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Name: Leilanie Rodriguez

Date: 3/29/2023
Period: 3rd period
Name of Animation: Periodic Trends Animation

In this animation I learned about atomic radius, ionization energy, electron affinity,
electronegativity, and trends on the periodic table. When two atoms of the same type are
bonded together, the atomic radius of that element is half their distance from the nuclei. A
neutral atom of an element requires ionization energy to remove an electron. In the absence of
an electron, the atom changes from a neutral charge to a positive charge. Neutral atoms gain
electrons when they gain electron affinity. When an atom gains an electron, it releases energy.
In order to gain additional electrons, energy must be added to a negatively charged ion.
Chemical compounds are measured by the electronegativity of their atoms, which indicates
how readily they will attract electrons from other molecules. Through a period, atomic radii
decrease from left to right, and increase down a group from top to bottom. Across a period,
electron affinity becomes more negative from left to right. A positive value indicates that
energy must be added. Across a group, electron affinity does not display a general trend. Due to
the possibility of losing more than one electron, ionization energies are termed first ionization
energies, second ionization energies, etc. Across a period, the first ionization energy increases
from left to right. From top to bottom, it generally decreases. Electronegativity increases from
left to right over time. Electronegativity decreases from top to bottom. Values range from 0 to

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