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Maqous' Wonderfully Insane Items of


aqous was an insane wizard that These bricks are always active. When an adventurer
after ingesting a truly great insane picks up one of the bricks they gains double resistance
amount of mercury had some great against bludgeoning (1/4 damage). The brick itself can be
ideas for items. All of these items are destroyed by a combination of acid and piercing damage.
supposed to be hidden in plain sight
among treasure chests. They may not Bathrobe of Cleanliness
look it but they hold great powers. Armor, light (legendary) Attunement required by a wizard
The Spoon of Combat The bathrobe of Maqous was one of his more used items,
since he wore it around everywhere in his later days. So on
Weapon (special), requires attunement one of his more clear days he decided to enchant it for his
One of the first weapons enchanted by Maqous, he protection, from his own experiments.
mistook it for a small dagger, during his year of enchanting Wearing this robe gives it wielder a lot of bonusses. AC
and after he realised his mistake he threw it out his high- becomes 13 + Wisdom modifier. All damage except for
tower window. bludgeoning, slashing and piercing is halved when wearing.
The wielder of this spoon can equip it off-hand and use a Lastly any effects that might damage or destroy this items
reaction to activate its powers when he/she is attacked. are rebounced back at the source, even if this source is this
Once activated it slows the world down for it's user wearer.
allowing it to be used as a parrying weapon. It raises gives
a + 3 bonus to AC and if the parry is successful allows the
wielder to 'attack' with the spoon doing 1d4 bludgeoning
The Mug of Endless 'Ale'
Wonderous item (epic)
One of the many things Maqous became infamous for
was his drinking. One day he decided to cut out the middle
man and create his own endless mug and brew to fill it.
However it turns out brewing was not one of his skills.
This mug is empty when no one is holding it, but when
picked up is immediatly filled with a brown viscous fluid
that gives of a rather putrid smell. He who still dares drink
must make a constitution saving throw (DC 15) or become
paralysed for 5 minutes.
This poison is so strong that contact with skin is enough
to set it off, although when it takes effect that way it only
paralyses the unfortunate victim for 1 minute.
Endless Bed Sheet
Wonderous item (legendary)
On one of his his more insane moments Maqous decided
to redecorate his entire house into one giant blanket fort.
This of course was only temporary, until he decided to do it
twice more the very next week. This bed sheet is the
product when he attempted it a third time.
This item can be activated by hiding underneath it, when
done a copy of the Magnificent Mansion spell is cast. He
himself called it Barnabas's Bodacious Blanket Fort. For
the entire mansion is comprised of blankets, including the
food, baths and servants.
Defending Building Brick
Wonderous item (uncommon)
This brick used to comprise part of the second tower that
Maqous tried to have build. It blew up so effectively that
these bricks were scattered all over the land.

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