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IELTS Writing Task 1

Phần thi này yêu cầu viết tối thiểu 150 từ, tóm tắt (summarise) thông tin 5 dạng bài, bao gồm:
biểu đồ (charts), đồ thị (graphs), bản số liệu (tables), quy trình (processes) và bản đồ (maps).

Trong phần thi này, các bạn không phải "miêu tả" cho hay mà là thấy thông tin gì nối bậc thì
tổng hợp rồi viết lại, chú ý sử dụng các cụm từ chức năng.

Các bạn có thể tham khảo 3 bước chính cho một bài viết.

The first chart shows how energy is used in an average Australian household. The second
chart shows the greenhouse gas emissions which result from this energy use.

website: 1 hotline: (+84) 838 880 990


BƯỚC 1: Viết Câu "introducton"

Thay thế hoặc điều chỉnh các cụm từ đề bài hoặc thay đổi câu trúc câu để tạo câu mới.
• “an average Australian household” => “an average household in Australia”
• “greenhouse gas emissions” => “emisions of greenhouse gas”
• “result from” => “caused by”
• “use” => “consume“

The first pie chart below illustrates how energy is consumed in an average household in
Australia, while the second chart compares the emissions of greenhouse gas which are
caused by this energy consumption.

BƯỚC 2: Viết Câu "overview"

Trình bày dữ liệu chiếm phần chủ đạo hoặc biến động tăng - giảm trong bài.
• “heating” và “water heating” thể hiện trong bài là “account for the largest portion”
trong việc sử dụng “energy” trong các hộ gia đình (domestic)
• “other appliances” cũng “account for the largest portion” trong “emitting greenhouse

Overall, heating, water heating, and the operation of other appliances in household
account for the most significant portion in the consumption of domestic energy and in
emitting greenhouse gas.

BƯỚC 3: Viết Body - Paragraph 1 & 2

Viết tối thiểu 2 đoạn, mỗi đoạn 4-6 câu, mỗi câu dao động 15-25 từ, trình bày số liệu chính
và xu thế nổi bật của dữ liệu trong bài.
• It can be clearly observed from the first chart that
Thông tin chính
• heating activities
Số liệu tương đối
• over 40 percent
Động từ chính
• spend
Cụm từ chỉ xu hướng/ sự nổi bậc của dữ liệu trong bài
• taking the most significant proportion

It can be clearly observed from the first chart that over 40 percent of household energy in
an average household in Australia is spent on heating activities, taking the most
significant proportion.

Các bạn viết từ 8-12 đủ thành phần câu như trên thì hoàn thành phần thân bài.

website: 2 hotline: (+84) 838 880 990


Biểu đồ, đồ thị, bảng số liệu

Tăng giảm nhẹ, trung bình và đều
• The production of smartphones European and Chineses companies has steadily
climbed in the last quarter.
• The total number of female engineers employed in the Asian technology company
marginally increased.
• The percentage of people aged 25-30 in Asian countries married modestly decreased
over the measured time.
• The measured temperature in the Southern Hemisphere consistently grew over the
past century.

Tăng giảm mạnh

• The total sales figures substantially rose over the five years and stood at 68 million
in 2000.
• The number of applicants in local communities receiving grants sharply decreased to
1000 from 2015 to 2018.
• There was a sharp decrease of 1200 in the number of applicants receiving grants
from 2017 to 2020.
• The number of applicants in private sector receiving grants witnessed a sharp
increase of 1000 from 2018 to 2021.
• While the figure for factories in Japan dramatically rose to 12,000 in 2010, the
quantity in Korea plummeted to 1,200 at the same time.
• There was a dramatic growth in the number of factories in Japan to 12,000 in 2010,
followed by a sharp decrease to 1,000 in 2015.
• The number of factories in Japan experienced an increase to 12,000 in 2010, before/
prior to hitting a free fall to 1,000 in 2015.
• The figure for factories in Japan hit a free fall to 1,000 in 2018, after undergoing an
increase to 12,000 in 2012.
• In comparison with/ to the number of factories in Japan, which witnessed a dramatic
increase to 120,000 in 2010, the quantity in Korea plummeted to 12,000 at this time.
• The quantity of factories in Japan underwent a period of dramatic increase to
120,000 in 2010, exceeding the number in Korea, which had only 12,000.

