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“Año de la unidad, la paz y el desarrollo”

Course : INGLÉS IV

Task : Week 16 - Task: Assignment – Seeing the doctor

Teacher : Contretas Poño, Rafael Martín

Group Members :

➢ Flores Morales, Miguel Angel – U21208541

➢ Yalo Machuca, Maryori – U21317277
➢ Soriano Leyva, Denisse - U21322198
Hello professor, today we are going to expose a consultation of a patient with a doctor.
I am going to do both characters because I am alone, my colleagues have not been able to
join the dialogue.

Miguel: Hi Doctor, I'm Miguel Flores, nice to meet you.

Doctor: Hello Miguel, tell me, what is the problem with you?

Miguel: Doctor, I feel bad, I have very frequent gastric problems. Here I show you the tests
that they sent me before the consultation, they are blood and feces tests.

Doctor: Ok Miguel, let's see the results.

Doctor: Ok Miguel, apparently you have inflammation in the gastric mucosa.

Miguel: Oh Doctor, what can I do to get better.

Doctor: Ok, you have to take the medicines from this prescription.

Doctor: Also, you have to drink a lot of fluids and follow a soft diet for three days.

Miguel: I understand doctor.

Doctor: Something else, you don't have to eat fat, raw food and coffee.

Doctor: Please Miguel, take care of your diet, drink a lot of fluids and you will improve.
You return to the consultation in a week.
Miguel: Thanks Doctor, I'll be back in a week.
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