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ELP-225 : Control Engineering Lab

I Semester 2021-22

Lab Report

Experiment 3

Group 10

Komatireddy Dinesh Reddy Lakshika Rathi Madhav Saini

2019EE10489 2019EE10491 2019EE10492
Manisha Chaudhary Moghariya Jaybhai Bharatbhai
2019EE10494 2019EE10495
March 26, 2022

1 Question 1
1.1 Part a - Summary of the Bicycle Dynamics
Bicycles appear everywhere and have intrigued scientists ever since they appeared some-
where in the middle of the 19th century. They exhibit interesting dynamic behaviour. We
understand it by considering the bicycle to be made of four rigid parts – two wheels, a
frame, a front fork with handlebars and a rider considered to be point mass.
The longitudinal and lateral motion dynamics can be considered sequentially. The lateral
motion can be described by two degrees of freedom, the roll angle of the rear frame, denoted
by ϕ, and the steering angle, denoted by δ. The equations for the lateral motion of a bicycle
moving with a constant forward velocity can be given as below which leads us to conclude
that the mass and stiffness with steering angle are much lower than that for the roll angle.

M q̈ + vC1 q̇ + (v 2 K2 + gK0 )q = f

(where q = [ϕ, δ]T : The vector of degrees of freedom

f = [Tq , Tδ ]T : The vector of applied generalised forces
vC1 : The non-symmetric velocity sensitivity matrix
v 2 K2 + gK0 : The non-symmetric stiffness matrix
g = 9.8m/s2 Acceleration due to gravity)

ELP-225 Experiment 1 Group 10

The negative eigenvalues of the equation represent stable motion while positive ones
represent unstable motion. This can be studied and deduced for different values of forward
velocity. Between v=0.7m/s to 4.3m/s, the positive eigen-values represent an oscillating
motion with increasing amplitudes called a weave. The bicycle becomes self stable between
v=4.3m/s to 6m/s.
We can further extend the simple bicycle model to have toroidal wheel rims instead of the
knife-edge wheel rims. Another extension could be adding inertia forces to the system by
the effect of constant acceleration and deceleration.

Figure 1: Bicycle Dynamics

1.2 Part b
A standing bicycle falls because of its unstable equilibrium. If a rigid body is at equilibrium
on a surface, its center of gravity lies above the points where it touches the surface.
A stationary bicycle, standing upright, is approximately a rigid body standing on two points.
As a result, its support area is a narrow line connecting those points. Regardless of whether
the center of gravity of the bicycle is initially above the line, even the slightest push sideways
is enough to move it out of equilibrium and cause it to fall.
A moving bicycle stays upright due to many factors. One of them is the gyroscopic theory, in

ELP-225 Experiment 1 Group 10

which the spinning wheel provides enough stability to prevent the bicycle from falling.In the
event of a bicycle leaning, the gyroscopic effect will steer the handlebars along the leaning
path and bring the wheels back under the bicycle, keeping it upright.
The second theory is of a caster. When a wheel’s contact point with the ground is located
at a different point than its steering axis, it is known as the caster effect. If the steering
axis moves forward, the wheel’s contact point will lag behind the steering axis, and it will
naturally align with the direction of motion.
The third reason for bicycles not falling is mass distribution. The design of the bicycle
impacts mass distribution. As long as the center of mass of the steering mechanism is in
front of the steering axis, then gravity will pull the front wheel forward in the direction of

2 Question 2
M q̈ + vC1 q̇ + (v 2 K2 + gK0 )q = f
q = [ϕ, δ]T : The vector of degrees of freedom
f = [Tq , Tδ ]T : The vector of applied generalised forces
vC1 : The non-symmetric velocity sensitivity matrix
v 2 K2 + gK0 : The non-symmetric stiffness matrix
g = 9.8m/s2 Acceleration due to gravity

80.817 2.319 0 33.866
M= , C1 = (1)
2.319 0.298 −0.850 1.685

0 76.597 −80.95 −2.60
K2 = , K0 = (2)
0 2.654 −2.60 −0.803

80.817 2.319 ϕ̈ 0 33.866 ϕ̇ 0 76.597 −80.95 −2.60 ϕ T
+v + (v 2 + 9.8 ) = ϕ
2.319 0.298 δ̈ −0.85 1.685 δ̇ 0 2.654 −2.60 −0.803 δ Tδ

(76.597v 2 − 25.48)δ − 793.31ϕ

80.817ϕ̈ + 2.319δ̈ + 33.866δ̇ T
+ = ϕ (4)
2.319ϕ̈ + 0.298δ̈ + 1.685δ̇ − 0.85v ϕ̇ (2.654v 2 − 78.694)δ − 25.48ϕ Tδ

Tϕ = 80.817ϕ̈ + 2.319δ̈ + 33.866δ̇ + (76.597v 2 − 25.48)δ − 793.31ϕ (5)

Tδ = 2.319ϕ̈ + 0.298δ̈ + 1.685δ̇ − 0.85v ϕ̇ − 25.48ϕ + (2.654v 2 − 78.694)δ (6)
Let X be the state space variable
   
ϕ ϕ̇    
δ   δ̇  Tϕ ϕ
X =   , Ẋ =   , U =
    ,Y = (7)
ϕ̇ ϕ̈ Tδ δ
δ̇ δ̈

ELP-225 Experiment 1 Group 10

Ẋ = AX + BU (8)
Ẏ = CX + DU (9)
   
0 0 1 0 0 0    
 0 0 0 1  0 0
A= ,B =  ,C = 1 0 0 0
,D =
0 0
raw1 − − − raw3 − 0 1 0 0 0 0
raw2 − − − raw4 −

Here,raw1 , raw2 , raw3 and raw4 depends on the value of v.