website: 3 hotline: (+84) 838 880 990


Biến động & ổn định

• The overall sales figures in online shopping slightly varied on a daily basis.
• The number of visits dramatically fluctuated between 20 and 40 in the first period.
• There were enormous fluctuations in precipitation over the whole period.
• There were wild fluctuations of the international student numbers using bicycles
from 2014 to 2019.
• The graph shows the oscillations of the price of food from 2000 to 2005.
• There was a plateau at 1000 in the number of applicants receiving grants in 2019,
followed by an increase to 1500 in 2020.
• The number of applicants receiving grants remained unchanged at 1000 in 2014, but
later went up sharply by 1500 in 2019.
• The number of applicants stabilized at 1000 in 2015 before experiencing a sharp
increase of 1500 in 2018.
• The expenditure of the office remained constant for the last 6 months but the profit
rose by almost a quarter.
• The country decelerated its carbon emissions in the first period of 2011-2015 and
plateaued emissions in the second phase of 2015-2020.
• The number of marriages remained stable but the cases of divorce increased by
roughly 0.4 million.

Đỉnh & Đáy

• The price of the oil reached a peak amounting $20 in February and again touched
the lowest point amounting only $10 in July.
• Student enrollment in foreign Universities and Colleges increased dramatically
hitting a peak of over 20 thousand in 2004.
• The highest number of books was sold in July while it was lowest in December.
• The oil price reached a peak in 2003 while it was lowest in 2006.
• The selling volume of the DVD hit the peak with 2 million copies sold in a month
but after just three months it reached the bottom with only 20 thousand sold in a

website: 4 hotline: (+84) 838 880 990


Câu tổng quan

• At a first glance, it is clear that more percentages of native university students
violated regulations and rules than the foreign ones did during this period.
• Overall, the leisure hours enjoyed by males, regardless of their employment status,
was much higher than that of women.
• In general, citizens in the USA had a far better life standard than that of the
remaining countries.

Số liệu
• Online programs of the university attracted roughly 20% of students from rural areas
in July.
• The number of high-level women executives, approximately 2000, is well below the
number of male executives in this organisation.
• About 1000 students enrolled in the course in 2003 which is well above than the
statistics of all other years.
• The number of domestic violence cases was just below 500 in March which is just a
little over than the previous months.
• The average rainfall in London in 2014 was just above than the average of two other

Thời gian
• Sales figures steadily increased between 2000 and 2003./ from 2000 to/ through
• Sales figures steadily increased over/ for five years/ a 5-year period.
• The 1992 to 1996 period saw a sharp drop in sales figures.
• During the last two years shown, car sales figures substantially rose.
• Truck sales figures remained steady before/ after 2002.
• Until 2003, motorcycle sales were always lower compared to those of cars and trucks.
• Throughout the whole period, sales rose steadily.
• From that point, sales figures started to increase.
• Over the following six months, the number of criminal cases levelled off.

website: 5 hotline: (+84) 838 880 990


Bản đồ
Hướng địa lý
• The forest to the south of the river was completely cut down.
• A school was constructed to the north-east of the station.
• The houses in the south of the town were demolished to make space for the car park.
• The green fields to the south-west of the hospital were redeveloped as a park.
• The airport in the centre of the city was relocated to the north-east of the river.

Giới từ chỉ nơi chốn

• Dramatic changes took place in the village centre.
• To the south of the town, there is a recreational park surrounded by trees.
• A new playground was built next to the swimming pool.
• The old road running from north to south was replaced by a brand new motorway.
• A completely new marina was built on the river banks.

Toàn nhà và công trình

• The old buildings have been demolished and replaced with modern tower blocks.
• The industrial estate was developed into a sports ground by the local community.
• The shops were knocked-down and replaced with a skyscraper.
• The factory in the city centre was flattened and relocated to the north of the city.
• The old buildings were completely renovated.
• A new factory was built north of the residential area.
• A harbor was constructed at the edge of the river.
• The school was completely reconstructed after the passing of the hurricane.
• The school was extended by adding two more buildings.
• The residential area expanded south-east by constructing three more homes.
• The factory in the city centre was flattened and relocated to the north of the city.
• The factory was converted into apartments.
• The infrastructure was modernized by converting the dirt roads into concrete streets.

website: 6 hotline: (+84) 838 880 990


Cây cối
• The trees were cleared to make way for a new residential area.
• The forest was cut-down and made space for a shopping centre.
• The forest was entirely chopped-down to make way for a new highway.
• Some of the trees were removed to build a new playground.
• A new forest was planted west of the factory.

