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Weekly Report 5


Norman Leon

Shorter University


4 June 2023

Professor Ross
Hours for Week 4: 72 Hours

Hours for Week 5: 14 Hours

Total Hours Accrued: 182 Hours

Weekly Report

For this past week when I worked 72 hours, I was there almost everyday from

approximately 10AM-11PM. The reason being is that we must prepare the field for pre-game

practice and routines for both teams. We also must address any discrepancies with the field and

facility. Some things we had to deal with during the game week was the last minute schedule

changes from the opposing team. Understandably so, some teams often change their schedules

last minute which forces us to adjust our schedule and how fast we must complete our tasks.

Another incident we had to deal with this week and probably for the rest of the summer is the

heat of the summer. This affects the grass of the baseball field, the dirt as it becomes dustier if

not constantly watered. This forced us to put additives to the grass so it grows and continues to

shine green. We also must water the dirt more than usual so it retains moisture during the game.

This current week was relatively light because the team was on the road so just did

normal maintenance inside and outside the stadium. We have to always take care of the grass in

the fan sections to keep it presentable for fans to appreciate and play on. We also did the same

thing of edge and weed whack the entire outside of the stadium. Some tedious things we did this

week was edge the entire field and rake out the grass blades out the warning track and dirt as that

takes hours. Lastly, something new that I learned this week was how to replace home plates. We

received a “complaint” about the mound being too low in the ground so we had to completely

take out the home plate and put in a new one making sure it was level and all the dimensions

were on point with Major League requirements.

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