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Chapter 7

Reproductive &
Genitourinary Systems
I. Introduction:
Openly talking about sexual anatomy, sexuality, and power structure surrounding these topics is
not only a requirement for providing optimal care as a physician but also beneficial to the society
as a whole. Better sex education not only prevents injuries and STIs but also empowers
individuals to take control of their own body. Listening and being empathetic to the experience
of people who are of a different sex, gender identity, or sexuality is the foundation for recognizing
the unjust nature of cisheteropatriarchy and creating a more just social structure. It is thus our
job as physicians (and as decent human beings) to hold safe spaces for people of all background
and identifications – sexes, genders, sexualities, races, ethnicities…
Sex education is lacking in mainland China to say the least, briefly covering anatomy but
remaining silent on sexual activity, sexuality, and contraception, and safe sex practices. With an
official policy of promoting traditional ideals, the Chinese government maintains the traditional
gender roles and criminalizes the distribution of information for and about the LGBTQIA+
communities. These policies and social power structures are reflected in the terminology used in
describing reproductive anatomy and the LGBTQIA+ communities, with some terminologies
being inaccurate while others offensive. This chapter will make note of these terminologies and
provide some alternatives.

II. Vocabulary:
Sex shēng lǐ xìng bié
生 理性别 1 生理性別
Gender shè huì xìng bié
社会性别 社會性別
Sexual orientation xìng qǔ xiàng
性取 向 性取向
LGBTQIA+ xìng shǎo shù qún tǐ
性少数群体 性少數群體
Gay/Lesbian tóng xìng liàn
同性恋 同性戀
Bisexual shuāngxìng liàn
双 性恋 雙性戀
Asexual wú xìng liàn
无性恋 2 無性戀
Pansexual fàn xìng liàn
泛性恋 泛性戀
Transgender kuà xìng bié
跨性别 3 跨性別
Genderfluid liú xìng xìng bié liú dòng zhě
流性/性别流 动 者 流性/性別流動者
Gender nonbinary fēi
èr yuán xìng bié
Queer “酷儿” 4
kù ér
Intersex shuāngxìng rén
双 性人 雙性人
Pronoun rén chēng dài cí
人 称 代词 人稱代詞
Heterosexual yì xìng liàn
异性恋 異性戀
Sexual partner xìng bàn lǚ
性伴侣 性伴侶
Masturbation zì wèi
自慰 5 自慰
Intercourse xìng jiāo
性交/性行为 6
xìng xíng wéi
Penetrative sex chā rù shì xìng jiāo
插入式性交 插入式性交
Oral sex kǒu jiāo
口交 口交
Anal sex gāng jiāo
肛交 肛交
Pregnancy huái yùn
怀孕 懷孕
Labor fēn miǎn shēngchǎn
分娩 / 生 产 7 分娩/生產
Contraction zhèntòng
阵痛 陣痛
Vaginal discharge bái dài
白带 白帶
Lactation mì

Breast feed bǔ

Menstruation yuè jīng lái cháo
月经来潮/例假/大姨妈 8
lì jià dà yí mā
Menses jīng xuè
经血 經血
Erection bó

Orgasm gāo cháo
高潮 高潮
Ejaculation shè jīng
射精 射精
Sex drive xìng yù
性欲 性欲
Puberty qīngchūn qī
青春 期 青春期
Menarche yuè jīng chū cháo
月经初潮 月經初潮
Menopause gēng nián qī
更 年期 更年期
Gonadotropin releasing cù xìng xiàn jī
sù shì fàng jī sù
Follicle stimulating hormone luǎn pāo cì
jī sù
Luteinizing hormone cù huáng tǐ shēngchéng sù
促黄体生 成素 促黃體生成素
Prolactin cuī rǔ

Androgen xióng xìng jī
雄 性激素

Estrogen cí
jī sù
Testosterone gāo wán tóng
睾丸酮 睾丸酮
Progesterone yùn tóng huáng tǐ tóng
孕酮/ 黄 体酮 孕酮/黃體酮
Human Chorionic róngmáo mó cù xìng xiàn jī

