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BSN – 1


MANAGING AND CARING  Most people do better with self-
management is they have positive goals
FOR THE SELF to motivate them, ways they want their
SELF – CARE lives and health improve.

 Practice of activities that individuals ACTION PLANNING

initiate and perform independently on  Breaking large goals into achievable
their behalf in maintaining life, health, chunks that we feel confident about.
and wellbeing. (Orem)
PHYSICALLY  It identifies small, specific steps toward
larger goals and strategies to succeed
 Healthy diet, regular exercise and at those steps.
adequate sleep.
 The key is to make the plans specific
 Monitor and manage your stress in “what, when, where, with whom, how
positive ways. often”.
 Make time for relaxation and fun. TRACKING CHANGES
 Limit the use of alcohol and other  If you're trying to make a change in your
substances. life, how will know when you have done

 Make time for regular spiritual practice  We tend to forget what we have done
or relationship with others who share or how we have changed over time.
same philosophy.  How do we remember the way things

 Foster and maintain personal  It helps to keep record of your activities.

relationships. PROBLEM SOLVING
 Strive for balance between study and  Life has a way of interfering with self-
personal life. management.
WORK AND STUDY  Usually people encounter some barriers
 Develop interests and friendships outside they didn’t expect when they made
your work or study environment. their plans.


 The process to design your identity and  One of the most important
encourage yourself and others to characteristics of human beings is their
accomplish the predetermined goal on capacity to learn.
time.  An individual starts learning immediately
 It is also the responsibility that one take of after his birth.
their behavior and own wellbeing.  Our personality, our habits, skills,
SELF MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES knowledge, interest is largely result of
 It is the act of acquiring new or
modifying existing knowledge,
behaviors, skills, values of preferences “It requires learner’s motivation and
and may involve synthesizing different cognitive engagement”
types of information.
 It requires learner’s motivation and
 Learning is a lifelong process, and your cognitive engagement to be sustained
college years a part of this process. How when learning complex ideas because
you approach learning matters because considerable mental effort and
it will definitely have impact on the persistence are necessary. This shows
quality of your life in the future. learning does not come easy. You as a
learner need to take an active part in
the process.
“Learning is active”
 Learning is an active process of
engaging and manipulating objects,
experiences and conversations to build  Most of our activities in our day to day life
mental models of the world. refer to motor activities. The individual
has to learn them in order to maintain his
“It builds on prior knowledge”
regular life. For example, walking,
 It builds on prior knowledge and involves running, skating, driving, climbing etc. all
enriching, building on, and changing of these activities involve the muscular
existing understanding, where “one’s coordination.
knowledge base is a scaffold that
supports the construction of all future
learning”. You study ideas and use them  This type of learning involves the
in your real life setting so that you can language we speak, the
build your own idea to share with others communication devices we use. Signs,
and improve upon it. After which your pictures, symbols, words, figures, sounds
improved idea can then be passed on etc. are the tools used in such activities.
to share with others. We used words for communication.
“It occurs in complex social environment” CONCEPT LEARNING
 Learning occurs in a complex social  It is the form of learning requires higher
environment; thus, it should not be order mental processes like thinking,
limited to being examined or perceived reasoning, and intelligence. We learn
as something that happens on an different concepts from childhood. For
individual level. It use, the words they example, when we see a dog and
speak, the cultural context they’re in, attach the term dog, we learn that the
and the actions they take, and that the word dog refers to a particular animal.
knowledge is built by the members in the Concept learning involves two
activity. processes, abstraction and
generalization. This type of learning is
“Learning is situated in an authentic
very useful in recognizing and identifying
 Learning is situated in an authentic
context, and this provides learners the
opportunity to engage with specific  Learning to differentiate between stimuli
ideas and concepts on a need to know and showing an appropriate response to
or want to know basis. these stimuli. Example, sound of horns of
different vehicles like bus, car, CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM
ambulance etc.
 The CNS is so named because it
LEARNING OF PRINCIPLES integrates the received information and
coordinates and influences the activity
 Individuals learn a certain principles
of all parts of the bodies of bilaterally
related to science, mathematics,
symmetric animals—that is, all
grammar, etc. in order to manage their
multicellular animals except sponges
work effectively. These principles always
and radially symmetric animals such as
show the relationship between two or
jellyfish—and it contains the majority of
more concepts. Example like formula,
the nervous system.
laws, association and correlations.
 Many consider the retina and the optic
nerve (cranial nerve II), as well as the
 This is a higher order learning process. olfactory nerves (cranial nerve I) and
This learning requires the use of cognitive olfactory epithelium as parts of the CNS,
abilities such as thinking, reasoning, synapsing directly on brain tissue without
observation, imagination, intermediate ganglia. As such, the
generalization, etc. This is very useful to olfactory epithelium is the only central
overcome difficult problems nervous tissue in direct contact with the
encountered by the people. environment, which opens up for
therapeutic treatments.
 The CNS is contained within the dorsal
 It is a predisposition which determines body cavity, with the brain housed in the
and directs our behavior. We develop cranial cavity and the spinal cord in the
different attitudes from our childhood spinal canal. In vertebrates, the brain is
about people, objects and everything protected by the skull, while the spinal
we know. Our behavior may be positive cord is protected by the vertebrae. The
or negative depending upon our brain and spinal cord are both enclosed
attitudes. For example, an attitude of a in the meninges. Within the CNS, the
nurse towards her profession and interneuronal space is filled with a large
patients. amount of supporting non-nervous cells
NERVOUS SYSTEM called neuroglial cells.

