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Artefacts of Shroud and Shadow

hen we speak of legend, it is frequently in
praise, in memory of an ancient hero who
stood against a nameless evil. Rarely spoken of
are the tales of these blights upon the world,
the myths that birth such champions. As we
delve deeper into this tome, we shall uncover
the stories of these creations.
It has always been one of the greatest strengths of evil, that
its creativity is unfettered by moral or code. No tool is too
foul, no practice insane and when faced with a challenger, it is
the genius of malice that creates the nightmares we know.
Many of these are simple in nature, cruel blades that weep
black poison, armour that mars the soul and staffs capable of
breaking the hardest of men. These are rarely the dangers for
their nature is basic and to defeat them one needs to simply
remove it from the hands of those who would do harm.
There are however creations of subtle barbarism, delicate
adornments that can steal the mind and will of those who
wear them, grimoires of terrible knowledge that lure in the
good of heart and those artefacts that simply corrupt all that
come into contact with them.
This is what we deal with here and so I welcome you to the
mists where such stories linger. I welcome you to the minds
of broken men.
I welcome you to the Artefacts of Shroud and Shadow

"We may never know how it earned its name. Was it called
such because it belongs to its creator, or because those who
draw from its sheathe will weep before the night is done"
Dorian Fane, Keeper of the Silent Crypt
Mourneblade was always a curious sword, a concept that
many had trouble understanding. Blessed with a basic
sentience by a master more concerned with whether he could
rather than why he should, Mourneblade began to explore its
new found existence by delving into the very creation of itself.
It began to pester its master more and more as the days
went on by and it learned a great deal about the arcane arts,
about history and religion, science and alchemy. It devoured
all knowledge that it could for it was a mind trapped in an
existence it did not know could be otherwise. The students master came in to discover the sword lying
Eventually its inquisitive nature tired the master and he on the ground next to the fallen apprentice and once more
was handed down to another, a simple apprentice of no great Mourneblade was passed on.
talent. Quickly it grew bored of the basic experiments being The next few centuries carried on in much the same way.
performed and it began to urge the student towards more and Mourneblade would encourage increasingly dangerous
more dangerous practices. incantations and then harvest the soul from the inevitably
Unsurprisngly the apprentice did not last long but his deceased practicioner. None ever suspected anything for the
passing intrigued the sword. It had never encountered death sword had shown no malice in its nature but rumours began
before, despite its form, and being incapable of such an that it was hexed, a curse by the gods against those who
experience it was fascinated. Using magicks learnt from its would dare attempt to create life. Why this would affect the
vast knowledge, the blade trapped the departing soul and blade and not the one who created it was ignored as the
began to interrogate it. Not understanding cruelty or pain death toll mounted.
anymore than death, its methods were brutal and without The sword did not mind however for this legend merely
remorse, and so Mourneblade pressed for more. encouraged the more dangerous and insane members of
society to acquire it and these minds were much easier to
push towards the brink. The blade itself now contained
thousands of souls, shrieking in a discordant cacophany that
pleased the sword. Mourneblade (Stirring)
As the centuries turned into millennia, the sword began to Magical Longsword, Artefact
realize something about itself. Something undeniable and
most certainly interesting. As the one who wields it begins to show greater
promise, Mourneblade will begin to awaken more
It had gone completely insane. fully, using its powers to influence them towards
knowledge and power. It is at this stage that
Encased within a simple object, trapped in the morbid din of Mourneblade begins to communicate with its
agonized souls and divorced from simple concepts of partner, sending emotional impulses to encourage
or dissuade from certain actions and imparting
morality, decency and love, Mourneblade had become twisted small pieces of knowledge as flashes of insight in
in nature, incapable of empathy and driven only by an endless order to further intrigue its wielder.
need to know more.
Once, long ago, it had been magic that most fascinated this Mourneblade (Stirring) is a Magical Longsword
entity but now it is death's most simple allure that pulls it with a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
along. Forever denied its gift, Mourneblade needs to know with it and hits deal an additional 1d8 necrotic
what it is, why it is, how it is. His obsession cannot stop for damage. It requires Attunement.
the song that sings eternally within itself means it can never
forget, even if it desired to. Malevolent Intellect: Once per Long Rest, the
Wherever it went is now lost to legend for a thousand men wielder may elect to have Mourneblade roll an
and women have held this blade and a thousand souls are Arcana, History, Religion or Nature check instead
trapped within. All that is known is that no matter where it is of himself. Mourneblade is considered to roll an
hidden, it will soon find its way out for its hunger cannot be automatic 15 in these skills. If possible, this
sated in isolation. information should be framed in such a manner
that it encourages the wielder towards finding out
And mercy befall those who find this blade for it shall grant more or to performing a dangerous act.
you none.
Awakening: Upon reaching Level Ten and after
performing an act of great danger for the purpose
Mourneblade (Dormant) of knowledge, Mourneblade will further awaken and
Magical Longsword, Artefact provide greater benefits upon its wielder. At this
point, Mourneblade (Stirring) becomes
When first acquired, Mourneblade will frequently Mourneblade (Awakened).
hide its true nature, eager to ensure its quarry does
not throw him aside in horror. While obviously
magical to those with a sense for such things, only
the most powerful scrying magics will reveal
anything of its nature.

Mourneblade (Dormant) is a Magical Longsword

that provides no other benefits.

