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Question 1.
Dynamic State in which individuals adapt to their internal and external environments so there is a state of physical, emotional,
intellectual, social, and spiritual well-being
Question 2.
Theories under this group are based on helping individuals to fulfill their physical and mental needs.
Nursing Theories
Outcome Theories
Interaction Theories
Needs-Based Theories
Question 3.
A theory is a set of concepts, definitions, relationships, and assumptions that
Reflects the domain of nursing practice
Explains a phenomenon
Measures nursing functions
Formulates legislation
Question 4.
She was considered as the Nightingale of Modern Nursing and at the same time the Modern-Day Mother of Nursing
Virginia Henderson
Florence Nightingale
Jean Watson
Dorothea Orem
Question 5.
It covers a nurse’s perspective regarding their education, practice, and patient care ethics.
Nursing Theories
None of the above
Conceptual Models
Question 6.
Theories are the most complex and broadcast in scope, focus on board and general areas and concepts. It deals with nonspecific and
relatively abstract concepts.
Grand Nursing Theories
Middle-range Theories
Practice Theories
Needs-Based Theories
Question 7.
Watson’s carative factors include all the following, EXCEPT:
Forming humanistic-altruistic value system
Cultivating sensitivity to self and others
Strengthening flexible lines of defense
Instilling Faith-hope
Question 8.
Interaction among and between the concepts showing patterns. They present an overview of the thinking behind the theory and may
demonstrate how theory can be introduced into practice.
Conceptual Models (“MODELS” is the correct answer) pero wala sa choices
Question 9.
What philosophical perspectives are used in nursing science that emphasizes the importance of a priori reasoning as the appropriate
method for advancing knowledge?
Question 10.
What is the definition of Florence Nightingale of Health?
Socially determined by the ability to function in a reasonably manner.
Maintaining well-being by using person’s powers to the fullest.
The positive state of physical, mental and social well being.
State and a process of being and becoming integrated and a whole person.
Question 11.
This can be described as the ‘theory-then-research’ approach (Reynolds, 1971). Because the theory comes first, this approach to
knowledge development can also be called deductive or prio reasoning.
Early twentieth Century Views
Question 12.
Which of the following is not a description of a concept?
Is a label that describes a phenomenon
Summarizes ideas, observations, and experiences
Open and can evolve as the acquire new properties
Describes a phenomenon that may be either empirical or abstract
Question 13.
What was Virginia Henderson known as?
The first lady of Nursing
The best nurse ever
The worst nurse ever
The modern Nightingale
Question 14.
What was Florence’s best-known work (published in 1860)
Excellen Enema
Musings on Medicine
Notes on Nursing
Impeccable injections
Question 15.
The substantive, discipline-specific knowledge that focuses on the human-universe-health process is articulated in the nursing
frameworks and theories.
Nursing science
Nursing Philosophy
Question 16.
Discipline and functions as a framework in which the more restricted structures of conceptual models develop. Four major concepts,
person, environment, health and nursing.
Question 17.
How does Jean Watson define nursing?
A human science of empathy?
A human science of caring
A human science of how nurses interact with acutely ill
A human science of persons and human health ill-ness experiences
Question 18.
The era came about as more nurses embraced higher education and arrived at the common understanding of the scientific age, that
research was the path to new knowledge.
Curriculum Era
Theory Era
Graduate Education Era
Research Era
Question 19.
It should be oriented to outcome that are important for patients, not merely described what nurses do.
Middle Range Theories
Grand Nursing Theories
Nursing Conceptual Models
Nursing Philosophy
Question 21.
It is important as a foundation for exploring whether scientific results are actually the truth.
Question 22.
Systematic and broad in scope, complex and require further specification through research.
Middle-range theories
Grand theory
Conceptual models
Question 23.
Theories that specific phenomena or concepts, such as pain and stress. Limited in scope yet general enough to encourage research, it
deals with concrete and relatively operational concepts and is amenable to empirical testing.
Practice Theories
Need-Based Theories
Grand Nursing Theories
Middle range Theories
Question 24.
Statements accepted as truth, represent the values and beliefs of the theory or conceptual framework known as
Conceptual models
Question 25.
Where did Florence Nightingale do a course in nursing?
Fr. Muller’s College of Nursing, Mangalore
St. John’s Medical College, Bangalore
Institution of Protestant Deaconesses, Kaiserswerth
Grant Medical College, Bombay
Question 26.
Watson’s Four (4) Aspects of Caring Include.
Transpersonal caring, mind, body, spirit
Moral ideal, intentionally, ontological competencies, healing art and healing space in transpersonal caring
Moral ideal, intentionality, healing, caring
Person, environment, health, nursing
Question 27.
Nurses must be fair when they distribute care, for example, among the patients in the group of patients that they are taking care of.
Question 28.
The processes and methods used to create, modify, refine theory.
Theory Construction
All of the choices
Theory Development
Question 29.
The following are the reasons for applying theory in everyday nursing practice, except:
Understand & analyze patient data
The view or perspective of the discipline
Predict outcomes of care
Make decisions about nursing interventions and plan patient care
Question 30.
Henderson believed that the nursing theory should be centered around?
The family
The nurse
The health care team
Patient/ Patient needs
Question 31.
The study of nursing theory.
Can be easily undertaken
Is a simple, short-term endeavor.
Is not essential for expert nursing practice.
Requires a continuing commitment
Question 32.
Where was Henderson born?
London, England
North Bay, Ontario
Orlando, Florida
Kansas City, Missouri