So, A and B varies with the value of v and it can be obtained by the eqn.(5) and eqn.(6).
Solution for state space represented by eqn.(8) and eqn.(9) is:

Y (s) = [C(sI − A)−1 B + D]U (s)

As we know that D is zero matrix,

Y (s) = [C(sI − A)−1 B]U (s)

T ransf erF unction : H(s) = C(sI − A)−1 B (11)

Now for stability, poles of H(s) must lie in open left half plane.

adj(sI − A)−1
H(s) = C B
det(sI − A)

For obtaining the value of poles, det(sI-A) = 0.

From det(sI-A)=0 we get eigen values of A. So, eigen values of A are the poles of the
system, and for system to be stable real part of these poles should be in the left half plane.
We have evaluated A for velocity in range 0 to 10. We have observed that real part of all
4 eigen value plot is negative in velocity range 4.3 m/s to 6 m/s. Hence, bicycle will be
self stable in this region(refer figure 2).

3 Question 3
The explanation for question 3 is summarised in the images below (after Figure 2).

ELP-225 Experiment 1 Group 10

Figure 2: The real part of the four eigenvalues vs V

ELP-225 Experiment 1 Group 10

Figure 3: Question 3 - Image 1

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Figure 4: Question 3 - Image 2

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Figure 5: Question 3 - Image 3

ELP-225 Experiment 1 Group 10

Figure 6: Question 3 - Image 4

ELP-225 Experiment 1 Group 10

4 Question 4
The explanation for question 4 is summarised in the images from Figure 9-12.
The system response without and with a controller is given in Figure 7 and Figure 8 respec-

Figure 7: At v=7m/s the system response without a controller

We choose the desired eigenvalues of the controller and observer to be negative and more
magnitude because, the error components die down faster with more negative eigenvalues
in both observer and controller.

ELP-225 Experiment 1 Group 10

Figure 8: The response with controller over time with v=7m/s

ELP-225 Experiment 1 Group 10

Figure 9: Question 4 - Image 1

ELP-225 Experiment 1 Group 10

Figure 10: Question 4 - Image 2

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Figure 11: Question 4 - Image 3

ELP-225 Experiment 1 Group 10

Figure 12: Question 4 - Image 4

ELP-225 Experiment 1 Group 10

5 Appendix
The codes for various questions are as follows -

5.1 Question 4
1 M= [ 8 0 . 8 1 7 2 . 3 1 9 ; 2 . 3 1 9 0 . 2 9 8 ] ;
2 C=[0 3 3 . 8 6 6 ; − 0 . 8 5 0 1 . 6 8 5 ] ;
3 K2=[0 7 6 . 5 9 7 ; 0 2 . 6 5 4 ] ;
4 K0=[ −80.95 −2.600; −2.600 − 0 . 8 0 3 ] ;
5 A22=−i n v (M) ∗C ;
6 A211=−i n v (M) ∗K2 ;
7 A212=−i n v (M) ∗K0 ∗ 9 . 8 1 ;
8 A12=[1 0 ; 0 1 ] ;
9 A11=[0 0 ; 0 0 ] ;
10 % x=[];
11 % for v=0:0.1:10
12 % A=[A11 A12 ; v ˆ2∗ A211+A212 v∗A22 ] ;
13 % x=[x s o r t ( r e a l ( e i g (A) ) ) ] ;
14 % end
15 % plot ( 0 : 0 . 1 : 1 0 , transpose (x) )
17 B=[A11 ; i n v (M) ]
18 C=[A12 A11 ]
19 D=A11
22 v =7;
23 A=[A11 A12 ; v ˆ2∗ A211+A212 v∗A22 ]
25 s y s 1=s s (A, B, C,D) ;
27 lsim ( sys , z e r o s (2 ,1001) , 0 : 0 . 0 1 : 1 0 , [ 0 . 1 0 0 0 ] )
29 c1=c t r b (A, B) ;
30 c2=obsv (A, C) ;
31 rank ( c1 )
32 rank ( c2 )
34 L=p l a c e (A ’ ,−C ’ ,[ −10 , −20 , −30 , −40]) ’
35 K=p l a c e (A,−B,[ −10 , −20 , −30 , −40])
37 Ac=[A+B∗K −B∗K; z e r o s ( 4 , 4 ) A+L∗C ]
38 Bc=[B ; z e r o s ( 4 , 2 ) ]
39 Cc=[ e y e ( 2 ) z e r o s ( 2 , 6 ) ]
40 Dc=z e r o s ( 2 , 2 )
41 s y s 2=s s ( Ac , Bc , Cc , Dc )
42 figure (2)
43 lsim ( sys2 , z e r o s (2 ,1001) , 0 : 0 . 0 1 : 1 0 , [ 0 . 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ] )

ELP-225 Experiment 1 Group 10

6 Contribution
• Komatireddy Dinesh Reddy - Solved Question 4
• Lakshika Rathi - Solved Question 1(a) and helped in compiling the report using LaTeX
• Madhav Saini - Solved Question 3
• Manisha Chaudhary - Solved Question 1(b)

• Moghariya Jaybhai Bharatbhai - Solved Question 2 and Question 4 and compiled the
entire report using LaTeX (overleaf editor)


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