Reproductive Anatomy
Breast rǔ fáng
rǔ xiàn
Genital shēng zhí
生 殖器

Pelvic floor gǔ pén dǐ

Fallopian tube shū luǎn guǎn
输卵 管 輸卵管
Ovary luǎn cháo
卵巢 卵巢
Corpus luteum huáng tǐ
黄体 黃體
Uterus zǐ gōng
子宫 子宮
Endometrium zǐ gōng nèi mó
子 宫 内膜 子宮內膜
Myometrium zǐ gōng jī céng
子 宫 肌层 子宮肌層
Cervix zǐ gōng jǐng
子宫 颈 子宮頸
Vagina yīn dào
阴道 陰道
Labia minora xiǎo yīn chún
小阴唇 小陰唇
Labia majora dà yīn chún
大阴唇 大陰唇
Clitoris yīn dì
阴蒂 陰蒂
Hymen chǔ nǚ mó
处女膜 9 處女膜
Bartholin’s Gland bā shì xiàn qián tíng dà xiàn
巴氏腺/前庭大腺 巴氏腺/前庭大腺
Penis yīn jīng
阴茎 陰莖
Foreskin bāo pí
包皮 包皮
Erectile tissue bó
qǐ zǔ zhī
Testis gāo wán
睾丸 睾丸
Scrotum yīn náng
阴囊 陰囊
Vas Deferens shū jīng guǎn
输精 管 輸精管
Seminal Vesicle jīng náng xiàn
精囊腺 精囊腺
Inguinal canal fù
腹股沟 管
gǔ gōu guǎn
Ovum luǎn zǐ
卵子 卵子
Sperm jīng zǐ
精子 精子
Semen jīng yè
精液 精液
Fertilization shòu jīng
受精 受精
Embryo pēi tāi
shòu jīng luǎn
Amniotic fluid yáng shuǐ
羊水 羊水
Amniotic sac yáng shuǐ mó
羊水膜 羊水膜
Placenta tāi pán
胎盘 胎盤
Umbilical cord qí dài
脐带 臍帶
Fetus tāi
Baby yīng ér
婴儿 嬰兒
Urinary Anatomy
Bladder pángguāng
膀胱 膀胱
Urethra niào dào
尿道 尿道
Urethral opening niào dào kǒu
尿道口 尿道口
External/Internal urethral niào dào wài
nèi kuò yuē jī
Ureter shū niàoguǎn
输尿 管 輸尿管
Kidney shènzàng
肾脏 腎臟
Prostate qián liè xiàn
前列腺 前列腺
Irregular menstruation yuè jīng bù guī lǜ
月经不规律 月經不規律
Heavy menstruation yuè jīng guò duō
月经过多 月經過多
Amenorrhea bì jīng
wú yuè jīng
Spotting shǎoliàng chū xuè
少 量出血 少量出血
Dysmenorrhea tòng jīng
痛经 痛經
Abnormal vaginal discharge bái dài yì cháng
白带异 常 白帶異常
Hot flash cháo rè
zào rè
Hematuria niào xiě
尿血 尿血
Proteinuria dàn bái niào
蛋白尿 蛋白尿
Dysuria niàotòng
pái niào kùn nan
Incontinence shī jìn
失禁 失禁
Urinary retention niào zhì liú
niào bú jìn
Frequent urination niào pín
尿频 尿頻
Ectopic pregnancy zǐ gōng wài yùn
子 宫 外孕 子宮外孕
Pre-eclampsia xiān zhào zǐ xián
先兆子痫 先兆子癇
Eclampsia zǐ xián
子痫 子癇
Miscarriage liú chǎn
流产 流產
Postpartum hemorrhage chǎn hòu dà chū xuè
产后大出血 產後大出血
Gender dysphoria xìng bié jiāo lǜ zhèng xìng bié rèn tóngzhàng ài
性别焦虑 症 /性别认同 障 碍 性別焦慮症/性別認同障礙
UTI niào lù gǎn rǎn
尿路感染 尿路感染
Bartholin’s cyst qián tíng dà xiàn nángzhǒng
前庭大腺 囊 肿 前庭大腺囊腫
Vaginitis yīn dào yán
阴道炎 陰道炎
Endometriosis zǐ gōng nèi mó yì wèi
子 宫 内膜异位 子宮內膜異位
Yeast infection jiào mǔ jūn gǎn rǎn
酵母菌感染 酵母菌感染
Pelvic inflammatory disease pén qiāng yán
盆腔炎 盆腔炎
PCOS duō nángluǎn cháozōng hé zhēng
多 囊 卵巢 综 合 征 多囊卵巢綜合征
