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EDU 650: Trend and Issues of Social Studies

Module 3

Name : DOÑA, FRANCOIS NIGEL C. Class Number:__

Section: UP-FC1-BSEDSOC2-01 Schedule: SAT(7:30-9:00 AM) Date:01-12-2023

Activity 1: Concept Formulation

Directions: Based on your understanding regarding the discussion of the topics, create your own
definition on what values are using the acronym VALUES.

V – Virtues and fundamental beliefs that govern

A - And influence our lives which includes core beliefs about what is good and right,

L - Lessons that guides our actions and defines who we are,

U - Useful and positive teachings that

E - Expected to be followed for evaluating social interaction, and

S - Series of principles and morals passed on generation after generation by our ancestors.

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