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Compiled by Rahil Dabhad

BACK (11)

Grouping Muscle Action Innervation

Trapezius rotate scapula; Accessory n.

elevate, depress, retract shoulder
Superficial (5)
Latissimus dorsi extend, ADduct, medially rotate humerus Thoracodorsal n.
Rhomboid major retract and rotate (adduct) scapula,
fix scapula to thoracic wall Dorsal scapular n.
Rhomboid minor “”
Levator scapulae elevate, rotate scapula
Sternocliedomastoid Cervical rotation to opposite side Accessory nerve.
Serratus posterior superior elevate ribs on inspiration
Intermediate (2) Intercostal n.
Serratus posterior inferior ribs down, out on inspiration
Splenius capitis Extension, lateral flexion of neck
Dorsal rami of spinal n.

Deep (4)

Splenius cervicis “”
Semispinalis extend neck; rotate head Dorsal rami of cervical spinal n.
Erector spinae: extend vertebral column, Dorsal rami of respective spinal n.
Iliocostalis bend laterally

Grouping Muscle Action Innervation

Shoulder (7) Deltoid flex, extend, ABduct humerus Axillary n.

Supraspinatus ABduct humerus (initial 10-15 deg) Suprascapular n.
Rotator Cuff = SITS Infraspinatus Suprascapular n.
laterally rotate humerus
(Supraspinatus, Teres minor Axillary n.
Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, Teres major ADDuct, extend, medially rotate humerus Lower subscapular n.
Subscapularis) Subscapularis medially rotate humerus Upper & lower subscapular n.

Omohyoid depress hyoid bone Cervical n.

Pectoralis major ADduct, medially rotate, extend, flex humerus Lateral & medial pectoral n.

Pectoral region (4)

Pectoralis minor protract, depress scapula Medial pectoral n.
Serratus anterior protract, rotate scapula Long thoracic n.
Subclavius depress scapula Subclavian n.
ARM (5)
Grouping Muscle Action Innervation

Coracobrachialis flex, Adduct arm

Anterior (3) Musculocutaneous n.
Biceps brachii flex arm, forearm;
(long, short) supinate forearm
Brachialis flex forearm
Triceps brachii extend arm, forearm
Posterior (2) (long, lateral, medial) Radial n.

Anconeus extend forearm


Grouping Muscle Action Innervation

Pronator teres pronate, flex forearm Median n.

Flexor carpi radialis flex hand, ABduct wrist
Anterior (superficial – 5) Flexor carpi ulnaris flex, ADduct wrist Ulnar n.
Flexor digitorum superficialis flex Proximal interphalangeal joint; flex Meta
Phalangeal joint. Median n.
Palmaris longus flex wrist;
tighten palmar aponeurosis
Flexor digitorum profundus flex Distal interphalangeal of digits Medial: ulnar n.
Anterior (deep – 3) Lateral: median n.
Pronator quadratus pronate forearm Anterior interosseus n. of
Flexor pollicis longus flex IP of thumb median n.
Brachioradialis flex forearm
Extensor carpi radialis longus extend, ABduct wrist; Radial n.
fist clenching
Extensor carpi radialis brevis “” Deep branch of radial n.
Supinator supinate forearm, rotate radius
Posterior (12) Extensor carpi ulnaris extend, ADduct wrist
Extensor digitorum extend MP of digits; extend IP
Abductor pollicis longus extend IP, ABduct, extend thumb
Extensor pollicis longus extend IP thumb, ABduct, extend thumb Posterior interosseus n. of
Extensor pollicis brevis extend MP and MCP of thumb, ABduct, radial n.
extend thumb
Extensor indices extend 2nd digit
Extensor digiti minimi extend MP 5th digit; extend IP
HAND (19)
Grouping Muscle Action Innervation

Thenar (3) Abductor pollicis brevis ABduct/oppose thumb

Recurrent branch of median n.
Flexor pollicis brevis flex thumb
Opponens pollicis oppose, medially rotate thumb
Hypothenar (3) Abductor digiti minimi ABduct 5th digit
Deep branch of ulnar n.
Flexor digit minimi brevis flex MPC of 5th digit
Opponens digiti minimi oppose 5th digit to thumb
Lumbrical 1 + 2 flex MPC joint; Median n.
extend IP joint
Short (Palmar – 9)

Lumbrical 3 + 4 “” Deep branch of ulnar n.

Palmar interossei (1-3) ADduct digits;
flex MCP joint;
extend IP joint
Palmaris brevis improves grip Superficial branch of ulnar n.

Adductor pollicis ADduct thumb Deep branch of ulnar n.

Short (Dorsal – 4) Dorsal interossei (1-4) ABduct digits; Deep branch of ulnar n.
flex MCP joint;
extend IP joint

Grouping Muscle Action Innervation

Gluteal Region (8) Gluteus maximus extend, laterally rotate thigh Inferior gluteal n.

Gluteus medius ABduct, medially rotate thigh Superior gluteal n.

