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Name: Nguyễn Ngọc Thái Bình

ID: 21DH710519

Tile: Harmful Effects of Using Cell Phones in the Classroom

The use of cell phons in the classroom has proven to have harmful effects on students
academic performance, lowering concentration and focus, social interaction, and
overrall mental well-being.

I. Negative Impact on Academic Performance

A. Reduced productivity during class time

B. Inability to fully engage in classroom activities

C. Lowered grades and test scores

II. Lowered Concentration and Focus

A. Distractions caused by notifications and messages

B. Multitasking and divided attention

C. Decreased ability to retain information

III. Overall Mental Well-being

A. Increased stress and anxiety due to constant connectivity

B. Negative effects on sleep patterns and quality

C. Detrimental impact on mental health, including depression and loneliness

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