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Rigid Body- AA boduly s said to be rigid i. the relative

position o t s Constituent Particles remains unchanaed
when externad dejorming forces au applied to it.
The neasst approach o a rigid body is diamond or
Actually no bedy is igid an eveH bocy Com
be defovmed more or lis by he applicathon of suitable
Irter adomic Forces
Tis the forcs between the atoms elue to elechostedic
interaction betwean he changes ob *he atoms.
Thesejorus ane eletrica in nawL and.ane actie
h the distance between the two ahms is o the order o

whun the two atoms ame

brought close to each othe
the distancea betwun thair
pobitivt nuclei anol electonn
louds et distubed and ro>

duu to his athrachve inter Attractio

aomic fov is poducud.
This authractive foru imcreases
with ducrease inr and beome
maximum at a Critical oistane
.8uond h i th athracive ro
tovce Stads dacreabin wi th
wther ducrease IMY.
At a dtane . the irteratomic forca uill be zero anod
this distonu is Ccallud equlibium distanta.
hen the oitanu betweun two atoms fwther decreased
the indexatomic sforce. become repulsive and imcreases ith
decrease in Y.

Th e Poten onesgs related with the interedomic force is
iven as

whn t h dis tncL betueun the two ato ms becomes Yo

the petential enugy t e Systm o t o aoms
minimum and hunce he tuo atoms at sepahation To
wil1 be in a state equiibnum,
i t h f u t h r decrese im r the ngahve valu ot hu
Potenial onunay decrea amd becomes zero ano than
atans postive valu with fuher eleerease in .

Intermolecudar Forces
It i the forcas bahwen the molecules due to ehcho
static interachion between he changes o t h e molecules.

Th fras ae also callud Vander waal fores

conel aA quite weak as Compasrd to inder-adomic jorcas

Fbrc betwtan two molecudes is gvun by

F Fat. + Frp

The valu ot Cmstants a anol b dupends upon thi Structure

Ond nahu o malecwes.
Petential Enery Can be expressee a

whna Yeprerts repulsive Conhibution and B

represends the athachve tonhibuion.

aEInteratomic forcas ahe So do loo times stronaer

than intermolecudan forcas

The propety o matter by virtue ob ohich a
bocdy tends to regain its orginal shabe and size a t e
the removal of dleforming forces s callud elasticity

Reason o Elasticity
A soid booy is Composed of atoms Or mole-
Cules. These atonms or mølecules a boumded tpaethe
by interatomie or intemolecuan forces and stay in stable.
euilibsam position.
when m exteanal force i applied to the body
hen rebtoring forces Come imto play olue to interatomic and
intesmoleculan fovces and bing he atoms to its
PentectyElasHe Body
The boy which pengectly regains its odignad
foTm om removimg he exteanal defor ming force, is
as a perhectly elastic body.
EQuaste , Phobpher bronze etc
Ptecty Plastte bocy
he, boey oloes mot have
any tendency to
recove its oiginal Com figwraton, on the removal ot
deforming force , then it is baid to be perhectly ebtie.
E. Putty, mud Paraffin wax etc.

The inteanal restoring torce aching pe unt area
o a dezormed body is Callnd stress.

Stress Intena reatoring Force

Area et Cross Section A

T heL is no pemanent
change in the Configuraton
D the
he body, then he restoring torca is equa and
obpobite to the extenal deforming for applied
SI Unit -N/m Dimenaions - CMtlT-2]

TYpe ob Shress
1 Normal Stress/ Longitudinad Stress-
when a foxming torce acts normaly oves
an asRa of a bocy , then interna restoaing force set
up per unit a of the body Lallud normal Stress.

(a) Tensile Stress

I Hher
is an increas in he ungth or
extension o thu body in the direction of appliea
force, hen h Ares set up is Calluc tensile stress.
Compresive Shress
T t h L is a decrease in the length
OY Compression o h e body due o applied force
thon he strev set up is Callud tompressi e Stress.

C) Volume Stress/ Hydraullic Stress

T egal nomal forces ae applied on evey
one Swface ob abody than it undegoes change in
Volume The restoking force. opposing this change in
volume P e unit atea i duinad as volume stress

I t is genunally Poible when a soljd spheucal

bodyis placed in a fluid und high pressuns.

2Tangential or shearing stress

when a dasorming force acina tangentially t
the SwtacL ot a body produces a change in the
Shape ob he body withaut any chan9e in volume
then the s t r e Set up in the body is calld
OY sharing sress.

