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Dear Mr/Ms,

I am interested in being a part of Singapore Economic Development Board. I solemnly

believe that this summer internship will provide me the golden opportunity to improve the
economy of Singapore by joining one of the many divisions available. I am very keen into
enhancing my knowledge of specific industries by working at EDB.

My 6-months internship at National Cancer Centre Singapore, has honed my skills at

analysing the needs for the cancer patients and writing policies to address their needs. Such
needs include careful consideration of utilisation of mobile applications by the elderly. I was
tasked with enhancing cancer survivorship events and activities for cancer patients that would
improve the quality of care of the patients. I conducted extensive research to design the
programmes. When choosing the programs that will be helpful, I had the chance to put my
evaluative and analytical abilities to use. Lessons learnt from planning cancer survivorship
programmes can be useful for projects in divisions such as ageing in EDB.

I also understand that you may be looking for someone like me who is adept at evaluating
and analysing data. My knowledge on R studio, which I have acquired through my
psychology and health economics modules, can be of a great use.

As someone highly motivated and keen on doing well, I believe that I am a great candidate
for the summer internship at EDB. I have enclosed my resume, containing additional details
about my profession and educational background, for your perusal. I am available for an
interview anytime between 17 December and 20 January.

Thank you for your time and thoughtful consideration. I hope to hear back from you soon.

Best Regards,
Saravanan Swedha (Swedha)

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