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PROGRAMME: PISMP (June 2022 Intake)

MPU3122m: English Language Proficiency

TASK 2 (40%)
Writing a Review


I/C NO: 030221160022
INDEX NUMBER: 2022172440075
SUBMISSION DATE: 29 / 9 / 2023

1st Marker 2nd Marker 3rd Marker

Developing Writing with Developing Writing with Developing Writing with
Meaningful Clarity Meaningful Clarity Meaningful Clarity
New and New and New and
The Task Knowledge in Referencing Knowledge in Referencing Knowledge in Referencing
the Real Skills the Real Skills the Real Skills
World World World
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%


Saya mengesahkan bahawa maklum balas yang diberikan oleh pensyarah telah saya rujuk dan

Catatan (jika ada)

Tandatangan Pelajar :

Tarikh :

Mrs. Gagnon: More Than Just a Teacher

The story is about a young boy, Brandon, who is inspired by his History teacher, Mrs.
Gagnon, as she shows a lot of outstanding and admirable characteristics that can influence
all the people around her. In fact, this story is a dedication from Brandon towards his teacher,
Mrs. Gagnon.

Brandon makes his teacher as his role model in everything he does daily. In every class
that Mrs. Gagnon attended, she always brought happiness and joy until all her students were
comfortable with her existence. Other than that, the boy can also overcome the obstacles in
his life as he diligently does something he wants to succeed. He always marked his teacher's
words in his head, "believe in yourself," which made him more determined. In addition, Mrs.
Gagnon is reliable and can be entirely trusted as she constantly shares her personal life with
her students so that they will become closer, like a real family. She tries her best to encourage
and support her students whenever they feel down or have a hard time. In terms of how she
teaches her students, Mrs. Gagnon uses innovative methods to make her lessons more
enjoyable, interesting and appealing for her students. Last but not least, Brandon promised
himself that he would become a successful person, as Mrs. Gagnon already brings out the
best in him.

Some of the story's strengths are showing numerous great values that can motivate
people all around the world. Moreover, the maturity of language can be seen throughout the
story, and the writer also uses a lot of powerful words. Lastly, I can relate to the whole story
because I am a student as well and I also have my favourite teacher back in my old days.

For the weaknesses, the story is not well-organized as it can confuse all of the readers.
Next, many vocabularies are repeated in the story and it will cause the readers to get bored
while reading it. Furthermore, readers need to think twice about each sentence so that they
will understand the whole story as the language used is quite high.

All in all, I enjoyed reading "Mrs. Gagnon: More Than Just a Teacher" because it is a
story that makes me feel great as a future teacher. The boy shows us that we must appreciate
our teachers’ hard work, dedication and passion for teaching us. As the saying goes, “A
teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.”

Advantages & Disadvantage of Becoming a Teacher

The article is about the pros and cons that we must face as soon as we consider
becoming a teacher. As we already know, teaching is one of the most challenging jobs in the
world, as they need to interact with a variety of students.

Teachers are well-known as a noble profession where they can change people's lives.
This can be seen when teachers are most likely to spend much time with their students at
school. The job is quite physically, mentally and emotionally tiring when you are not ready to
become a teacher. The disadvantage of this job is that teachers can burned out if they work
too hard at school or in a classroom. Besides, the advantage that we can get when we become
a teacher is that we will have our own power to rule the classroom as we want. At the same
time, we need to think about what is best for our students. Other than that, the disadvantage
of becoming a teacher is we need to follow the schedule every day, such as teaching various
subjects in classes. Furthermore, the advantage that we can get is the work hour is not as
long as office hour. Luckily, you can ask for emergency leave or medical leave if we want to.
Last but not least, the teacher profession can retire when we get old and we can spend our
old days with something that can bring us joy and happiness.

Some of the article's strengths are the writer arranges all of the advantages and
disadvantages neatly so that readers will not have any problems reading the article. Other
than that, the writer also concludes all of the issues related to teaching inside the article. Lastly,
the language used in the article is simple and quite easy to understand.

For the weaknesses, the length of the article can make the reader dull while reading
it. Next, the article does not have any exciting visuals that can attract readers to become more
passionate about analysing the article.

Overall, I like the article as it can be one of the guides for all the teachers around the
world. They should always be ready and well-prepared to face obstacles when they start
working as a teacher at school. I believe that teaching can be pretty tough, but at the end of
the day, teachers can also experience job satisfaction when they watch their students

Brandon. (2013). Mrs. Gagnon: more than just a teacher by Brandon. Varsity Tutors.

Barbara, B. (2018). Advantages & disadvantages of becoming a teacher. Chron.

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