Đường, cầu và xe lửa

• A new railroad was constructed next to the village.
• A new bridge was built to replace the old one.
• The main road was extended and a new bridge built over the river.
• The main road was expanded to the north to connect to the other town.
• The railway lines were removed and replaced by a metro line.

Cơ sở vật chất giải trí

• A brand new sports centre opened just north of the school.
• A brand new skate park was set up close to the swimming pool.
• A playground was developed next to the school.

website: 7 hotline: (+84) 838 880 990


Quy trình
create/ produce/ manufacture/ distribute/ move/ make/ natural/ human-produced/
man-made/ cyclical/ linear step(s)

• This diagram illustrates the man-made process that a company uses to distribute
natural gas to consumers. Overall, this seven-step, linear process illustrates which
types of consumers the company prioritizes.
• This diagram depicts the natural hydrological cycle process by which water moves
through the environment. This cyclical process involves steps such as evaporation,
condensation, and precipitation.

firstly/ secondly/ after/ afterwards/ once/ next/ later/ following subsequently/ finally/
during/ while/ meanwhile/ step/ stage/ phase

• Firstly, the product begins in the design stage. Following this, prototyping and 3D
printing occur. Next, the product moves to the production stage.
• In the first step of this process, three things happen simultaneously. Light, water, and
carbon dioxide all enter the chloroplast. Once this has happened, the water enters the
thylakoid, and carbon dioxide becomes part of the Calvin cycle in the second step.
Subsequently, in the third step, the chloroplast produces oxygen and sugar.

cycle/ repetition/ repeat/ loop/ continue/ recur/ cyclical/ repetitious

• This cyclical process technically begins when a new product is produced, though it
can continue to loop indefinitely.
• While the linear process is technically complete after Delivery (Step 7), the diagram
depicts this as a repetitious, or cyclical, process. This is likely because the need for
additional goods will recur, and so the cycle of the delivery process could
theoretically continue indefinitely.

begin/ continue/ follow/ end/ repeat

• The rock cycle process begins with weathering and erosion. It then continues with
transport and deposition. The process ends with melting rock in magma.
• The clarification follows the pressing stage. The cycle then ends as the wine is bottled
and shipped.

website: 8 hotline: (+84) 838 880 990


Một số cụm từ quan trọng

Chiếm phân
• small/ negligible
• proportion/ portion
• high / significant/ sizeable
• percentage
• large/ considerable/ substantial

• stand at/ amount to/ reach • number/ percent

• take/ occupy/ represent/ constitute • a [adj] percentage/ proportion

• account for/ comprise/ contribute to • number + percent

• take/ gain/ hold/ occupy/ secure • the [first/ second/ third/ next] position

Trải qua, duy trì

• [relative] stability/ steadiness
• undergo
a period of • [relative] unpredictability/ variability
• witness
• [wild/ slight] fluctuations

• remain [relatively] unchanged/ consistent/ constant + at + number

• sustain the [adj] growth/ development/ improvement/ stability
• maintain the same level + at + number
• fluctuate wildly/ slightly

Khoảng, xấp xỉ
• roughly/ approximately/ nearly/ around …
• well/ just over…/ well/ just under …
• more than…/ over…

• a [large/ huge/ enormous/ considerable] amount of …

• a [large/ great] number of …
• an [overwhelming/ vast] majority of […]

• the [highest] percentage of …

• a [major/ minor] proportion/ portion of …

website: 9 hotline: (+84) 838 880 990


Thời gian
• from … to …
• from... through...
• between … and …
• during/ in the period of …
• during/ in the [first/ last] period from… to…

• within/ throughout/ during • the period of …

• in/ for/ over • … period
• from […/ this point] onwards • the …s/ year …
• since/ after/ by/ towards/ until … • the next half of the ...
• at the beginning/ end of … • the first/ latter half of the …
• except in … • the first months/ quarter of the …
• the first/ last period
• the same/ previous period

Số liệu
• 10%: one in ten • 10% – 15%: a minority
• 15%: less than a fifth • 32%: almost a third
• 20%: a fifth • 49%
• 25%: a quarter o just under a half
• 30%: less than a third o nearly a half
• 35%: more than a third • 5%: a very small number
• 40%: two-fifths • 65% – 75%: a significant proportion
• 45%: more than two fifths • 75% – 85%: a very large majority
• 5%: one in twenty • 77%
• 50%: half o just over three quarters
• 55%: more than half o approximately three quarters

