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Spell Lenses A Note On Targeting

Spell Lenses bend the weave as other lenses bend light. First Many of the lenses in this document reference the target of
designed by a glassblower in ancient times, modern lenses the spell. Spells are cast in diverse ways, which makes
combine carefully ground quartz disks with arcane ritual to determining the proper behavior of some lens effects difficult.
achieve their effects. Use logic and DM discretion in these cases.
For spells that originate from a location, such as Fireball,
Appearance treat the point of origin as the target.
Spell lenses are glass disks about 1 foot in diameter. When For line or cone spells such as Lightning Bolt or Burning
you use an action to toss one into the air, it hovers directly in Hands, treat the creature or object you're pointing the
front of you at a distance of 1 to 3 feet. Thereafter, another spell towards as the target. If you aren't targeting a
creature can use an action to grasp or net the lens, either by specific creature or object, choose an arbitrary location in
making a successful attack against AC 16, or a successful DC the center of the line or cone and treat it as the target.
16 Dexterity(Acrobatics) check. You can use an action to For spells with multiple discrete targets, treat each
seize and stow the lens, ending its effect. A lens has AC 16, portion as a separate instance of a single target spell. For
20 hit points, and vulnerability to thunder damage. example, treat each missile in a Magic Missile spell as if it
When you have multiple lenses deployed, they arrange were an individual spell that launches a single missile.
themselves in a stack in front of you. You can change their If a creature or object becomes the target of a spell that
order and/or reverse the faces of any number of lenses as an targets a location, treat the closest point to that creature
action. or object as the target.
List of Lenses
Refractive Magic Name Rarity Effect
Spell lenses change the properties of spells that pass through BEES Uncommon Spell becomes a swarm of
them. They affect: bees
spells with discrete targets that don't target you. Bifurcation Very Rare Spell splits into two
spells that create effects at a point of origin. Concealment Uncommon Spell becomes undetectable
spells that project physical manifestations that can pass
through the lens, such as line spells and some conjuration Conservation Very Rare Spell is stored in a bubble
spells. Distortion Rare Spell is widened or focused
Spells that fit the criteria without producing any visible Duality Uncommon Spell becomes opposite
effects, such as Hold Person, can still benefit from lenses. If a element
spell doesn't qualify for the effects of a lens, it passes through Discontinuity Very Rare Spell strikes its target from an
harmlessly. arbitrary angle
If you have multiple lenses deployed, they apply alterations Delay Rare Spell delays for a short period
to spells in the order in which they are hovering.
All lenses require attunement, but you can attune to a stack The Fifth
Legendary Spell affects everything
of lenses as if it were one item.
Greenery Rare Spell becomes plant matter
Grasp of Legendary Spell becomes tentacles
Harmony Rare Spell becomes a certain
Luminosity Uncommon Spell glows
Mistral's Eye Legendary Spell becomes etherial
Reflection Rare Reflects spells onwards
The Spellwheft Legendary Three spells combine into a
Array new one

Legendary Lenses
Legendary spell lenses are extraordinary relics of an earlier
age. They have 100hp and resistance to all damage.

