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J.M.J. Marist Brothers Name: Elyza Beige Corpuz Strand & Section: STEM St.

NDMU-IBED SHS Subject: Physical Education and Health 2 Date of Submission: March 28, 2022
Koronadal City Teacher: Louise Claudette C. Ducase Score:_____________/40
Johann Paolo B. Romero


Learning Competency:
 Describes the role of physical activity assessments in managing one’s stress. PEH11FH-IIf-5

Strategy: Discussions

 Callo, L. and Dajime, P. Physical Education and health: volume1.856 Nicanor reyes Sr. St.,Sampaloc,
Manila. January 201.

Lesson Notes:
Due to the current situation that we have right now (Pandemic), most of the people today became more
concerned with their health. Even the local governments in the Philippines are coming up with activities that
promote health such as biking, run for a cause, and the like. One of the activities that we could do at home to
improve our health in sports. But what really sports are and how we can benefit from this?
Sports is an activity that requires physical actions and skills where individual or teams compete under
a set of rules. It has three categories namely, individual, dual, and team. Individual sports played by one
participant on each competing side. The examples for these sports include Arnis, Table Tennis, Cycling,
Taekwondo, and the like. Dual sports, on the other hand, is played by two competing pairs. This includes
Table Tennis, Lawn Tennis, and Badminton. Lastly, team sports are played by three or more players. This
includes Basketball, Volleyball, Frisbee, Soccer, Baseball, and Softball.
What is the difference between individual and team sports?

Team sports have various variables to

Individual sports foster a higher amount of consider in determining success or failure of
discipline, self-confidence, focus, and passion. The the team. A team’s performance or success
individual players are solely responsible for winning depends on collective effort of its players.
or losing the game.

How can sports help us manage our stress?

1. Help moderate stress. About 75% to 90% of doctor visits are for stress-related illnesses. Sports help
you manage stress. Exercise causes your body to release endorphins, the chemicals in your brain that
relieve pain and stress. It also reduces the levels of stress hormones, cortisol and adrenaline.
2. Improve your mood. Playing a sport such as golf or skiing forces you to put aside your worries and
concentrate on the task at hand. This helps you clear your mind and calm down. It also helps you sleep
3. Help with depression. Sports help treat depression. Studies show that exercise improves symptoms
of depression and reduces the risk of relapse. Exercise was found to be as effective as standard
antidepressant treatment in one study, with modest amounts of exercise helping to improve depression.

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J.M.J. Marist Brothers Name: Elyza Beige Corpuz Strand & Section: STEM St.Basil
NDMU-IBED SHS Subject: Physical Education and Health 2 Date of Submission: March 28, 2022
Koronadal City Teacher: Louise Claudette C. Ducase Score:_____________/40
Johann Paolo B. Romero

Instructions: Answer the following questions and provide concrete examples if necessary.
1. What is the most common physical activity you engage in at home (describe the physical
activity)? Why do you enjoy doing it on a regular basis? (10 points)

The most physical activity I engages in at home is cleaning or doing our chores. Whenever I clean our house I have
to use the water pump with a bucket and I will carry it and I have to use stair for me to mop our floors with an old
cloth or not use shirt. I enjoy doing it on regular basis it helps may laziness gone, it keeps me to be strong, being
responsible and exercise me well and my small muscles.

2. What is the significance of evaluating our physical well-being? Give at least two reasons, and
explain it clearly. (15 points)

The significance of evaluating our physical well being assessment to be responsible with our body it helps us in
everything just like physically, mentally and emotionally health. It will keep us healthy and be more active everyday
it helps us improve your muscle strength and boost our endurance. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your
tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when your heart and lung health improve,
you have more energy to tackle daily chores.

3. How can a physical fitness assessment assist you with stress management? To back up your
answer, give at least one specific example. (15 points)

A physical fitness assessment assist me with stress management because of the physical activities I’m doing right
now keeps me busy and away from my phone and on social medias that triggers my mental health problems. It
makes me feel calm performing or doing the physical activities by not thinking those negative opinion of other
people to me it also helps my mindset healthy, wider and growing positively.

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