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Title H.

Sauter's Formosa-Collection : Braconidae

Author(s) Watanabe, Chihisa

Citation Insecta matsumurana, 8(4), 182-205

Issue Date 1934-07


Type bulletin (article)

File Information 8(4)_p182-205.pdf

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Hokkaido University Collection of Scholarly and Academic Papers : HUSCAP


(With 6 Textfigures)

The species of Braconidae in SAUTER'S Formosa-collection have been studied

by G. ENDERLEIN 1) and C. W ATANABE. 2) In the present paper is given a list
of Bracom{fae as represented in SAUTER'S Formosa-collection, sent to the writer
for examination from the Deutsches Entomologisches Institut in Berlin-Dahlem;
in the material there are 23 species including I I new ones which ought to be
added to the Braconid-fauna of Formosa.
All holotypes and all allotypes are deposited in the Deutsches Entomolog-
isches Institut, and some of the other specimens which are not single are re-
tained for the Entomological Institut of the Hokkaido Imperial University.
The writer wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to Professor Emeritus
S. MATSUMURA and Assistant Professor T. UCHIDA for their kind direction. By
courtesy of Mr. J. SONAN the writer was so fortunate as to have been able to
see some of his types of CheloJZZts and Chdonella species described from Formosa.
In this occasion the writer wishes to express his gratitude to Mr. J. SONAN for
his co-operation.

Family Braconidae
Subfamily Braconinae
Tribe Braconini
Genus Campyloneurus SZEPLIGETI
Campylolteztrtts SZEPLIGETI, Term. Filz., XXIII, p. 51 (19~).

1. Campy[oneurus cingulicauda ENDERLEIN

C"mpylolleuYlts ciltgulicmtt/" ENDERLElN, Arch. Naturgesch., 8* A, 11. Heft, p. 105, 9 ([92a).
o. Closely resembles the female in general structure and colour, but the 6th to 8th tergites
ent irely black.
Length 5.5-7.5 mm.

I) Arch. Naturgesch., 73 A, 2. Heft, pp. 1-37 (19[2); Ent. Mitt., pp. 157-167 (1912); Arch.
Naturgesch., 84 A, II. Heft, pp. 5[-244 (1920).
2) Ins. Mats., IV, pp. 184-189 (1932); I. c., VIII, pp, 119-123 (1934).
[Ins. Mats., Vol. VIII, No. 4, July, (934J

Habitat: Koshun (I!?, 22/iv, 1912; 10, v, 1912; 10, vi 1912)-Kosempo (10' v, 1912)-
Taihorin (10, 7/vii, 1912).
Gen. Distr.: Formosa.

Genus Merinotus SZEPLIGETI

Merinotus SZEPLIGETI, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., IV, p. 553 (1906).

2. Merinotus taiwanus nov. sp.

~. Head reddish yellow; stemmaticum, mandibles at the tips, antennae
black; thorax black, the propleurae anteriorly yellow; wings slightly infuscate,.
an irregular hyaline streak runs outwards from the base of the stigma; stigma
and veins brown; fore legs yellew; middle and hind legs dark brown to black;
abdomen black; belly tinged with yellowish white; 5th and,the following tergites
whitish yellow at each hind margin; ovipositor reddish brown, the sheath black,
with black pubescence uniformly.
Head cubical, smooth and shining; frontal depression deep, with a weak
median carina; antennae shorter than the body, 40 jointed, with a short plate
at the outside of the base; scapus stout, twice as long as broad, with a blunt
tooth at the apex, the lower surface obliquely truncate; 1st joint of the flagel-
lum as long as the 2nd. Thorax smooth and shining, with white pubescence;
parapsidal furrows present; propodeum smooth and shining, with no median
canna. First abscissa of the radius as long as one fifth of the 2nd; 1st inter-
cubitus oblique; recurrent nervure interstitial or just received in the 1st cubital
cell; 1st abscissa of the cubitus slightly curved inwardly, not bent at the base.
Fore tarsi slender, twice as long as the tibiae. Abdomen a little longer than
the head and thorax taken together; 1st tergite about twice as long as broad
at the apex, deeply grooved laterally, limited externally by a carina, the median
raised area reticulate-rugose, with a weak longitudinal median carina; 2nd tergite
quadrate, with three basal raised areae, which are smooth and shining, the median
one smaIl, triangular; 3rd tergite transverse, the area bounded by an impres-
sion at the anterior corner, being large, nearly smooth; 2nd to 4th tergites longi-
tudinaIly striate, the remainder very short, smooth and shining; 2nd suture broad,
crenulate; ovipositor longer than the body; hypopygium sharply acute, hardly
surpassing the apex of the abdomen.
Body-length 7.5-9 mm., ovipositor-length 8·5 - 10. 5 mm.
e;. Closely resembles the female in general structure and colour, but differs
from the latter in the following points:
I) Antennae slenderer, 40 jointed. 2) Fore and middle legs with the coxae
reddish yellow. 3) Abdomen slenderer.
Length 6 mm.

Holotype: !j?, Hoozan, 7/ix, 1910.

Allotype: 0, Kosempo, vi, 1912.
Paratypes: Kosempo (40~, vii, 1908; I\?,X, 1911; 2~ 0, vi, 1912)-
Hoozan (5 ~ ~, 7/ix, 1910; I!j?, v, 191 I)-Kosh~In (I (;, iv, I912)-Fusho
(2 ~ ~ , vii, 1909)-Taihorin (I Ii? , ii, 1910).
Habitat: Hoozan, Kosempo, Koshun, Fusho. Taihorin (Formosa).
This species resembles lI1Crinotus gibber ENDERLEIN (Arch. Naturgesch., 84
A, p. 65, ~, 1920), but it differs from the latter in having the thonx black,
the scapus twice as long as broad.

Genus Chelonogastra ASHMEAD

Che!olZogastm ASHME'\D, Froc. U. S. Nat. Mus .• Vol. z,.p. 13(} (I(}OO).
lIfonocoila ROMAN, Ent. Tidschr .• Vol. 31, p. 133 (1910).
Ectemnoplax ENDERLRlN, Arch. Natllrgesch., 84 A, p. 110 (19:11:)).

*3. Chelonogastra koebel~i ASHMEAD

Chelonocl{astra koebe!ei ASHMEAD, Proc. U. S. Nat. MilS., Vol. 3'>, p. 1(}5, ,?, PI. XIV, fig. 3 (1906);
FAHRINGER, Opusc. Bracon. Bd. I. p. 591, I? (1928).
o. Closely allied to the female in general strllctllre and CGlollr.
Habitat: Koshun (20 0, 7/iv, 19(2).
Gen. Distr.: Japan, .Formosa.

4. Chelonogastra peruliventris (ENDERLEIN)

Ectemnoplax peruliventris ENDERLEIN, Arch. Natllrgesch., 84 A, p. 1 [G, Ii! 0'( 1(20).
Habitat: Koshun (I I?, iv, 1912; 41? I?,vi, 191Z; 31? 9, vii, 191Z; viii, 1912; II?, ix, 19[Z).
Gen. Distr.: Formosa.

*5. Chelonogastra pleuralis ASHMEAD

Chelonoglstra pleuralis ASHMEAD, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., VGI. 30, p. 196, I? (1906); FAllRINGER,
Opusc. Bracan., Bd. I, p. 591, I? (1928).
In a series of Formosan specimens the fllscous markings are almost 03501eted.
Habitat: Koshun (2 Ii? I?, vi, 191Z)-Taihorinsho (I Ii!, viii, I(09).
Gen. D·5tr.: Japan, Formosa.

Genus Stenobracon SZEPLlGETI

StenOJraCon SZEPLIGETI, Term. Fiiz., XXIV, p. 359 (19:11).

6. Stenobracon trifasciatus SZEPLIGETl

StenoyracolZ trifasciatus SZ[.;PLlGlcTl, Notes Leyden Mus, Vol. 2), p. zq, r? ([903); \V.\TANAllE,
Trans. Sapporo His!. Soc., Vol. IZ, p. 6l, I? 0 (193Z).
Stenoyracon mam/ata MATSUMURA, Schad!. u. Niitzl. Ins. Z~cker. Pelan. FormG3.l., P? So &: 84,
>j?, PI. XXX, fig. 8 ([910).

