out pins. Draw a straight line by
joining the dots formed by the pins up to the edge CD of the
10. This line represents emergent ray of the light.
11. Draw a perpendicular to the line CD where our last line drawn
meets the line CD.
12. Measure the angle between emergent ray and normal, this is
called angle of emergence.
13. The angle of incidence and angle of emergence are equal and
incident and emergent rays are parallel.
14. The distance between the parallel rays is called lateral shift.
31. (b) Aim: To produce rainbow in a classroom.
Apparatus: Light source, mirror, plastic
tray, water etc.
1. Take a tray and fill it with water.
2. Place a mirror in the water such that
it makes an angle to the water

Visit: :: 48 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


3. Now focus white light on the mirror through the water as

shown in figure.
4. Try to obtain colour on a white card board sheet kept above the
water surface.
5. We observe that a white ray of light splits into certain different
colours called VIBGYOR.
6. We know that the white light is splitting into certain different
colour as rainbow.
32. (a) Oxides: Bauxite, Pyrolusite, Zincite, Hematite
Sulphides: Zinc Blend, Cinnabar, Galena
Sulfates: Epsom Salt
32. (b) a) The valence electrons in Y are 5.
b) The valency of X is 1.
c) No. of lone pair is 1.
d) There are three covalent bonds.
33. (a) (i) When the object placed at 45 cm. distance from the lens:
Focal length of lens is 15 cm.
so that the object is placed beyond 2F2
(F2 point is at 15 cm., 2F2 = 30 cm.)

Position of the object: Between 15 cm. to 30 cm.

Image characteristics: i) diminished
ii) real
iii) inverted

Visit: :: 49 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


(ii) When the object placed at 20 cm. distance from the lens:
Focal length of lens is 15 cm. so that the object is placed
between F2 (15 cm.) and 2F2 (30 cm.).

Position of the object: Beyond 30 cm.

Image characteristics: i) enlarged
ii) real
iii) inverted
33. (b) The shapes of the orbitals present in L shell:
In L shell s-orbital and p-orbital are present.

Shapes of s, p- orbitals:

Visit: :: 50 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD

ssc public examinations : APRIL 2022

Class: X MODEL PAPER - 4 Andhra Pradesh

Time : 2:45 Hrs PHYSICAL SCIENCE Max. Marks : 50

1. 15 minutes of time is allotted for reading the question paper in
addition to 2.30 hours for writing the answers.
2. All the answers should be written in the separate answer booklet.
3. There are four sections in the question paper.
4. There is internal choice in Section IV.
5. Write all the question visible & legible

SECTION - I 12 × ½ = 6 M
1. Answer all the questions.
2. Each question carries ½ mark

1. SI unit of specific heat is __________.

2. Match the following.
a) pH of Acidic solutions ( ) 1) less than 7
b) pH of Basic solutions ( ) 2) 7
c) pH of Neutral solutions ( ) 3) greater than 7
3. Which law is indicated by second law of refraction?
4. In which case the focal length of a lens is equal to image distance?
5. Which of the following is incorrect?
P: Cr (Z=24) = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1 3d5
Q: Cu (Z=29) = 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1 3d10
A) Only P B) Only Q C) Both P and Q D) None
6. Assume X, the atomic weight of Sodium, from the given example of
Dobereiner‟s triad.
Lithium (Li) Sodium (Na) Potassium (K)
7.0 X 39.0
7. The ability of eye lens to change its focal length is called _______.
8. eka-boron : scandium :: eka-silicon : _____________.
9. Arrange the molecules, ascending order of their bond angles.
(BeCl2, BF3, NH3, CH4, H2O)
10. Which physical quantity is given by the product of potential
difference and the current?

Visit: :: 51 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


(11-12) Observe the given information and answer the following.

Electronic configuration of an element: 2, 8, 7
11. What is the valency of this element?
12. Write the number of valency electrons in this element.

1. Answer all the questions.
2. Each question carries 1 mark.

13. What do acids have common?

14. List two metals that are found in nature in uncombined form.
15. Draw the diagram, which shows the filling order of atomic
16. Who proposed ionic bond?
17. How can we call thick mist?
18. What is the value of reactive index of vacuum?
19. In dispersion of light how many colours we get?
20. Find the focal length of the plano-convex lens, when its radius of
curvature of the surface is R and n is the refractive index of the
SECTION – III 8 × 2 = 16 M
1. Answer all the questions.
2. Each question carries 2 marks.

