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Bone Structure Outline




Exam Date



Notes 1

Reviewed For Exam

Structural Term meaning

Structure Meaning

tuberosity protrusion that is an attachment for muscles or CT

tubercle small rounded prominence for CT attachment

supra above

infra below

foramen opening - hole

fossa shallow depression

crest raised edge of bone

groove space in bone surface to allow blood vessels and nerves to enter

eminence projection

Thoracic Limb

Structure Placement

Cranial angle angle on dorsal part of scapula

Bone Structure Outline 1

Structure Placement

Caudal angle angle on caudal part of scapula

Cranial border border closest skull

border closest to vertebrae, attachment of

Dorsal border

Caudal border border closest to ribs

Supraspinous fossa surface dorsal to spine

Infraspinous fossa surface ventral to spine (largest surface)

Spine lateral ridge

Acromion wide end piece of spine

Hamate Process projection from acromion

only seen in cats, upper projection from hamate

Suprahamate Process (metacromion)

Supraglenoid tubercle cranial, distal placement of a small projection

dorsal to supraglenoid tubercle, small

Scapular notch

Serrated face (medial) dorsal surface

subscapular fossa (medial) long depression below serrated face

coracoid process (medial) projection, dorsal to supragleniod tubercle

Infraglenoid tubercle (medial) small projection on right side of medial viewing

glenoid fossa socket on distal end


Structure Placement

lateral to head of humerus, caudolateral to

Greater tubercle
lesser tubercle
small bony knob, medial and anterior to greater
Lesser tubercle

space between greater and less tubercle, seen

intertubercle groove (lateral) - bicipital groove
in lateral view
tuberosity of teres minor (later) small depression behind head

crest of greater tubercle raised portion distal to greater tubercle

Bone Structure Outline 2

Structure Placement

deltoid tuberosity raised portion on the shaft

cranial -small depression to the left of deltoid

tuberosity for teres major
tuberosity, caudal - infra to lesser tubercle

brachialis groove (musculo-spiral) space on the majority of shaft, lateral view

radial fossa (cranial) depression above supratrochlear foramen

hole in distal part of humerus, nothing passes

supratrochlear foramen (dogs)
trochlea left distal portion connecting with capitulum

capitulum right distal portion connecting with trochlea

distal, inline with supratrochlear foramen

lateral epicondyle
distal, medial and infra to supratrochlear
medial epicondyle
foramen (flexion)
olecranon fossa (caudal) depression on the distal portion

projection on lateral end, supra to olecranon

lateral supracondylar crest
condyle radial fossa, supratrochlear fossa and trochlea

Pectoral ridge (cats) supra to deltoid ridge

supracondyloid foramen (cats) opening on left side of humerus

coronoid fossa (cats) infra to supracondyloid foramen

Radius - bigger Ulna - longer

Structure Placement Structure Placement

small projection dorsal, semicircular

radial tuberosity olecranon
below head projection
projection at distal depression,
styloid process
end trochlear notch articulation with
trochlea of humerus
distal grooves (radial
spiral depression
groove) projection, forms
articulates with anconeal process trochlear notch. fits
capitular fovea articular fovea on into olecranon fossa

Bone Structure Outline 3

Structure Placement Structure Placement

distal, concave fovea projections from

coronoid process
articular face articulates with trochlear notch
carpal raised part distal to
distal articulation ulnar tuberosity medial coronoid
ulnar notch
with ulna process

capitular fovea and projection at distal

styloid process
head articular end
circumference depression between
radial notch
styloid process and coronoid processes
articular face
dorsal to styloid
process, articulation
with radius