Ovarian cyst luǎn cháonángzhǒng
卵巢 囊 肿 卵巢囊腫
Uterine Fibroids zǐ gōng jī
子 宫 肌瘤
Cervical cancer gōng jǐng ái
宫 颈癌 宮頸癌
Ovarian cancer luǎn cháo ái
卵巢癌 卵巢癌
Prolapse xià chuí
tuō chuí
Undescended testis gāo wán wèi jiàng
睾丸未降 睾丸未降
Erectile dysfunction bó
勃起 障 碍
qǐ zhàng ài
Benign prostate hypertrophy liáng xìng qián liè xiàn zēngshēng
良性前列腺增 生 良性前列腺增生
Prostatitis qián liè xiàn yán
前列腺炎 前列腺炎
Prostate cancer qián liè xiàn ái
前列腺癌 前列腺癌
Testicular cancer gāo wán ái
睾丸癌 睾丸癌
Infertility bú yùn bú yù
不孕不育 不孕不育
STI xìng chuán bō gǎn rǎn
性 传 播感染/性病
xìng bìng
HIV rén tǐ miǎn yì quē sǔn bìng dú
人体免 疫缺损病毒/ 人體免疫缺損病毒/
ài zī bìng bìng dú 愛滋病病毒
AIDS huò dé xìng miǎn yì quē xiàn zōng hé zh
获得性免 疫缺陷 综 合症/ 獲得性免疫缺陷綜合症/愛
ài zī bìng 滋病
HPV rén rǔ tóu zhuàng liú bìng dú
人乳头 状 瘤病毒 人乳頭狀瘤病毒
Trichomoniasis máo dī chóng bìng
毛滴 虫 病 毛滴蟲病
Chlamydia yī yuán tǐ bìng
衣原体病 衣原體病
Gonorrhea lín bìng
淋病 淋病
Herpes pào zhěn
疱疹 皰疹
Syphilis méi dú
梅毒 梅毒
Lice shī
Kidney stone shèn jié shí
肾结石 腎結石
Acute kidney injury jí xìng shèn sǔn shāng
急性肾损 伤 急性腎損傷
Chronic kidney disease màn xìng shèn bìng
慢性肾病 慢性腎病
Renal failure shènshuāi jié
肾 衰竭 腎衰竭
Hydronephrosis shèn shuǐ zhǒng shèn yú
肾水 肿 /肾盂积水
jī shuǐ
Polycystic kidney disease duō nángshèn bìng
多 囊 肾病 多囊腎病
Dehydration tuō shuǐ
脱水 脫水
Intimate partner violence bàn lǚ bào lì
伴侣暴力 伴侶暴力
Sexual violence xìng bào lì
性暴力 性暴力
Rape qiáng jiān
强奸 強姦
Serum creatinine xuè qīng jī gān
血清肌酐 血清肌酐
Blood urea nitrogen xuè niào sù
血尿素 血尿素
Urinalysis niào yè fēn xī
尿液分析 尿液分析
Urine culture niào yè péi yǎng
尿液培养 尿液培養
Pregnancy test yàn yùn
验孕 驗孕
Speculum kuī jù
窥具/扩 张 器
kuò zhāng qì
Pelvic exam pén qiāng jiǎn chá
盆 腔 检查 盆腔檢查
Cervical exam zǐ gōng jǐng jiǎn chá
子 宫 颈检查 子宮頸檢查
Pap smear gōng jǐng tú piàn
宫 颈涂片 宮頸塗片
Biopsy huó jiǎn
活检 活檢
Transvaginal ultrasound yīn dào chāoshēng jiǎn chá
阴道超 声 检查 陰道超聲檢查
Fetal ultrasound tāi ér chāoshēng bō jiǎn chá
胎儿超 声 波检查 胎兒超聲波檢查
Mammography rǔ fáng
乳房X 光
乳房 X 光
Prostate exam qián liè xiàn jiǎn chá
前列腺检查 前列腺檢查
Prostate specific antigen qián liè xiàn tè
前列腺特异抗 原
yì kàngyuán
Genetic testing jī
yīn jiǎn cè
Antibiotics kàngshēng sù
抗生素 抗生素
Laparoscopy fù qiāng jìng jiǎn chá
腹 腔 镜检查 腹腔鏡檢查
Lumpectomy zhǒng kuài qiē chú shù
肿 块切除术 腫塊切除術
Mastectomy rǔ fáng qiē chú shù
乳房切除术 乳房切除術
Oophorectomy luǎn cháo qiē chú shù
卵巢切除术 卵巢切除術
Hysterectomy zǐ gōng qiē chú shù
子 宫 切除术 子宮切除術
Tubal ligation shū luǎn guǎn jié
输卵 管 结扎