• 60%: three-fifths
• 65%: two-thirds
• 70%: even in ten
• 75%: three-quarters
• 80%: four-fifths

website: 10 hotline: (+84) 838 880 990


Động từ, danh từ, giới từ cho bản đồ, quy trình
• create/ yield/ manufacture • start/ place/ left to
• produce/ production • travel over/ transport
• introduce/ introduction • roll into/ pass through
• generate/ generation • package/ seal/ assemble
• form/ forming • divide/ cut into

• plan/ add • in front of/ behind

• be projected to/ designated to • beside/ next to/ near
• remain unaltered/ unchanged • on/ to the left/ right of
• upgrade/ up-gradation • in/ to the north/ south of
• improve/ improvement • in the middle of
• develop/ development • along with
• expand/ expansion
• extend/ extension
• stretch from… to…

• connect/ connection • relocate/ relocation

• combine/ combination • demolish/ demolition
• mix/ mixture • remove/ removal
• surround • replace/ replacement
• link/ join • separate/ separation
• limit • shrink

• complex/ complicated • process/ procedure/ steps

• varied/ various/ several • stage/ phase/ step
• different/ distinctive
• first/ second/ third/ next
• initially/ finally

website: 11 hotline: (+84) 838 880 990


IELTS Writing Task 2

Phần thi này yêu cầu viết 250 từ để trả lời câu hỏi, không yêu cầu viết bài luận. Tuy nhiên,
các bạn nên sử dụng cấu trúc bài luận (essay) và một số mẫu câu (có thể tùy chỉnh) để làm
cho bài viết chỉnh chu và chuyên nghiệp.

Đoạn mở bài
Giới thiệu
Đoạn mở bài trong bài viết IELTS Writing Task 2 bao gồm tối thiểu 3 câu, có chức năng lần
lượt là (1) giới thiệu chủ đề lớn hoặc vấn đề, (2) diễn đạt lại đề bài, và (3) trình bày luận điểm
phần thân bài. Mỗi câu dao động 15-25 từ và đoạn mở bài dài tối thiểu 50 từ.

Với đề bài: "Although some say that online teaching is good, others think that teaching in
classrooms is better. Discuss both views.", các bạn có phần mở bài với 3 câu như sau:

• trong câu đầu tiên, các bạn viết" "Teaching is often delivered in both offline and
online forms.", đó là giới thiệu chủ đề chính của bài viết;
• trong câu tiếp tiếp theo, các bạn viết: "While some advocate teaching online, others
argue that offline teaching sessions are more effective.", đó là diễn đạt lại quan
điểm được nêu ra trong đề bài;
• và trong câu cuối, các bạn viết: "In this essay, both viewpoints about teaching will
be briefly analyzed in many aspects." đó là trình bày luận điểm, đây cũng chính là
nội dung chính của từng đoạn mà các bạn sẽ viết trong phần thân bài.

Vậy là các bạn sẽ có được một đoạn mở bài cơ bản như sau:

• Teaching is often delivered in both offline and online forms. While some advocate
teaching online, others argue that offline teaching sessions are more effective. In this
essay, both viewpoints about teaching will be briefly analyzed in many aspects.

Để phần mở bài chi tiết và chặt chẽ hơn, các bạn có thể thêm các thành phần như sau:

• Thanks to advanced technology and market demands, teaching can be delivered

online in many countries worldwide. However, there is a fact that while some
thoroughly advocate courses offered online, others argue that offline teaching
sessions are more effective. In this essay, both viewpoints about the forms of
teaching in modern education mentioned above will be briefly analyzed in many
Lưu ý

Bài viết IELTS Writing Task 2 yêu cầu nhiều về mặt kỹ thuật và kết cấu hơn là nội dung và ý
tưởng. Thực tế, tập trung vào hai yếu tố này giúp việc học viết có kỷ luật và hiệu quả hơn.

website: 12 hotline: (+84) 838 880 990


Mẫu câu phần mở bài

Câu số 1 (Giới thiệu chủ đề hoặc vấn đề)
• ......... is perceived as one of the most crucial ......... in determining the .........
• Impacts of ......... on ......... are one of the ......... provoking controversies .........
• Among factors determining the ........., ......... is regarded as one of the most

Ví dụ

• Advanced technology in education is perceived as one of the most crucial factors in

determining worldwide development.
• Impacts of social media on the young generation are one of the topics provoking
controversies in many countries.
• Among factors determining the living standards in most countries worldwide, the
quality of the healthcare system is regarded as one of the most critical components.

