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Task 1:


The phrase “I am not who you think I am. I am who I think you think I am” revolves around one thing:
perception. I believe that Cooley means that people define themselves by how other people would look at them. In
this analysis, “I” will be in termed as the “person”, while “you” will be termed as the “viewer”. In dissecting the
first line, the person does define themselves at all by when the viewer honestly thinks of them. The person may
not want or need to ask the viewer about what they think of themselves. In dissecting the second line, it boils
down to the person defining themselves by how the viewer perceives them. The person is assuming, most likely on
physical attributes, how the viewer judges the person. It may be a hint on vanity or self-image as the identity of the
person is reliant on how they want others to see them. Additionally, it can be deduced from the quote that the
person has no intention of defining themselves. The outlook on the person towards themselves has no bearing on
the identity of the person. Finally, it can seem that the person can only find their essence only if there is someone
else to view or perceive them. In coordination with the second line, if there would be no “you”, then there would
be no “am”. In other words, without anyone to define the person, then that person would have no definition.


I believe that the quote refers to the body as a form for a person to perceive the world and for the world
to perceive the person. In deconstructing the half of the line, the physical self is said to be the initial source of
sensation. This may refer to the physical body being in possession sensory organs, and therefor contains the ability
to sense. When a person is born, five sensory organs are usually present, and these would dictate how the person
would perceive the world. For the second half of the line, the physical self is said to be necessary for the origin and
maintenance of personality. For this, I believe this is applicable for the physical body being used as a medium for
people to perceive the person, at least physically. In line with the first half of the quote, other people would also
have sensory organs to perceive the person with. To make a good impression of their personality, a person would
need to be able to show a good physical impression as well. This may refer to having a healthy body build, have
good and decent clothes, or the like. And to be able to keep that good impression, a person would also need to
maintain a good physical impression as well.


I believe that in any relationship, mutual growth must be present. I also believe that if any individual in
the relationship would not have love towards their partner, then mutual growth may be unachievable. It may so
happen that there would not be any growth in the relationship because of it being founded on lust, rather than
love. Lust is the essence of a strong and sexual desire. The keyword would be desire. A desire is something which a
person would want or want to happen. Lust gives more attention to this desire because is strong. In a relationship,
if someone is fueled by lust, then that person would do whatever it takes to feed his or her sexual desires. Their
partner may be under emotional, physical, and mental abuses from the lustful partner. While lust involves control
and wants, love can bring a different aspect to a relationship. Love is the embodiment of respect and freedom.
Love utilizes the trust two partners would have with each other and would allow both partners to seek and achieve
growth. They would not see the relationship as a prison, but as a sanctuary wherein they would feel accepted. Lust
is a controlling habit which could damage and minimize a person, while love is an emotion which can stem a strong
and growing relationship.
Task 2


The first idea of Plato is to achieve fulfillment is to think more. When one person is thinking, they would
not simply accept what is presented to them. They would analyze the situation and determine its value. That
would mean no choosing an opinion only because it is popular. This also requires that a person must be able to see
far ahead. A person may realize that an opinion or idea may be short sighted and would not be as beneficial in the
long run. It may even be possible that the popular opinions would end up being detrimental and damaging. It
comes to mind that knowing yourself is one of the truths which must be uncovered to wield fulfillment. If a person
would know themselves, then they would be able to choose decisions which fit them easily. Also, thinking ahead
would be to act on their rationality rather than their impulses.


Plato then states that a person must be able to let their lover change them. He states that when choosing
a partner, a person must be able to choose a partner with the qualities they lack. It is due to the idea that the more
time is spent with them, the more the person would be like his or her lover. This would result to the person feeling
more whole and fulfilled. He then states that two lovers must not love each other only as how they are currently.
This would mean that lovers must not be satisfied with the current condition and essence of their partner. Plato
states that lovers must also seek for their partner’s growth. In line with the initial statement that a person must let
their lover change them, this would mean that a person must be able to satisfy, or at least consider, the ways they
may grow as attributed by their partner.


Plato then proceeds to discuss the important of beauty in a person’s life, or rather the importance of
decoding the message of beauty in art. Plato states that beauty can bring out the important truths to the viewer.
When viewing something, the perceived beauty of the art from the viewer’s perspective may show what qualities
the viewer is seeking for, or what qualities are important to the viewer. This can be synonymous the statement of
letting your lover change you, because the choice of lover would also have the qualities which the viewer deems
important. It can therefore be concluded that understanding and analyzing beauty can educate the soul. This is
also like the initial statement of thinking more, as decoding beauty would help the viewer know themselves as
well. Likewise, understanding the effects and danger of ugliness is also important. Ugliness can affect a person’s
wisdom, calmness, and kindness.


Lastly, Plato states that a person must be able to reform society. This can be achieved by utilizing a few of the
previously mentioned statements. To be able to reform society, one must be able to think and analyze the society.
That person must be able to see through popular opinion and uncover the truths about their current society. It
must be decoded what specific goals the society has, and what the society deems important. It must be
determined if these goals and ambitions would lead people to feeling fulfilled. If the current society is lacking for
self-fulfillment, then it must be changed. An example would be a society glamourizing celebrities that are rich and
powerful. This may bring people to only focus on money and power, and this may lead to bankruptcy if not
properly managed. Plato believes that a society must focus on qualities which can benefit on the long run. Plato
states that model people, or guardians, must be good and wise.

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