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- From where you got these ideas?

From our own experience. We did a brainstorm on the difficulty that we face in hospital.

- Why this idea?

* We want to help people in need.

To help peoples in need to throw the rubbish without getting up or walking.

- Who are the targeted groups?

* Patients, Post-natal mothers, Elderly Folks

- How you choose your group?

We had a group discussion based our interest in science field. So, after many discussions our team
members join with same concept where we would like to help people in hospitals.

1. Group discussion
2. Identify the problems
3. Find a solution
4. How to use
5. Next step
- How you proceed to this the projects?
Karnan, Keevan
* We did a brainstorm session on what are the problems we face in hospital. As we discussed
many problems in Kularaj,
hospital hasHari
a solution. But we also realise that we people in hospitals who are
bed ridden they need someone to help them to throw something in the dustbin. This is where our
Charren Siva
idea developed in Intellectual Moving Dustbin.
- How is this project going to help in the next step example Bluetooth Application, future to
help the blind society by using the music?

* Intellectual Moving Dustbin is helpful in throwing rubbish for immobile patients in the hospital
such as post-operative patients, post-delivery mothers; special needs kids who admitted in the

We are going to upgrade this project for blind people by using Bluetooth application. We are going
to insert a music component in our Intellectual Moving Dustbin to help blind people who is unable
to see can located the Intellectual Moving Dustbin placed.

- How is this project going to help for next generation?

Helping the needy people with the things that they need is very important. This IMDB looks simple
but it will be very helpful for those who are dependent on others to do things. Moreover, the
simple technology used in this project can be modified to be used as multipurpose moving objects
in future.

- What are the benefits for this project?

* Patients

- IMDB will be very useful for patients who bedridden medically or post-operative patients
surgically. This type of patients is unable to walk or move from the bed. They are dependent on
others to get help. For example, patients who needs to throw a tissue paper which is used to clear
flu, if they are dependent and unable to walk, they have to wait for others to come and help them.
During this waiting time the microorganism can spread easily. This is where the IMDB comes in for
the rescue.

*Old people

- Old people who have difficulty in walking also need this bin to help them to throw the rubbish.
*Post-natal mothers

- Mothers after complicated normal delivery who have difficulty in walking to throw their rubbish
always depend on someone to help them so with this, they do not have to depend on anyone to
help them throw rubbish.

- Post Caesarean surgical mothers also are not allowed to walk for 72 hours can use IMDB to ease
their work by throwing rubbish.

* Intellectual Moving Dustbin has a unique element. It will help towards health and hygiene to all
the people especially in medical fields. The project is designing a smart dustbin which will help in
keeping environment clean and also eco-friendly.

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