Câu số 2 (Diễn đạt lại đề bài)

• There is a reality that while some people state that ........., others advocate the
viewpoint that .........
• The supporters of ......... insist that ......... serves the interests of ......... while others
claim that ......... is of no benefit to .........
• Some people state that ......... could be of great benefit to ......... and offer[s] several
advantages while others insist that ......... is/ are of no real value to .........
• People have conflicting views about the advantages and disadvantages of .........

Ví dụ

• There is a reality that while some people state that social media has positive
influences on the young generation, others advocate the viewpoint that a majority
of young users do not benefit from the Internet platforms.
• The supporters of space exploration insist that it serves the interests of scientific
domains, while others claim that exploring space is of no benefit to humankind in
• Some people state that space exploration could be of great benefit to most countries
and offers several advantages, while others insist that exploring space is of no real
value to world development.
• People have conflicting views about the advantages and disadvantages of electric
vehicles in most countries around the world.

website: 13 hotline: (+84) 838 880 990


Câu số 3 (Trình bày luận điểm)

• In my perspective, ......... should be appropriately examined in various aspects.
• From my point of view, both of ......... need to be seriously evaluated.
• The main objective of this essay is to discuss the pros and cons of .........
• This essay deals with this controversial topic from a different perspective.
• In this essay, both sides of this argument will be comprehensively discussed.

Ví dụ

• In my perspective, using animals in medical research should be appropriately

examined in various aspects.
• From my point of view, both benefits and potential drawbacks of electric vehicles
need to be seriously evaluated.
• The main objective of this essay is to discuss the pros and cons of social networking
services for the young generation.

website: 14 hotline: (+84) 838 880 990


Phần thân bài

Phần thân bài trong bài viết IELTS Writing Task 2 bao gồm tối thiểu 2 đoạn, mỗi đoạn tối
thiểu 5 câu, bao gồm 1 câu chủ đề (topic sentence), tối thiểu 2 câu hỗ trợ (supporting
sentences) và câu chi tiết (specific sentences) cho từng câu hỗ trợ.

Câu chủ đề (topic sentence)

Câu hỗ trợ 1 (supporting sentence 1)
Câu chi tiết 1 (specific sentence 1)
Câu hỗ trợ 2 (supporting sentence 2)
Câu chi tiết 2 (supporting sentence 2)

Trong một số trường hợp, khi gặp đề quen thuộc và nghĩ được nhiều ý tưởng, các bạn học
viên có thể viết từ 2 đến 3 câu chi tiết để làm rõ cho 1 câu hỗ trợ, giúp tăng lượng từ và làm
dày nội dung bài viết. Tuy nhiên, mỗi câu phải đảm bảo độ chính xác và bám sát nội dung đề
bài. Có thể hiểu đơn giản như sau:

• Các bạn có câu chủ đề "Traveling by private vehicles brings many benefits". Vậy
trong đoạn này, các bạn sẽ làm rõ "many benefits".
• Để làm rõ cụm "many benefits", các bạn viết câu hỗ trợ. Câu đầu tiên là "Users can
be flexible in their travel schedules". Rõ ràng là "be flexible" làm một trong "many
benefits" được đề cập trong câu chủ đề.
• Để giải thích cho "be flexible", các bạn viết câu chi tiết. Câu này nên có danh từ
riêng, số liệu, hoặc trường hợp cụ thể. Các bạn có thể viết: "In Ho Chi Minh City,
private cars or bikes are preferences for traveling because people can take the
• Ngoài ra, vì đây là chủ đề quen thuộc, các bạn có nhiều ý tưởng, nên viết thêm:
"Some people who work in delivery or logistics services, such as Grab drivers,
must use personal vehicles to move around the city."
Vậy là các bạn có đoạn mẫu cơ bản, với 1 câu chủ đề, 1 câu hỗ trợ và 2 câu chi tiết.
• Traveling by private vehicles brings many benefits. Users can be flexible in their
travel schedules. In Ho Chi Minh City, private cars or bikes are preferences for
traveling because people can take the initiative. Some people who work in delivery or
logistics services, such as Grab drivers, must use personal vehicles to move around
the city.

