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Culhi, Ralph Aubrey B.

BSP 3 CFE 105a

Good day sir, the reason for my absences is because I was sick at that
time where I had an infection in the lungs, which caused fever and cough with
phlegm, due to that I was advice to rest at home and take the medicines that
were given to me, at which I am still using them. From this experience I have
learned that time is precious and what you have lost cannot be reciprocated, to
value life no matter how hard it is, and never give up on yourself because you
can do it if you just try. During the time that I was sick I was feeling miserable
because I was missing the time of my life where I should be more active outside
and not cope within my comfort zone I could have explore and enjoyed myself
instead of staying in bed and doing nothing but rest. This lesson/experience I
will always remember it so that I will not let myself do things that I will regret
and so that I will care for myself to have a good and healthy life.

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