Circumcision bāo pí huán gē shù
包皮 环 割术/割包皮
gē bāo pí
Prostatectomy qián liè xiàn qiē chú shù
前列腺切除术 前列腺切除術
Vasectomy shū jīng guǎn jié
输精 管 结扎术
zā shù
zuò yuè zi
坐月子10 Post-delivery care 坐月子
C-section pōu fù chǎn
剖腹产 剖腹產
Episiotomy huì yīn qiē kāi shù
会阴切开术 會陰切開術
In vitro fertilization tǐ wài shòu jīng
体外受精/试 管 婴儿
shì guǎn yīng ér
Abortion rén gōng liú chǎn duò tāi
人 工 流产/堕胎 人工流產/墮胎
Birth control bì yùn
避孕/节育/计划 生 育
jié yù jì huà shēng yù
Birth control pill bì yùn yào
避孕药 避孕藥
IUD jié yù
节育器/宫 内避孕器
qì gōng nèi bì yùn qì
Condom bì yùn tào
避孕套 避孕套
PrEP ài zī bào lù qián yù fáng yào
艾滋暴露前预防药 艾滋暴露前預防藥
(HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis)
Lubrication rùn huá yè
润滑液 潤滑液
Tampons wèi shēngmián tiáo
卫 生 棉条 衛生棉條
Menstrual pad wèi shēng jīn
卫生巾 衛生巾
Menstrual cup yuè jīng bēi
月经杯 月經杯
Diuretics lì niào yào
利尿药 利尿藥
Dialysis tòu xī
透析 透析
Arterial venous fistula dòng jìng mài lòu
动 静脉瘘 動靜脈瘺
Kidney transplant shènzàng yí
肾 脏移植
Pelvic muscle exercise gǔ pén dǐ
骨盆底肌运 动
jī yùn dòng
Adult diaper chéng rén niào bù shī
成 人尿不湿 成人尿不濕
Catheter dǎo niàoguǎn
导尿 管 導尿管
Hormone replacement therapy 激 jī sù tì dài zhì liáo
素替代治疗 激素替代治療
Gender affirming surgery xìng bié kěn dìngshǒu shù
性别肯定手术/ 性別肯定手術/性別變更手
xìng bié biàn gēngshǒu shù 術
性别变 更 手术
Police report jǐng fāng bào gào
警方报告 警方報告
Counseling xīn
lǐ zī xún
Social support shè jiāo zhī chí
社交支持 社交支持
III. Cultural and Translation notes:
xìng bié
1. In mandarin, sex and gender are the same word – “性别 ”, which does not differentiate
between the anatomical, social, and self-identification of sex and gender. Sex is better
shēng lǐ xìng bié
translated as “ 生 理性别 ” to emphasize the assigned anatomy, while gender is better
shè huì xìng bié
translated as “社会性别” to emphasize the self and social identity aspect. Similarly, legal sex
fǎ lǜ xìng bié
can be translated as “法律性别”.
wú xìng liàn xìng lěng dàn
2. “无性恋” and “性冷淡” are two different concepts. The former translates to “asexual” while
the latter translates to “lack of sex drive”.
biàn xìng
3. “变性” (change gender) is the colloquial term for transgender and is inaccurate. The academic
yì xìng bìng yì xìng pǐ
term for “transgender” in Mandarin is “易性病/易性癖”, which is also problematic as it labels
yì zhuāng pǐ
transgender as a “medical condition” or a “bad habit”. Lastly, “异 装 癖” is used to describe
kuà xìng bié
crossdressing, not transgender. In summary, “跨性别” is currently the better terminology for
describing “transgender”.
kù ér
4. There is no official translation of queer in mandarin, however, “酷儿” is one accepted by
the LGBTQIA+ community.
zì yín
5. Another term for masturbation in mandarin is “自淫”, which one should avoid using because
“淫” has the meaning of “inappropriate sexual activities”.
zuò ài fáng shì tóngfáng
6. “做爱/房事/同房” are colloquial terms for sexual activity.
7. “ 生 产” means “giving birth” in the medical context, but it also means “production” in the
context of economics. This is the reason why labor and delivery ward is called “产房”, and C-
pōu fù chǎn fēn miǎn
section is “剖腹产” in mandarin. To avoid confusion, “分娩 ” is a better term to use when
referring to delivering a baby.
lì jià dà yí mā
8. “例假/大姨妈” are colloquial terms for menstruation.
chǔ nǚ mó
9. Although “处女膜” is the academic term for hymen in Chinese, it directly translates to “virgin
membrane” which is an inaccurate and harmful term. Here we recognize the inadequacy in
terminology but cannot provide a better translation since the word is widely accepted in
zuò yuè zi
10. 坐月子 is the traditional practice of post-delivery care for 6 weeks after delivery. Traditionally,
the practice includes avoiding teeth brushing, showering, excess water intake, cold wind
exposure, and cold foods. There are also dedicated facilities specifically catering towards
post-partum and newborn care.
IV. Practice:
Interview phrases:
What are your pronouns?
nín yòngshén me rén chēng dài cí
您 用 什么人 称 代词?