Để phát triển và tăng số lượng từ, các bạn có thể bổ sung các thành phần.

• It is widely assumed that traveling by private vehicles brings many benefits. One of
the most striking points to mention is that, thanks to private means of transport,
commuters can be flexible in their travel schedules. In reality, in Ho Chi Minh City,
private cars or bikes are preferences for traveling because they can take the initiative.
A typical example is that some people, especially those who work in delivery or
logistics services, such as Grab drivers, must use personal vehicles to move around
the city.

website: 15 hotline: (+84) 838 880 990


Vậy là, chỉ viết phân nửa thân bài, các bạn đã được 4 câu với tổng độ dài 86 từ. Trong đoạn
này, các bạn chỉ cần thêm 2 đến 3 câu nữa là đủ. Trong thực tế, các bạn có thể viết đến 140 từ
cho một đoạn thân bài và đạt đến 300 từ cho cả phần thân bài.

Về việc viết câu, các câu thành phần trong thân bài nên có điều chỉnh về chủ ngữ để đa dạng
cấu trúc. Cụ thể, nếu câu thứ nhất bắt đầu với chủ ngữ sự kiện hoặc hiện tượng, thì câu tiếp
theo nên có chủ ngữ người hoặc tổ chức, câu thứ ba dùng chủ ngữ giả, câu thứ tư bắt đầu
bằng cụm giới từ, và câu thứ năm quay lại cách viết của câu thứ nhất.

Ví dụ

Câu chủ đề (topic sentence)

• It is widely accepted that the invention of the Internet would undoubtedly bring a
variety of practical benefits to the world.

Viết lại câu chủ đề (chủ yếu để... tăng số lượng từ)

• In other words, various areas and industries have benefited from the popularity of
online technology.

Câu hỗ trợ 1 (supporting sentence 1)

• The first point that must be mentioned is that the Internet connection is the
platform for working tools directly enhancing people's collaboration in the

Câu chi tiết 1 (specific sentence 1)

• For instance, thanks to online word processors, such as Google Docs, office
workers can exchange ideas in projects effectively and quickly.

website: 16 hotline: (+84) 838 880 990


Mẫu câu phần thân bài

Ba dạng bài phần thi IELTS Writing Task 2, bao gồm: "do you agree or disagree",
"advantages outweigh disadvantages" và "discuss both views", tuy khác nhau về câu chữ,
nhưng bản chất như nhau.

Thực tế, khi thảo luận (discuss) một vấn đề, nếu đồng ý (agree), các bạn viết về lợi ích và giá
trị nó mang lại, tức là về lợi thế (advantages) hoặc lợi ích (benefits). Ngược lại, khi không
đồng ý (disagree), các bạn viết về bất lợi (disadvantages) hoặc nhược điểm (drawbacks).

Trong một số đề bài, các bạn sử dụng mẫu câu có sẵn nhưng lưu ý, điều chỉnh một vài chi tiết
để câu văn phù hợp về mặt nghĩa, tránh sai sót về chia động từ, dạng số ít, số nhiều v.v.

Trình bày sự đồng ý, lợi thế hoặc lợi ích (đoạn 1)

• It is widely assumed that ........ would undoubtedly bring a variety of benefits to .........
• Advocates of ......... hold the belief that its benefits are more apparent.
• One of the most prominent points mentioned is that ......... could directly lead to .........
• For instance, .........
• With regard to social/ economic matters, another value of ......... is .........
• Apparently, .........
• In brief, the potential benefits of ......... to ......... are undeniable.
Ví dụ
• It is widely assumed that moving factories to the countryside would undoubtedly
bring a variety of benefits to local communities.
• Advocates of relocating businesses in areas far from the city centres hold the
belief that its benefits are more apparent.
• One of the most prominent points mentioned is that this idea can directly lead to
more employment opportunities, especially for young people in these areas.
• For instance, that new factories of Samsung were built in Bắc Ninh, a province in
the North of Vietnam, have produced more than 20 thousand for the local
• With regard to social matters, another value of moving factories to rural areas is
population redistribution, reducing the pressure for the city centre.
• Apparently, factories' relocation will play a crucial role in redistributing the
population, boosting the economic growth relocation
• In brief, the potential benefits of building manufacturing facilities in the
countryside to the local economy are undeniable.