* This species is the first record to the Braconid.f.luna of Formosa.


Macrocentrus javaniclls ISHIDA, Kansho Meichu Chosa Hokoku, I, p. 109, !j1 0 (1915).
EIemibraco1l e!eg'mtu!lIs ENDERLEIN, Arch. Naturgesch., 84 A, p. 62, !j1 0 (1920).
Habitat: HOOl:ln (3!j1 !j1, 10. 7/iv, 1910)-Polisha (Horish:ll (I !j1, 7fiv, 19(9).
Gen. Distr.: Java, Sumatra, Philippines, China, Formosa.

Genus Shirakia VIERECK

Shirakia VIERECK, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vo!' 44, p. 613 (1913).

7. Shirakia schoenobii VIERECK

Braco1Z dorsalis MATSU~!uRA(nec BRULU;, 1846), Sch'idl. u. NUtz!' Ins. Zucker. Ptlan. Formosa.,
pp. 49 & 84, !j1, Pl. XXX. fig. 7. !j1 (19 10 ).
Shirakia schoenobii VIERECK, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus .• Vol. 44. p. 6U, !j1 0 (191]); \VATANABE,
Trans. Sapporo Nat. Rist. Soc.• Vol. 12, p. 61, !j1 0 (1932).
Habitat: Koshun (I ,?, iv, 191Z; 11). vii, 19(2)-fIoOlan (20 0, 7(ix, 1911).
Gen. Distr.: Formosa.

8. Shirakia jokohamensis (CAMERO);)

Braco1l jokohrrmensis CA~!ERON, Int. Zeitschr. Ent.. Guben, p. 288, 0 (1910); FAHRINGI':R, Opuse.
Bracon., B:l. I, p. 321, 0 (1927).
LnmFy!o1lem'us jokohrrlltemis MATSU.lIURA, 6000 rll. Insect. J.lp~n-E.llpire, p. 73 Ii;. ·fCo, r; (1931).
Habitat: Koshun (I". vii, 1912).
Gen. Distr.: Japan, Formosa.

Genus Bracon FABl<ICIUS

Braco1l FABRICIUS, Syst. Piez .. p. 102 (1804).
Amyosollta VIERECK, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. 44, p. 640 (1913).

9. Bracon chinensis SZEPLTGETI

Brrrco1l chi1lemis SZ{,PLIGcTI, Term. Filz., XXV, p. ]0, 0 (lg02).

A11lyosoma chi:01lis VIERECK. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. 44, p. 640, '? 0 (1913).
Agrrt/zis 1wiratlillt ISHIDA, Kansho Meichu Chosa Hokoku, p. 10J, !j1 (1915).
Braco1l (Allryosoma) chinensis WATANABE, Trans. S:lpporo N:lt. lIist. Soc., Vol. 12, p. 65, !j1 0
Habitat: Koshun (1 !j1, vi, 1912)-Taihorin (20 1), 19(1)-IIOJzan (70 1), 7fix, 1911).
Gen. Distr.: China, Okinawa, Korea, Formosa.

10. Bracon kuro nov. sp.

(j1. Black; head and thorax so:netimes d:uk brown; palpi reddish yellow
to brown; wings infuscate, the stigma and the veins blac~; belly tinged with
yellowish white; ovipositor brownish red, the sheath blac:{,
Head subcubicaI, smooth, with white pubescence; front with a median
longitudinal furrow; antennae a little shorter th1l1 the body, 37-41 jointed.
Thorax smooth, with white pubescence; parapsidal furrows shallow, smooth;
propodeum smooth and shining, with no median carina. Radius inserted in

the apical two fifths of the stigma, reaching the apex of the wing; 1st
abscissa of the radius as long as 2 ~ times that of the 2nd; 1st intercubitus
oblique, a little shorter than the 1st abscissa of the cubitus; 2nd intercubitus
vertical, decoloured; recurrent nervure just received in the 1st cubital cell; ner-
vulus interstitial; axillary nervure of the hind wing bent at the apical third;
hind legs stout, the tibiae somewhat flattened, longer than the femora; hind
tibial spurs subequal, slightly curved, as long as the 3rd joint of the hind tarsus;
1st joint of the hind tarsus as long as the 2nd to 4th joints united. Abdomen
long-ovaI, closely reticulate-rugose; 1st tergite a little longer than broad, parallel-
sided, with an oblique crenulate furrow at each side, the following tergitc trans-
verse, the 2nd longer than the 3rd; 2nd suture straight, crenlllate; 7th tergite
smooth, shining; ovipositor as long as the abdomen; hypopygium sharply acute,
hardly surpassing the apical segment.
Body-length 6 mm., ovipositor-length 3.5 mm.
o. Closely resembles the female, but the antennae 37 jointed, and the-
paIpi dark brown.
Length 5.5 mm.
Holotype: 9, Koshun, v, 1912.
Allotype: 0, Koshun v, 1912.
Paratypes: Koshun (10, 3 ¥ 9, v, 1912).
Habitat: Koshun (Formosa).
This species may belong to FAHRINGER'S Section Triobracolt (OpllSC. Bracon.~
Bd. I, p. 232, 1927).

11. Bracon koshunensis nov. sp.

9. Reddish yellow; antennae dark brown to black; 3rd to 5th tergites-
with a black spot at each side, sometimes fllscous laterally; wings hyaline, the
stigma and the veins brown; ovipositor brownish red, the sheath black.
Head transverse, rugose; face shallowly punctate; antennae shorter than
the body, 37-46 jointed; scapus short, cylindrical; 1st joint of the flagellum
as long as the 2nd. Thorax finely punctate-rugose; parapsidal furrows distinct,
nearly smooth; propodeum rugose as on the thorax, with a strong longitudinal:
median carina. Radius inserted in the basal two fifths of the stigma, reaching
the apex of the wing; 1st abscissa of the radius as long as one third of the-
2nd; 1st intercubitus oblique, nearly equal in length to the basal portion of the
1st abscissa of the cubitus; recurrent nerVllre inserted in the apical sixth of the-
Ist cu~ital cell; nervulus interstitial. First joint of the hind tarsus as long as the
2nd to 4th joints united, the 4th the shortest. Abdomen entirely reticulate-
rugose; 1st tergite a little shorter than broad at the apex, with an irregular-

oblique carina at each side; 2nd suture straight, crenulate; 6th tergite a little
longer than the 5th, strongly emargi-
nate medially as in CftclolZog-astra, and
the following tergites retracted; ovi-
positor as long as two basal joints of
the hind tarsus united, the sheath uni-
formly pubescent.
Body-length 5 mm., ovipositor-
length 0.7 mm.
o. Closely allied to the female
In general structure and colour, but
the antennae brownish yellow, longer
and more slender, 49-50 jointed; 6th
tergite slightly emarginate medially,
with two black spots as in the preced-
mg three tergites.
Length 5 mm.
Holotype: \f, Koshc111, vii, 1912.
Allotype: 0 ,.Koshul1, vii, 1912.
Paratypes: Koshun (I \f , vi, 19 I 2 ;
3 \f \f, I (;, vii, 19 [2; 2 \f \f, viii,
19 12). Fig. 1.
Habitat: Koshun (Formosa). Bracon koslmnellsis nov. sp. ( <;1 )

This species is distinctly distinguished by the structure of the 6th tergite.

Genus Spinaria BRULLE

Spi1Zal'ia BRULLE, I-list. Nat. Ins. Hymen., Vol. 4, p. 512 (1846).
BrmV12ilts ASHMEAD, Can. Ent., p. 7 (1905).

*12. Spim.ll.ria 5pinato7t (GUERIN)

BracoJZ spinatol' GUERIN, Duperry: Voy. Coquille Zool., II, p. 199 (I830)'
Spinaria spinato,. BRULLJ.:, Hist. Nat. Insect. Hymen., Vol. 4, p. 514 (1846); WESTWOOD, Tijdschr.
v. Entom., XXV, p. 28 (1882); DALLA TORRE, Cat. Hymen." IV, p. 256 (1898); SZicPLIGETI, Term.
FUz., XXV, p. 45 (1902); id., Gen. Insect., 22-24, p. 47 (19°4); ENDERLElN, Stett. Entom. Zeit., p.
231 (19 0 5); WILKINSON, Bull. Entom. Res., XXI, p. 275 (1930).
Habitat: Koshun (x,;!, v, 19I2; I,;!, vi, 19[2; 1<;1, vii, 19X2)-Kosempo (x,;!, 7/vii, 191I)-
Taihorin (x 0, 7/vii, r9Il).
Gen. Distr.: India, Sula Besi, Sumatm, lVbby, Formosa.

