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Unit 1: Living and Non-Living Things

Variety Different kinds of things

Organisms Living things
Living things Things that are alive
Non-living things Things that are not alive
Living things need Food, water, and air
Move from place to place.
Living things can move To find shelter
To find food
Grow taller
Living things can grow Get heavier
Young become adult
Resemble, resemblance Look like, look similar
Take action
Living things respond to changes Run away from danger
Cover to safety
Move to face the sun
Process of producing young
Living things reproduce;
Laying eggs, giving birth, produce
Five senses Sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell
Sense organs Eyes, ears, tongue, skin, nose
Things that helps us to observe and
measure things accurately
Thermometer (wall, digital, clinical,
To measure temperature accurately
laboratory, cooking)
Watches, timers To measure time accurately
Rulers, tape measures To measure length accurately
Beakers, measuring cylinders,
To measure volume accurately
measuring spoon, measuring cups
Weight scales To measure weight accurately
Plants Living things
Parts of plants roots, a stem, leaves, flowers and fruits
Non-living things Do not need air, water and food
Do not respond to changes
Do not grow
Do not move by itself
Do not reproduce

Unit 2: Classifying Living Things

Classification Process of placing things into groups
Helps us to find things easily,
Know we are talking about the same
Classifying things
Learn more about things,
Diversity Variety, different kinds
Flowering plants, non-flowering plants
Classifying plants
Trees, shrubs, herbs
Flowering plants Plants that produce flowers and fruits
Plants that do not produce flowers and
Non-flowering plants
Have tall, thick, woody stem called
Have narrow, woody, branches, short
Have smaller than shrubs, thin, non-
woody, flexible stems
Classifying animals Vertebrates, invertebrates,
Vertebrates Animals that have backbones
Invertebrates Animals that do not have backbones

Unit 3: Classifying Materials

Things that we use to make different
kinds of non-living things.
Metals, wood, glass, rubber, ceramic,
Types of materials
fabric, plastic
Metals Materials that come from under the
Iron, steel, aluminium
Alloys: mixed of metals (man-made
Wood Material that comes from trees.
Glass Made from sand
Made using the sap (or latex) from
rubber trees.
Material made from a type of soil
called clay.
Made of from different kinds such as
cotton, wool, silk, polyester
Man-made materials, made using oil
taken from deep underground.
Strength, hardness, flexibility,
transparency, electrical conductivity,
Properties of materials
heat conductivity, waterproof, floating
or sinking, solubility
The ability to be pulled in different
directions before it breaks or tears.
Hardness The ability to be scratched or dented.
Flexibility The ability to be bent without breaking.
The amount of light that can pass
through the materials.
The ability to allow electricity to pass
Electrical conductivity
through the material.
The ability to allow heat to pass
Heat conductivity
through the material.
Does not allow water to pass through
the material.
The ability to float on water or sink in
Floating or sinking
Solubility Substances that dissolve in water
Conductor of electricity Allow electricity to pass through
Insulator of electricity Do not allow electricity to pass through
Conductor of heat Allow heat to pass through
Insulator of heat Do not allow heat to pass through
Substances can dissolve in water
e.g., salt, sugar
Substances that cannot dissolves in
Insoluble water
e.g., sand
Dissolve Mix
Transparent Allows more light to pass through
Translucent Allows few lights to pass through
Opaque Does not allow light to pass through
Theme 2: Energy and Forces
Unit 1: Forms of Energy

The ability to do work.

Makes things move or work.
1. Heat energy
2. Light energy
3. Sound energy
Forms of energy
4. Electrical energy
5. Stored energy
6. Movement energy
Food (animals and human beings)
Sources of Energy Light (plants)
Fuels (transportations)
A form of energy that makes things
Heat Energy
Light Energy Allows us to see
Sound Energy A form of energy we can hear.
Used to power all the electrical
Electrical Energy
Energy that is stored in an object and
Stored Energy
can be used another time.
The energy an object possesses when it
Movement Energy
is moving.
Energy can change form one form to
Changes in the Form of Energy
Unit 2: Heat Energy

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