website: 17 hotline: (+84) 838 880 990


Trình bày sự đồng ý, lợi thế hoặc lợi ích (đoạn 2)

• Nevertheless, despite the positive sides, there are other viewpoints about .........
• The first point to cite is that ......... may ....
• Instead of ........., ......... can .........
• A typical illustration of this is that .........
• One standpoint advocating ......... indicate that
• In fact, ......... benefits from .........
• Apparently, .........
• Finally, another reason for ......... is that .........
Ví dụ
• Nevertheless, despite the positive sides, there are other viewpoints about companies'
building factories in regions far from the population centres.
• The first point to cite is that this practice may increase expenses in re-training
human resources and transport systems.
• Instead of employing graduates from colleges and exploiting the available system
of transport in the city, companies must invest more if they establish businesses
in the countryside.
• One standpoint advocating this relocation indicates that businesses could benefit
from the modern infrastructure of cities.
• A typical illustration of this is that according to economic reports, in the U.S. and
some European countries, most technology companies prefer establishing their
company in urban areas, especially those near education centres.
• Apparently, companies' relocation in the countryside may not bring positive
effects as expected in some situations.

website: 18 hotline: (+84) 838 880 990


Trình bày sự không đồng ý, bất lợi hoặc nhược điểm

• It is evident that the advocates of ......... are growing in number.
• One major disadvantage/ drawback associated with ......... is .........
• To put it another way, .........
• Another clear view against ......... points out that .........
• A typical example of this is that .........
• It seems reasonable to suggest that .........
Ví dụ
• It is evident that the advocates of companies' building factories in regions far from
the population centres are growing in number.
• One major drawback associated with this practice is increasing expenses in re-
training human resources and transport systems.
• To put it another way, instead of employing graduates from colleges and
exploiting the available transport system in the city, companies must invest more
if they establish businesses in the countryside.
• Another clear view against this relocation points out that businesses could benefit
from the modern infrastructure of cities.
• A typical illustration of this is that, according to economic reports, in the U.S. and
some European countries, most technology companies prefer establishing their
company in urban areas, especially those near education centres.
• It seems reasonable to suggest that companies' relocation in the countryside may
not bring positive effects as expected in some situations.

website: 19 hotline: (+84) 838 880 990


Trình bày nguyên nhân

• In reality, there is a growing consensus of opinion on the causes of .........
• One of the most striking points to mention is .........
• Apparently, ......... are responsible for ......... [not] to
• Another critical factor which can make a profound impact on ......... is .........
• Another critical factor which directly leads to this problem is that .........
• To some extent, ......... is consistently linked with a variety of adverse effects.
• In addition, as a consequence of ........., ......... can have a negative influence on .........
• Briefly, fundamental causes resulting in ......... can be definitely identified through
typical factors above.
Ví dụ
• In reality, there is a growing consensus of opinion on the causes of students' lack of
concentration at school.
• One of the most striking points to mention is that there are more and more factors
significantly affecting students' school study.
• Apparently, social networking sites are responsible for most students not focusing
on listening to lectures and presentations.
• Another critical factor that can make a profound impact on students' concentration
is the program and teaching method, which are not engaging.
• To some extent, the outdated teaching method and curriculum are consistently
linked with a variety of adverse effects.
• In addition, as a consequence of pressure from parents, stress can have a negative
influence on the concentration of most students.
• Briefly, critical causes of student's lack of study participation can be definitely
identified through typical factors above.

website: 20 hotline: (+84) 838 880 990


Trình bày ảnh hưởng

• There are clear indications that there is a consistent link between ......... and .........
• Apparently, owing to ………, ……… has been adversely affected.
• A typical illustration of this is that .........
• The increase in the number of ......… also dramatically impacts......…
• One consequence of the problem that has yet to be considered is .........
• The availability of …...... has contributed to …......
• Another tangible effect of ……… on ......... is that ………
Ví dụ
• There are clear indications that there is a consistent link between social media and
people's lives, especially the young generation.
• Apparently, owing to social networking services, people's communication has been
adversely affected.
• A typical illustration of this is that most students feel more confident in using
messenger services, such as Whatsapp or Telegram, than talking together at
• The increase in the number of online services also dramatically impacts their
academic performance in general.
• The availability of social networking sites, especially Facebook, has contributed to
low study results because students have paid too much attention to "newsfeed"
instead of lectures.
• Another tangible effect of social media on the young generation is that these
services partly spread Fake news and violent content, negatively affecting their
thought and behaviour.