Note- I the deforming force is inclined tu the swrface

at an angle e Such that 0 and 6#90. then both
tangential md normal stress ara. dae loped.

The Yat1o o Change in Confiaunation to +he
original Contiguaion ibCalld strain
Change in configunaton
Original Confiwotion
Note- Strain has not unit and dimensions .
Tpe o stain
Longitudinal Strain
ITt he deforming orce Produces a in change
in Lengh aone, hen h e train produced the
is Calld o r tensile
Longitudinal Strain.
Change in Jungth
Longitudina Strain
origina Lengh

Volumetrie Strainn
I he desomina gorce producas a ehange In
volume alone, then the traln produced in the body
is calud volunmetic strain.

Volumetic Strain Change in Volume =

Cigina Valume


Note whan a beam s bent then aon straln

E x t e n s o n

bothCompression strain es well

as an extension strain is Procuced
Sheaning strain-
I the deforming torce p>oducts a change in
the shape of the changing its volume
body without
hen tha Btrain producad is Callud sheaing shain
T s dtined a angle in radian hrough which
a plane perpendiculan to the ixed swfacu o
Cubital body gets tweneol under the effect o tongentied
foree X
ShHaring Strain

Fixed face

Dareneee behoun Prea ond stress

Presswu Stress
Preswre is always norma Stress Can be either nomal
o the ana. or tangentha.
Presswe on a body is alumy Stress Can be Compressive
Compresive. or tensile or shzan
Presswr is a Scalan. Stress s a tensor.

Elaaie mit
I he maximum stress which on removing the
de jormina force makes the booy to recover Completely
its oniglnal state and beyoned ohich i oleforming force
is inereased the booy Loose its property o elasticdty
and t s pemanently uormed.
Hook's Lauo
According to +his lao within the elasHe imit,
Stress is propontional to the train

Stress a Strain oT Stress = E Strain

Herr he Congtant E is Callud modulu oh elastid ty o4

the material ot the bod

Modulus o Elastiat-
I is lujned as the asio o the stress to the
Corres ponding straim prduced within the elastie limts

Modulus o asticity E Stress


I t s val depends upon the natunL o the mateia
oo the body and the manner in ashich the body
is dejormed
(ii) Tt do@s not dapenel upon the value o StresS and
i ) Tts valu is indupendint of the dimenaion
CLengtm, Volume etc) ob the body.
Civ) Its valu olLpends upon the temperacture oj
the bodu
(V) Modulus ob elastieity has same dimensional
furmula Cme unit as that o Stress , Since
Stan dumensionless.
Typea oh Moclulus o Elastiity
Youna's Modulus oElasticity (Y)-
I+ is dupined as the ratio oy noma strem
to the longituclinoud strain within the elashe mit

Normal Stress
Y .
Longitucina straln
Norma StressS

Longitudinad Shain AL

So that Y F/A AL
r Y FL
* Greate the valu o young's modulus o a materia,

lange is its eladtiity Thuefore stead is more elastie

than Copper.

Tmpota Peinds-
Ci) Actal Length the ive -
the actuas length o the wire isL, then
undur the tensium Ti,its length becomes a n d under
he tensIOM TL, its lenath becomes La than

Actua Lungth L
L) Youmg's Moduwus does not dupends pon the dimension
othe ire. Tt isConstent for a qiven material ob o
in uire by its auon elgnt
ii) Elongation

The weight o the wire (MG) act at t CRde o

thi wire, So Hhot length owire which is
op wil
8 avity oh
be L/a.
Eongation AL = EL
ML/2) MgL L

As mas M Volume CAxL) x dunsity (d)

iv) Forca Constart oy wire
in a
YL rtquirol Bo produc unit elongakion
wire is Catluo force Cmstandt o mateioa o ire
ForCa Constund : k YA CYL1 AAL
Breaking a Aire -
hen a Are is Aondlad beyond he elasthe imit
thn shan increases apielly, The maximum stress
ater which the nive begn How and breaks is
Coulud breaking tensile stength
stres cmd thu force
by application "oh whieh the wt breaks s Calld the
breaking frce
Bking Shes is Constant
for a given mataia and it L
loes mot depends upen the
dimunsitm (ungh
of the wire.
thickness AA

Baking Foru a Axa oh Cross Secim oh wire(A)