21. What role does specific heat play in keeping a watermelon cool
for a long time after removing it from a fridge on a hot day?
22. How does the flow of acid rain into a river make the survival of
aquatic life in a river difficult?
23. A double convex lens has two surfaces of equal radii „R‟ and
refractive index n = 1.5. Find the focal length „f‟.
24. Write the difference between potential difference and emf.
25. Predict the reasons for low melting point for covalent compounds
when compared with ionic compounds.
26. What is thermite process? Mention its applications in daily life.
27. Which rule is violated in the electronic configuration 0, 6?
Explain why?
28. An element X belongs to 3rd period and group 2 of the periodic
State a) The no. of valence electrons b) The valency
Visit: :: 52 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD

SECTION – IV 5 × 4 = 20 M


1. Write answer for all the questions.

2. There is an internal choice for each question.
3. All questions have equal marks.
4. Each question caries 4 marks.

29. What is total internal reflection? Explain it with one or two

Define the following terms.
(a) Electric current (b) Resistance
30. In an atom the number of electrons in M-shell is equal to the
number of electrons in the K and L-shell. Answer the following
a) Which is the outermost shell?
b) How many electrons are there in its outermost shell?
c) What is the atomic number of element?
d) Write the electronic configuration of the element.
Explain the formation of sodium chloride on the basis of the
concept of electron transfer from one atom to another atom.
31. What is meant by “water of crystallization” of a substance?
Describe an activity to show the water of crystallization.
Write an experiment showing the reaction of acids with metals.
32. Observe the table and answer the following questions.

Sea water











) Specific Heat



(Cal/g. OC)

Visit: :: 53 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


a) What is SI unit of specific heat?

b) Which liquid is used as a coolant?
c) Which metal is slowly heated up among all given in table?
d) Which metal is best for cooking utensils?
Observe the table and answer the following questions in the case
of convex lens.

Position Real/ Inverted/ Enlarged/

Position of
of the Virtual Erected Diminished
the image
object image image image
Beyond Between F1
Real Inverted Diminished
2F2 and 2F1
At 2F2 At 2F1 Real Inverted Same size
F2 and Beyond 2F1 Real Inverted Enlarged
At F2 Infinity Real Inverted
Same side
of the Virtual Erected Enlarged
F2 and O

a) At which position of the object, we cannot catch the image on

the screen?
b) At which position of the object, the image distance and object
distance are same?
c) At which position of the object, the object is placed between
image and lens?
d) When we observe the formation of images for all positions of
object in front of convex lens, what is the distance of the
nearest image from the lens?
33. Draw the diagrams showing the defect of far sightedness and its
Draw the neat diagram and label the parts of the furnace used
for the pyrochemical process in which the ore is heated in the
presence of oxygen or in air below its melting point.

Visit: :: 54 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


1. J/Kg-K
2. a-1, b-3, c-2
3. Snell‟s law
4. When the object is at infinite distance from the lens
5. D
6. X = (7.0+39.0)/2 = 46.0/2 = 23.0
7. Accommodation
8. Germanium
9. H2O (104 O31I) < NH3 (107 O48I) < CH4 (109 O28I) < BF3 (120O) <
BeCl2 (180 O),
10. Electric power (P)
11. Valency of the element: -1
12. Number of valency electrons: 7
13. Acids have similar chemical properties. They have H3O+ ions.
14. The three metals that are found in nature in uncombined form
are 1. Gold (Au) 2. Silver (Ag)

16. Kossel
17. Fog
18. 1 (n = C/V = C/C = 1)
19. 7
20. f = R/(n–1)

Visit: :: 55 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


21. 1. Water melon contains a large percentage of water inside it

and water has greater specific heat.
2. The temperature of the water inside the water melon takes
more time to increase.
3. Hence, water melon retains its coolness for a longer time.
22. 1) Acid rains are combination of carbonic acid, sulphuric acid
and nitric acid with rain water.
2) The pH of acid rain is less than 5.6.
3) Living organisms can survive only in a narrow range of pH
4) When acid rain with pH value less than 5.6, flows into rivers,
it lowers the pH of river water.
5) Due to less pH, the river water becomes acidic and hence the
aquatic life in such rivers become difficult.
23. Radius of curvature R1 = R and R2 = -R (sign convention)(given)
Refractive index (n) = 1.5
Focal length (f) =?
According to Lens maker‟s formula:
1 1 1
Using, = n−1 −
f R1 R2
1 1 1 1 1
= 1.5 − 1 − = (0.5) +
f R −R R R
1 1 2 1
= =
f 2 R R
Means the focal length (f) is equal to the radius of curvature (R).
24. Difference between potential difference and emf:

Potential difference emf

1. Electric potential difference 1. emf is defined as the work
between points in an electric done by the chemical force to
circuit is the work done to move move unit positive charge from
a unit positive charge from one negative terminal to positive
point to another. terminal of the battery.
2. Potential difference = V = W/q 2. emf = W/q = Fed/q
= Fel/q
3. SI unit of Potential difference 3. SI unit of emf = Volt
= Volt
4. Potential difference can be 4. emf can be measured by
measured by Voltmeter. Voltmeter.

Visit: :: 56 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


25. 1.In ionic compounds, the ions are bounded by strong

electrostatic force of attractions and they are strong solids.
2. So, ionic compounds have high melting and boiling points.
3. In covalent compounds, the atoms are attracted by weak
Vander Waal‟s forces and they are gases and liquids at room
4. So, covalent compounds have low melting and boiling points.
26. Thermite Process:
1. Thermite process is the chemical reaction which takes place
between metal oxides and aluminium.
2. When highly reactive metals such as sodium, calcium,
aluminium, etc. are used as reducing agents, they displace
metals of lower reactivity from the compound.
3. This reaction is highly exothermic. The amount of heat
evolved is so high that the metals can be directly converted
into molten state.
Applications in daily life:
1. The reaction of Iron (III) oxide (Fe203) with aluminum is used
to join railing of railway tracks or cracked machine parts.
2 Al + Fe2O3 → Al2O3 + 2 Fe + Heat.
2. And also used for joining of cracked metal utensils in the house.
27. In the electronic configuration 0,6 Aufbau Principle is violated.
Because, in this electronic configuration0,6 means 1s02s22p4,
the first orbital (lowest energy)1s is not filled with electron. But,
the electrons are entered in 2s and 2p.
According to Aufbau Principle, the lowest-energy orbitals filled
28. a) The number of valence electrons is 2.
b) The valency of element is +2.
29. Acivity-1:
1. Take a visible glass tumbler and place a
coin in it.
2. Pour water until you observe the image of
coin on the surface of water.
3. The light which is reflecting from coin
again bounces back to the same medium
4. The image of the coin is formed due to
total internal reflection.

Visit: :: 57 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


1. Place the semi-circular glass disc in such a way that its
diameter coincides with interlace line MM and its center
coincides with point O‟.
2. Now send light from the curved side of the semicircular glass
3. The light travels from denser medium to rarer medium.
4. Start with angle of incidence (i), equals to 0° and observe for
refracted on other side of the disc.
5. It does not deviate into its path when entering rarer medium.
6. Send laser light along angles of incidence 5°, 10°, 15°, etc. and
measure the angle of refraction and tabulate the results in the
given table.

i r Sin i Sin r Sin i/Sin r


7. At particular angle of incidence, the refracted ray does not

come out but grazes the interface separating the air and
glass. This angle is called critical angle.
8. When the angle of incidence is greater than critical angle, the
light ray gets reflected into denser medium at the interface, i.e.
light never enters rarer medium. This phenomenon is called
total internal reflection.
29. (b)
I. Electric current (I):
1. Electric current is defined as the amount of charge crossing
any cross section of the conductor in one second.
electric ch arge (Q)
Electric current (I) = .
time interval (t)
2. Unit:- The SI unit of electric current is ampere denoted by A.
1 ampere = 1 coulomb/1 second. (1 A = 1 C/s)
3. Current measured by using the ammeter and always
connected in series connection.