 The nervous system is one of the most  The central nervous system (CNS)
important systems in our body because controls most functions of the body and
it is the main control and coordinating mind. It consists of two parts: the brain
system of the body and the spinal cord.

 It manages the voluntary and BRAIN

involuntary body process, especially  The brain is the center of our thoughts,
during learning. the interpreter of our external
 It is divided into two major systems, the environment, and the origin of control
central nervous system and the over body movement. Like a central
peripheral nervous system; both systems computer, it interprets information from
are responsible for transmitting and our eyes (sight), ears (sound), nose
receiving information throughout our (smell), tongue (taste), and skin (touch),
body. as well as from internal organs such as
the stomach.
 Logical  The spinal cord is the highway for
communication between the body and
 Detail Oriented
the brain. When the spinal cord is injured,
 Facts rule the exchange of information between
the brain and other parts of the body is
 Words and Language disrupted.
 Math and Science CERVICAL
 Can comprehend  Are the vertebrae of the neck,
 Knowing immediately below the skull.

 Acknowledges FUNCTION:

 Knows object name  The cervical vertebrae are responsible

for movements of the head and neck.
CHARACTERISTICS OF RIGHT BRAIN They are relatively mobile and allow
 Uses feeling flexion and extension of the joints
between the vertebrae, which helps to
 Big picture oriented produce movement
 Imagination rules THORACIC
 Symbols and images  Has 12 vertebrae stacked on top of
 Intuition each other, labeled from T1 down to T12.
These vertebrae form the foundation of
 Appreciated the thoracic region’s sturdy spinal
column that supports the neck above,
 Spatial perception
the rib cage, soft tissues, flexible joints,
 Knows object function blood vessels, and nerves.
HOW CAN I IMPROVE MY LEFT AND RIGHT  The spinal cord is a critical bundle of
BRAIN? nerves that sends electrical signals
throughout the body.
1. Exercise
2. Consume animal-based omega-fats
 The rib cage supported by the thoracic
3. Get enough sleep
spine in the back, forms a bony structure
4. Use coconut oil to surround and protect vital organs,
such as the heart and lungs.
5. Take vitamin D
6. Optimize your gut flora
 Sometimes referred to a lower spine or as
7. Take vitamin B12 an area of the back in its proximity.
8. Listen to music  An adjective that means of pertaining to
the abdominal segment of the torso,
between the diaphragm and the
 There are several muscles in the low  The coccyx is connected to the sacrum
back that assist with rotation, flexibility by means of an amphiarhrodial joint. The
and strength. These muscles are coccyx may be fractured when a
susceptible to injury, especially while person falls abruptly on his/her buttocks.
lifting heavy objects, or lifting while
 A woman coccyx may be broken during
twisting a body. This is the reason why
a complicated childbirth. The coccyx
low back pain is prevalent.
may need to be surgically removed. This
FUNCTION: procedure called COCCYGECTOMY.
 These bones also protect the spinal cord FUNCTION:
and nerves from injury and provide a
 Insertion point of some of the muscles of
measure of support.
the pelvic floor.
 The lumbar vertebrae are the biggest
 To support and stabilize a person while
vertebral bones. They increase in size
he/she is in a sitting position.
further down the spine in order to
support the increasing weight of the  Serves as an attachment site for
body. tendons, ligaments, and muscles.
 Is a triangular-shaped bone and consists  The peripheral nervous system (PNS) has
of five segments that are fused together. two components:
 Back pain or leg pain can typically arise  The somatic nervous system and the
due to injury where the lumbar spine and autonomic nervous system.
sacral region connect, because this
section of the spine is subjected to a  The PNS consists of all of the nerves that
large amount of stress and twisting lie outside the brain and spinal cord.
during certain activities such as sports Nerves are bundles of neuron fibers
and sitting for long period of time. (axons) that are grouped together to
carry information to and from the same
FUNCTION: structure.
 The sacrum connects to the hip and The Somatic Nervous System is made up of
bones and it is important in forming a nerves that connect to voluntary skeletal
strong pelvic. muscles and to sensory receptors. It is
composed of afferent nerves that carry
 The sacrum provides support at the base
information to the central nervous system
of your spine.
(spinal cord) and efferent fibers that carry
 The sacrum is a very strong bones that neural impulses away from the central
helps to support the weight of the upper nervous system.
 Afferent – Nerves that carry information
 Is the small tail-like bone at the bottom of to the central nervous system.
the spine very near to anus. It is also
 Efferent – Fibers that carry neural
called coccyx. It is composed of 3-5
impulses away from the central nervous
coccyx spinal bones.
 The Autonomic Nervous System also
consists of two components: the
sympathetic division and the
parasympathetic division. This system
mediates much of the physiological
arousal (such as rapid heartbeat, tremor,
or sweat) experienced by a fearful
person in an emergency situation.
 Sympathetic Nervous System – mobilizes
the body to respond to emergencies.
 Parasympathetic Nervous System –
generally conserves the body’s energy.
It controls normal operations of the
body. It helps the body to return to
normal activity after an emergency.

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