Braking Fre PA
w h Pis a Constant o
as breaking Ahen
propostionality and Known

Breaking of wire under its own weight -

Bxakina forte = Beakins shes x Area oh Cross-secion
welght oh we Mg ALd M AL
Ldg P L

Ts is the length o the ure i it breaks by

its Own wet.
Work olone in stretching a wire -

In Stratehing a ire work is done agoinst the

intenaN restoving forces. This work is Atored in the wire
ab elasic potentia engy

Let a force'F acts along the lengh

'L'o HhL wire o cross Seckon 'A and
Stretches t by 'x' hun
Y Stress EL F YAK
Streun AX
So the wuk done for an addi tonal smal
increase dx in Length
dw F dx = YA 2 dt

Hence totad work done im increasing the ungh by i

W =
lw yA |w YAL

'. Eneray stored in he wire U W YAL

Or As F AA

The Potendial enengy pe. unit volume oh wive is

v stess xstrain
Bulk Mocuus ob Elasticity ( B) -
T+ is dujined as he yodio ot noyma stress to
the volumetrie stain within Hheelastie imit.

B NoAma Stres.s
Volumetie Shain
Novmau Stress= F/A
Volumetric strain - AV/v
3= P increase in pressure

The value of B is maximum tor solids and minimum goY


Bulk Modulus Tsothumal eastidty

aase hawe two bulk modul
Adiabatic elastiuty

Isothermal Elastcity (E)

Elasticity posses6 by a gas in isothermal Condition
s dund as iso thehmal elasticity
For isothermal Process PV Conbt [Bayle's lab
On olithrennhating both Siolus wegat
Pdv + VdP =o Pdv-VdP
P d P
avIV Shess Es
Henu Isotherma elasticty e q u a to h preksuie
2. Aotiabahic Elasticity (E
Elasiity posses by a gas im adiabatic tondthon
Callud adiabátie slastiiBy.
For adiabaie process Pv Cont. [Poissns Lau
by oliheentiating both Sidtb e ge
PyTdv +VdP = 0 P d v - vdP

p av/v
E r
Hence adiabaticc elasticity imestims the preseure.
Note - As r>i So that adiobatic ehsictyid aluays
moTe than isothema elasticity

Compressibili- (K)
The rRciproca of buuk modulus o dasticity is
defined a Compresi bility

Note Young's moculus amd Bulk Mooulus gor a

PengecHy rizid body s inftinity

Modulus of Rigidity or Shea Modulus ot elahidy (n)
I t s duinas a the ratio o the tangenhia
Stress o the sheaing stain, wi thin the elastic imit

n Tangential stres
shaaing stain X
Tangential Stres F/A
Shearing strain
Aso n
Fxed tace
S hat FL P S

(i Shar medulus for a solid is Jus than its yeung's
moctulus ie. tor Sellds
) For mest o he solids materias, the valu ot shan
moclulus is one third o the youngls moelulus.

i ) n s he charactnistie Aolid onky as the fluid

amd gass dlo not have fixed shape.
Torsion of Cylinder
T Hhe upper enol oa cylinder
is lamped and a oqu applied
at the loweh enel then the culinder
gts twnsted by ngBe 9. Simultaneously
Shtaina &train ? is produced in
he yindth

I Y radius o he cylinder
Amgle o twis AB
Ane o shear
L ith Othe yinder
() selation behueen amgle o turist(e) md ange o
Shar l¢) is

A Y px

i) Tutsting Couble per unit twist or tovs ional riglity

or tovqu required to produce unit twist

CC nr CaraA
)Work done in tuistin the cylinele throgh an angle

w: ce nte2
Poissbn's Ratio a)
when a Long ban i atretehud by a
force along
its lungth then its ungth increases and the adius

Latena Strain
The ratio o Change in
raolius oY uometey to th
origima radiw or duameter is L r-dr
Callucd Laderal sthrain.
Longituoinal shrain
The ratio ob change in
length to the original lungth TF
Callud Longitudinad strain.
The ratHo o laterad strain to longltuslinal strain is
Callud poisson's raio (r).

Latral Strain
Porisson Raio (r))
Longitudinal Strain

dy/Y - drL
dL/L rdL
Theoretical value ob Poisson rahio
Pro Prochica valu ob Poisson ratio <0S

Relation Behwcen Y, , N md a

Y 3(i-2)) Y 2n (1tr)
Impoktont Facts abouct Elasticity

1 The body which Yequires areater duhormna torce to

Produc a Cantaim change in dimnsion is more elastic.