Visit: :: 58 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


II. Resistance (R):

(a) The resistance of a conductor is defined as the obstruction to
the motion of the electrons in a conductor.
(b) The SI unit of resistance is Ohm ().
30. a) „N‟ shell.
b) 2 electrons.
c) The atomic number = 22.
d) Element: Ti (Titanium).
Electronic configuration: 1s²2s²2p63s²3p64s²3d².
Formation of sodium chloride (NaCl): Sodium chloride is formed
from the elements sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl).
Cation formation:
1) Sodium (Na) atom loses one electron to get octet electron
configuration and it forms a cation (Na+).
2) Now, Na+ gets electron configuration of Neon (Ne) atom.
Na  Na+ + e-
(2, 8, 1) (2, 8)
Anion Formation:
1) Chlorine has shortage of one electron to get octet in its valence
shell. So, it gains the electron that was lost by Na to form
2) Now, Cl gets electron configuration of Argon (Ar) atom.
Cl + e-  Cl-
(2, 8, 7) (2, 8, 8)
Formation of NaCl:
1) Transfer of electrons between „Na‟ and „Cl‟ atoms, results in the
formation Na+‟ and „Cl–‟ ions.
2) These oppositely charged ions get attracted towards each other
due to electrostatic forces and form the compound sodium
chloride (NaCl).
Na+ + Cl– → Na+Cl– or NaCl

31. Water of Crystallization: Water of crystallization is the fixed

number of water molecules present in one formula unit of a salt
in its crystalline form.
Ex: CuSO4 • 5H2O.
It means that five water molecules are present in one formula
unit of copper sulphate.

Visit: :: 59 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


Activity to show the water of crystallization:

Aim: To show the water of crystallization.
Materials required: Dry test tube, burner, test tube holder,
copper sulphate crystals, etc,.
1. Take a few crystals of copper
sulphate in a dry test tube and
heat the test tube.
2. We observe water droplets on the
walls of the test tube and salt
turns white.
3. Add 2 – 3 drops of water on the
sample of copper sulphate
obtained after heating.
4. We observe, the blue colour of copper sulphate crystals is
1. In the above activity copper sulphate crystals which seem to
be dry contain the water of crystallization, when these
crystals are heated, water present in crystals is evaporated
and the salt turns white.
2. When the crystals are moistened with water, the blue colour
Aim: To show the reaction of acids with metals.
Required Materials: Test tube, Delivery Tube, Glass trough,
Candle, Soap water, Dil. HCl, Zinc granules, one holed rubber
Stopper, Retard stand.
Experimental procedure:
1. Take some zinc granules in a test tube and arrange the test
tube to the retort stand.
2. Fix a delivery tube to the rubber stopper and immerse the
second end of the delivery tube into the soap water.
3. Add about 10 ml of dilute hydrochloric acid to Zn granules
and fix rubber stopper to the test tube.
4. Evolved gas forms bubbles in soap water.
5. Bring a lightened candle near to the gas bubbles.
6. We can observe that the evolved gas put off the lightened
candle and the gas burns with blue flame.
Result: We can confirm that the evolved gas is hydrogen.

Visit: :: 60 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


Chemical reaction: Acid + Metal → Salt + Hydrogen

2HCl (aq) + Zn (s) → ZnCl2 (aq) + H2 (g)
Conclusion: From the above activity, we can conclude that when
acid reacts with metal, H2 gas is evolved.
32. a) The SI unit of specific heat: J/Kg.K
b) Water is used as coolant.
c) Aluminium metal is slowly heated up among all given in table.
d) Copper (Copper is good conductor of heat)

a) Between F2 and O
b) At 2F2
c) Between F2 and O
d) Equal to focal length

33. diagrams showing the defect of far sightedness:

(Hypermetropia) and its rectification:

Defect diagram:

Visit: :: 61 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


Rectification diagram:

The diagram of the furnace used for the pyrochemical process in
which the ore is heated in the presence of oxygen or in air below
its melting point, i.e., Reverberatory furnace:

Visit: :: 62:: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD

Ssc public examinations : APRIL 2022

Class: X MODEL PAPER - 5 Andhra Pradesh

Time : 2:45 Hrs PHYSICAL SCIENCE Max. Marks : 50

1. 15 minutes of time is allotted for reading the question paper in
addition to 2.30 hours for writing the answers.
2. All the answers should be written in the separate answer booklet.
3. There are four sections in the question paper.
4. There is internal choice in Section IV.
5. Write all the question visible & legible

SECTION - I 12 × ½ = 6 M
1. Answer all the questions.
2. Each question carries ½ mark