Awakening: Upon reaching Level Five, Mourneblade

will begin to exert its influence upon the wielder,
unlocking some of its powers in the progress. At
this point, Mourneblade (Dormant) becomes
Mourneblade (Stirring).
Mourneblade (Awakened) Mourneblade (Ascendant)
Magical Longsword, Artefact Magical Longsword, Artefact

Safely in the hands of one who can further its goals, Now on the path to true power once again,
Mourneblade beings to abandon its caution, Mourneblade unleashes its insanity upon the
reaching out to talk telepathically with its wielder. wielder, taunting them with the promise of what it
With clarity now an option, Mourneblade begins to could know if only he is willing to take the most
teach its ward greater mysteries... and urge him on dangerous steps. Mourneblade has once more
to further ruin. returned to the world of men.

Mourneblade (Awakened) is a Magical Longsword Mourneblade (Ascendant) is a Magical Longsword

with a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
with it and hits deal an additional 2d8 necrotic with it and hits deal an additional 2d8 necrotic
damage. It requires Attunement. damage. It requires Attunement.

Malevolent Intellect: Once per Short Rest, the Malevolent Intellect: The wielder may elect to have
wielder may elect to have Mourneblade roll an Mourneblade roll an Arcana, History, Religion or
Arcana, History, Religion or Nature check instead Nature check instead of himself. Mourneblade is
of himself. Mourneblade is considered to roll an considered to roll an automatic 25 in these skills. If
automatic 20 in these skills. If possible, this this provides insight into further power or
information should be framed in such a manner knowledge (such as learning the True Name of a
that it encourages the wielder towards finding out Fiend) he must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC
more or to performing a dangerous act. 20). If he fails he must try to uncover this further
information, no matter the cost.
Awakening: Upon reaching Level Fifteen and after
performing an act of great evil for the purpose of Betrayer: The wielder of Mourneblade has his
knowledge, Mourneblade will further awaken and Alignment shift to Neutral Evil and he becomes
provide greater benefits upon its wielder. At this incapable of valuing anothers life. His companions
point, Mourneblade (Awakened) becomes are now mere tools to further his knowledge.
Mourneblade (Ascendant). Furthermore, they are no longer able to unattune
Mourneblade and any attempt to remove it from
their possession drives them into a violent rage.
Only direct intervention from a Divine Entity or the
Wish spell is able to remove this.
The Harlequin's Masque
Who are you beneath the Masque? Nothing, no myth, no
fable, no tale's told. What fame you have is nought but the He ignored the advice and the counsel of the wise and
faces you choose to wear. You are like all legends, a lie instead sought power at any cost, confident in his ability to
dressed up as greater men. resist temptation, not realizing that it was a fight he'd already
The Harlequin in Black and Grey lost.
To a crossroads he went and he called upon the spirits that
Many artefacts that have fallen in to infamy are craft by those linger in such lands. He promised them everything he
whose own insanity has fuelled them towards the most possessed in exchange for the strength to bring himself fame
dangerous of creations. Others whose very nature preclude and fortune. Hearing of his plight, a Devil appeared but in a
the creation of anything that cannot cause harm. form most pleasing to the eye. She appeared in awe of his
In truth, while vile, these creations are frequently the least dedication, in love with his dream and so she agreed to his
dangerous for their darkness is readily apparent. It is the demands and gave upon him a simple masque of carven
device craft by the ignorant, the desperate or the foolish that wood and painted rune.
can cause the most harm for they are the false smile, the At first he was confused but his fears were allayed for the
white lie. They are items whose destruction is hidden behind Devil spoke in tones endearing.
a false persona.
Perhaps most notable of such trinkets is The Harlequin's "Merely place it upon your brow and all shall be done.
Masque for it was little more than a bad choice and childish Think clearly of your dreams and a hero you'll become,
dream that led to its creation. There was once a young man Whomever it is you desire to be
whom history forgot, who desired more for his life as we are Is what the world shall truly see."
want to do. So embroiled was he in tales of glory and songs
of war that his desire to be a hero soon outstipped all else Delighted that at last, it was all within reach, he put on the
and so he forgot the most important lesson of all. masque without further thought. He imagined himself as a
hero of old, a legend of health and stamina with crooked
That the road to hell is paved with good intentions. smile and fearsome eyes.
He went on to become a legend, or at least that's what they
saw and when he grew bored of one look he switched to
another, better to encapsulate his fame. The Harlequin's Masque
As time went on however he began to forget who he had Magical Trinket, Artefact
been, no matter how hard he tried. His family were gone to
him, lost in a haze and all that he loved had faded away. A tool to allow one to become whomever they
Desperate to undo what he had created he attempted to wish, the wise are well aware that such a desire
make his way back to where the deal had first been struck but holds far more danger than promise. Death, after
to his horror he could not recall where it had been. Soon all, can come in many forms.
enough he could not remember that he wore a masque at all.
What happened to him after has been lost to the legend. The Harlequin's Masque is a Magical Trinket that is
placed over the face. It requires Attunement
Some say that still he wanders, trying to recall who he may
have been while others say that he was struck down by a hero Faces of Many: The wearer of this Artefact may cast
he'd sought to copy, angered that another would dare sully his Alter Self and Disguise Self without limit. This does
name. not require Concentration to maintain and lasts
But the Devil whom first struck the bargain is known and until dispelled.
to her collection of faces she had his own. One more memory
amongst a thousand more, a collection of identities from An Empty Shell: Once equipped, this item may not
kings to the poor. be removed unless Remove Curse or similar magic
is employed. For each month this item is equipped,
the wearer must make a DC 15 Intelligence saving
throw or forget a detail about their life before they
donned the Masque. This could be anything from
their physical appearance to a loved one or even
their own companions.
For every year they wear this Artefact, they
automatically lose one memory irregardless of their
previous successes.

Artwork: Evil Sword (

Necromancer (Martin Driver)
Fire (HD Wallpapers Inn)
Harlequin Masque (

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