How would you describe your sexual orientation?

nín rú hé miáo shù nín de xìng qǔ xiàng
您如何描 述您的性取 向 ?


What is the gender of your sexual partner?

nín de xìng jiāo duì xiàng shì shén me xìng bié
您的性交对 象 是什么性别?


When was the last time you had your period? Is your period regular?
nín shàng cì lái yuè jīng shì shén me shí hou nín yuè jīng yǒu guī lǜ ma
您 上 次来月经是什么时候?您月经有规律吗?


Are you sexually active? What protection do you use during sex? Do you have plans for having
children? Are you taking any measures for birth control?
nín yǒu xìng shēng huó ma zài xìng jiāo shí nín yòng bǎo hù cuò shī ma nín yǒu huái yùn de jì huà ma nín yǒu rèn hé bì yùn cuò shī ma
您有性 生 活吗?在性交时您 用 保护措施吗?您有怀孕的计划吗?您有任何避孕措施吗?


We recommend getting a mammogram every year after age 45 and pap smear every three
years from age 21 to 65.
wǒ men jiàn yì suì yǐ hòu měi nián zuò yī cì rǔ fáng guāng jiǎn chá suì dào suì měi sān nián zuò yī cì gōng jǐng tú piàn jiǎn chá
我们建议45岁以后每年做一次乳房X 光 检查,21岁到65岁每三年做一次 宫 颈涂片检查。

我們建議 45 歲以後每年做一次乳房 X 光檢查,21 歲到 65 歲每三年做一次宮頸塗片檢


The urine pregnancy test detects the presence of hCG in urine, it is highly sensitive.
niào yè yùn jiǎn kě yǐ jiǎn yàn niào yè zhōng shì fǒu cún zài róngmáo mó cù xìng xiàn jī sù jiǎn cè shì fēi chángzhǔn què de
尿液孕检可以检验尿液 中 是否存在绒毛膜促性腺激素,检测是非 常 准 确的。

How may pregnancies have you had in the past? How many have come to term?
nín yǐ qián yǒu huái yùn guò duō shǎo cì fēn miǎn guò duō shǎo cì
您以前有怀孕过多少次?分娩 过多少次?


Condom is not only for preventing pregnancy, it is also a way to prevent STI.
shǐ yòng bì yùn tào bù zhǐ fáng zhǐ huái yùn hái shì yù fáng xìng chuán bō gǎn rǎn de yī zhǒng fāng fǎ
使 用 避孕套不只防止怀孕,还是预防性 传 播感染的一 种 方法。


Do you have any pain while peeing? How often do you use the restroom? Do you feel like the
bladder is full even after peeing?
nín xiǎo biàn shí yǒu rèn hé téngtòng ma nín qù wèi shēng jiān yǒu duō pín fán nín xiǎo biàn wán yǐ hòu yǒu gǎn jué pángguāng hái shì mǎn de ma
您小便时有任何疼痛吗?您去卫 生 间有多频繁?您小便完以后有感觉 膀 胱 还是满的吗?


Do you experience urine leakage when you cough or sneeze?

nín zài ké sou huò dǎ pēn ti de shí hou yǒu niào yè lòu chū ma


Explain conditions:
Hepatitis B is common among Asians, and like many STI, it can be spread by blood, childbirth,
and sex.
yǐ gān zài yà yì zhōngcháng jiàn hé hěn duō xìng chuán bō gǎn rǎn yí yàng yǐ gān kě tōng guò xuè yè fēn miǎn hé xìng jiāo chuán bō
乙肝在亚裔 中 常 见。和很多性 传 播感染一样,乙肝可通过血液,分娩 ,和性交 传 播。


Benign prostate hyperplasia is a common cause of urinary retention and incontinence in men.
But to be safe, I would suggest a prostate exam and prostate specific antigen test to rule out
liáng xìng qián liè xiàn zēngshēng shì nán xìng niào zhì liú hé shī jìn de cháng jiàn yuán yīn dàn bǎo xiǎn qǐ jiàn wǒ jiàn yì zuò yī gè qián liè xiàn jiǎn
良性前列腺增 生 是男性尿滞留和失禁的 常 见原因。但保险起见,我建议做一个前列腺检
chá hé qián liè xiàn tè yì kàngyuán jiǎn chá pái chú ái zhèng
查和前列腺特异抗 原检查排除癌 症 。

Cervical cancer is preventable through the HPV vaccine, so it is important for everyone of
appropriate age to be vaccinated against HPV.
gōng jǐng ái kě yǐ tōng guò yì miáo yù fáng suǒ yǐ shì dàng nián líng de měi gè rén dōu jiē zhòng yì miáo yù fáng shì hěn zhòng yào
宫 颈癌可以通过HPV疫苗 预防,所以适 当 年龄的每个人都接 种 疫苗 预防HPV是很 重 要

宮頸癌可以通過 HPV 疫苗預防,所以適當年齡的每個人都接種疫苗預防 HPV 是很重要


Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is marked by higher levels of androgens in females and is a
cause of infertility. Contraception pills containing estrogen and progesterone are often used to
treat this condition.
duō nángluǎn cháozōng hé zhēng de tè zhēng shì nǚ xìng de xióng xìng jī sù shuǐ píng jiào gāo shì bú yùn bú yù de yuán yīn zhī yī hán yǒu cí
多 囊 卵巢 综 合 征 的特 征 是女性的 雄 性激素水平较高,是不孕不育的原因之一。含有雌
jī sù hé yùn tóng de bì yùn yào chángchángyòng lái zhì liáo cǐ jí bìng
激素和孕酮的避孕药 常 常 用 来治疗此疾病。


Extremely painful and irregular periods are not normal and can be a sign of endometriosis.
jí qí tòng hé bù guī lǜ de yuè jīng shì bù zhèngcháng de kě néng shì zǐ gōng nèi mó yì wèi de zhēngzhào
极其痛和不规律的月经是不 正 常 的,可 能 是子 宫 内膜异位的 征 兆。