*13. alrtlt'dato1/' (FABRIClUS)

Bracon armator FABRICIUS, Syst. Piez" p. 1c7 (1804).
Spinaria armata,. BRULLI~:, Hist. Nat. Insect. Hymen" IV, p. 513, (1846); 'WESTWUOD, Tijdschr,

v. Entom., XXV, p. 29 (11182); DALLA TORRE, Cat. Hymen., IV, p. 255 (1896); SZ{,PLIGETI, Term.
Fiiz., XXV, p. 45 (1902); id., Gen. Insect., 22-24, p. 47 (1904).
Habitat: Taihorin (2 !i1 !i1, 7/vii, 19I1)-Koshun (I ~, ix, 1912)-Paroe (10' ix, 1912).
Gen. Distr.: Sumatra, Java, Formosa.

Tribe Exothecini
Genus Coeloreuteus ROMAN
Coe/oreutetlS ROMAN, Ent. Tidskr., p. 112 (1910).

14. Coeloreuteus formosanus nov. sp.

~. Yellowish red; antennae and abdomen fuscous; wings subhyaline, the
stigma and the veins brown; ovipositor brownish red, the sheath fusc9us.
Head transverse, smooth and shining; occiput weakly margined laterally;
face with a weak median ridge; antennae slender, as long as the boby, 28
jointed. Thorax smooth and shining; parapsidal furrows fine; propodeum
reticulate-rugose, with two longitudinal carinae at the middle. Radius inserted
at the apical two fifths of the stigma; 1st abscissa of the radius as long as one
fourth of the 2nd; 2nd cubital cell longer than high; 1st intercubitus oblique,
nearly equal in length to the 1st abscissa of the cubitus; recurrent nervure just
received in the 2nd cubital cell; nervulus postfurcal, the basal portion of the 2nd
abscissa of the medial nervure as long as one third of the apical portion; radius.
of the hind wings obsolete. Legs slender; 1st joint of the hind tarsus as long as
the 3rd to 4th joints united. Abdomen as long as the head and thorax taken
together, long-oval, smooth and shining; 1st tergite yellowish red, parallel-sided,
a little longer than broad, slightly rugose, the remaining tergites transverse, the'
2nd a little longer than the 3rd; sutures very fine; ovipositor as long as the
abdomen, the sheath sp:lrsely pubescent.
Body-length 3 mm., ovipositor-length 1.5 mm.
o. Unknown.
Holotype: 9, Tainan, 7/v, 1912.
Paratypes: Tainan (19, iii, 1912; 29 )), iv, 1912)-Chosokei (I 9, 1914).
This species resembles Coetorcllteus brevicaudus (SZFPLIGETI) (Ann. Mus.
Nat. Hung., III, p. 42, Y, 1905) from Sydney (Australia), but it may easily be
distinguished from the latter by the length of the ovipositor.

Tribe Spathiini
Genus Spthius NEES
Spathills NEilS, Nova Acta Akad. Curios, IX, p. 301 (dlI8).
Stmophasmlls SMITH, Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc. Zoo1., Vol. 3, p. 169 (1858).

*15 Spathius apicalis (WESTWOOD)

Stent>p!tasmtls ajiealis WESTWOOD, Tijdschr. v. Entom., XXV, p. 43, Sf (1882).
Spathitls apim/is WILKINSON, Trans. Entom. Soc. London, p. 519, Sf 0, fig. 7 (1931).
Habitat: Hoozan (I !il, 7/ix, 19IO)-Koshun (2 99,22 v, 19 12)-Kosempo CI 9, 7/i", 19I1).
Cen. Distr.: Borneo, Formosa.

16. Spathius annuliventris (ENDERLEIl,\)

StenopltaS1JltIs annu/iventris ENDERLEIN, Arch. Naturgesch., 78 A, 2. Heft, p. II, 9 (1912).
Stent>p!tasllltls mimetiells ENDERLEIN, 1. c., p. 12, 9 (1912) (syn. nov.).
In a series of the writer's female specimens the antennae are 24-25 jointed, variable in number,
and the ovipositor is a little longer than a half of the abdomen.
o. Closely resembles the female in general structure and colour, but the antennae slenderer, 23
jointed, and the 3rd tergite dull as in the 2nd.
Length 3 mm.
Habitat: Koshun (5 Sf 9, 50 0, vi, 1912).
Gen. Distr.: Formosa.

*17. Spathius bisignatus WALKER

Spathilts bisignattls WALKER, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., V, p. 309, 9 0, (186o); 'WILKINSON, Trans.
Entom. Soc. London, p. 510, 9. Pl. XXXVIII, fig. I (1931).
Spathills dinoderi CAHAN, Philip. Journ. Sc., Vol. 27, p. 84, 0, PI. I, fig. 2 (1925).
HaL:tat: Koshun (J!il, vii, 1912).
Cen. Distr.: Ceylon, India, Philipp:nes, Rodrigues Is., Formosa.
Further, the writer has received from Dr. T. ISHII a spec:es of Sjathills, which is recorded by
him (Oyo·Dobutsu.Zasshi, Vol. 2, pp. 148-149, 1930) to be a parasite of Chilo simplex BUTLER in the
I'hilippines; this may be Spathilts fuseipemzis ASHMEAD (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Vol. 29, p. Jl9, J905).

Tribe Hormiini
Genus Spathiohormius ENOERLEIN
SpatltioltorfJIitis ENDERLEIN, Arch. Naturgesch., 78 A, 2. Heft, p. 21 (1912).

18. Spathiohormius sauteri nov. sp.

~. Ferruginous; head rufous; antennae dark brown, the several basal
joints yellowish; legs with the coxae reddish yellow; wings sub hyaline, the
stigma and the veins brown, the former at the basal third p:de; ovipositor brown-
ish red, the sheath black.
Head coriaceous, dull; face with a median ridge; antennae slender, longer
than the body, 37-39 jointed. Thorax coriaceous as on the head; parapsidal
furrows strongly marked, with a carina on each inner side; mesopleural furrow
broad, crenulate; scutellum somewhat concave; metapleurae with three longi-
tudinal carinae, with a sharply pointed tooth at the lower margin; propodeum
coriace:)us, laterally margined, a little longer than the 1st tergite, with three
longitudinal carinae, the one being at the middle and the others at the sides.
Radius inserted in two fifths from the apex of the stigma; 1st abscissa of the

radius shorter than a half of the 2nd; Ist intercubitus oblique, the 2nd vertical,
decoloured; recurrent nervure received in the 2nd cclbital cell at a short distance

Fig. 2.
"Wings of SpatizioizorJIzius sauteri nov. sp. (¥ J

from the base; nervulus postfurcal by its own length; lst abscissa of the medial
nervure curved downward; radius of the hind wings slightly obsolete; hind coxae
with a minute tooth below the base. Abdomen a little longer than the head and
thorax taken together; Ist tergite subpetiolate, I 2/3 times longer than broad
at the apex; 2nd tergite longer than the 3rd, which is !equal to the 4th in length;
5th large, longer than the 4th; 1st to 4th tergites laterally margined, coriaceous,
and longitudinally striate; 5th only the remainder very short,
smooth and shining; 2nd suture curved outward. crenellate; aad 4th sutures
straight, crenulate; ovipositor as long as the abdomen.
Body-length 4 mm., ovipositor-length 2 mm.
o. Unknown.
Holotypc; 9, Anping, 7/viii, 1912.
Paratypes; Tainan (r ',) , iv, 19I2; 19, 19 12 ).
Habitat: Anping, Tainan (Formosa).
This species comes near to ENDEELEm Na-
turgesch., 78 p. 22, 9, 1912) from appears to be evidently
distinguished from the former in the r) Antennae 48 jointed.
2) Thorax, abdomen, coxae and femora of the four black. 3)
Larger species, 7 mm.