Question 33.
In this century, the philosophers focused on the analysis of theory structure, whereas scientists focused on empirical research. The
logical positivist believed that empirical research and logical analysis would produce scientific knowledge. While the logical empiricist
argued that theoretical propositions must be tested through observation and experimentation.
Late 20th Century
Early 20th Century
Early 21st Century
Late 21st Century
Question 34.
According to Jean Watson, “The Caring Moment is most evident within the transpersonal Caritas energetic field model.” This means:
One’s consciousness, intentionality, energetic heart-centered presence is radiating a field beyond the two people and
situation, affecting the larger field.
Caring can only occur when both people are energetic.
A Caring Moment is only concerned with high and low energy and light frequencies.
One must be out of body, mind, and soul, and at one with a higher power to achieve a Caring Moment with another.
Question 35.
It emphasizes the importance of a priori, reasoning as the appropriate method for advancing knowledge. Example (Cause-and-effects)
Priori reasoning
Question 36.
Nurses began to participate in research and research courses began to be included in the nursing curricula of developing graduate
Curriculum Era
Theory Era
Graduate Education Era
Research Era
Question 37.
Jean Watson is the theorist of?
Question 38.
A statement, sometimes written, declares a nurse’s beliefs, values, and ethics regarding their care and treatment of patients while they
are in the nursing profession.
Nursing Science
Nursing Philosophy
Question 39.
Theories are classified depending on their function, levels of abstraction, or goal orientation.
None of the above
Conceptual Models
Nursing Theories
Question 40.
These theories placed the emphasis of nursing on the establishment and maintenance of relationships and highlight the impact of
nursing on patients and how they interact with the environment, people, and situations.
Needs-Based Theories
Outcome Theories
None of the above
Interaction Theories
Question 41.
Jean Watson views nursing as a?
Waste of time
Question 42.
The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick, or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health or its
recovery ( or to peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge. And to do this in
such a way as to help him gain independence as rapidly as possible.” This definition of nursing was given by.
Question 43.
What level of theory is Virginia Henderson?
Middle Range Theory
Grand Theory
Conceptual Model
Practice Theory
Question 44.
These can be used in variety of setting and populations.
Nursing Conceptual Models
Middle-Range Theories.
Grand Nursing Theories
Nursing Philosophy
Question 45.
A fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question, a remarkable person,
thing, or event.
Question 46.
A conceptualization of some aspect of nursing that describes, explains, predicts, or prescribes nursing care.
Nursing Theory
Nursing Paradigm
Question 47.
What is Florence Nightingale’s Theory called?
Social Theory
Gene Theory
Environmental adaptation theory
Human adaptive theory
Question 48.
In what century that science and theory views as one of the major perspectives in the new philosophy emphasized that science was a
process of continuously building research rather than products of findings. That nurse use evidence-based science to support the
intervention performed in the care of patients.
Late 20th Century
Late 21st Century
Early 21st Century
Early 20th Century
Question 49
What was Florence Nightingale’s Nickname?
Lady with the needle
Lady in Red
Lady and the Tramp
Lady with the Lamp
Question 50
Which of the following is an assumption of Nightingale's Theory?
The practice of caring is central to nursing.
Nursing is a calling
Nursing is a form of action - interaction between two or more persons
The person is in constant interaction with a changing environment
Question 51
Starts broad and gets narrow and aims to test a theory
All of the choices
Inductive reasoning
Deductive reasoning
Question 52
Her definition and components are logical and the 14 components are a guide for the individual and nurse in reaching the chosen goal.
She emphasized the importance of increasing the patient's independence so that progress after hospitalization would not be delayed.
Callista Roy
Betty Neuman
Florence Nightingale
Virginia Henderson
Question 53
How did soldiers refer to Florence Nightingale?
White damsel
Lady Doctor
Messenger of peace
Lady with the Lamp
Question 54
The major conceptual elements of Watson's caring theory include of the following, except
behavioral system
caring moment
10 carative factors
transpersonal caring relationship
Question 55
The emphasis is that there are many ways to think about nursing. The emerging goal is that theories guide nursing research and
Theory Utilization Era
Curriculum Era
Research Era
Theory Era
Question 56
Name the Nursing Theorists influenced by Florence Nightingale
Jean Watson, Dorothy Orem, Martha Rogers
Jean Watson, Dorothy Johnson, Martha Rogers
Jean Watson, Martha Rogers, Sister Callista Roy
Jean Watson, Virginia Henderson, Martha Rogers
Question 57
What is the name of Virginia Henderson's Theory?
The System Model
Need theory
Behavioural Systems Model
Self Care Theory
Question 58
Focuses on specific field of nursing such as uncertainty, incontinence, social support, quality of life and caring rather than reflecting on
a wide variety of nursing care situations
Conceptual models
Grand theory
Middle-range theories
Question 59
Which of the following is not true regarding the role of nursing in early civilizations?
Ensures that patients have adequate information to make health care decision
all of the above
Advocated for formal education of nurses, including continuing education.
The role of the nurse was highly valued and respected by society.
Question 60
the recipient of nursing care, including individual patients, groups, families, and communities
Question 61
Starts specific and gets broad and aim is to generate “new” theories
Deductive reasoning
Inductive reasoning
All of the choices
Question 62
What is Florence Nightingale’s theory called?
Environmental theory
Meta theory
Nursing process theory
Human adaptive theory
Question 63
It is not necessary to desirable for the study and use of nursing theory to have roots in everyday practice of nursing
Question 64
The following are the purposes of nursing theory, except
Enables nurses to know why they are doing what they are doing
It helps to describe or explain nursing
Make decisions about nursing interventions
It guides nursing practice and generates knowledge
Question 65
How did soldiers refer to Florence Nightingale?
White damsel
Lady Doctor
Messenger of peace
Lady with the Lamp
Question 66
Moving from hospital-based education to universities and colleges
theory era
Curriculum Era
Research Emphasis Era
all of the above
Question 67
Why did nurses create nursing theories?
All of the above
To develop nursing as a science
Theoretically describe the nature of nursing
Process of improving client care
Question 68
These theories placed the emphasis of nursing on the establishment and maintenance of relationships and highlight the impact of
nursing on patients and how they interact with the environment, people, and situations
Need-based theories
Outcome theories
Micro-range theories
Interaction theories
Question 69
What are the purposes of nursing theory?
Enables nurses to know why they are doing what they are doing
It helps to describe or explain nursing
It guides nursing practice and generates knowledge
All of the above
Question 70
Jean Watson four major concepts
Animal being, science, atmosphere, Ph
Secret, focus, special, enhancing
None of the above
Human being, health, environment, nursing
Question 71
How many activities did Virginia Henderson have in her nursing activities for client assistance?
14 activities
8 activities
5 activities
13 activities
Question 72
Which of the following statements is related to Florence Nightingale?
Nursing care becomes necessary when client is unable to fulfill biological, psychological, developmental, or social ne
Nursing is therapeutic interpersonal process
The role of nursing is to facilitate "the body's reparative processes" by manipulating the client's environment.
Nursing is the science and practice that expands adaptive abilities and enhances person and environment transform
Question 73
Watson's carative factors include all the following, EXCEPT:
Forming humanistic-altruistic value system
Instilling faith-hope
Cultivating sensitivity to self and others
Strengthening flexible lines of defense
Question 74
Who is the author of the theory of human caring?
Dorothea Orem
Imogene King
Phil Barker
Jean Watson
Question 75
Addresses a specific phenomenon and reflects practice
Middle-range theories
Conceptual models
Grand theory
Question 76
According to Jean Watson, a patient achieves a healthy status when:
The patient is satisfied with their social health, physical health and mental health
A nurse uses the Caritas Processes to give the patient "spiritual attention"
The patient and a nurse experience a "caring moment," and both individuals are changed
The patient experiences harmony in mindbodyspirit
Question 77
A sets of empirical data or experiences that can be physically observed or tangible such as crying or grimacing when in pain
Question 78
Food preference in different regions of the country. This refers to what type of variables?
Psychological variable
Developmental variable
Physiological variable
Socio-cultural variable
Question 79
They are primarily the vehicles of thoughts that involve images.
Question 80
Makes use of reason gained thru expert study, tested theory & established facts to evidently prove something. Evidence based practice
and nursing research
None of the above