Gluteus minimus “”
Piriformis laterally rotate thigh Ventral rami of S1 and S2
Obturator internus “” Nerve to obturator internus
Superior gemellus “”
Inferior gemellus “” Nerve to quadratus femoris
Quadratus femoris “”
THIGH (16)
Grouping Muscle Action Innervation
Iliopsoas flex thigh; flex and laterally bend lumbar spine Femoral n. (for iliacus) & lumbar
plexus (psoas)
Pectineus flex, ADduct, laterally rotate thigh at hip Femoral n. & obturator n.
Sartorius flex, ABduct, laterally rotate hip; flex, medially
rotate knee
Rectus femoris flex hip; extend knee
Anterior (7) Femoral n.
Vastus lateralis extend leg at knee
Vastus medialis “”
Vastus intermedius “”
Gracilis flex, ADduct, thigh at hip;
flex, medially rotate knee Obturator n.
Medial (5) Obturator externus laterally rotate, ADuct hip; holds head of femur
in acetabulum
Adductor longus flex, ADduct thigh at hip
Adductor brevis flex, extend, ADduct, laterally rotate thigh at hip
Adductor magnus ADduct thigh; adductor – flex thigh; hamstring – Obturator n. & tibial n.
extend thigh
Semimenbranosus extend thigh;
(hamstrings) flex, medially rotate leg
Posterior (3) Semitendinosus “”
(hamstrings) Tibial n.
Biceps femoris extend thigh;
(long head) flex, laterally rotate leg

Biceps femoris flex, laterally rotate leg Common fibular n.

(short head)
N/a Tensor fasciae latae ABduct, medially rotate, flex thigh Superior gluteal n.
LEG (13)

Grouping Muscle Action Innervation

Tibialis anterior dorsiflex ankle; invert foot

Anterior (4) Extensor hallucis longus dorsiflex ankle; extend 1st digit Deep fibular n.
Extensor digitorum longus dorsiflex ankle; extend 2 – 5 digit
Fibularis tertius dorsiflex ankle;
evert foot
Lateral (2) Fibularis longus evert foot; weak plantarflexion of ankle Superficial fibular n.

Fibularis brevis “”
Soleus plantarflex ankle; raise heal to walk
Posterior (superficial – 3)
Gastrocnemius flex leg;
plantarflex foot Tibial n.
Plantaris “”
Tibialis posterior plantarflex ankle; invert foot
Posterior (deep – 4)
Flexor digitorum longus flex digits 2 – 5, plantarflex ankle, supports long arch
Flexor hallucis longus flex 1st digit; plantarflex ankle; support med long arch of
Popliteus weakly flex knee; rotate femur on fixed tibia and unlocks
leg; medially rotate tibia of unplanted limb
FOOT (18)

Grouping Muscle Action Innervation

Flexor (layer 1) (3) Flexor digitorum brevis flex digits 2 – 5 Medial plantar n.
Abductor hallucis ADduct 1st digit; support transverse arch
Abductor digiti minimi ABduct, flex 5th digit Lateral plantar n.
Flexor (layer 2) (6) Flexor hallucis brevis flex proximal phalanx 1st digit Medial plantar n.

Lumbrical 1 flex PIP; extend DIP digit 2 – 4

Lumbrical 2 “”
Lumbrical 3 “” Lateral plantar n.
Lumbrical 4 “”
Quadratus plantae flex digits 2 – 5
Adductor hallucis ADduct 1st digit;
(transverse head) support transverse arch Deep branch of lateral plantar
Adductor hallucis n.
(oblique head)
Flexor (layer 3) (2)

Flexor digiti minimi brevis plex proximal phalanx 5th digit Superficial branch of lateral
plantar n.

Flexor (layer 4) (7) Plantar interossei (1-3) ADduct digits 2 – 4; flex MP Lateral plantar n.
Dorsal interossei (1-4) ABduct digits 2 – 4; flex MP

Grouping Muscle Action Innervation

Abdominal Support (5) Rectus Abdominus Trunk flexion; hip flexion Intercostal nerves 7-11

External Oblique
Trunk rotation; lateral flexion of
Internal Oblique trunk
Transversus Abdominis Trunk Stabilization; Compression of
abdominal content
Quadratus Lumborum Flexion of vertebral column Subcostal nerve
Breathing (4) Diaphragm Primary respiratory muscle Phrenic nerve

Extrenal Intercostal Inhalation

Internal Intercostal Stabilize ribs

Lateral plantar n.
Innermost Intercostal Fix intercostal space during

Grouping Muscle Action Innervation

Orbital (2) Orbicularis Oculi Closes eyelids Temporal and zygomatic branches of
facial nerve

Corrugator Suprcilii Draws eyebrows downwards& Facial nerve

Nasal (1) Nasalis Compress nasal cartilages Buccal branch of facial nerve

Orbicularis oris Pucker the lips (kissing muscle); Cranial nerve; buccal branch of facial
close lips nerve
Levator Labii superioris Elevates upper lip Zygomatic branch of facial nerve

Levator Anguli oris Smile; elevates angle of mouth Buccal branch of facial nerve

Depressor anguli oris Depresses angle of mouth Mandibular branch of facial nerve

Zygomaticus major Draws angle of mouth upwards and Zygomatic and buccal branches of
Oral (9)
laterally facial nerve
Zygomaticus minor Elevates upeer lip Buccal branch of facial nerve

Risorius Draws back angle of mouth Buccal branch of facial nerve

Platysma Draws corner of mouth infriorly (sad Cervical branch of facial nerve
Mentalis Elevates and wrinkles skin of chin Mandibular branch of facial nerve

Cranial (1) Occipitofrontalis Raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead Facial nerve

Compresses cheeks agains the teeth Bucucal branch of facial nerve
Matication (sucking muscles)
Masseter Elevation and protraction of mandible Mandibular nerve
Temporalis Elevation and retraction of mandible Temporal nerve; mandibular nerve

Elevates mandible; moves jaw side Mandibular nerve

Medial Pterygoid
by side
Depresses mandible; protrude Mandibular nerve
Lateral Pterygoid

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