Tribe Hecabolini
Corystes REINH,\RD, Berlin. entoil1. Zeitschr., IX, p. 258 (I865) (nee LATREILLE, 1202).
Lot,'eo,'"s!es MARSHALL, Spec. Hymen. Europe, IV, p. 204 (1888).

nov. sp.
9. Reddish brown; head yellowish; antennae reddish yellow, darkened
apically; legs with the coxae reddish yellow; wings sub hyaline ; stigma and
veins brown, the former at the apex and the
metacarp paler; ovipositor brownish red, the
sheath black.
Head cubical; transversely striate-rugose
with white pubescence; cheek smooth and shin-
ing; occiput margined, somewhat curved in-
ward at the middle; antennae slender, more
than 30 jointed (at the apex broken off), the
scapus short, cylindrical; pal pi long and slender.
Thorax flat, closely reticulate-rugose; pro-
thorax produced; parapsidal furrows almost
obsolete; mesopleural furrows strongly marked,
straight, smooth and shining; metapleurae and
propodeum strongly reticulate-rugose, coarser
than that of the mesonotum; propodeum with
a small semicircular median area, surrounded
by a carina at the apex. Radius inserted in
the middle of the stigma; 1st abscissa of the
radius short, as long as a half of the 1st inter-
cubitus; 2nd abscissa of the radius curved out-
wardly, reaching nearly the apex of the wing,
the radial cell being not narrow, nor cuneiform;
recurrent nervure interstitial; 1st abscissa of
the medial nervure curved; nervulus postfurcal ;
nervus parallelus not interstitial; radius of the
hind wings subobsolete. Legs long and slen-
der, with long whitish hairs; hind coxae cylindri-
cal; 1st joint of the hind tarsus as long as the
3rd and 4th joints united. Abdomen long and
slender, longer than the head and thorax taken Fig. 3.
Eucorystes formosam!s nov. sp. ( ? )
together; 1st tergite subpetiolate, 2 Yz times as

long as bro~d at the apex; 2nd a little longer th:lll the 1st, nearly p:lralIeI-sided,
with two converging furrows and a cren'.llate transverse furrow at the apical third;
3rd to 5th tergites nearly quadrate, equal in length an::! the 6th shorter, trans-
verse; 7th fiat, narrowO!d tow.lrds the apex; 2nd suture at the middle obsolete;
1st to 3rd tergites closely longitudinally striate, the 1st with a smooth median
knob at the apex, the following two tergites somewhat' snnoth at each hind
margin; 4th to 6th tergites coriaceous, the remainder smooth and shining; ovi-
positor as lon6" as the thorax and abdo:nen taken together, the she::tth dilated
at the apex.
Body-length 8 mm., ovipositor:length 6.5 mm.
(;. Unknown.
Type: Q, Koshun, iv, 1912.
Paratype: Koshun (1 Q, iv, 1912).
Habitat: Koshun (Formosa).
This species differs from Ettcorystes aciculatus (REINHARD) (Berlin. entom.
Zeitschr., IX, p. 259, ~, T. 3, fig, 7, 1865) in having the radius nearly reaching
the apex of the wing, the radial cell not cuneiform, but the structure of the
abdomen and some other characters resemble the latter.

Tribe Rhogadini
Genus Colastomion BAKER
Co!astomion BAKER, Philip. Journ. Sc., Vol. 12, p. 219 (19[7).

20. Colastomion formosanum (WATANABE)

Cystomastaxformosana \VATANABE, Ins. Mats., IV, p. 186, 0, fig. 2 ([932).
On account of the greatly dilated, cylindrical maxillary palpi in the male, this species has been
referred to Cystomastax SZEPLlGETI(ll, but having received its femJ.le, the writer has become convinced
that it ought b~ transferred to thi s genu s.
~. Very similar in general structure and colour to the male, 'but it differs from the latter ill
the following points:
I) Ground' colour yellowish brown, lighter than that of the male.
2) Maxillary palpi long and slender, the 2nd joint as long as the 3rd and 4th united, some-
what flattened, the 3rd a little longer than a half of the 4th, which is a little shorter than the sth.
3) Pronotum more coarsely reticulate.rugose.
4) Metapleural prominence more stoutly tipped.
5) Ovipositor reddish yellow, the sheath brown, as long as the 3rd joint of the hind tarsus.
6) Hypopygium elongate, deeper than the apical segment.
Body·length 10 mm., ovipositor. length I mm.
Habitat: Koshun (2 ~ ~, 3 <) 0, 7/iv, 19(2).
Gen. Distr.: Formosa.
This species is sufficiently distinguished from Colastomion afJ.lollzilUllis BAKER (Philip. Journ. Sc.,
Vol. I2, p. 291, ~, 1917) from the Philippines in h:lving the b:l5al nervure of the hind wing inserted

(1) Gen. Insect., 22-24, p. 81 (1904).


in a short distance from the base of the radius.

Genus Gyroneuron KOKliJEW

GyrOllettrOJt KOKUJEW, Rev. Russe Ent., Vol. 1, p. 231 (1901).
As far as the writer's investigations go four species, GYl'olZeltroJt mil'Zl'" KOKUJEW, G. /la-.JUJU
ENDERLEIN, G. 1Zigritm'se ENDERLRlN(1), and G. nJl'icaJtl/1ll BRUES(2), have been recorded from the
Oriental and Ethiopian regions, but the two ENDERLElN'S spec:es may be transferred to Pam,frolU'Ul'01~

*21. Gyroneuron mirum KOKUJEW

GyrolZeltl'OIZ minim KOKUJEW, Rev. Russe Ent., Vol. I, p. 232, Ii! (19'H); SZf:PLIGE1'1, Gen. Insect,
22-24. p, 78, Pl. Ill. fi6 . 23 (19)4); FAHRINGER, Opusc, Bracon., Bd. Ill, p. 210, 9 {I 93 I).
As a supplement to the origin~1 descript:on the following char.lcters may be added:
Ii!. Front smooth, shining, with two short curved carinae; face with a weak median long:tudi-
nal carina, continued from the b~se of the antennae to the middle; eyes emarginate oppos:te the an-
tennae; metapleurae at the lower m:lfgin with a strong prominence, which extends into a blunt, curved
tooth; 1st tergite at the lateral u1.lrg:ns with each a spiracle, which is s'tuated at the basal third;
hind tibial spurs straight, pubescent.
D~scribed from a fem~le specimen fro n Formos.".
Habitat: Koshun (I!;!, 22t:V, 19I1).
Gen. D:str.: Assam, Formosa.

22. Gyroneuron teJtaceator nov. sp.

o. Reddish yellow; stemmaticum, mandibles at the tips, pronotum at the
apex, mesonotum on the lateral borders black; abdomen brownish yellow;
wings hyaline; stigma and veins brown; ovipositor and its sheath yellow.

Fig. 4.
Fore wing of GY"OIzeurolZ testacea/or nov. sp. ( \! )

. (I) Arch. Naturgesch., 84 A, p. 144-145 (19::0).