2. Water is moTe elastic han aur Qs volume change i
woter is less
or Same applied pressure.
3 Greate
3. is tha valu oy moduluso eastcity moe
elasi is he mateial.
Gas being most Combressible he last elastic
ole solids are most i-e. bulk moduls o gas
verg low while thad for liquids and solids is very ah.
bselids >
Bizuids > aas
* rigid
body iInfinite.
and Caboundum ane nuahest approach
to rigid bodies.
Stress- Strain Cuwe
I by racdualy increasing the load on a vertically
Suspenoled metal wive, a goph s plotteel between StessS
in fi
Longituolinal strain hun we get the w e shoum

Paaportion Limit
ThL i t in whieh Hook's
law is valid and stres is Elastic Plastic region
directy popottiona to stain Breakingregion
is cold propoation imit. strength
Tt s deneted by point P in jia Elastic limit
Elastic Lmit -
The maximum stress which
on rumoving the deforming force
makes the bodly to recover
Completely its originad Stade.
It i denated by Potnt E in
Note Elashe Umit is the property ob he booy whmeas
elasticity s e propecty o the material oh the body.
Yield Pormt-
Th point beyonol elastic limit et which the lengt
owire starts increasima ithout increasing stress is
as he yield known
point. Tt is danted by poindt F in fa
Breaking Point
TFL posi tiom
when tthe strain
beconmes so
hat the wire breaks douon at lanae
is callud breakima pnt
I deneted by point c in #a
The maximym Corespemoling to
which h uire begoin to flow and
Point B ajter
breaks is calld
breaking or utimate tensile strengBh
Themaximum stress CoYespemding o Point B
which the wre ater
begain to flow and breaks is Callsd
breaking or ultimate tensile strength.
(1.) Young's Moulus Slope o the Stteus- Strain Crve
(2.) Potential energy lensity = Area under the stress- Stroun

Clasification of matehial qccording to stress-Strain Gave

DucHle Material-
TRUse ane those matials which
Shouos Lange plastic yomge beyond ekstic
imit. FoY uch matejals,
the breaking E
Point is widey sepahated trom the P.
point o elashc imit.
Such mateials are used in
spng, sheets ete. O Strain
Copper Silver, aluminium ehe.

2 Elasto mers
These A those mateals tor
which stress and strain vahiaton is C
not straght ine uithin elustic lim1t.
The elastic Yegion is vey lhge
Thue mateuals do not obey
Hook's Las over most o he Tegion.
Such maderials have no pastic range
The breaking point Lies just Strain
close to the elasHc Umit

Eg. rubber, hu lange vessel carrying blodd om heart ec

3 BritHle Mateeial-
These a hose Mateials
hich shouws vey Small plastic range
beyond elastic limit. For such materials
he breaking Poin i s close to the the
P Ec

E- Cost iron, glas etc.

O Strain

Factors affectima Elasticity-

Crysta grains breakk up into smaller uni ts by
hammeing and rolling. This result s in increasein
the elasticity o the moaterial
2The metals are anmealed by heaing and than then
Coolina them slowly. Annealung Yesults in decrease
in the elasHeity of mateua

3 Intermolecuar forcas clecreases t h increase in

+em pezatwe. Hence he elasicity lecreases uitn
rise i tempoature But t h dastiity o} Invar
Stea alley) does not change. i t h temperatue

D u to im pwrities in mateeials the elasticiy Can

ncrease ov decxease. T dpends pon he natwe
of impwuties presentt in the material.
Application o Elastiity
1 The metallie pats o Hhe machinvuy a neer

Suhjecel to a Stress bayondalaHc imit,ohar-

wise thuy willzet peamenently deforme

2 . The thickness of the metallic he

rope used in +the
CYame in order to itt a aiven load s decided trom
th Knowledge o elastic umit ot the materia ot
tha rope.
UlHmate stress Mg

3. The bridges a designed in Suah a sauy hat thuy

do not bend much or break under he load of heavy
and its ouwn
traffic force ob stong/y blouing wind
4 In designing a beam for its use to suppont a load,
it is to increase its depth rather han
the breadth ov the beam, because the depression in
rectanguan beam is

Y bd
whu W = Weight
L lengm
b breasith
d dupth
To minimize the depvessiíon in t e beam, t is designed
asTshaped giver.
sAhollow shat is stronger than a Solid shayt becaube
it Yequires greate torque to twist thana solid shal
oSame mass lungth and material, hrough the sam angie.

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