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Introduction to Anatomy of the Human Body

Anatomy: Studies body structures and relationships among them

Physiology: Studies body function or how the body parts work

Body positions

Directional terms

Body cavities
Body membranes
Mucous - located in digestive, respiratory urinary and reproductive systems. they secrete mucus prevents the
invasion of bacteria and viruses

Serous - Serous membranes support the internal organs and compartmentalize the large thoracic and
abdominal cavities. This helps hinder the spread of any infection. depending on where they are located they
receive an specific name:
Pleurae, lines the thoracic cavity and covers the lungs
Pericardium, covers the heart
Peritoneum, lines the abdominal cavity and covers it's organs

Synovial - Located in every joint cavity they secrete synovial fluid which lubricates the cartilage so it can move

Meninges - All along the dorsal cavity they protect the brain and spinal cord

Body fluids:
The proper functioning of body cells depends on the precise regulation of the composition of the fluid
surrounding them

Intracellular - fluid inside cells

Extracellular fluids:
Interstitial - Fills spaces between cells
Blood plasma - In between blood vessels
Lymph - Inside lymphatic vessels
Cerebrospinal - around the brain and spinal cord
Synovial - In joints
Aqueous humor & Vitreous body - both in the eyes

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