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Saviour School

Bentley Park Subdivision 1870 Antipolo, Philippines

DATE August 17-31,2022 SUBJECT ENGLISH
TIME 1:15-2:00 PM FIRST

TOPIC: Psalm 1, Psalm 36, Identifying style, Imagery, and Tone, Recognizing
Universal Theme, understanding Kinds and Rules of Definition,
Understanding the Elements and Fcator of Public Speaking, Finding
relevant Information and Making generalizations, Using Titles and
Advance Organizers as Aids to understanding, Using Reflexive and
Intensive Pronouns, Identifying Features of a Persuasive Text
CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and
other text types serve as ways of expressing and resolving personal
conflicts, also how to use strategies in linking textual information,
repairing, enhancing communication public speaking, emphasis
in persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and intensive
PERFORMANCE The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a
STANDARD: variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
LEARNING The learners should be able to:
COMPETENCIES:  Evaluate literature as a way of expressing and resolving one’s
personal conflicts.
 Explain the literary devices used.
 Differentiate formal from informal definitions of words
 Make generalizations
 Determine how connected events contribute to the totality of a
material viewed.
 Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers,
titles, nonlinear illustration, etc. on the understanding of text.
 Use reflexive and intensive pronouns.
 Identify features of persuasive texts.


 Recognize the different kinds of imagery which form part of an
author’s style.
 Describe the tone of a literary work based on the author’s use
of words.
 Identify and state the theme of a literary piece
 Distinguish formal definition from informal definition of words
 Understand grammar and definition
 Know the elements and factors of public speaking
 Make generalizations from listening texts.
 Show how titles and advance organizers help in understanding
reading text.
 Use Reflexive and Intensive pronouns correctly.
 Understand structure and perspective as defining features of
persuasive texts.

TRANSFER GOAL: The learners should be able to write a persuasive paragraph explain
whether or not you agree with the speaker’s ideas and explain what
makes his speech persuasive or not.

EXPLORE Answer the following questions:
1. What is your idea of goodness?
2. How do you judge what is good or evil?
3. What makes up an author’s style or technique?
4. What makes the theme of ancient writings universal and timeless?
5. What is ana Effective Definition?
6. What factors contribute to public Speaking?
7. What information and generalizations may be derived from listening?
8. How important are titles and advance organizers in understanding new
FIRM UP Answer the following:
 Do Exercise page 13
 Do Exercise page 17-18
 Do Exercise page 20
 Do Exercise page 22
DEEPEN Answer the following:
 Do Exercise page 25
 Do Exercise page 26-27
 Do Exercise page 29-30
 Do Exercise page 32-34

TRANSFER Performance Task

Goal: Your task is to write and explain what makes his speech persuasive or not.

Role: Whether to agree or not to agree with the speaker.

Audience: The audience are the readers inside the school such as students, parents,
teachers, and administrators.

Situation: You are an about to write a paragraph explaining whether or not former US
President Barack Obama succeeds in persuading his audience with the points he
present on his speech for the victims of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings.

Product: Write a Persuasive Text

Values Integration:
 Advancement- moving ahead and up the ladder of life
 Virtuous- morally excellent
 Open Minded- ready to entertain new ideas


Using your own answers to writing exercise on pages 32-34 as guide, write a paragraph explaining
whether or not former US President Barack Obama succeeds in persuading his audience with points he presents
in his speech for the victims of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings. Remember that your goal is not to explain
whether or not you agree with the speaker’s ideas, but to explain what makes his speech persuasive or not.
Recall the essential points of the writing lesson on page 11.
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Content The paragraph is The paragraph is The paragraph is The paragraph is
insightful and mostly insightful insightful and lack of insight and
shows careful and shows careful careful thought. It shows careful
thought. It gives a thought. It gives a contains a weak thought. It hardly
clear explanation of fairly clear explanation of why contains any
why the text is explanation of why the text is explanation of why
persuasive or not. the text is persuasive or not. the text is
persuasive or not. persuasive or not.
Clarity of purpose The paragraph The paragraph The paragraph The paragraph does
achieves its purpose mostly achieves its mostly veers away not achieve its
of analyzing the purpose of from its purpose of purpose of
persuasiveness of analyzing the analyzing the analyzing the
the text. It does notpersuasiveness of persuasiveness of persuasiveness of
contain any opinion the text. It contains the text. It contain the text. It mostly
on the stand of the hints of opinion on opinion on the contain opinion on
author of the text. the stand of the stand of the author the stand of the
author of the text. of the text author of the text
Organization and All parts of the Most parts of the Many parts of the Many parts of the
Structure paragraph are paragraph are paragraph are not paragraph are not
connected logically. connected logically. connected logically. connected logically.
Use of language The words used in The words used in The words used in The words used in
the paragraph put the paragraph put the paragraph not the paragraph are
across the writer’s across most the clear or effective in mostly unclear and
ideas very clearly writer’s ideas many parts. ineffective.
and effectively. clearly and
Language and The writing shows The writing shows The writing shows The writing shows
writing conventions evident mastery of adequate mastery of some mastery of little mastery of
spelling, spelling, spelling, spelling,
punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, punctuation,
capitalization and capitalization, capitalization, capitalization,
previously learned grammar, grammar, grammar,
concepts of agreement and agreement and agreement and
grammar, usage. usage. usage.
agreement and
Saviour School
Bentley Park Subdivision 1870 Antipolo, Philippines
TIME 1:15-2:00 PM FIRST

