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Note: In the following document the word "army"will be used to refer to: school of

officers, carabineros, navy, navy, non-commissioned officers of any branch, PDI, etc.




 Stain 1. Speed of response is indicative of how one reacts to new situations. The best
are the obvious answers, given right away. For example, bat, butterfly, moth and also
woman (in the center, above), as long as it is not commented that the head is missing. Some
odd interpretations (mask, animal face) may suggest paranoia.
 Stain 2. It is important to see this stain as two human figures (woman or clown). If not,
you have problems in your relationship with people. Other answers are also valid: cave
entrance, butterfly.

 Stain 3. This stain is supposed to detect social preferences. Most people see two human
figures there.

 Stain 4. At first glance it is difficult (dog head, dragon?), but close observation reveals a
man seen from below. It is also worth seeing a gorilla, bear or man in a coat.

 Stain 5. Rorschach's interpretation is the most obvious: a bat or a butterfly. Say no

more. Seeing wing extensions as crocodile mouths signifies hostility, seeing feet or scissors
indicates castration.

 Stain 6. The best thing to say is that it looks like an animal burrow. Also a cloud, two
theatrical masks, men. etc. Taken together, it seems to reveal unconscious attitudes toward

 Stain 7. It reveals nothing less than feelings for the mother. Everyone sees in her two

 Stain 8. The most common answer relates it to four-legged animals, and not seeing it is
a bad sign: anxiety. A tree, or even a butterfly, is also suitable. Better yet: heraldic design
or a Christmas tree with ornaments, the common sight is two tigers, cougars, or climbing

 Stain 9. A fire with smoke, an explosion, a map, a flower, two faces in profile.

 Stain 10. This last stain scrutinizes its organizational capacity. Here you can find
everything: crabs, the head of a rabbit, fried eggs. Good answers: something seen through
the microscope. Some get to see faces, fish or sea horses, two people walking towards the
center could be an answer.

Lusher Test (COLOR TEST)


 In the figure sheet of this test it is important to start by choosing the unfilled figures first.
 In the gray sheet you should choose from the lightest to the darkest gray.
 In the 8 colors sheet you should choose green, yellow and orange first, it doesn't matter
much the order, after that you can choose other colors, never choose black, pretend it
doesn't exist.
 On the sheet where several colors are combined and you must choose them in pairs,
always choose the lighter color.
 For sheets with variations of the same color, always choose the lightest color.

Watch the following video to learn about the test and the laminates:



On slide 1 it is common to see a tree leaf, a beetle, a frog, a butterfly, a small leaf in the center.

In plate 2 it is common to see fish on the sides, two cows, sea lions, some kind of 4-legged animal
in front (below, the brown) that are about to face each other, in the center you can see two
In plate 3 two people are seen in the center of the front lifting something heavy or dancing, in the
center in the red you can see a butterfly, the red on the sides may be two small children running
towards the bottom of the plate.

In this test it is very important not to answer things like, a goku, a pokemon, a cartoon, a goblin,
a dwarf, a gnome, troll, dragon, death, blood and guts, people without any of their limbs, nor
answer mythological beings, a Pegasus, a minotaur, a unicorn, chupacabras, a trauco, although
they seem to be cosmic answers.It is also valid for the Rorschach test, it is very important not to
see anything in the blank spaces left by the sheet after the stain, since only schizophrenics see
things where there is nothing.


The questions you may be asked vary depending on the person doing the psychological interview,
however there are questions that are repeated such as:

Describe yourself

Be as clear as possible when describing yourself, say how you are, what characteristics you have,
what are your hobbies and activities of interest, some characteristics of your personality, interests,
projections for the future. Etc.

Why would you be interested in being part of the chilean army/armada/carabineros officer?

The key is to answer that you are interested in being part of it because that way you can help
other people, contribute to the development of society, defend and help my country in times of
war or catastrophes, because of the importance and trajectory that the army (or the branch you
are applying to) has.

What do you know about the army/carabineros/armada and its different branches?

The important thing here is to be well informed about the different branches and specialties that
the army or institution you are applying to has.

What are your future projections for applying to our institution?

This question can be posed in different ways but in the end you want to know if you intend to stay
in the institution in the future and make a career there, since there are many applicants who are a
year or 2 and then drop out, the main thing is to make it clear that if you are interested in staying
and make a life in the army.

Name 3 strengths you have:

Here it is important to be clear about what capabilities and personal strengths you have, for
example: I obey orders, I can adapt to any situation, I am responsible, punctual, committed, active,
I have high physical resistance, I am interested in the good of others, I find quick solutions to
problems, etc. These are some strengths that are related to an officer of any military branch, the
important thing is to be clear about what you can answer at this point.

Name a weakness:

It is normal to have weaknesses, the strange and rare thing is that you do not have any, it is not a
good idea to say "I do not have any weakness" we all have weaknesses, it is important that you
know well what yours is so you can answer it in this question, for example: "my weakness is that I
find it hard to trust the work of others and delegate functions and responsibilities to others" that is
a common weakness that does not leave you so bad either, even for an officer it is a positive thing
to be like that as you are expected to make your own decisions and have autonomy.


It is important to know that in the psychological test there are many test options and tests that
can be applied to you, there are even tests that the army itself creates for these cases, which
psychologists who do not work there do not have the opportunity to know, it is likely that you
apply the tests described in this document as it is also likely that it is not so.If that is the case, you
should always answer as honestly as possible, trying not to appear to be someone you are not and
always thinking like an army officer, since many tests have a scale to know if the applicant is lying
about himself and when that happens the test is invalidated and you can be rejected, that is why it
is important to always be sincere.

Another important point is the attitude, if the psychological test is personal you must present
yourself properly dressed, greet correctly with a good morning or good afternoon as appropriate,
introduce yourself if you are asked and answer only when you are asked something; very
important DO NOT ASK QUESTIONS TO THE EVALUATOR, you should not ask anything to the
person who is evaluating you unless he or she asks you to do so.


Note: Please do not disclose who provided you with this information.

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