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+62 859-0032-3115

Im Nelly Destrianty, aim to be able

to join a company with my abilities
and personality and ambition for
the position I am applying for. I
can work well with my superiors in
accordance with the company's
EXPERIENCE SOP and if I am given the
opportunity to provide innovation
Sales Marketing Support to advance the company, I am very
happy and will carry it out well.
August 2022 - September 2022
- Doing 4 Post Packages every day

with 4 different account names (1
Package consists of 10 Instagram feed
posts, 10 Instagram story posts, 10
Facebook feed posts, 10 story posts, Social media, Microsoft
10 Facebook page posts, 10 posts in Office, Email, document
Facebook groups ( 1/1 group), 10 management and workhorse
WhatsApp story posts, 10 product
Leadership, time
posts on Shopee, 10 product posts on
management, and
Tokopedia, 1 Facebook reels video
post, 1 Instagram reels video post, 1
TikTok video post) - Add 10
friendships on 5 types of accounts EDUCATION
(Instagram , facebook, shopee,
tokopedia, tiktok) x 4 account names.
Running the MP Machine and Reliable Bachelor of English Literature
using social media - Reliable using the Universitas Pasundan
Canva application. Graduated on 03 August 2023
GPA 3,69
English Teacher

January 2023 - June 2023

Teaching in English and educating

SMA Pasundan 8 Bandung students in
classes X and XI.

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