TOPIC: Hector’s Farewell, Circe, Explaining Epithets, Recognizing Inversion,

Identifying and using Different kinds of Nominal Definition,
Understanding the Ethics of Public Speaking, Enhancing or repairing
spoken communication, comparing visual and reading text, using
Diagrams as aids to understanding, understanding the uses of modals,
Formulating statements of opinion or assertion
CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and
other text types serve as ways of expressing and resolving personal
conflicts, also how to use strategies in linking textual information,
repairing, enhancing communication public speaking, emphasis
in persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and intensive
PERFORMANCE The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a
STANDARD: variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
LEARNING The learners should be able to:
COMPETENCIES:  Explain the literary devices.
 Differentiate formal from informal definitions of words
 Describe and interpret the ethics of public speaking
 Examine how spoken communication may be repaired or
 Express the insights based on the ideas presented in the
material viewed
 Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers,
titles, nonlinear illustration, etc. on the understanding of a text
 Use modals
 Formulate a statement of opinion or assertion


 Recognize and Explain epithets.
 Recognize inversion in a sentence.
 Rewrite the parts of a sentence in their natural order.
 Distinguish and use different kinds of nominal definition
 Understand the ethics of public speaking
 Know how spoken communication may be repaired or enhance
 Show how diagrams help in understanding reading texts.
 Recognize modals and use them correctly
 Use rhetorical question, repetition and strong and powerful
language in formulating statements of opinion or assertion.

TRANSFER GOAL: The learners should be able to write statements of Opinion or Assertion
about social problems facing the Philippines at present.

EXPLORE Answer the following questions:
1. Have you heard of a persons sacrificing themselves for the sake of others?
2. What role do epithets play in the epics of Homer?
3. In inversion, what parts of a sentence may be reversed?
4. How does define a word using nominal definition?
5. What makes public Speaking proper and ethical?
6. What are the uses of modals?

FIRM UP Answer the following:

 Do Exercise page 43
 Do Exercise page 44-45
 Do Exercise page 50-53
 Do Exercise page 53-56
DEEPEN Answer the following:
 Do Exercise page 59-60
 Do Exercise page 62-63
 Do Exercise page 64
 Do Exercise page 65-66

TRANSFER Performance Task

Goal: Your task is to write and formulate statement of opinion or assertion.

Role: Choose three social problems facing the Philippines then make an assertion to

Audience: The audience are the readers inside the school such as students, parents,
teachers, and administrators.

Situation: You are an about to write a paragraph explaining the social problems of the
Philippines at present.

Product: Write Statement of Opinion or Assertion

Values Integration:
 Advancement- moving ahead and up the ladder of life
 Virtuous- morally excellent
 Open Minded- ready to entertain new ideas


Choose three current social problems facing the Philippines at present. For each social problem,
formulate a statement of opinion or assertion. Use different persuasive technique for each statement (i.e.,
rhetorical, question, repetition or strong and powerful language.
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Content The paragraph is The paragraph is The paragraph is The paragraph is
insightful and mostly insightful insightful and lack of insight and
shows careful and shows careful careful thought. It shows careful
thought. It gives a thought. It gives a contains a weak thought. It hardly
clear explanation of fairly clear explanation of why contains any
why the text is explanation of why the text is explanation of why
persuasive or not. the text is persuasive or not. the text is
persuasive or not. persuasive or not.
Clarity of purpose The paragraph The paragraph The paragraph The paragraph does
achieves its purpose mostly achieves its mostly veers away not achieve its
of analyzing the purpose of from its purpose of purpose of
persuasiveness of analyzing the analyzing the analyzing the
the text. It does not persuasiveness of persuasiveness of persuasiveness of
contain any opinion the text. It contains the text. It contain the text. It mostly
on the stand of the hints of opinion on opinion on the contain opinion on
author of the text. the stand of the stand of the author the stand of the
author of the text. of the text author of the text
Use of language The words used in The words used in The words used in The words used in
the paragraph put the paragraph put the paragraph not the paragraph are
across the writer’s across most the clear or effective in mostly unclear and
ideas very clearly writer’s ideas many parts. ineffective.
and effectively. clearly and
Language and The writing shows The writing shows The writing shows The writing shows
writing conventions evident mastery of adequate mastery of some mastery of little mastery of
spelling, spelling, spelling, spelling,
punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, punctuation,
capitalization and capitalization, capitalization, capitalization,
previously learned grammar, grammar, grammar,
concepts of agreement and agreement and agreement and
grammar, usage. usage. usage.
agreement and
Saviour School
Bentley Park Subdivision 1870 Antipolo, Philippines
TIME 1:15-2:00 PM FIRST