Breast cancer can be detected earlier with monthly self-breast exams. The best time to do this
is about 3-5 days after your period starts. Gently use three fingers to feel all around your breast
for lumps or other abnormal changes. You should get yearly mammograms at age 45.
měi yuè zì jǐ jiǎn chá rǔ fáng kě yǐ gèng zǎo fā xiàn rǔ xiàn ái zuì hǎo de jiǎn chá shí jiān shì yuè jīng lái cháo hòu sān dào wǔ tiān qīng qīng
每月自己检查乳房可以 更 早发现乳腺癌。最好的检查时间是月经来潮后三到五天。轻轻
yòng sān gēn shǒu zhǐ chù mō rǔ fáng yī quān xún zhǎozhǒng kuài huò qí tā yì cháng gǎi biàn nín yīng gāi suì hòu měi nián zhào yī cì rǔ fáng
用 三根手指触摸乳房一 圈 ,寻找 肿 块或其他异 常 改变。您应该45岁后每年照一次乳房X-
guāng piàn
光 片。

三根手指觸摸乳房一圈,尋找腫塊或其他異常改變。您應該 45 歲後每年照一次乳房 X-光

There are different forms of birth control including hormones, IUD, implantable devices, and
bì yùn fāng fǎ yǒu hěn duō zhǒng lì rú jī sù gōng nèi bì yùn qì zhí rù shì zhuāng zhì hé shǒu shù
避孕方法有很多 种 ,例如激素,宫 内避孕器,植入式 装 置,和手术。

Practice interview:
Ms. Qiu, a 50 year-old-female with past medical history of hypothyroidism, present to the
primary care clinic with chief compliant of painful and frequent urination. You, a medical
student, are asked by your preceptor to acquire a full history.

Hi, Ms. Qiao. My name is _______, a medical student working under Dr. Williams. Is it okay for
me to talk with you first? I will then report to Dr. Williams.
nín hǎo qiáo nǚ shì wǒ shì shì yī shēng jiān dū de yī xué shēng wǒ néng xiān hé nín jiāo tán yí xià
您好乔女士,我是___________,是Williams医 生 监督的医学 生 。我 能 先和您交谈一下
ma wǒ rán hòu huì hé yī shēng bào gào nín de qíngkuàng
吗?我然后会和Williams医 生 报告您的情 况 。

您好喬女士,我是___________,是 Williams 醫生監督的醫學生。我能先和您交談一下

嗎?我然後會和 Williams 醫生報告您的情況。

Sure, no problem.
hǎo de méi wèn tí
好的,没问题。| 好的,沒問題。

So what brings you in today?

jīn tiān nín lái yǒu shén me dān xīn de ma
今天您来有什么担心的吗?| 今天您來有什麼擔心的嗎?

I have been peeing very frequently these two days, and it hurts when I pee. I heard from my
coworker it maybe a sexually transmitted disease, so I wanted to rush over to get it checked
wǒ zhè liǎng tiān xiǎo biàn tè bié pín fán ér qiě xiǎo biàn de shí hou huì téng wǒ tīng tóng shì shuō zhè shì dé le xìng bìng suǒ yǐ xiǎng gǎn jǐn
我这两天小便特别频繁,而且小便的时候会疼。我听同事说这是得了性病,所以 想 赶紧
guò lái chá chá


Can you describe the pain to me?

nín néngxiàng wǒ miáo shù téngtòng de gǎn jué ma
您 能 向 我描 述疼痛的感觉吗?| 您能向我描述疼痛的感覺嗎?

It is a burning sensation, especially when I am peeing. Right here. (points to lower pelvic region)
jiù yǒu zhuóshāo de gǎn jué xiǎo biàn de shí hou tè bié de téng jiù zài zhè lǐ
就有灼 烧的感觉,小便的时候特别的疼,就在这里。

Is there pain anywhere else on your body? Such as your lower back or stomach?
yǒu shēn tǐ rèn hé qí tā dì fāngténg ma bǐ rú shuō nín de yāo huò zhě dù zi


No, it doesn’t hurt anywhere else, only right here.

bù qí tā dì fāng bù téng jiù zhǐ yǒu zhè lǐ
不,其他地方不疼,就只有这里。| 不,其他地方不疼,就只有這裡。

You said you have frequent urination, how many times in a day?
nín shuō nín xiǎo biàn pín fán yì tiān duō shǎo cì ne
您说您小便频繁,一天多少次呢?| 您說您小便頻繁,一天多少次呢?

About 2 to 3 an hour, waking up at night to go to the restroom too. It really is annoying. To use
the restroom less I had to drink less water, now you see my lips are chap because of
yí gè xiǎo shí liǎng sān cì ba wǎn shang hái yào qǐ lái qù shàng cè suǒ zhēn de shì hěn má fan wèi le bù shàng cè suǒ wǒ zhǐ néngshǎo
一个小时两三次吧,晚 上 还要起来去 上 厕所,真的是很麻烦。为了不 上 厕所我只 能 少
hē shuǐ nǐ kàn wǒ xiàn zài tuō shuǐ zuǐ chún dōu liè le
喝水,你看我现在脱水嘴唇 都裂了。


Did you notice anything that may have caused your symptoms?
nín yǒu zhù yì dào rèn hé kě néng yǐn qǐ nín zhèngzhuàng de yuán yīn ma
您有注意到任何可 能 引起您 症 状 的原因吗?


