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What is Social Science?

the good of the person and society

by the use of social work methods.
 A branch of science that deals with
the institutions and functioning of COMMUNICATION
human society and with the
 Communication is the process of
interpersonal relationships of
Individuals as members of society. sending and receiving messages
through verbal and/or nonverbal
What is Applied Social Science? means speech (oral communication),
writing (written communication),
 Applied Social Sciences are those
signs, signals, and behavior.
social science disciplines,
professions, and occupations which Functions of Applied Social Science
seek to use basic social science
research and theory to improve the 1. Self-development
daily life of communities, 2. Persuasion
organizations, and persons. 3. Art and Entertainment
4. News and Information
The 3 Disciplines in Applied Social Science 5. Organizing advocacy and
 COUNSELING 6. Education
 SOCIAL WORK 7. Socialization
 a process of continuously
 Counseling comes from the Latin
improving one's skills, refining
word "Consilium" meaning plan,
one's craft, and enhancing one's
council, wisdom and advice.
Counseling is a profession and a personal qualities. It is essential to
helping relationship that facilitates becoming an effective and
the development of individuals, productive member of society.
groups and families that are based  according to Donald Fiske: (2014)
on the principle of empowerment development of oneself also
that helps achieve personal, social, encourages social belongingness,
educational and career which consequently leads to
development. This is contrary to positive feelings and fosters
our shared definition of counseling healthy and lasting relationships.
which focused advice giving, but it
more of a process which helps the Factors that Affect or Contribute to
client (counselee) clarify and Personal Development
address problems.
SOCIAL WORK  Your ability to
communicate your ideas
 Social work defined as a profession
well is essential to the
which is primarily concerned with
workplace or to any social
organized social service activity
that aimed at facilitating and setting. Enhancing your
strengthening basic social ability to express yourself
relationships and the mutual will help you become more
adjustment between individuals efficient in your work and
and their social environment for become more competent to
lead others.
Communication may be perspective reflects how your
verbal or nonverbal. attitude will be manifested.
 Verbal communication may
Process of Self-development
include your skills in public
speaking, in presenting  Creating a vision of yourself
details, or simply in having  Setting specific goals
one- on-one conversations  Identifying action plans
with a friend or a colleague.  Evaluating outcomes
 Nonverbal communication
includes your eye contact,
gestures, and body 1. Creating a vision of yourself
language. 
this process of self-development
2. TIME AND STRESS invites you to create a mental
MANAGEMENT image of what you envision about
 Stress is part and parcel of yourself. This vision will not only
one's daily living, time and allow you to pursue your life goals,
stress management are but it will also help you anticipate
essential factors to self- the possible obstacles which you
development. It is could encounter along the way.
important to take note that 2. Setting specific goals
stress is needed for a  This process Invites you to set
person's proper particular targets that are gear
functioning. It motivates toward improving yourself. It may
you to work harder, and it include the goals in your career,
challenges you to your relationship with others, your
determine your strengths education, or even your physical
and weaknesses. well-being. This process allows you
to allocate time and energy more
2 Types of Stress:
efficiency, thus promoting better
 eustress is a type of stress productivity and greater
that has a positive effect on confidence.
a person 3. Identifying action plans
 distress is a type of stress  This process invites you to identify
that negatively affects a specific strategies that will help you
person achieve your goals. If, for example,
3. DEVELOPING POSITIVE ATTITUDES your goal is to get a final grade of
 Attitude refers to a person's 95 by the end of this semester,
disposition about certain life some of your action plan could
experiences. Just like any disease, include the following:
attitudes may be contagious for
1. Strictly following daily schedules
they may positively or negative
influence another person. Unlike 2. Preparing a "to do list" for the day and
knowledge and skills, emotions for the week 3. Avoiding unnecessary
serve as a critical factor in the absences from class
development of one's attitudes.
seeing you're your experiences
from either a positive or a negative
4. Doing advance research and advance they will solve the issue together.
reading of lessons. Because some are hesitant to seek help,
the social worker must be able to
5. Reviewing notes on a daily basis, even
persuade the individual to avail of the
without examinations or quizzes
necessary social services that will help
6. Actively participating in class discussions the latter cope with the problem at
7. Submitting quality projects on time
Theory of Persuasion
4. Evaluating outcomes
 The last step invites you to assess Compliance-gaining
your plans and your achievements
 the theory suggests that behaviour
throughout the process of
is being targeted by compliance
improving yourself. It allows you to
gaining, whereas attitude is being
verify the result of your hard work
targeted by simple persuasion.
and the effectiveness of your plans.
Compliance-gaining is achieved when
Assessment of your personal
a person is made to respond and act
development is attained through
on a stimulus, which he or she might
reflective activities or through
have not done otherwise. The theory
consultation with your trusted
is rooted in social psychology, but is
someone: (parents, friends or
also used in other disciplines such as
school counselor.
communication (particularly
Persuasion interpersonal communication) and
 A symbolic process in which
communicator try to convince other Difference between Compliance-gaining
people to change their attitudes or and Persuasion
behaviors regarding an issue through
the transmission of a message in an
atmosphere of free choice. Seeks to change the behaviour of a target
Example: A client might have positive
Relationship of the Persuasion
attitudes toward asking for help from a
Function to the 3 Disciplines in social worker. The threat of not being able
Applied Social Science to cope without guidance from a
SOCIAL WORK professional may convince the client to
consult an expert.
 Persuasion is a way of getting the
client to agree with a social worker, Persuasion
looking the idea of substantive benefits, Seeks to change attitudes and beliefs
a system of evaluating the extent to
which persuasive message is replied to Example: A social worker might tell a client
by a client. that excessive Internet use may affect the
productivity of the client. The client may
Persuasion: A Tool for Effective accept this as a fact and view overuse of the
Social Work Practice Internet negatively, but might also continue
 An individual may be considered a to excessively use Internet frequently.
client only if he or she enters into an
agreement with the social worker that
Five Bases of Power cultural patterns of behaviour, in short, the
ability to "read between the lines".
Compliance gaining can be summarized into
five influential aspects associated with 5. Organization, or the ability to manage
yielding power over another person. The and prioritize the logistical aspects of the
following are the five bases of power job to maximize the amount of time on the
proposed by French and Raven in schedule and to provide meaningful
services to clients.
1. Reward Power-A person with this kind of
power has control over some valued 6. Coordination, or the ability to coordinate
resource. communication and action among multiple
parties to connect clients with services,
2. Coercive Power - A person with this kind
of power has the ability to inflict 7. Cooperation, or the ability to negotiate,
punishments. compromise, and work well with others to
coordinate efforts required in social work.
3. Expert Power-This power is based on
what a person knows. 8. Relaxation and decompression, or taking
advantage of a social worker's personal
4. Legitimate Power - This power is based
time by focusing on and tending to his or
on formal rank or position.
her own needs and well-being as it is for
5. Referent Power People have referent that of the clients
power when the person they are trying to
influence wants to be like them.

Qualities of a Social Worker

According to John (2012), some of the
qualities every social worker must possess
include the following:

1. Empathy, or the ability to identify with or

vicariously experience another person's

2. Boundary setting, or the capacity to set

boundaries and expectations and accept the
limits of what can a social worker
accomplish during a specified period of

3. Active listening, or the ability to listen

carefully, ask pertinent questions, and
retain verbally transmitted information [so
as to] establish trust, open doors, and
discover valuable details about the
individuals who seek help in understanding
their unique circumstances.

4. Social perceptiveness, or sensitivity to

body language, social cues, implications and

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