TOPIC: Icarus and Daedalus, Recognizing foreshadowing, Recognizing

Verisimilitude, Formulating Parenthetical Definition, Understanding
Verbal techniques in public speaking, Listening for Implicit and
Explicit Verbal Signals, Using tables and Charts as Aids to
Understanding, Using Intensifiers and Emphatic Tenses, Using Pathos
and Logos in Persuasive Writing
CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and
other text types serve as ways of expressing and resolving personal
conflicts, also how to use strategies in linking textual information,
repairing, enhancing communication public speaking, emphasis
in persuasive texts, different forms of modals, reflexive and intensive
PERFORMANCE The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a
STANDARD: variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
LEARNING The learners should be able to:
COMPETENCIES:  Explain literary devices used.
 Differentiate formal and informal definitions of words
 Describe the techniques in effecting public speaking
 Employ the techniques in public speaking in a sample
public speaking situation.
 Determine the roles of discourse markers in signaling the
functions of statements made.
 Determine the effect of textual aids like advance organizers,
titles, nonlinear illustration, etc. on the understanding of a
 Use words and expressions that emphasize a point.
 Compose short persuasive texts using a variety of
persuasive techniques and devices.


 Point out the elements and purpose of foreshadowing in a
 Identify realistic elements in fiction
 Write a parenthetical definitions
 Understand and apply the verbal features of spoken
 Recognize direct and indirect verbal spoken signals in a person
 Construct a table or chart based on a linear text.
 Recognize and use intensifiers and emphatic tenses in
 Use pathos and logos in short persuasive text.
TRANSFER GOAL: The learners should be able to compose a letter to the editor expressing
your thoughts and feelings about the subject of article and its impact to
other grade10 students.

EXPLORE Answer the following questions:
1. Have you ever been reckless in your life?
2. What caused you to be reckless?
3. What happened as a result of your recklessness?
4. How does foreshadowing enhance a narrative?
5. Have you ever done any act of kindness to a stranger?
6. How can a work of fiction be realistic?
7. How does parenthetical definition differ from nominal definition?
8. How important are pitch, volume, stress, intonation, rate and phrasing in
public speaking?
9. Why must the listener pay attention to verbal signals used by the speaker?

FIRM UP Answer the following:

 Do Exercise page 74
 Do Exercise page 76-77
 Do Exercise page 80
 Do Exercise page 85
DEEPEN Answer the following:
 Do Exercise page 87
 Do Exercise page 89
 Do Exercise page 90-91
 Do Exercise page 93-95

TRANSFER Performance Task

Goal: Your task is to compose a letter to the Editor

Role: Using what you have learned about persuasion and emphasis

Audience: The audience are the readers inside the school such as students, parents,
teachers, and administrators.

Situation: Find a recent news article, local or international, which makes you feel
concerned, anxious, uneasy or upset.

Product: Composing a letter to the Editor

Values Integration:
 Advancement- moving ahead and up the ladder of life
 Virtuous- morally excellent
 Open Minded- ready to entertain new ideas


Find a recent news article, local or international, which makes you feel concerned, anxious, uneasy or
upset. Using what you have learned about persuasion and emphasis, compose a letter to the editor expressing
your thoughts and feelings about the subject of the article, its impact on you as a Grade 10 student and its
implications for the country or for the world in general.
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Content The paragraph is The paragraph is The paragraph is The paragraph is
insightful and mostly insightful insightful and lack of insight and
shows careful and shows careful careful thought. It shows careful
thought. It gives a thought. It gives a contains a weak thought. It hardly
clear explanation of fairly clear explanation of why contains any
why the text is explanation of why the text is explanation of why
persuasive or not. the text is persuasive or not. the text is
persuasive or not. persuasive or not.
Use of Persuasion  The letter  The letter  The letter  The letter
and Emphasis clearly shows fairly shows uses neither
shows use of hardly use pathos and
effective use pathos and of pathos logos.
of pathos logos. and logos.  The letter
and logos.  The letter  The letter does not use
 The letter uses hardly intensifiers
uses intensifiers intensifiers and
intensifiers and and emphatic
and emphatic emphatic tenses.
emphatic tenses tenses
tenses fairly. correctly
correctly and
and effectively

Use of language The words used in The words used in The words used in The words used in
the paragraph put the paragraph put the paragraph not the paragraph are
across the writer’s across most the clear or effective in mostly unclear and
ideas very clearly writer’s ideas many parts. ineffective.
and effectively. clearly and
Language and The writing shows The writing shows The writing shows The writing shows
writing conventions evident mastery of adequate mastery of some mastery of little mastery of
spelling, spelling, spelling, spelling,
punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, punctuation,
capitalization and capitalization, capitalization, capitalization,
previously learned grammar, grammar, grammar,
concepts of agreement and agreement and agreement and
grammar, usage. usage. usage.
agreement and

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