Question 81
This perspective is rooted in the idea that empirical facts exist in independently of theories and offer the only basis for objectivity in
science. in this view, objective truth exists independently of the researcher, and the task of science is to discover it, which is an
inductive method


Question 82.
Henderson's philosophy would be useful for a nurse in which of the following situations?
Aiding a nurse in describing or explaining everyday activities that a patient is experiencing

Question 83.
Which of the following is an example of a way one of Watson's 10 clinical Caritas Processes might occur in practice?
a. A nurse on a busy floor promises a patient she will "try to stop by later" when she sees the patient is visibly upset by a test
b. A nurse on the maternity floor asks a lactation consultant to visit one of her patients because she assumes the new mother
plans to breastfeed her infant.
c. Upon meeting a bedridden patient who has a stage I decubitus ulcer, a nurse focuses all of her attention on properly turning
the patient in his bed.
d. A nurse uses a doll to help explain an appendectomy to a pediatric patient, giving the child the chance to ask questions and
keep the doll with her for comfort.
Question 84:
According to Watson, which of the following is a basic human need?
To receive care
To give care
To connect with another human being
All of the above
Question 85.
Formulation of nursing statement and clinical judgement.

Question 86.
According to behavioral system model the structure requirements of each subsystem, according to? select all that apply
Question 87.
The assumption of Johnson theory is summarize according to which process?

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