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A. Briefly introduce the topic of the essay
B. Present the thesis statement - Exploring the reasons behind
the perception that our English is bad

II. Historical Context of English Language Learning

A. Discuss the historical background of English language
learning in our country
B. Highlight the challenges faced by non-native English
C. Explain how these challenges may contribute to the
perception of "bad" English

III. Cultural Factors

A. Explore the influence of culture on language learning
B. Discuss how cultural differences may affect language
C. Explain how cultural factors can lead to the perception of
"bad" English

IV. Educational System and English Curriculum

A. Analyze the English curriculum in schools
B. Evaluate the effectiveness of English language teaching
C. Discuss any shortcomings in the educational system that
may contribute to the perception of "bad" English

V. Media Influence
A. Examine the impact of media on language proficiency
B. Discuss the prevalence of incorrect English usage in media
C. Explain how media can perpetuate the perception of "bad"

VI. Lack of Exposure and Practice

A. Highlight the importance of exposure and practice in
language learning
B. Discuss the limited opportunities for English language
exposure in our environment
C. Explore how the lack of exposure and practice can lead to
the perception of "bad" English

VII. Personal Attitudes and Confidence

A. Discuss the role of personal attitudes and confidence in
language learning
B. Explain how self-doubt and lack of confidence can affect
English proficiency
C. Explore how personal attitudes contribute to the perception
of "bad" English

VIII. Conclusion
A. Summarize the main points discussed in the essay
B. Reinforce the thesis statement and the reasons behind the
perception of "bad" English
C. Call for a more understanding and supportive approach
towards non-native English speakers

In "Why do they say that our English is bad?" by Grace M.
Saqueton, the essay explores the reasons behind the perception
that our English is poor. It begins by discussing the historical
context of English language learning in our country and the
challenges faced by non-native English speakers. Cultural
factors, such as differences in culture, are examined as potential
influences on language proficiency. The essay also delves into
the educational system and English curriculum, evaluating their
effectiveness and identifying any shortcomings. The impact of
media on language proficiency is explored, highlighting how
incorrect English usage in media perpetuates the perception of
"bad" English. Additionally, the lack of exposure and practice,
along with personal attitudes and confidence, are identified as
factors contributing to the perception. The essay concludes by
calling for a more understanding and supportive approach
towards non-native English speakers.

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