(2) Ann. S. Africa Mus., p. 62 (1924)'

Head smooth; front with a short longitudinal median carina; eyes large,
emarginate opposite the antennae; maxillary palpi long and slender, 6 jointed.
Prothorax striate; mesonotum smooth, laterally crenulate from the apex to the
tegula; parapsidal furrows deep; scutellum smooth, anteriorly with two large
foveae separated by a sharp median carina; mesopleurae smooth, with an ob-
lique shallow furrow; metapleurae rugose, with a blunt curved tooth at the
lower margin; propodeum finely rugose, with a lanceolate, wavy-margined,
median area, the lateral teeth bluntly tipped; spiracles small, oval. Stigma
twice as long as broad; radius inserted in the basal two fifths of the stigma;
1st abscissa of the radius short, as long as 2 ~ times the 2nd; 2nd cubital cell
twice as long as high; 1st intercubitus oblique, slightly curved, and the 2nd
decoloured; recurrent nervure received in the 1st cubital cell at a short distance
from the apex; medial nervure strongly curved, swollen as well as nervulus;
radius of the hind wings obsolete; nervulus oblique, slightly curved. Legs long,
rather slender; hind tibial spurs straight, pub esc en t, a little shorter than the
2nd joint of the tarsus; I st joint of the hind tarsus as long as the 2nd to 4th joints
united. Abdomen a little longer than the head and thorax taken together; 1st
tergite parallel-sided basally to the spiracles, which are situated at the basal fifth,
thence generally broadened towards the apex, I Yz times longer than broad at the
apex; 2nd tergite a little shorter than the 1st, subquadrate, the remaining tergites
transverse; 1st to 3rd tergites thickly, longitudinally rugose, the basal two with
a continuous longitudinal median carina; the following tergites dull, strongly
pubescent; ovipositor as long as the 4th joint of the hind tarsi, the sheath
uniformly pubescent.
Body-length 9 mm., ovipositor-length I mm.
e. Unknown.
Type: ~,Koshun, v, 1912.
Habitat: Koshun (Formosa).
This is easily distinguished from the preceding species in having the body-
colour reddish yellow, the wings hyaline, with no fuscous marking.

Genus Paragyroneuron BAKER

Paragyronettron BAKER, Philip. Journ. Sc., Vol. 12, p. 318 (1917).

*23. Paragyroneuron flavum (ENDERLEIN)

GyroneuroJZ jlavZlm ENDERLEIN, Arch. Naturgesch., 84 A, p. 144, !j1 (1920).
Habitat: Kosempo (1!j1, 7/ix, 1912).
Gen. Distr.: Sumatra, Formosa.

Genus Rhogas NEES

Rhogas NEES, Nova Act. Acad. Nat. Cur., Vol. 9, p. 306 (1818).

Subgenus Aleiodes WESMAEL

A!eioJes WESM.\EL, Nouv. Men. Acad. Sc. Belg., Vol. II, p. 94 (1838).

*24. Rhogas (Aleiodes) lateralis BAKER

Rltogas (Aleiodes) lateralis BAKER, Philip. Journ. Sc., Vol. 12, p. 391, '? (1917).
Habitat: Koshun (I,?, viii, 1(12).
Gen. Distr.: Philipp:ns, Formosa.

Subgenus Rhogas s. str.

25. Rhogas (Rhogas) cariniventris ENDERLEIN

RltOg"S cm'inivmtris ENDERLEIN, Ent. Mitt., I, p. 257, '? 0 (1912).

Habitat: Hoozan (10' ii, 1912)-Taihorin (6 '?~, I, 0 i, 1910; 1 ,?, 2 0 I), v, 1910; I 9,
2 0 O. 7/vii, 19II; 3 '? ,?, 7/xii, 19II; 2 '? ,?, 3 0 0, 7/ix, 1912).
Gen. Distr.: Formosa.

Genus Chelanorhogas ENDERLEIN

Cltelmzorltogas ENDERLEIN, Ent. Mitt., I, p. 258 (1912).

26. Chelanorhogas rufithorax ENDERLEIN

Cltelanorltogas rt!fitltorax·ENDERLEIN, Ent. Mitt., I, p. 258, '? (1912).

Habitat: Taihoku (I,?, 7/vii, 1911).
Gen. Distr.: Formosa.

Subfamily Cheloninae


Fornicia BRULL~=, Hist. Nat. Ins. Hymen., Vol. 4, p. 5IX (1846).

Odontof0rnicia ENDERLEIN, Ent. Mitt., I, p. 260 (1912).

27. Fornicia arata (ENDERLEIN)

OJon!ojornicia amta ENDERLEIN, Ent. Mitt., I, p. 261, '? (1912); CUSH~fAN, Philip. Journ. Sc.,
Vol. 40, p. 235. '? 0 (1929).
Fornicia arata WATANABE, Ins. Mats., VHf, p. 120, '? (1934). ,.,
Habitat: Tabo (2,? ,?, 10, 7/X, 1909)-Kosempo (I 0, 2/vii, 19[ I)-Koshun (~I 0, z/vii, 19IX;
1<3, v, 1912; I,?, vii, 1(12).
Gen. Distr.: Formosa, China (Yeng Kong).

*28. .Fornicia ceylonica \;VILKINSON

Fornicia cey!onica WILKINSON, Bull. Ent. Res., XIX, p. 262, '? <3, fig. 2 (1928).
In a series of the Formosan specimens, the scutellar tooth is normally undivided at the apex,

but sometimes slightly divided, and the proscutellar median process is very variable in sharp. The
scale·like prominence at each side of the mesonotum is not a special appendage of this species, but it
-is. also seen in For1ticia amta (ENDERLEIN).
Hahitat: Taihoku (10, 7/vii, 1912; 30 0, 7/viii, 1912; 10, 7/ ix , 1912)-Hoozan (10' 7/1x,
1912J-Fusho (20 0, 7/ix, 1912).
Gen. Distr.: Ceylon, Formosa.

Tribe Chelonini
Genus Chelonus JURINE
Che!onlls JURINE, in Panzer, Krit. Revis., Vol. 2, p. 99 (1806); id., Nouv, Meth. Class.
Hymen., p. 289 (1807).
7'rachiOltlls HALiDAY, Ent. l\bg., Vol. I, p. 265 (1833).

29. Chelonus formosanus SOKAN

Chef01Z1lS JormOS01tllS SONAN, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. ForIT.osa, XXII, P.70, !il (1932); WATANA-
1lE, Ins. Mats., VIIT, p. 120, !il (1934).
As a supplement to the original description the following characters may be added:
Ii!. Front slightly excavated, not laterally margined, with a horn between the antennae, which
is bidentate at the apex; antennae 26 jointed (not 30 jointed as in the original description); nervulus
distinctly postfurcal, oblique, but not curved; basal portion of the 2nd abscissa of the medial nervure
as long as one third of the apic:ll portion; ovipositor concealed.
O. Closely resembles the fem:lle, but the antennae slenderer, 28 jo:nled.
Described from four female and one m:lle in SAUTER'S collection.
Habit:lt: Koshun (I !il, 1 (;, 22/iv, 1912)-Kosempo (2!il !il, xi, 1908)-Pilam (1!il, vii, 1912).
Gen. Distr.: Formosa.

30. Chelonus tabonus SONAN

Clzelo1Z1ls tabo1tus SONAN, Tr:lns. N:lt. Host. Soc. Formosa, XXII, p. 71, !il 0 (1932).
Chelo1tella yami SONAN, 1. c., p. 74, !il (1932) (syn. nov.)
As a supplement to the original description the following characters m:ly be added:
o. Black; mandibles and palpi ,brownish red to 1Jfown; coxae at the extreme apices, trochanters,
fore tibiae and four anterior tarsi yellowish red to brown; hind tibia sometimes with a yellowish ring
at the base; hind tarsi yellowish white to brown, vari:lble in colour; wings hyaline in the basal half,
the remainder slightly infuscate; stigma and veins brown; abdomen with two white subb:lsal spots,
varying in size, sometime3' confluent.
Head transverse; f:lce reticulate-rugose, silvery pubescent; clypeus closely punctate; malar space
nearly half lh~ length of the eye; freintal depression deep, with a longitudinal carina in tlie middle,
laterally margined; vertex longitudinally striate; :lntennae slender, 26-27 jointed (not 32 jointed as in
the original description,. Thorax cO:lfsely rugose; scutellum anteriorly with four foveae, separated by
five carinae; propodeum strongly reticulate, the posterior face declivent, conC:lve, separated from the
upper face by a transverse carina. First abscissa of the radius a little shorter than the 2nd; 2nd
cubital cell slightly narrowed towards the apex; 1st intercub,tus oblique, a little shorter than the 2nd
abscissa of the cubitus; 2nd intercubitus vertical, deco!oured; nervulus shortly post furcal. Abdomen as·
long :15 the head and th:>rax t:lken together, reticulate-rugose, with no apical fissure; ventr:ll cavity far
from the apex; genital organ normally concealed in the cavity.
Length 4.5-5 mm.