1. The process of escaping of molecules from the surface of a liquid

at any temperature is __________.
2. Water of crystallization in washing soda [ ]
A) ½ B) 2 C) 5 D) 10
3. Imagine and write the value of angle of refraction at critical angle
of incidence.
4. A : Lens is bounded by at least one curved surface.
B : Convex lens is called as convergent lens.
K) Only A is true L) Only B is true
M) Both A and B are true N) Both A and B are false
5. Write any one use of bifocal lens.
6. Orbital Shape
1. s Orbital p)

2. d Orbital q)


Visit: :: 63 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


Match the above

A) 1 – p, 2 – q B) 1 – q, 2 – p C) 1 – q, 2 – r D) 1 – r, 2 – p
7. Which is the most electronegative element in the periodic table?
8. Which of the following is the bond angle in NH3.
A) 104o31I B) 107o48I
C) 109o28I D) 120o
9. When asked Harika to give examples for High reactive metals, she
stated as potassium, sodium, zinc, magnesium. By observing
the examples given by Harika find and write which element is
not a high reactive metal among them.
10. According Aufbau principle „electrons‟ filled in the lowest energy
orbital first, assume and write in which the electron enters first
between 4s and 3d.
11. What is the SI unit of “Resistance”.
12. Write name of the scientist modified Bohr‟s atomic model by
adding elliptical orbits.

1. Answer all the questions.
2. Each question carries 1 mark.


Ray 2 is incident with the angle greater than „C‟. Keeping in view
of Critical angle concept re write and complete the diagram in
your answer sheet.
14. Write any two required material to obtaining a relation between
angle of incidence and angle of refraction.
15. What is least value for the angular momentum quantum
16. Four elements have the following arrangement in the periodic
On the bases above table
To which period these elements belong.
Visit: :: 64 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD

17. Give any one example for sp2 hybridized molecule.

18. Write any other name of „Acid – Base Reaction‟.
19. What do you call the process of adjusting the focal length in
such a way that the image is formed on retina and we see the
object clearly by the ciliary muscles.
20. Write any two ores of iron you know.

SECTION – III 8 × 2 = 16 M
1. Answer all the questions.
2. Each question carries 2 marks.

21. Assume and write why oceans behave like heat “store houses”
for the earth.
22. Let A, B, C material have given salt, water; when they react
with non-metal oxide, metal oxide, acid respectively.
1) Among A, B, C which are acids, which are bases.
2) What is the change in colour when phenolphthalein add to B.
23. Write any two required material to do the activity to say that
„the rate of evaporation of a liquid depends on its surface area
and vapour already present in surrounding air‟ and also write
any one precaution to do this activity.
24. Doctor advised to use 2D lens. What is its focal length?
25. Explain what is Hund's rule briefly.
26. What is the shape of the following.
1) Water molecule
2) Ammonia molecule
27. Explain what happened to the electrical appliances, when we
are not use fuse at our homes..
28. Write any two questions to understand how the concentration
of ores takes place?

Visit: :: 65 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


SECTION – IV 5 × 4 = 20 M
1. Write answer for all the questions.
2. There is an internal choice for each question.
3. All questions have equal marks.
4. Each question caries 4 marks.

29. Write the appropriate reasons for the following phenomenon.

a) Dogs pant during hot summer days
b) Formation of due on the surface of a cold soft drink bottle kept
in open air
Write the differences between myopia and hypermetropia.
Substance A B C D E F
CaSO4. CaSO4. CuSO4.
Formula CaOCl2 NaHCO3 Na2CO3
½ H2 O 2 H2 O 5 H2 O
By observing the above table answer the following in A, B, C, D, E,
F substances.
1) Which is used in soda-acid fire extinguishers?
2) Which is used for removing permanent hardness of water?
3) Which is used for disinfecting drinking water to make it free of
4) Which is used for making toys, materials for decoration and for
making surfaces smooth?
Classify the following into high, moderate, low reactivity metals

Metal Sodiu Silv Gol Iro Magnesi Lea Mercu Potassi

Name m er d n um d ry um
Formu Na Ag Au Fe Mg Pb Hg K
31. Write the lab activity to find the refractive index of a prism.
Write the lab activity to show that the rate of rise in temperature
of the oil is higher than that of the rise in temperature of the