website: 21 hotline: (+84) 838 880 990


Trình bày giải pháp

• Some feasible solutions can be implemented to partly.........
• Firstly, governments need to introduce legislation, policies, and guidelines in order to
• In fact, imposing certain restrictions on ......... is often regarded as an effective
solution to most issues, at both macro and micro levels.
• According to legal experts, strict regulations about ......... in some countries, such as or
Canada, have played a critical role in reducing .........
• Secondly, governments can financially assist projects and campaigns in ......... through
the public budget.
• In terms of ......... , it is the ......... that has the most power in issues ..........
• Finally, communities and individuals should take the initiative in increasing the
awareness towards the .........
Ví dụ
• Some feasible solutions can be implemented to partly reduce environmental
• Firstly, governments need to introduce legislation, policies, and guidelines in order to
require industries to control their operation and avoid polluting the ecosystem.
• In fact, imposing certain restrictions on the environment is often regarded as an
effective solution to most issues at both macro and micro levels.
• According to legal experts, strict regulations about protecting the environment in
some countries, such as or Canada, have played a critical role in reducing adverse
impacts of industrial pollution.
• Secondly, governments can financially assist projects and campaigns in
environmental pollution through the public budget.
• In terms of financial resources, it is the governments and state agencies that have
the most power in issues related to the environment and nature conservation.
• Finally, communities and individuals should increase the awareness towards
protecting the living environment.

website: 22 hotline: (+84) 838 880 990


Đoạn kết bài

Đoạn kết bài trong bài viết IELTS Writing Task 2 bao gồm tối thiểu 2 câu, mỗi câu dao động
15-25 từ và cả đoạn có độ dài tối thiểu 40 từ.

Về lý thuyết, câu thứ nhất trong đoạn tóm tắt những ý chính của phần thân bài và câu thứ hai
mở rộng, gợi mở suy nghĩ hoặc hướng tiếp cận mới cho vấn đề.

Tuy nhiên, trong thực tế, câu thứ nhất nên đơn thuần là diễn đạt lại (paraphrase) đề bài và câu
thức hai viết theo cấu trúc mang nghĩa trung tính. Trong một số trường hợp, nếu các bạn bất
chợt có ý tưởng, có thể viết thêm, để tăng tổng số lượng từ của đoạn này lên đến trên 80 từ.

Mẫu câu phần kết bài

• In summary, based on the brief analysis above, it is evident that ......... Nonetheless,
compared with most other social issues, under different circumstances, the arguments
about ......... need to be flexibly evaluated.
• In conclusion, for the aforementioned reasons, there is no doubt ......... Nonetheless,
compared with most other social issues, under different circumstances, the points of
views on ......... need to be flexibly evaluated.
• In conclusion, it is apparent from the arguments above that ......... Nonetheless,
compared with most other social issues, under different circumstances, ......... need[s]
to be flexibly evaluated.
• In summary, on the basis of the points mentioned above, it would seem that ........
Nevertheless, compared with most other social issues, under different circumstances,
both viewpoints on ......... need to be flexibly evaluated.

Ví dụ

• In summary, based on the brief analysis above, it is evident that there are both
positive and negative influences of social media on the young generation.
Nonetheless, compared with most other social issues, under different circumstances,
the arguments about the effects of social networking services on young users need
to be flexibly evaluated.

Tóm tắt
• Mặc dù phần thi IELTS Writing Task 2 yêu cầu tối thiểu 250 từ, nhưng bài viết của
các bạn nên dài tối thiểu 280 từ, đảm bảo kết cấu và kỹ thuật ngôn ngữ.
• Các bạn có thể thêm một vài câu tùy chỉnh từ sách "Từ vựng Anh ngữ Ứng dụng©"
hoặc tài liệu "Verbal Mastery" nếu nhận thấy sự liên quan. Ví dụ, cuối bài viết về một
chủ đề xã hội, các bạn có thể thêm câu "Governments' attempts would produce
most improvements of public services in most countries". Câu phi ngữ cảnh này
giúp tăng số lượng từ cho bài viết trong trường hợp bí ý tưởng hoặc thể hiện quan
điểm cá nhân một cách ôn hòa.

website: 23 hotline: (+84) 838 880 990

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