It is so embarrassing to talk about. Me and my husband had sex the day before the pain started.
We rarely have sex, and I was dry down there, a little bit painful too. I haven’t had a period for a
long time, so we didn’t use a condom. That’s why I am afraid I had a STI!
jiǎng qǐ lái hěn diū rén ā zài zhè téngtòng kāi shǐ zhī qián nà tiān wǒ hé wǒ zhàng fu yǒu zuò guò fáng shì wǒ men hěn shǎo yǒu fáng shì wǒ
讲起来很丢人啊。在这疼痛开始之前那天我和我 丈 夫有做过房事,我们很少有房事,我
xià mian hěn gàn yǒu diǎn téng wǒ hǎo cháng shí jiān méi lái guò dà yí mā le jiù méi yòng bì yùn tào suǒ yǐ wǒ jiù pà shì dé le xìng
下面 很干,有点疼。我好 长 时间没来过大姨妈了,就没 用 避孕套,所以我就怕是得了性
bìng ā


I see, and we will definitely address your concerns. How long have you not had a period?
wǒ lǐ jiě le wǒ men yí dìng huì jiě jué nín suǒ dān xīn de wèn tí nín yǒu duō cháng shí jiān méi yǒu lái yuè jīng le
我理解了,我们一定会解决您所担心的问题。您有多 长 时间没有来月经了?


My period has been irregular this year, unlike before. Last time was about 3 months ago. I know
I am about to enter menopause, and once I felt a flush on my face. I heard from others that hot
flashes are normal.
wǒ dà yí mā zhè yì nián yì zhí hěn bù guī lǜ bú xiàng yǐ qián nà yàng shàng cì lái yǒu gè yuè le ba wǒ zhī dào wǒ zhè shì chà bú
我大姨妈这一年一直很不规律,不 像 以前那样。 上 次来有3个月了吧。我知道我这是差不
duō gēng nián qī le dí què yǒu gǎn jué dào yī cì tū rán liǎn hóng fā rè tīng bié rén shuōcháo rè hěn zhèngcháng
多 更 年期了,的确有感觉到一次突然脸 红 发热,听别人说 潮热很 正 常 。

我大姨媽這一年一直很不規律,不像以前那樣。上次來有 3 個月了吧。我知道我這是差不

Hot flashes are indeed normal for menopause, and so is irregular periods. Going back to your
urine, did you notice any blood or cloudiness?
gēng nián qī cháo rè dí què hěn zhèngcháng lái yuè jīng bù guī lǜ yě shì huí dào shàng yī gè huà tí nín yǒu zhù yì dào xiǎo biàn dài xuè
更 年期潮热的确很 正 常 ,来月经不规律也是。回到 上 一个话题,您有注意到小便带血
huò hún zhuó ma
或混浊 吗?


I didn’t pay much attention, but there shouldn’t be anything red in there.
wǒ méi zěn me zhù yì dàn yīng gāi méi yǒu hóng sè de
我没怎么注意,但应该没有 红 色的。| 我沒怎麼注意,但應該沒有紅色的。

Do you have any other symptoms that are bothering you? Any fever, chills, or pain? Or vaginal
nín yǒu rèn hé qí tā zhèngzhuàng zài dǎ jiǎo nín ma rèn hé fā shāo fā lěng huò zhě téngtòng yǒu bái dài yì cháng ma
您有任何其他 症 状 在打搅您吗?任何发烧,发冷,或者疼痛?有白带异 常 吗?


No, nothing else?

méi yǒu shén me qí tā wèn tí
没有什么其他问题。| 沒有什麼其他問題。

I would like to ask some questions about your medical history. How is your health condition?
wǒ xiǎng duì nín de bìng shǐ wèn jǐ gè wèn tí nín jiàn kāngzhuàngkuàng rú hé
我 想 对您的病史问几个问题。您健康 状 况 如何?

I have thyroid problem, but no issues when I am taking thyroid hormone. Oh and 10 years ago
after I had my daughter, there were a period of time when I couldn’t hold my pee, but it got
better gradually. This has no relationship to what I have currently, right?
wǒ jiǎ zhuàng xiàn yǒu wèn tí bú guò chī le jiǎ zhuàng xiàn jī sù jiù méi shén me wèn tí ò shí duō nián qián wǒ shēng wǒ nǚ ér yǐ
我甲 状 腺有问题,不过吃了甲 状 腺激素就没什么问题。哦,十多年前我 生 我女儿以
hòu yǒu duàn shí jiān xiǎo biàn biē bú zhù hòu lái màn màn hǎo le zhè hé wǒ xiàn zài zhè qíngkuàng méi shén me guān xì ba
后,有 段 时间小便憋不住,后来慢慢好了。这和我现在这情 况 没什么 关 系吧?


