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HKDSE BIOLOGY: Connecting Concepts Book 1A

Answers to Exam practice

Chapter 5 Metabolism and enzymes

Multiple-choice questions (p.5-31)

1. A

The energy level of the products is higher than that of the reactants. It can be deduced that
energy is absorbed during the reaction.

2. B

In an enzyme-catalysed reaction, the activation energy is smaller. But the energy levels of the
reactants and products are altered by the enzyme.

3. B

4. C

5. D
The results show that catalase in the potato lost its catalytic function after being boiled. From
this, it can be concluded that catalase is heat-sensitive, but not necessarily proteins.

6. B
Extreme temperatures can refer to very high and very low temperatures. At low temperatures,
enzymes are inactive, not denatured.

7. C

8. B
Between 25 and 30 minutes, the pH of the reaction mixture remained more or less the same.
This shows that the rate of product (fatty acids and glycerol) formation was low. This may be
due to most of the lipids had already been broken down.

9. C

10. B
The slope of the curve indicates the rate of reaction. At 35 oC, the rate of reaction is faster than
that at 25 oC. The total amount of products formed should be the same when the same amount
of reactants is used.

11. B

12. D
The longer the time taken to break down all the substrate, the lower the rate of reaction.

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HKDSE BIOLOGY: Connecting Concepts Book 1A
Answers to Exam practice

Short questions (p.5-34)

13. HKCEE Biology 2011 Paper 1 Q2

14. (a) A was kept at 20 oC. At this low temperature, the rate of reaction was low. (1)
It took longer time for reaction to occur. (1)

(b) Comparing tubes B and C, the rate of reaction was faster at pH 5 than at pH 9. (1)
This shows that renin works better in a slightly acidic condition / lower pH. (1)

(c) The renin in tube D was boiled and denatured. (1)

The enzymes lost their catalytic function and so no reaction occurred. (1)

15. (a) carbon dioxide (1)

(b) 5 cm3 ÷ 30 minutes = 0.167 cm3 per minute (1)

(c) All the sugar would be used up. (1)

(d) The rate of reaction in tube B was higher than in tube A. This shows that an increase in
temperature causes an increase in reaction rate. (1)
In tube C, the yeast was boiled and no gas was released. Boiling has denatured the
enzymes in yeast. (1)

(e) pH / substrate (sugar) conccentration / enzyme concentration / type of yeast / type of

sugar (Any one, 1)

16. (a) Raw pineapple juice contains proteases. (1)

Proteases catalyse the digestion of proteins (collagen, a type of fibrous protein) in meat
and so soften meat. (1)

(b) Proteases in fresh pineapple catalyse the breakdown of proteins on the tongue, causing the
sensation of tongue pain. (1)
High temperature denatures proteases. (1)

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HKDSE BIOLOGY: Connecting Concepts Book 1A
Answers to Exam practice

Structured questions (p.5-36)

17. HKDSEE Biology 2015 Paper 1 Section B Q7

18. (a) (i) X = 80 oC

Y = 15 oC
Z = 40 oC (1)

(ii) X: At 80 oC, the enzyme in the biological washing powder was denatured. The fat
stain could not be broken down. (1)
Y: At 15 oC, the enzyme activity was low. Only a small amount of fat was broken
down. (1)
Z: At 40 oC, the enzyme activity was high. Most fat stain was removed. (1)

(b) Any two of the following: (2)

• size of the stain (1)
• concentration of the enzyme (1)
• amount of washing powder (1)

(c) lipase (1)

(d) If the clothes are not rinsed thoroughly, some enzymes may remain in the fabric. (1)
These enzymes may degrade proteins on skin, causing allergic responses / dermatitis. (1)

(e) As biological washing powder works effectively even at a relatively lower temperature,
hot water is not required, (1)
much less electricity is used. (1)

19. (a) To increase the surface area (1)

for enzymes to act on. (1)

(b) (i) temperature (1)

(ii) Place all the test tubes in a waterbath. (1)

(c) (i) 4 (1)

(ii) Use smaller pH intervals (between pH 3 and pH 5) to conduct the experiment. (1)

(iii) 0.5 g ÷ 40 minutes (1)

= 0.0125 g per minute (1)

(iv) At pH 1, the enzymes were denatured by acidic conditions. (1)

The shapes of the active site of the enzymes changed and no longer fits the
substrates. (1)

20. HKCEE Biology 2010 Paper 1 Q1

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HKDSE BIOLOGY: Connecting Concepts Book 1A
Answers to Exam practice

21. (a) Between 0 and 2% polyphenol oxidase, the time taken for the standard brown colour to
develop halves as the enzyme concentration doubles. (1)
Above 1% polyphenol oxidase, the time taken flattens out (or plateaus). (1)

(b) (i) Rate of reaction at point A = 1 ÷ 10 = 0.1 s-1 (1)

(ii) Substrate / catechol concentration (1)

(c) I. The enzymes are not at / below the optimum pH. They are denatured (or the shape of
their active site changes). (1)
Less/no enzyme-substrate complexes formed. (1)

II. At low temperature, the kinetic energy of molecules is low. (1)

The chance of enzyme-substrate complex formation is low. (1)

III. In vacuum, no oxygen is present. (1)

Without oxygen, oxidation of phenolic compounds / banana puree cannot take place.

Essays (p.5-40)
22. Temperature:
• Enzymes are inactive at low temperatures. (1)
• As the temperature increases, enzyme activity increases because the substrate and enzyme
molecules have more kinetic energy, they move faster and collide with one another more
often. (1)
• Each enzyme works best at its optimum temperature. (1)
• Enzymes are denatured at high temperatures. (1)

• Different enzymes have different optimum pHs. (1)
• Each enzyme work best at its optimum pH. (1)
• Most enzymes are denatured outside their optimum range of pH. (1)
• Inhibitors bind to enzymes (or change the shape of the active site on enzymes) and reduce
enzyme activity. (1)
Communication (3)

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HKDSE BIOLOGY: Connecting Concepts Book 1A
Answers to Exam practice

23. Properties: (Max. 3)

• Enzymes are biological catalysts / speed up chemical reactions to give a higher product
yield. (1)
• Enzymes are specific in action that would reduce the production of undesirable products.
• Enzymes are reusable and so are required in small amount only. (1)
Examples: (Max. 3)
• Meat tenderizers contain proteases, which soften meat by speeding up the breakdown of
proteins in it. (1)
• Enzymes catalyse the breakdown of cell walls of plant cells in fruits and release the juice
inside. (1)
• Enzymes clarify fruit juice by speeding up the digestion of residues remaining in it. (1)
• Syrup can be made by breaking down starch into glucose and fructose. The breakdown
process is catalysed by enzymes. (1)
• In making baby food, enzymes are used to pre-digest food into simpler food molecules,
which can be digested absorbed by the baby easily. (1)
• Lactose-free milk is suitable for people with lactose intolerance. It is made by adding the
enzyme lactase to regular milk. Lactase catalyses the breakdown of lactose into galactose
and glucose. (1)
Communication (3)

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