Visit: :: 66 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


32. How the following properties of an element affects its ionization

A) Nuclear charge
B) Shielding effect
C) Penetrating power
D) Stable configuration

A, B and C are there elements which atomic numbers 1, 6 and 8

respectively then
1) Which of these can‟t form double bond? Why?
2) Which of these can‟t form triple bond and can form double
bond? Why?
3) Which of these can form double as well as triple bonds?
33. Draw the diagrams of the following and label their names.
1) Lens has one spherical surface curved inwards and the other
surface bulged outwards.
2) Lens has two spherical surfaces curved inwards.
3) Lens has two spherical surfaces bulged outwards.
4) Lens has one spherical surface curved inwards and the
other surface is plane.

Draw a neat diagram showing the method used for
concentration of ore, in which the ore or impurity, one of them
is magnetic substance and the other non-magnetic substance.

Visit: :: 67 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


1. evaporation 2. D 3. 90º
4. M
5. Bifocal lens is used in the correction of presbyopia.
6. C 7. F – Fluorine 8. B
9. zinc (moderate reactive metal)
10. 4s (4s n+l = 4+0 = 4 and 3d n+l = 3+2 = 5)
11. Ohm (Ω) 12. Sommerfeld

14. (1) Pro circle, (2) Small plank, (3) Pencil, (4) Pins, (5) Scale, (6)
Laser light
15. The least value: „0‟ (Zero)
16. 2nd Period (Boron-5, Carbon-6, Nitrogen-7, Oxygen-8)
17. Example for sp2 hybridized molecule: BF3 (Boron Triflouride)
18. Neutralization Reaction
19. Accommodation
20. (1) Haematite (Fe2O3); (2) Magnetite (Fe3O4)
21. (1) Heat energy transmits daily from sun to earth.
(2) Oceans can absorb large amounts of heat at the equator
without appreciable rise in temperature due to high
specific heat of water.
(3) Therefore, oceans moderate the surrounding temperature
near the equator.
(4) Ocean water transports the heat away from the equator to
areas closer to the north and south poles to moderate the
climates in parts of the earth that are far from the equator.
So oceans behave like heat “store houses” for the earth.
22. 1) Acids: B; Bases: A, C
2) Colourless
23. 1) Required material: China/petri dishes, test tube, spirit
2) Precaution: Care should be taken while using spirit.
24. Given that power of lens P = 2D
Using, P = 100/f (in cm)
⇒ 2 = 100/f ⇒ f = 100/2 = 50 cm.
The focal length of the lens (f) = 50 cm.
25. Hund's Rule: Electron pairing in orbitals starts only when all
available empty orbitals of the same energy are shingly
Ex: The carbon - 6 - 1s22s22p2. The first 4 electrons go into the
1s and 2s orbitals. The next two electrons go into separate 2p
orbitals, with both electrons having the same spin.
Visit: :: 68 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD

26. 1) Water molecule shape: „V‟ shape or bent shape or angular

2) Ammonia molecule shape: Trigonal pyramidal
27. 1. A fuse wire is a thin wire made up of a high resistance
material and has low melting point.
2. The fuse wire should be connected in series with electrical
device. So, the entire current from mains must pass through
the fuse.
3. When the current in the fuse overloaded, the wire get heated
and melted. Then, the circuit becomes open and prevents the
flow of current. Hence, all the electrical appliances are saved
from damage that could be caused by overload.
4. So, if we are not use fuse at our homes, we cannot preventing
damage to various electrical appliances.
28. 1) What is concentration of ore?
2) What are the different methods used in the process of
concentration of ore?
29. a) 1. In hot summer days the body of the dogs gets heated.
2. Dogs don‟t have sweat glands like us (human beings).
3. By panting, the water on the tongue evaporated.
4. As evaporation is a cooling process, dogs reduce their body
temperature. So, dogs pant during hot summer days and get
their body cooled, due to evaporation.
b) 1. The temperature of a cold soft drink bottle taken from the
fridge is very less.
2. The water vapor molecules present in the air collide with the
surface of the cold soft drink bottle loses their kinetic energy,
that leads to lower their temperature and form as water
droplets (dew) by condensation. By this reason, we get dew on
the surface of a cold soft drink bottle kept in open air.
Differences between myopia and hypermetropia:
Myopia Hypermetropia
1. Some people cannot see 1. Some people can see the
objects at long distances but distant objects clearly but
can see nearby objects cannot see objects at near
clearly. This type of defect in distances. This type of vision
vision is called „Myopia‟. defect is called hypermetropia.
2. It is also called as near 2. It is also called far
sightedness sightedness
3. To correct this we use bi- 3. To correct this we use bi-
concave lens convex lens.
4. In this we have far point 4. In this we have near point