I will relay this information to the doctor, thank you for telling me. Are you taking any
medication or supplement right now other than the thyroid hormone?
wǒ huì jiāng zhè xìn xī zhuǎn dá gěi yī shēng de xiè xiè nín gào sù wǒ chú le jiǎ zhuàng xiàn jī sù yǐ wài nín hái yǒu fú yòng rèn hé
我会将这信息 转 达给医 生 的,谢谢您告诉我。除了甲 状 腺激素以外,您还有服 用 任何
yào pǐn huò bǎo jiàn pǐn ma


I bought fish oil and vitamin specifically for women, I take them sometimes.
wǒ mǎi le yú gān yóu hé zhuānmén gěi fù nǚ de wéi shēng sù yǒu shí hou huì chī
我买了鱼肝油和 专 门给妇女的维 生 素,有时候会吃。


I see. The doctor will most likely order a urine test, and I will tell her that you would like to be
tested for STI. We would likely do a pregnancy test just in case. Does that sound like a plan?
wǒ zhī dào le yī shēng hěn kě néng huì dìng yī gè niào yè cè shì wǒ huì gào sù tā nín xiǎng yào xìng bìng jiǎn cè wǒ men yě kě néng yào
我知道了。医 生 很可 能 会订一个尿液测试,我会告诉她您 想 要性病检测。我们也可 能 要
zuò yī gè yùn jiǎn yǐ fáng wàn yī zhè ge jì huà tīng shàng qù zěn me yàng
做一个孕检,以防万一。这个计划听 上 去怎么样?


Sure, do the tests that should be done.

hǎo de gāi zuò shén me cè shì jiù zuò ba
好的,该做什么测试就做吧。| 好的,該做什麼測試就做吧。

(Upreg negative, urine blood negative, urine nitrate and WBC positive, urine and blood test for
STI pending)
Your test result is back Ms. Qiao. You are not pregnant, and your urine sample shows sign of a
UTI. This is likely the cause of your painful and frequent urination. We will wait for the results
from your test for STI, and we will call you to tell you the results.
qiáo nǚ shì nín de cè shì jié guǒ chū lái le nín méi yǒu huái yùn nín de niào yè yàng běn xiǎn shì yǒu niào dào gǎn rǎn de jì xiàng zhè
乔女士,您的测试结果出来了。您没有怀孕,您的尿液样本显示有尿道感染的迹 象 。这
hěn yǒu kě néng shì nín xiǎo biàn téngtòng hé pín fán de yuán yīn wǒ men hái zài děng xìng bìng de cè shì jié guǒ jié guǒ chū lái wǒ men huì dǎ
很有可 能 是您小便疼痛和频繁的原因。我们还在 等 性病的测试结果,结果出来我们会打
diàn huà gěi nín de


Oh, it’s good having an explanation of my symptoms. For the infection, do I need antibiotics?
ò zhèngzhuàng yǒu jiě shì jiù hǎo fā yán de huà wǒ xū yào kàngshēng sù ma
哦。 症 状 有解释就好。发炎的话,我需要抗 生 素吗?


The doctor will prescribe you some antibiotics and drinking plenty of water can also help to
flush the bacteria out. Cranberry juice may help as well. To prevent UTI in the future, we
suggest cleaning the pubic area with soap daily, as well as before and after sex. Make sure you
wipe from front to back after bowel movement. Lubrication during sex is important as well for
comfort and preventing injury.
yī shēng huì gěi nín kāi yì xiē kàngshēng sù de duō hē shuǐ yě kě yǐ bāng zhù jiāng xì jūn chōng xǐ chū qù màn yuè méi zhī yě yǒu kě néng
医 生 会给您开一些抗 生 素的,多喝水也可以 帮 助将细菌 冲 洗出去。蔓越莓汁也有可 能
yǒu bāng zhù wèi le yù fáng niào dào gǎn rǎn wǒ men jiàn yì měi tiān yòng féi zào qīng xǐ yīn bù xìng jiāo qián hòu yě yìng qīng xǐ pái biàn
有 帮 助。为了预防尿道感染,我们建议每天 用 肥皂清洗阴部,性交前后也应清洗。排便
hòu yí dìng yào cóng qián wǎng hòu cā xìng jiāo shí rùn huá duì shū shì hé yù fángshòushāng yě hěn zhòng yào
后一定要 从 前 往 后擦。性交时润滑对舒适和预防受 伤 也很 重 要。


How long would it take to be better?

yào duō cháng shí jiān cái néng hǎo ne
要多 长 时间才 能 好呢?| 要多長時間才能好呢?

The doctor will give you 7 days of antibiotics, and if symptoms do not improve, please call us or
come back to the clinic. Also please contact us if you have fever, chills, or new pain.
yī shēng huì gěi nín kāi qī tiān de kàngshēng sù rú guǒ zhèngzhuàng méi yǒu jiǎn qīng qǐng dǎ diàn huà huò lái zhěn suǒ rú guǒ yǒu fā shāo
医 生 会给您开七天的抗 生 素。如果 症 状 没有减轻,请打电话或来诊所。如果有发烧,
fā lěng huò zhě xīn de téngtòng yě qǐng lián xì wǒ men


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