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(AC-S11) Week 15 - Task: Assignment -

Health problems

Teacher: Emily Nohelia Guevara Chumpitaz

Course: Ingles IV (34893)


 Deivit Alexis Quintana Camargo

 Ruben Alejandro Barrantes Malaver

Deivit Alexis
Ruben Alejandro
Quintana Camargo
Barrantes Malaver


Common health problems in young people can range from physical discomforts to

mental and emotional challenges. While these issues can vary from person to person,

there are some prevalent health problems that young individuals often face.


1. Headache:

- You should take a pain reliever recommended by a healthcare professional.

- You shouldn't stay up late.

- You should practice stress management techniques such as meditation or deep

breathing exercises.

2. Poor Nutrition:

- You should eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and

lean proteins.

- You should consult a registered dietitian for personalized nutritional guidance.


These are just a few examples of common health problems faced by young people. It's

important to note that everyone's situation is unique, and seeking professional advice is

crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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