Described from SClNAN'; )lO;otype which is truly :l male and not a female, allotype, paratype (0,
l(osen 22jviii, 1923), and ~onsll~t'ng \V th 111:1ny 1113.1e specinlens in SAUTER '5 collection.
9. Closely allied to the male in general sUucture and colour, but differs fro:n the latter in the
ollowir.g points:
1) Antennae much shorter, compresso-dibted beyond the middle, 16 jointed, the leest 5-6 joints
rapidly decreasing its size.
2) Reticulation of the face closer than that of the m:lle.
3) Subbas:11 white spots of the abdomen larger, generally confluent.
4) Uvipositor concealed in the ventral cavity, sometimes subexserted.
I.ength 5.5-6 mm.
Described fro;}l ~OClAN'; p:uatype (9, Taito 25/i;-27/iii, 1919) and fro:n many female specimens
In SAUTER'S collection. After eX"mining SONAN'S type of Che/one/fa yami, the present writer is con-
vinced that it may be a female of this species.
Ihb:t"t: l'ibrn (190 C, 79 9, vii, J912)-Anpir.g (30 C, 61' 9,S/viii, 1911)-'1''11<:10(40 Ot
1", viii, 19(7)-Taihor:n (50 0, 39 9, 7/iv, 19I1)-Koshun (130 C, 49 9, vii, 19Iz)--Tain:1l1 (z
¥ 9, iv, 1912)-Kosempo (19, 7/vii, 1911).
Gen. Dis!r.: l"onrosa.

Cenus Chelonella SZhUGETI

Che.'olZe!!a SZI\PLlGETJ, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., VI, p. 403 (1908).

31. Chelonella 1'ufosignata SOKAN

Chelonelfa 1'tlJos(O;1Urta SON AN, Tr:lns. Nat. 1-1'51. Soc. Focm')sa, XXII, p. 77, 9 (non 0) (1932).
As a supplement to the original description the following points may be added:
,? Antennae slightly compresso-dibted on the 7th to 12th joints; maxillary palpi short; 1st
abscissa of the radius longer than the 2nd, the 3rd slightly
curved inwardly; 1St intercubitus oblique, a little shorter !lun
the 2nd abscissa of the cubitus, the 2nd decoloured, as
long as the 2nd abscissa of the radius; nervulu, postfurcal,
oblique; basal portion of the 2nd abscissa of the medial
nervure as long as one fourth of the apical portion; ventral
cavity reachir.g I he apex, with two teeth at the terminal
lateral angles; ovipositor exserted.
Described from SONAN'S unique type which is truly a
em ale and not a male.
O. Closely resembles the female, but differs fro:11 the Fig, 5.
latter in the following poir.ts: Apical fissure at the apex of
I) Antenme yellowish brown, slenderer, 22 jo'nted. the m"le abdomen of Chelo-
2) Abdomen black, w:th a small white spot at each
hasal side.
3) Ventral c"vity does not reach the apex, the apical fissure is large, oval, nearly twice as broad
as long.
Length 5 111m.
Described from a male in SAUTER'S collection.
Habit"t; Koshun (10' v, 1912).
Gen. Dist!'.: Forrr.osa.

Genus Ascogaster WESMAEL

Ascog.lSter WE5\!'\EL, N.:>uv. M~:n. Acad. S~. Belg., Vol. 9, p. 215 (ISH).

32. Aseogaster formosanus SONAN

Ascog,lSter fOrlllOSa1tltS SO:>lAN, Trans. Nat. Hist. So~. Formosa, XXII, p. 78, !? '" (193z).
In a series of the writer's specimens the antennae diff-:r from the original description in both sexes.
)1. Antennae slightly compresso·dilated beyond th~ middle, 42-43 jointed (not 59 jointed).
O. Antennae slenderer, not dilated,.45 jointed.
Habitat; Funkiko (4 \l !?, 16fxi, 19z9, J. S:J:>IAN)-Tuen (I ,?-, 1 <5 " 19/vi, 1907, S. MATsmIURA)-
Shinsharyo (zo 0, x, 19II, I-I. SAUTER).
Gen. Distr.: Formo~a.

Genus Phanerotoma WESMAEL

PI"merotollla WES~fAEL, Nouv. M~m. Acad. Sc. Belg., Vol. II, p. 165,,<1838).

33. Phanerotoma flava ASHMEAD

Phaltero!olJl" Jlava ASHMEAD, Pcuc. U. S. Nat. Tl-hs., Vol. 30, p. 191, 9 (1906).
Phanero! taiwan" Sm'lAN, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formo5a; XXII, p. 31, \l 0 (1932) (syn.
Habitat: Koshun (I/), vi, 19(2).
Gen. Distr,: Japan, Formosa.

34. Phanerotoma flavida ENDERLEIN

PhanerotollZ'l Jlavida ENDERLE!N, Ent. Mitt., I, p. Z59, 9 <5 (1912); SO:>lAN, Trans. Nat. Hist.
Soc. Formosa, XXII, p. 80 9 0 (1932).
Habitat: Anping (I \l, vi, 19!I; I!?, v, 1912)-T.1inan {z ¥ !?, 3 <5 <5, v', 19IZ)-Koshun (z
00, ix, 19IZ).
Gen. Distr.: Formosa, Ceylon.

35. Phanerotoma bieolor SONAN

Phaltero!ollt'l bico!or SO:>lAN, Tr~ns. Nat. IIist. Soc. Formos.l, XXII, p. 8r, !? (?) (1932).
I-hbitat ; Tainan (I 0, iv, 191 z).
Gen. Distr., Formosa.

S~lbfarnily Microgasterinae
Gen'.lS Microgaster LATREILLE

.Microg<lster LATREILLE, Hist. N~t. Crust. Ins., Vol. 3, p. Ir9 (1802).

'~36. Microgaster kuchingensis WILKINSON

Microg,lster kltchiltgmsis WILK[''1S::>:>I, Bull. Ent. Res., XVIII. p. 175, !?, fig. 3 (I9Z71; id" Tr:lns.
Ent. Soc. L')ndon. p. 120, \l 0 (19Z9).
In a !leries of Formos,:m specimens the punctuation of the mesonotum is not so strong as in the typi-
c:l1 form, and the two baBI tergites are als') weakly striate-rugose.
H~bitat: K03hun (I!?, 20 0, iv, 1912; 50 0, vii, 1912; 2!j! ,?-,'zo 0, ix, 19(2).

Gen. D:str.: Eorneo, India, Formosa ..

Subfamily Agathiinae
Genus Euagathis SZEPLIGETI
Euuguthis SZf:PLlGETI, Term. Fiiz., XXIII, p. 62 (19:10).

37. Euagathis formosana ENDERLE!N

Ruulruthis jorlllosana ENDERLEIN, Arch. Naturgesch., 8f A, p. 178, if (1920).
Euagathis jormosa1ta var. obscurio ENDERLEIN, 1. c., p. 179, 0 (lg20).
O. llind legs with the coxae fuscous; abdomen reddish yellow, the 4th and the following
tergites black.
Length 10-11 mm.
Habitat: Taihorin (3 <;' )1, 10, 7/vii, 19I1)-Kosempo (I if, x, IgI IJ-Koshun (I ~, vi, 19[2;
2 if·if, 30 0', viii, 19 12 ).
Gen. Distr.: Formosa.

Genus Cremnops FORSTER

Crem1Zops FORSTER, Verh. Nat. Ver. Preuss. RheinJ., Vol. 19, p. 246 (1862).

3S. Cremnops alternans ENDERLEIN

Cre1lt1tops altenzmzs ENDERLE[N, Arch. Naturgesch., 8f A, p. 18), !j? 0 (1920).
Habitat: Taihorin (6 0 0, 7/xii, IgII; (I if, iv, 1912)-Paro~ (I 9,10, ix, 1912)-PiIam (20 Or
• 1912~--KosemFo (10' vii, 1912)-Ko;hun (300, 4!j?!j?, iv, 1912; 29!j?, 700, v, 1912;-
if <;', 170 0, vi, 19 12; 8if!j?, 350 0, vii, 1912; 11<;' 9,2[00, "iii, 1912; 7!j? 9,5400, ix,
19 12).
Gen. Distr.: Formosa.

Genus Microdus NEES

lI-ficrodtlS NEES, Mag. Ges. Naturf, Fr. Berlin, Vol. 6, p. 184 (1812).

