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SEMESTER: 2021/22.1 (2021.2)

Pengantar Linguistik Umum


No. Soal Skor

1. Baca penggalan teks cerita di bawah ini dengan cermat. 20

An old man lived in the village. He was one of the most unfortunate people in the world. The
whole village was tired of him; he was always gloomy, he constantly complained and was always
in a bad mood. The longer he lived, the more bile he was becoming and the more poisonous
were his words. People avoided him because his misfortune became contagious. It was even
unnatural and insulting to be happy next to him. He created the feeling of unhappiness in others.
But one day, when he turned eighty years old, an incredible thing happened. Instantly everyone
started hearing the rumour that the Old Man had become happy, he doesn’t complain about
anything anymore, always smiles, and even his face is freshened up. The whole village gathered
together. The villagers asked the old man about what happened. He answers, “Nothing special.
Eighty years I’ve been chasing happiness, and it was useless. And then I decided to live without
happiness and just enjoy life. That’s why I’m happy now.”

1. Tulislah kata-kata yang terbentuk karena proses derivasi!

(Contoh: Unfortunate)
2. Tulislah kata-kata yang terbentuk karena proses infleksi!
(Contoh: Lived)

2. The Danger of Corona Covid-19 Virus and How to Prevent It 20

The danger of the corona virus or Covid-19 is a fast and easier transmission than the
SARS outbreak that hit the world in 2003, quoted from This rapid spread has made positive
cases of corona in the world reach 935,957 as of Thursday (2/4/2020) or within 5 months or
since the first case was discovered in November 2019.

Although patients who have a risk of dying is only about 6 percent, this proportion cannot
be underestimated. Cases of death due to Covid-19 worldwide reached 47,245 with the highest
number coming from Italy, namely 13,155. The second highest number of deaths was in Spain
with 9,387.

It could also be that someone is infected with Covid-19 when accidentally inhaling
droplets from sufferers. This is why it is important to keep a distance of up to one meter or so
from people who are sick. This new virus has initial symptoms such as fever, cough, runny
nose, respiratory problems, sore throat, fatigue and lethargy.

Quoted from the BBC, examination of data by the World Health Organization (WHO) from
56,000 patients showed 6 percent had critical symptoms such as lung disorders, septic shock to
the risk of death. As many as 14 percent experienced severe symptoms, namely difficulty
breathing and shortness of breath. Meanwhile 80 percent have mild symptoms such as fever,
cough and some have pneumonia.

The corona virus attacks the human respiratory tract. A person can be infected from
someone with Covid-19. This disease can be spread through small droplets from the nose or
mouth when coughing or sneezing. The droplet then falls on the object around it. Then if
someone else touches an object that has been contaminated with the droplets, then that person
touches the eyes, nose or mouth (triangle face), then that person can be infected with Covid-19.

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1. Susunlah paragraf acak di atas dengan benar untuk membuat sebuah teks dengan fungsi
sosial tertentu!
2. Setelah teks tersebut tersusun dengan benar, tentukan nama genrenya!

3. Bacalah dialog di bawah ini, 30

Konteks: percakapan di rumah antara Fikri dan adiknya Lidiya yang ingin dibuatkan puisi pada
pukul 16.00 wita.

Lidiya: : Fik, bagaimana kabarnya?

Fikri : Alhamdulilah baik, ukhti sendiri gmana?
Lidiya : Alhamdulilah fine, oh ya antum tidak pergi ke rumah sohibmu?
Fikri : Tidak, ana mau di rumah aja.
Lidya : Fik, buatlah puisi yang indah untuk ana. Please akhi
Fikri : Bukannya ukhti bisa, silakan buat sendiri!
Lidiya : Ya si, tapi aku lazy Fik, lagi gak moods
Fikri : Tidak boleh begitu ukhti, jangan peliha rasa malasmu, tidak baik
Lidiya : Ana tahu, tapi hari ini ana benar-benar gak moods,

1. Tentukan aspek register berikut berdasarkan dialog di atas yaitu Field (medan), Tenor
(Pelibat), dan mode (moda)!
2. Analislah varian register yang ada pada dialog tersebut!

4. Buatlah 2 kalimat dari masing-masing lexical relation di bawah ini dalam bahasa Inggris, misal 30
sinonim: I nearly cried when she’s gone = I almost cried when she’s gone

a. Antonim
b. Sinonim
c. Hiponim
d. Meronim
e. Homonim
f. Homofon
g. Homograf

Skor Total 100

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