Homebrew by /u/belithioben ----------------- Art by Willian Murai

• A spell that projects a line projects a cone instead.
Lens of BEES
Uncommon • A spell that affects a single target affects all targets in a
When a spell enters this lens, it transforms into a swarm of 5ft wide line instead, but targets beyond the first cannot suffer
magical bees. Represent this swarm using the Swarm of effects other than damage.
Insects statblock on page 338 of the Monster Manual, except
it has a walking speed of 5 ft. and a flying speed of 30 ft. The Lens of Duality
bees take their turn on your initiative, including the turn in Uncommon
which they were created if they were created on your turn. This prism replaces each element of a spell with its diametric
They seek out and attack the target of the spell, or the closest opposite. If the spell would deal damage of one of the
creature to the target if the spell targets a location. following types, it deals that much damage of the linked type
When the bees successfuly attack the target, they instead.
transform back into the spell, and apply the effects of the spell • Fire <> Cold
to the target. • Necrotic <> Radiant
• Psychic <> Force
• Thunder <> Lightning
Lens of Bifurcation
Very Rare • Acid <> Poison
This lens splits a spell into two lesser copies with different The DM may rule that the spell changes in other ways. For
targets. Any actions or choices you make or prior changes to example, a Fireball spell might freeze surrounding objects
the spell apply to both copies, and you concentrate on them rather than igniting them.
together. The duration of the copies are reduced by half. You
have disadvantage on spell attacks, and creatures have Lens of Discontinuity
advantage on saving throws against the copies. Very Rare
While arranging your lenses, you may split further lenses When a spell enters this lens, it disappears and emerges from
into two separate stacks, so that each of the copies is affected a shimmering portal elsewhere. Choose a location for the
by different lenses. portal that you can see which is just as far from the spell's
target as your current location. The spell strikes the target
Lens of Concealment from the portal's location rather than yours. If the spell
Uncommon requires line of sight, the chosen location must have line of
A spell that passes through this lense become silent and sight to the target as well.
invisible. The effects of the spell do not reveal your position,
although creatures may still be aware of the verbal or somatic Lens of Delay
components. Rare
A spell that passes through this lens disappears for a short
Lens of Conservation period. You may delay its effect until an initiative count of your
Very Rare choice (losing all initiative ties), or up to 6 seconds when out
A spell that passes through this lens folds into a luminous orb of combat. The spell resolves as if cast from the location
that orbits you at a range of 5 feet for one minute, then where it entered the lens.
dissipates. The orb has ac 16, and it doesn't produce any of
the effects of the spell. If it takes damage, it disintegrates and The Fifth Ultimatum
produces the effect of the spell at its position if the spell Legendary
targets a location. When a spell passes through this lens, it explodes outwards
As a bonus action while the orb persists, you can release and takes effect against every potential target creature,
the spell from the orb, and the spell takes effect from the orb's object, or location within range, including you. Once 5 spells
position as if it were just cast. have passed through it this way, it crumbles into dust.
Lens of Distortion Lens of Greenery
rare Rare
The two faces of this prism have different purposes: one for When a spell enters this lens, it transforms into plant matter.
convergence and one for divergence. For example, Lightning Bolt might launch a tree trunk that
Convergence. A spell that passes through the convergence bludgeons creatures in a line, Hold Person might create vines
face has its range doubled, but its area reduced in the that wrap around the target, and Cloudkill might create a
following ways. rolling ball of thorns. The DM chooses the form the spell
• A spell that affects targets within a sphere, cylinder, or takes, and may rule that certain aspects of the spell change as
cube has its width, hight, and/or radius reduced by half. a result of it's new form. It deals bludgeoning, piercing, or
• A spell that projects a cone projects a 5 ft wide line slashing damage rather than it's regular type. After the spell
instead. expires, the plant matter remains as a non-magical object.
• A spell that projects a line only affects the first target
upon that line instead.
Divergence. A spell that passes through the divergence
face has its range reduced by half, but its area increased in
the following ways.
• A spell that affects targets within a sphere, cylinder, or
cube has its width, hight, and/or radius doubled.
Grasp of Chuugnigob Lens of Reflection
Legendary Rare
When a spell enters this lens, it brieftly transforms into a While this lens is deployed, you can use your bonus action to
mass of glowing tentacles. The tentacles strike up to 1d8 teleport it up to one other lens you have deployed, to a
targets or locations of your choice within a 30 foot cone, and location within 60 feet that you can see, or back to you. You
the spell takes effect separately against each target. A single can target the lens as if it were a creature. When a spell
target can't be affected by more than one instance of the strikes the lens, you can reselect its targets as if it were just
effect. cast from the lens' location. The range of the spell is
recalculated using the lens' location rather than yours.
Lens of Harmony
Rare The Spellwheft Array
This lens has a crystal imbeded in a socket at it-s edge. When Legendary
a spell enters this lens, it becomes aligned with a paradigm This item takes the form of three lenses that circle a point in
associated with the crystal. Any damage dealt by the spell space in front of you. Each lens stores a single spell for up to
becomes damage of an associated type, and the DM may rule 3 rounds (18 seconds), after which the spell is lost. Any
that other changes occur. For example, a fireball that creature within 5 feet of the lens can cast a spell into it,
becomes aligned with ice may freeze surrounding objects ignoring the usual restrictions on the types of spells a lens
rather than ignite them. can affect. The spell has no effect, other than to be stored in
A creature proficient in jeweler's tools can spend 1 hour the lens. When all three lenses contain a spell, the spells are
exchanging the imbeded crystal for another one. Each type of immediately released into the focal point and combined into a
crystal has a minimum cost. brand new spell of your choice.
Each of the stored spells must be of the same school of
Crystal Paradigm Damage Type Minimum Cost magic and the same spell level, and can't be cast using a
Ruby Fire Fire 500gp higher level spell slot. Otherwise, the created spell fails and
Saphire Water Bludgeoning 500gp you take 2d10 force damage. The created spell must be of the
same school of magic and spell level as the stored spells.
Diamond Ice Cold 500gp Once created, it must be immediately cast.
Citrine Storm Lightning 500gp
Quartz air Thunder 500gp
Emrald Decay Acid 500gp
Jet Death Necrotic 1000gp
Amethyst Psionic Psychic 1000gp
Lapis Lazuli Arcane Force 3000gp
Topaz Divine Radiant 3000gp

Lens of Luminosity
A spell that passes through this lens releases a glittering
radiance. Any physical manifestations of the spell, its targets,
the path the spell takes to its targets, and any auxillary facets
of the spell all produce bright light to a distance of 15-feet,
and dim light for an additional 15 feet. The light lasts for the
duration of the spell and for 1 round (6 seconds) afterwards.
This lens is often used for educational purposes at magical
institutions, so students can witness the elegant paths and
contours of a spell with their own eyes.
Mistral's Eye
A spell that passes through this lens enters the ethereal
plane, becoming vague and insubstantial. The spell no longer
interacts with cover, and you can designate targets whose
position you are aware of even if you can't see them.

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