Structure Placement

Acetabular Fossa cavity for articulation with fovea capitis

Acetabular notch ventral gap within ridge

Lunate surface deep to the rim, articular face

depression, dorsal to the margin of the hip

Greater ischiatic notch

Iliopubic eminence connection of ilia and pubis, caudal

round ligament attached head of femur to acetabulum


Structure Placement

Body of ilium dorsal portion of pelvic girdle

caudal dorsal iliac spine (tuber sacrale) small process from the back, top of ilia

caudal ventral iliac spine (tuber sacrale) small process from back, bottom of ilia

cranial dorsal iliac spine process caudal to iliac crest

cranial ventral iliac spine process cranial to iliac crest

Bone Structure Outline 4

Structure Placement

gluteal surface concave surface

most dorsal portion of ilium, palpable,

iliac crest
connection of muscles

tuber coxae hook, iliac tuberosity, ventral spines combined

tuber sacrale dorsal spines combined

wing of ilium two portions that extend towards vertebrae


Structure Placement

ventral, lateral piece to make up the pelvic

Body of ischium

ischiatic spine articulation of ilium and ischium

ischiatic tuberosity pin, attachment for sacrotuberous ligament

ramus of ischium medial to obturator, fuses with ramus of pelvis

lesser ischiatic notch ventral to ischatic spine

obturator foramen opening between pubis and ischium

obturator sulcus small piece within the obturator


Structure Placement

Body of pubis L-shaped, middle portion

caudal ramus medial border of obturator foramen

cranial border to obturator foramen, forms part

cranial ramus
of acetabulum

pecten sharp cranial border to cranial ramus

formed by right and left pectenes on ventral

pubic tubercle

fusion of pubis symphyasis and ischii

Pelvic symphysis


Bone Structure Outline 5

Structure Placement

pelvic osteology fovea capitis articulates with acetabulum

extensor fossa pit cranial to lateral epicondyle

facies aspera on the body, between the medial and lateral lips

femoral body “thigh”

spherical projection articulating with

femoral head

small cavity within head, provides attachment

fovea capitis femoris
for round ligament

femoral neck attaches the head to the neck

on distal cranial face, a deep groove for the

femoral trochlea
gliding of patella
greater trochanter lateral to head, insertion for gluteus muscles

distal, deep cavity, where the cruciate ligaments

intercondylar fossa
are found
distal to neck, small prominence seen in
intertrochanteric crest
mediocaudal aspect

lateral condyle attachment for lateral collateral ligaments

lateral epicondyle roughened prominence proximal to condyle

lateral supracondylar tuberosity caudal face, proximal to lateral condyle

mediocaudal aspect, distal to neck, small

lesser trochanter

medial condyle attachment for medial collateral ligaments

medial epicondyle roughened prominence proximal to condyle

medial supracondylar tuberosity caudal face, proximal to condyle

caudal face flattened, surrounded by medial

popiteal surface
and lateral supercondylar tuberosities
indistinct line distocaudal from greater
third trochanter

deep space between head and greater

trochanteric fossa

Tibia - shin

Bone Structure Outline 6

Structure Placement

body of tibia “true leg”, weight bearing bone

cranial border tibial crest, distal extension of tibial tuberosity

extensor groove cranial to lateral epicondyle

between surfaces of medial and later

intercondylar eminence
intercondylar tubercles

proximal projection for articulation with condyle

lateral condyle
of femur

proximal projection for articulation with condyle

medial condyle
of femur
medial malleolus distal articular surface

proximal end, deep pit dividing the condyles

popiteal notch

distal, two deep grooves that articulate with

tibial cochlea
tibial tuberosity sharp prominence at cranial end


Structure Placement

flattened, attached to tibia by interosseous

fibular body

proximally articulates with lateral condyle of

fibular head

lateral malleolus distal, palpable bony knob

Axial skeleton - vertebral column and rib cage

Appendicular - pectoral girdle and limbs

C7 T13 L7 S3 Ca20-24


space between of occipital condyles and cranial

Atlanto-occipital space
articular surface of atlas

Bone Structure Outline 7

atlanto-axial space space between c1 and c2
interarcuate space

thoracolumbar space between T13 and L1

Cervical vertebrae

Structure Placement

body reduced in mass

on C1, small depression for articulation of dens

fovea for dens
from C2

small ventral projection from caudal aspect of

ventral tubercle

modification of transverse processes into broad

flat wings
proximal lateral and medial depression, notch is
alar notch (foramen)
in dogs/cats and foramen in all other species
caudolateral opening in the arch, cervical
lateral vertebral foramen
nerves passes
transverse foramen opening in the wing, vertebral artery passes