39. Microdus cancellatus ENDERLEIN

Microdus cancellatus ENDERLEIN, Arch. Naturgesch., 8f A, p. 20[, 0 ([g20); WATANABE, Ins.
Mats., VIII, p. 120, (; (1934).
A, a supplement to the original description, so:ne cIuracters of the fem3.le may be added:
If'. Black; clypeus, mandibles except the apices, palpi reddish yellow; prothorax and meso-
no tum yellowish red; fore legs with the c)xae, tibiae and tarsi of the middle legs reddish yellow; hind
tib;ae with each a white ring at the bas~; wings I ap'cllly infuscatc, basally subhyaline; stigma and
veins dark brown; belly at the base tinged with brown; ovipos:tor brownish red, the sheath black.
Head smooth and shining, with pubescence; face and cJypeus c:03ely scattering punctures ; frontal
depress'on deep, with a stout plate between the antennae, which becomes gradually smaller behind,
ar.d is roundi;h in front; antennae more than 32-jointed (the apex broken off). Prothorax, mesonotum
and scutellum finely punctate; parapsidal furrows deep, crenulate; mesopleurae smooth and shining,
w;th a deep, crenulate furrow at the middle; met:lpleurae strongly punctate; propodeum coarsely reti-
culate-rugose, the spiracles small, oval. Second cub:tal cell triangular, petiolate above; 'tlervulus just

po,tfur~,ll. First terg',te dull, q tim~s lon6~r thln bro.ld a.t the apex, longitudinally striate on the basal
lulf; 2nd tergite dull, weakly transversely impressed at the basal third, the remaining tergites smooth
and shining; ovipositor long, the sheath a little shorter than the thorax and abdomen taken together.
Body·length 8.5-9 mm., ovipositor.length 7 mm.
Habitat: Koshun (3!jl \l, 20 0, ix, 19 12).
Gen. Distr.: Formosa.

40. Microd:.zs rudimentarius EI\DERLEIN

1I1i:cro'!us rltllimm:arius ENDERLEIN, Arch. Naturgesch., 8~ A, p. 202, !il (1920).

O. Closely resembles the female, but differs from the latter in the following points:
I) Antennae 2".jointed (in the present female specimens the antennae broken off).
2) Second cubital cell smaller than that of the female, sometimes absent.
3) Second tergite nearly smooth ::md shining.
'Length 3.5-4 mm.
Habitat: Takao (10, viii, 1907)-I{oshun (I 9, vii, 1912; 30 0, iv, v, v;i, 19(2)-Pihm (19,
vii, 1912).
Gen. Distr.: Formosa.

41. Microdus sauteri nov. sp.

lj!. Black; mouth-parts, fore legs, the tibiae and tarsi 07 the m:c1dle leg3
reddish yellow; hind tibiae each with a white ring at the base; wings ap:cally
infus:ate, b1sally hyalin~ ; stigm:l an:! veIns dark bmwn; bmwnish red,
the sheath black.
Head smooth and shining; face and clype~ts finely p~mctate, with p~lbes­
,cence; frontal depression deep, with a plate between the antennae as in Clllzce!-
latus; posterior ocelli considerably nearer than the dist:mce to the eyes; an-
tennae 44 joInted. Thorax smoJth and shining, scattering fine p:mctures;
parapsidal furrows deep, cren'..!!ate; mesopleural furrow broJ.d, stro:1gly cren'..!late ;
metapleurae closely p~mctate; prop:Jdeum strongly reticulate-rugose. Second
cubital cell triang-ular, sessile above; nervulus just PJstfurcJ.l. Abdomen smooth
and shining; 1 st tergite a little longer than broad at the apex, with a short
longitudill3.l carina at each side of the base, rugose between the carina and the
lateral margin; 2nd tergite as long as the 3rd, weakly transversely impressed
at the basal third; ovipositor as long as the propJdeum and abdo:nen united.
Body-length 10 mm., ovipositor-length 7 mm.
o. Closely allied to the female in general structure and colo'..!r, b:Jt dif-
fers from the latter in having the antennae slenderer, 46 jointed; 1st tergite
slender, nearly twice as long as broad at the base, slightly striate on the b3.s:tl
Length 9 mm.
Holot,rpe: ~,Koshun, ix, 1912.
Allotype: 0, Koshun, ix, 1912.

Paratype: Koshun (r 9, v, 1912).

Habitat: Koshun (Formosa).
This species closely resembles J11icrodus cmzcellatlls E:--:DERLErN, it 1S
easily elisting:lisheel from the latter by the blac:<: thorax.

42. Microdus albifasciatus nov. sp.

9. Heael anel thorax yellowish red; antennae dark brown; prop:)(leclm
and metaple:lrae fusco:ls; fO:lr anterior legs reddish yellow; hind legs elark
brown, the tibiae with each a white r.'ng at the base; wings slightly infu5"cate,
the stigma anel the veins clark a b c
brown; abdomen black; 1st ter-
gite at the lateral margins, 2nd
tergite on the basal half, belly
0: the three basal segments yel-
lowish white; ovipositor brown-
ish reel, the sheath black.
Head tr.lllsverse; face and
cIypeus slightly p:mctate, with
pJbescence, the remainder of
the heael smooth and sh:n:ng;
malar space a little shorter than
the length of each eye; frontal
dep:"ession eleep, with a plate
between the antennae; anten-
Ine 33 jointed, the sca[YJS sto'Jt,
as long as the 1st j oint of the
flagellum. Thorax smooth and
shin;ng, p:lbescent; r:nrapsidal
furrows crenulate; mesopleural
furrow cren:tlate, anteriorlyob-
solete ; metapleurae closely
p.l11ctate; prop:Jdeum strongly
retic:date- rugose, the spiracles
small, oval. Second cclbital cell Fig. 6.
trian;:;ular, sessile above; nervu- Dorsal view of a:lclomens of:
1us interstitial. I-lind coxae a. iJliuo.!m sauter; nov. sp. ( Of )
smooth, pClbescent. First ter- IJ. Jlliuo.!m aJbifirsdatliS nov. sp, ( ';1 )
c. iJdit"rodlls /o"rJJlosa1llts nov. sp. ( ¥ )
gitc gradually bro:ldened to-
wards the apex, l10rly twice as long as broad at the apex, longitudinally striate;

2nd tergite the broadest, transversely impressed at the middle, the basal division
raised, obsoletely rugose, the apical division longitudinally striate, but not so
strong as in the 1st; 3rd and the following tergites smooth, shining; ovipositor
longer than the abdomen.
Body-length 7 mm., ovipositor-length 5.5 mm.
o. Closely resembles the female, but the antelllne slenderer, 33-35 jointed.
Length 5.5 -6 mm.
Holotype : ~,Koshun, vii, 1912.
Allotype: 0, Koshun, viii, 1912.
Paratypes: Koshun (40 0, viii, 19I2).
Habitat: Koshun (Formosa).
This species resembles more Hwzigastcr sU!lJ'osa EKDEHLEIN (Arch. Natur-
geseh., 84, A, p. 200, 0, 1920) in the structure of the two basal tergites than
the preceding three Formosan species.

43. Microdus formosanus nov. sp.

~. Head and thol;ax yellowish red; antennae blac:.;:; mesopleurae at the
p,osterior half fuscous; propodeum and metapleurae dark brown to black; four
anterior legs reddish yellow; hind legs dark brown, the tibiae with each a white
ring at the base; wings slightly infuscate, the stigma and the ve:ns dark brown;
abdomen black, the belly of the basal three segments tinged with yellowish~
brown; ovipositor brownish red, the sheath black.
Head transverse; face and cIypeus slightly punctate, with pubescence, the
remainder of the head smooth and shining; malar- sp3.ce distinctly shorter than
the length of each eye; frontal depression shallow, with a small plate between
the antennae; antennae 40-42 jointed. Thorax smooth and shining, pubescent;
parapsidal furrows shallowly marked, slightly crenulate ; metapleurae closely punc-
tate; propocleum reticulate-rugose, with an irregularly margined median area,
the spiracles oval, larger than those of albifasciatlts. Second cubital cell triangu-
lar, sessile above; nervulus shortly postfurcal. Hind coxae smooth, pubescent.
Abdomen slender, the two basal tergites longitudinally striate, the remainder
smooth and shining; 1st tergite gradually broadened towards the apex, twice-
as iong as broad at the apex, the 2nd transversely impressed at the middle;
ovipositor as long as the thorax and abdomen taken together.
Body-length 7 mm., ovipositor-length G mm.
0. Closely resembles the female, b:'lt the mesopleurae entirely yellowish
red (in the present specimen the apices of the antennae broken off).
Length 6 mm.
Holotype : ~,Koshun, vi, 1912.