Visit: :: 69 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


1) B (NaHCO3)
2) C (Na2CO3)
3) A (CaOCl2)
4) D (CaSO4. ½ H2O)
High reactivity metals:Na (Sodium),Mg (Magnesium),K (Potassium)
Moderate reactivity metals: Fe (Iron), Pb (Lead)
Low reactivity metals: Ag (Silver), Au (Gold), Hg (Mercury)
30. Aim: To find the refractive index of the prism.
Material required: Prism, Piece of white chart, pencil, pens,
scale and protractor.
1. Take a prism, place it on the white
chart and draw the boundary lines
by using a pencil.
2. Remove the prism and name the
vertices as P, Q and R.
3. Calculate the angle of the prism
(A=600) and noted in your book.
4. Draw a normal to PQ at M and draw
a line with 300 to the normal.
5. This is incident ray AB. Fix two ball pins on this ray at A and
6. Place the prism in its exact position and fix another two pins
at C and D such that all four pins appear to lie along the same
line by seeing the images of pins through the prism from the
other side PR.
7. Draw line joining C & D and extend it to meet PR at N. This is
emergent ray. Draw normal at PR at N and measure the angle
between normal at N and emergent ray.
8. If we extent the incident ray AB and emergent ray CD, they
meet at O and measure angle between these two rays and
note as angle of deviation (d). The same experiment repeated
for different angles of incidence and measure corresponding
angle of deviation and noted down in the following table.
S. Angle of Angle of Angle of deviation
No. incidence (i1) emergence (i2) (d)
1 300
2 400
3 500

Visit: :: 70 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


9. We draw a graph by taking angles of

incident on X-axis and angles of
deviation (d) on y-axis, then we gets a
curved line as shown in the figure. By
graph, find angle of minimum
deviation (D).
10. Now we can calculate the refractive
index of the material of the prism by
using the formula,
𝐴 +𝐷
𝑆𝑖𝑛 ( )
n= 𝐴
𝑆𝑖𝑛 ( )
1. Take 800C water in a large jar.
2. Take two test tubes, one filled with
50 g of water and other with 50 g of
3. Insert two thermometers into two test
tubes, with corks and place them in
the hot water jar with clamp of a
retort stand.
4. Observe the changes in the
thermometer readings.
5. Although, the same amount of heat supplied to water and oil,
we observe, the rate of rise in temperature of the oil is higher
than that of the rise in temperature of the water.
6. The rate of rise in temperature depends on the nature of the
1. Nuclear charge: More the nuclear charge more is the ionization
Ex: Between 11Na and 17Cl, Chlorine atom has more ionization
2. Shielding effect or Screening effect: More the screening effect
less is the ionization energy.
Ex: Between 3Li and 55Cs, the element 55Cs with more inner
shells has less ionization energy.
3. Penetration power of the orbitals: Orbitals belonging to the
same main shell have different piercing power
towards the nucleus.

Visit: :: 71:: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD


Ex: 4s > 4p > 4d > 4f in the penetration. Therefore, it is easier

to remove 4f electron than 4s.
4. Stable configuration: It is easier to remove one electron from
8O (1s22s22p4) than 7N (1s22s22p3). This is because,
7N has stable half filled configuration.
1) „A‟ can‟t form double bond. Because, it has only one unpaired
electron in its outermost shell. (A- Hydrogen)
2) „C‟ can‟t form triple bond and can form double bond. Because,
it has two unpaired electrons in its outermost shell.
(C- Oxygen)
3) „B‟ can form double as well as triple bonds. (B- Carbon)

32. 1) 2) 3) 4)

The method used for concentration of ore, in which the ore or
impurity, one of them is magnetic substance and the other non-
magnetic substance is Magnetic separation.

Visit: :: 72 :: K.V.RAMANA & G.V.RAMAPRASAD

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