Structure Placement

body spool-shaped

cranial articular surface articular fovea of articular processes

dens (odontoid process) prominent midline projection from cranial end

spinous process tall dorsal projection

transverse foramen opening cranial to transverse process

transverse process irregular caudoventral projection

Rest of cervical vertebrae

Structure Placement

transverse foramen absent in C7

Bone Structure Outline 8

Structure Placement

transverse process caudoventral projection

spinous process dorsal midline projection

caudal articular process caudal projection to the side of spinous process

cranial vertebral notch depression below spinous process

caudal vertebral notch depression below caudal articular process

costal fovea on C7, allows for the articulation of scapula

lamina dorsal part of arch

pedicles flattened dorsal part of arch


Structure Placement

vertebral foramen spinal cord passes through

mamilloarticular process small cranial projection

spinous process tall dorsal projection

caudal articular process 2 processes caudal to spinous process

accessory process medial projection to caudal articular process

transverse process lateral projection to caudal articular process

anticlinar pointed caudally, on T11, point of transition


Structure Placement

caudal vertebral notch aligns with cranial

intervertebral foramen vertebral notch and so on, creating opening for
spinal cord
accessory process caudal projection

transverse process long projection directed cranial

mamilloarticular (mamillary) process cranial short projection

cranial articular process projections

caudal articular process projections

spinous process long dorsal projection

Bone Structure Outline 9

Structure Placement

interarcuate space spaces between lumbar vertebrae arches

lumbosacral space space between L7 and sacrum

gel-like sac in between vertebrae bodies to

nucleus pulposus
provide shock absorption

ligament attaching spinous processes and

supraspinous ligament epaxial ligament in vertebrae column, known as
nuchae ligment
intraspinous ligament ligament inbetween spinous processes

interarcuate ligament attachment to arch

dorsal longitudinal ligament ligament across dorsal body of vertebrae

ventral longitudinal ligament ligament across ventral body of vertebrae


Structure Placement

sacral vertebrae each individual sacral vertebrae

spinous process tall dorsal projection

median sacral crest fusion of spinous processes

transverse process fused together with lateral sacral crest

promontary ventral articular process, articulates to L7

pelvic sacral foramina dorsal openings

surface that complements with auricular surface

auricular surface
of hip

sacroilia ligament attaches sacrum to ilia


Structure Placement

body decreases in size after Ca2

arch decreases in size after Ca2

processes decreases in size after Ca2

small projection from hemal arch, does not fuse

hemal process
to body

Bone Structure Outline 10

Structure Placement

hemal arch bone v-shape arch on ventral aspect of caudal body

caudal articular process caudal projection

cranial articular process cranial projection

arch in horses incomplete, exposed

structures that attach to end of spinal cord,

caudal equina
gives innervention to tail (nerves)



Structure Placement

shaft body

projection to attach to transverse fovea of

thoracic vertebrae
neck distal to head

angle distal to neck

costal groove attachment for coastal cartilage


Structure Placement

manubrium first sternebra

sternebrae each individual sternum pieces

xiphoid process last sternebra

caudal attachment to xiphoid, attachment for

xiphoid cartilage
linea alba
costal arch asternal ribs, ribs 9-12

thoracic inlet consists of T1, 1st pair of ribs and manubrium

costochrondrial junction joint that joints ribs and cartilage

cartilage that is medial or lateral to

costal cartilage
intersternaebral cartilage

Bone Structure Outline 11

Structure Placement

intersternabra cartilage cartilage in between sternebra

Bone Structure Outline 12

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