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2018 - 2019

Section A -- multiple-choice questions (30 marks)

1. C 6. B 11. A
2. C 7. B 12. B
3. B 8. B 13. D
4. C 9. A 14. A
5. C 10. C 15. D (2A) each

Section B Structural Questions (70 marks)

(a) White surfaces are poor absorbers and radiators of radiation. (1A)
Spacesuits in white colour can reduce energy gain or loss by radiation
and help astronauts maintain a stable temperature. (1A)
(b) (i) Conduction (1A)
(ii) The specific heat capacity of water is very high. (1A)
It can absorb a large amount of heat from the astronaut without a
great change in temperature. (1A)
(c) When air is heated, it expands and rises. (1A)
The cooler air in the surrounding then moves in to replace the hot air. (1A)
This forms a convection current of air.
There is almost no gravity in outer space. The hot air does not rise and
a convection current cannot be formed. (1A)

(a) Energy supplied by heater = energy absorbed by water
Pt = mcT (1M)+(1M)
3000  t = 20  4200  (60 − 25)
t = 980 s (16.3 min) (1A)
The time taken is 980 s (16.3 min).

(b) In winter, the initial temperature of water is much lower than that in
summer and the temperature difference of water and air is larger. (1A)
More energy is lost to the surroundings. (1A)


(a) Put the boiling tube in a hot water bath until the substance melts


(Correct diagram) (1A)

To obtain the cooling curve, first remove the boiling tube from the
beaker and
suspend a thermometer in the melted substance. (1A)
Then, record the temperature for every certain length of time. (1A)
Using the data, plot a graph of temperature against time. (1A)
This is the cooling curve of the substance.
(b) 40 C (1A)
(c) Their average potential energy decreases (1A)
while average kinetic energy remains unchanged. (1A)
(d) Energy lost in region BC = 20  4  60 = 4800 J (1M)
Specific latent heat of fusion = (1M)
= 96 000 J kg−1 (1A)

4. (a) (i) By PV = nRT (1M)

n = PV / RT = 4 x 105 (100 x 10-6) / (8.31)(273+25)
n = 0.0162 (1A)

(ii) crms = (3PV / mN)1/2 = [3(4 x 105 )(100 x 10-6) / (0.032)(0.0162)]1/2 (1M) + (1A)
= 482 m s-1 (1A)

(b) (i) Let P’ be the pressure of the both containers

P’ (100 x 10-6) / 298 + P’(400 x 10-6) / 373
= 4 x 105 (100 x 10-6) / (273+25) (1M) + (1A)
P’ = 9.53 x 104 Pa (1A)

(ii) Number of moles in container B, n’

= P’V / RT = (9.53 x 104)(400 x 10-6) / 8.31 (373) = 0.012 (1A) + (1A)

5. (a) The reaction time for a person is a constant. (1A)

By s = vt, the graph of thinking distance s against speed v is a straight line
with slope is equal to the reaction time. (1A)

(b) When the car brakes, the kinetic energy of it is changed into internal
energy due to friction. (1A)
Work done against friction = fs = 1/2 mv , therefore the braking distance
s is proportional to the square of the speed of the car. (1A)

(c) (i) Stopping distance = braking distance + thinking distance

= 16 + 36 = 52 m (1A)

(ii) When the road surface is wet, the friction between the tyres and (1A)
the road surface is smaller and hence the braking distance will be
greater. (1A)

(d) The braking distance = 36 m

By v2 – u2 = 2as
02 - 222 = 2a(36)
a = -6.72 m s-2 (1A)
The braking force = ma = 6.72 (1000) = 6720 N (1A)

(a) Take moment about P.
Clockwise moment = anticlockwise moment
100  1 = FY  2 (1M)
FY = 50 N (1A)

Consider the vertical direction.
FX + FY = 100 + 800
 FX = 900 − FY = 900 − 50 = 850 N (1A)
(b) Just before toppling, FY = 0. (1M)
Let W be the maximum weight of the box.
Take moment about P.
Clockwise moment = anticlockwise moment
100  1 = W  0.6
W = 167 N (1A)
The maximum weight of the box is 167 N.

(a) Gain in KE = loss in PE
mv2 = mgh (1M)
v = 2 gh
= 2  9.81 4
= 8.86 m s−1 (1A)
Alternative solution:
By v2 = u2 + 2as,
v = u 2 + 2as = 02 + 2  9.81 4 = 8.86 m s−1 (1A)
 The speed of the coconut is 8.86 m s−1.

(b) (i)
normal force N

weight W

(Each correct force) 2  (1A)

(ii) Speed of coconut just after collision
= 2 gh
= 2  9.81 0.2
= 1.98 m s−1 (1A)
Take the upward direction as positive.
mv − mu
Average net force F = (1M)
1.4(1.98) − 1.4(−8.86) (1M)
= 303.5 N
Since F = N − W,
N =F+W
= 303.5 + 1.4  9.81
= 317 N (1A)
 The magnitude of the average force is 317 N.

(iii) He is incorrect. (1A)

Since a net force acts on the coconut, the momentum of the
coconut alone is not conserved. (1A)
Or The total momentum of the Earth and the coconut is conserved. (1A)

(a) Consider the motion of the bead before leaving the track.
Loss in KE = gain in PE
1 1
mu 2 − mv 2 = mgh (1M)
2 2
u = v 2 + 2gh = 7 2 + 2  9.81 0.15 = 7.21 m s–1 (1A)
(b) Consider the vertical motion of the bead from leaving the track to
reaching the highest point. Take the upward direction as positive.
v y2 = u y2 + 2aysy (1M)
02 = (7 sin 45)2 + 2(−9.81)sy
sy = 1.25 m
 Maximum height from the ground = 0.15 + 1.25 (1M)
= 1.40 m (1A)

(c) Consider the vertical motion of the bead from leaving the track to hitting
the ground. Take the upward direction as positive.
sy = u y t + ay t 2 (1M)
–0.15 = (7 sin 45) t + ( −9.81) t 2
t = 1.04 s or –0.0294 s (rejected)
Consider the horizontal motion of the bead.
sx = uxt (1M)
= (7 cos 45)  1.04
= 5.14 m (1A)
 The horizontal distance travelled by the bead is 5.14 m.

(d) When the bead hits the ground, vx = 7 cos 45 = 4.95 m s-1 (1A)
The vertical speed at this instant, by v2 – u2 = 2as
vy2 – (7sin45)2 = 2 (-9.81)(-0.15)
vy = 5.24 m s-1 (downward) (1A)
The velocity = (vx2 + vy2)1/2 = 7.21 m s-1 (1A)
The angle : tan-1 vy / vx = 46.6 below the horizontal. (1A)

Bonus Question (8 marks)

(a) The statement is incorrect. (1A)
From Newton’s second law, the acceleration of the ball is given by .
For a ball with greater mass, although a larger weight acts on the ball, the
force required to accelerate the ball is also larger. (1A)
Therefore, a larger weight does not imply that the ball will move faster.

(b) (i) N

Take the direction down the slope as positive.
By F = ma,
mg sin 20 = ma (1M)
a = g sin 20
= 9.81  sin 20
= 3.36 m s–2 (1A)
(ii) Consider the motion of the ball from start to reaching the end of the

1 2
s = ut + at (1M)
1.5 = 0  t +  3.36  t 2
t = 0.946 s (1A)
 It takes 0.946 s for the ball to reach the end of the track.

(c) If the track is not smooth, the track will apply a friction on the ball and
the ball will move with a smaller acceleration. (1A)
As a result, the ball will take a longer time to reach the end of the track. (1A)



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