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Mark A.

MAT- Mathematics
EDUC 202.

1. Give more advantages and disadvantages of eclectic approach. Give scenarios (3 for advantages and 3 for
disadvantages) to support your answer. May use your own experience.


The eclectic approach refers to the applying different strategies, methods, and resources to meet the needs of each
student. One of the advantages of this approach is customization as a teacher you can tailor your own teaching methods
to the needs of your students. For example, you can give a different activity tailored for visual learners, activity for
auditory learners, I incorporate this kind of methods during my classroom observation for example I used flashcards for
visual learners and oral presentation for auditory learners. Another advantage of eclectic approach is Engagement of the
learners, using different strategies can help preserve the interest and motivation of our learners. When I executed my
classroom observation, I used different methods to make sure my students are engaged one of the strategies is
groupings, I make sure that I group them according to their needs, talents or learning styles. Another advantage of
eclectic approach is meeting the needs of diverse learners. For a classroom that full of different individuals, different
backgrounds this approach can be particularly important. It lets the teacher to support for struggling students while
challenging advanced students, all within the classroom. In my classroom observation I used activities that will fit with
the ability of my students, I prepared easy activity, average and difficult for those who are advance learners.

While eclectic approach has an advantage it also has a disadvantage. One of the disadvantages of eclectic approach is
Time consuming, preparing and managing a different set of strategies can be tiring and challenging for us teachers. That
is why in planning for classroom observation I need 2 weeks to prepare to think of learner centered strategies. It may
require more planning and preparation than a more standardized approach. Another disadvantage of eclectic approach
is potential for overload, too much different type of teaching strategies can overwhelm learners. They may have a
difficulty to adapt to constantly changing instructional approach, that may lead to cognitive overload, and it may result
into reduced learning outcomes. Teacher expertise can be a disadvantage for eclectic approach, implanting this
approach needs for the teachers to be skilled in the variety of teaching methods. Let us face it not all teachers may
possess the expertise or training needed to use the eclectic approach as its best.

2. Give 2 specific examples to discuss the following: May use your own experience in teaching.


A. Structuralism is a psychological theory that focuses on the analysis of the structure of mental processes. As a
mathematics teacher, I used structuralism for example when I am teaching algebra, I started with teaching the
basic or the four fundamental operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Another
examples in using structuralism in teaching math is we need to emphasize the structure, for example in teaching
geometry, I make sure to discuss the basic undefined terms that composed a basic geometric figure, like
squares, triangles, rectangles, and circles.

B. Functionalism is a psychological theory the focuses on understanding how mental processes and behavior
function to help individual adapt to their environments. Using this theory in teaching Mathematics highlighting
the real-life application of mathematical concepts in learner’s daily lives. For example, in teaching circle, discuss
how important the shapes used in construction of house, buildings and design. Problem-Solving skills also
emphasize in this theory. I provided a real-word problems that require mathematical solutions, such as
calculating discounts during shopping in the mall.

C. Behaviorism is a psychological theory that focuses n observable behaviors and the environmental stimuli that
shape those behaviors. On this theory I use repetition and drills to reinforce mathematical skills and facts. For
example, practicing multiplication tables through daily drills to strengthen recall. Another application of
behaviorism is giving chips or rewards for correctly solving math problems.

D. Gestalt theory highlights the importance of understanding the whole, rather than just the individual parts, and
how elements are organized in perception. Seeing the whole picture, I encourage my students to see the “bigger
picture” in Math. In geometry, I teach the students to look at shape as whole rather than just a collection of
lines, points, angles, and sides. Pattern recognition, I teach students to recognize patterns and relationships
between number and mathematical concepts. For example, in algebra, explore how different equations share
similar patterns.

E. Humanism in education emphasized the importance of the individual’s growth, self-actualization, and personal
development. I applied this theory by allowing students to explore mathematical topics that interest the
students. I also provided opportunities for self-directed learning, where students can choose math-related
projects or research topics. Emotional support, foster a positive and supportive learning environment in which
students fee safe to ask questions and make mistakes. This builds self-esteem and confidence is crucial in
learning mathematics.

3. How important is studying Schools of Psychology? Use specific school/theory to support your answer.


School of Psychology is important for several reasons: Understanding human behavior, psychology explores and
explains human behavior, thoughts, and emotions. By studying different schools of psychology, we can
understand more the human nature in more comprehensive way. In studying different school of psychology
offers a different perspective on the human mind and behavior. For example, from behaviorism’s it focusses on
observable behavior to humanism’s emphasis on personal growth and self-actualization, these perspective gives
a range of lenses through which to look and explain human experiences. Another importance is it enhance
communication, understanding the basics of psychology can improve communications skills and interpersonal
dynamics, both professionally and personally. Overall, studying psychology is crucial because it offers a thorough
understanding of human behavior, a variety of viewpoints on the mind, and real-word applications in a variety of
spheres of life. The knowledge acquired through studying psychology is valuable and applicable, whether for
one’s own development, career advancement, or contribution to social well-being.

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