Allotype: 0, Koshun, vi, 1912.

Habitat: ' Koshn (Formosa).

Genus Stantonia ASHMEAD

Stan!"ia ASH)IEAD, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXVIII, p. 146 (1904).

44. Stantonia sauteri WATANABE

Stantollia sauteri \VATANABE, 1m;. Mats., VI, p. 183, Q 0 fig. 3, b (1932).
Habitat: Koshun (I ¥, viii, 1912).
Gen. Distr.: Formosa.

Subfamily Cenocoeliinae
Genus Cflnocoelius WESTWOOD
Cmo[oeiiltS WESTWOOD, Intr. Mod. Class. Ins., II, Syn. p. 62 (1840).
Aulacoc!es CRESSON, Proc. En!. Soc. Philad., Vol. 4, p. 8 (1865).
Capitonills BRULLE, Hist Nat. Ins. Hymen., Vol. 4, p. 544 (1846).
Laccophrys FijRSTER, Verh. Nat. Ver. Preuss. Rhein!., Vol. 19, p. 257 (IS62).
Promachlts ASHMEAD, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., p. 653 (1888).

*45. Cenocoelius eOU3 WILKINSO:'ol

Cenocoe/ilts eo"s \VILKINSON, Stylops, Vol. I, p. 86, !;1 0 (1932).
In a series of the Formosan specimens the recurrent nervure interst't;al or just received in the
1st cubital cell.
Habitat: Fuhosho (IS!;1 !;1, v, 1909).
Gen. Distr.: India, Formosa.

46. Cenocoelius koshunensis nov. sp.

~. Black; antennae dark brown, the two basal joints yellowish; all femora
at the apices, fO:1r anterior tibiae, the hind tibiae at each base, all tarsi reddish
yellow, the remaining legs fuscous; belly at the base, lateral margins of the two
basal tergites reddish yellow; wings subhyaline; stigma and veins brown; ovi-
p::>sitor brownish red, the sheath blad:, with a narrow white ring at the apex.
Head broader than the thorax, closely punctate, with pubescence; face with
a median longitudin11 Clrill1, the facial depressions considerably nearer to each
other than to the eyes; frontal depression extends from the base of each antenna
to the ocelli, with a sh::>rt ridge in the middle, not margined laterally; posterior
ocelli apparently nearer to each other than to the eyes; antennae 28 jointed,
the scapus a little longer than the I st joint of the flagell urn. Thorax punctate,
p:.lbescent as in the h::ad; meson::>L!m short, with a median longitudinal carina
posteriorly; p]rap3idal furrows deep, crenulate; propodeum coarsely reticulate-
rugose. First absc;ssa of the radius as long as a half of the 2nd; 2nd c:.Jbital
cell n]rrowed tow~nls th:: ap::x; rec:.Jrre:1t nervure inserted in the ap:cal fifth

of the 1st CClbital cell; nervulus slightly p:::>stfurcal. Hind tibiae slightly thicken-
ed in the apical three ~o:1rths. Abdomen smooth and shining; 1st tergite nearly
twice as long as brmd at the apex, with two weak longitudinal carinae, the
following tergites transverse; 2nd suture straight; ovip:::>sitor as long as the
thorax and abdomen uvited.
Body-length 7 mm., ovipositor-length 5.5 mm.
o. Closely resembles the female in general structure and colour, but dif-
fers fro:n the latter in the following points:
I) All legs reddish yellow, the c:::>xae often coloured in varying degrees.
with brown to black.
2) Antennae slenderer, 28-30 jointed.
3) Abdomen slenderer, the 4th and the following segments dilated, slighf-
Iy curved downwards.
Length 5-6 mm.
Holytype: ? , Koshun, iv, 1912.
Allotype: 0, Koshun, vii, 1912.
Paratypes: Koshun (40 0, i, 1912; 20 0, iv, 1912; 130 0, vii, 1912 ~
40 0, viii, 1912).
This species differs from the preceding species in having the scap:ls shorter ~
the ovipositor longer, the sheath with a narrow white ring at the apex; wings
slightly infuscate.

Subfamily Helconinae
Tribe Cardiochilini
Genus Cardiochiles NEES
Cm',liochiles NEES, Nova Acta. Acad. Nat. Cur., Vol. 9, p. 307 (1818).
Dithereus CAMERON, Jouro. Bomb. Nat. Hist. Soc., Vol. 14, p. 434 (19:l2).

4;. Cardiochiles albopilosus SZEPLIGETI

Cardioc/li/es albopilostts SZEPLIGETI, Term. Filz .. XXV, p. 77, 0 (1~02); E1\DERLElN, Stett. Ent.
Zeit., p. ~;t+8, !? 0 (1906); id., Ent. Mitt., I, p. 262, !? (1912)
Habitat: Kosempo (I !?, 7lvii, 1911).
Gen. Distr.: Singapore, Sumatra, Formos:l.

48. Cardiochiles laevifossa EKDERLEIN

Cart/ioc/li:es 'aevi/ossa ENDERLElN, Stett. Ent. Zeit., P.248, (\ (1906); ie\., Ent. l'Ii:tt., I, p.262,
!? (19 Il).
thbit:lt: Takao (I!?, ix, 1907; 3 (\ 0, x, 19J7)-Ko,hun (I?, vii, 1911; 20 0, V, 1912)-
Akan (I!?, ix, 1907)-Kagi (300, vii, 1907)-T.lihorin ([0, v, 1912).
Gen. Distr.: West-Java, Formosa.

49. Cardiochiles s%epligetii ENDERLEIN

Cardiochi:es testacells SZEPLIGETI, Term, Fliz., XXV, p. 77, 0 (190Z) (nec KRIECHBAUMER, 1894).
Cardiochiles szip:igdii ENDERLEIN, Stet!. Ent. Zeit., p. 252 (19C6); SZEPLIGETI, Notes Leyden
Mus., Vol. 29, p. 230, !? (1908); ENDERLEIN, Ent. Mitt., I, p. 262, '? (1912).
9. Nelary similar in general structure and colour to the male, but the ovipositor elongate, curved
downwards, the sheath fllttened, bloc'" ·as long as the two basal joints of the hind tarsi united; hypo
pygium acute apically.
Body-length 5 mm., ovipositor-length 1 mm.
Habitat: Koshun (49 9, 4;) 0, vii, 19 12; 69 9, 20 0, viii, 19(2).
Gen. D'str.: Singapore, Mabcc:!, Ceylon, Java, Formosa.

Tribe Macroc8ntrini
Genus Macrocentrus CURTIS
lIfacrocmtrus CURTIS, Ent. Mag., p. )87 (1833).
Amicropltts FORSTER, Verh. Nat. Ver. Preuss. Rhe:nl., XIX, p. 256 (1862).

50. Macrocentrus japonicus WATANABE

1Ilacrocentrus japo1Zicus WATANABE, Ins. Mats., VI, p. 133, 9 0 (1932); id., Kon tyO, Vol. 7, p.
247, 9 0 (1933)·
Habitat: Taihoku (19, 'i/vii, 19([).
Gen. D:str.: Japan, Formosa.

Tribe Opiini
Genus Opius WESMAl':L
O/ius WESMAEL, Nouv. Mem. Acad. Sc. Belg., Vol. 9, p. 115 (1835).

51. Opius maculipennis ENDERLEIN

Opills mamiipamis ENDERLEIN, Ent. Mitt., I, p. 26z, 0 (19IZ); SONAN, Trans. Nat. Hist. For-
mosa, XXII, p. 67, 9 0 (r932).
liab:tat: Taihorin (.19 9, v, 1910).
Gen. Distr.: Formosa.

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