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Life After Pandemic

Assalamu’alaikum. Wr. Wb. Good morning board of jury, my teacher, and all of the
audience. Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin we’re messing and blessing to Allah SWT and
our prophet Muhammad SAW who has guide for the darkness to the lightness.
First of all, I would like to introduce my self, my name is Bilqist Abigail Maleeka. I am
student of SDIT Insan Mulia Surakarta. I am in fifth grade. My home in Blulukan
Colomadu, Karanganyar.
At this beautiful moment, give me a chance to say a little about “Life After The
I was remember the life in the pandemic before. I am in 2nd grade at that moment,
its so really bored, I’m not going to school, I was only studied from our home or it’s
being called “DARING” using Phone Cellular or Laptop. I didn’t met my friends,
everywhere I go I have to wore mask, cleaned my hands, keep distance from other
people. It was really not fun for me because I could not go everywhere safely
because of corona virus everywhere and not only me but all of us is forced to stay at
home during the pandemic covid 19.
But now, 2 years after the pandemic Covid 19, life after the pandemic is begin, I am
feel happy because I can go to school again, I can meet my teachers and play with
all of my friends in the school, in the society, or in the public place. I can go
everywhere with my family, But the most important things that I am still not forget to
keep healthy protocol. Because of the pandemic is not really really over.
Our goverment said that we must be take carefully about corona virus and have to
keep healty protocol. Our life after the pandemic will never be the same again, our
habits will change, we must aware about our cleanliness start from our body, our
home, and also our school. We also have to aware about our food that we consume,
maybe we can reduce buying food from the outside or eventhough buy from the
outside we must see about the healthy protocol of its restaurant. Eventhough the life
after pandemic is not really be the same again from the life before the pandemic, but
we have to believe that everything happens for a reason and Allah SWT decision is
the best decision. We would be stronger, better and braver than before because
pandemic gives us many lessons.
I think thats enough a little story from me about “The life after pandemic”, keep
healthy, keep stronger and being happy for all of us.
Thank you for the opportunity that has been given to me.

Wassalamuallaikum wr.wb

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