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It was mentioned at the beginning of this paper that teachers are also the agent of our community, thus they also experience
issues that pertains the involvement of the community they belong to. One of the other issues mentioned in the research
entitled, Community Involvement of Public Secondary School Teachers in Northern Aurora, Philippines by Roxas, Vuiya, Vallejo
(2018), is the issue of teacher’s involvement in the community involvement to their efficiency and effectiveness in teaching
wherein it is only described as fairly serious also. We can look up to this that to be involve in our community is very much
needed for us to grow more in our own fields. The importance of community involvement was supported with the notion of
M3group (2018) that states, by participating in community-based events, business owners can do more for the employees
than what shows on the surface. Being active in the community allows for team building, community relationship building and
promotes good values. This truly agreed with the sentiment the involvement in any aspect of growing is important. The other
issue mentioned in the research is about mass and other religious activities. The research finds that teachers only sometimes
attend religious activities. If we think for it professionally, it is quite disappointing. Religious activities were made to improve
our spiritual life which every person needs it. Teachers are all around agents, therefore- for them to do rightfully their jobs
they must also consider the growth of their spiritual life. The spiritual practice of recognizing the interconnectedness of all life
can also help removes the pain that comes with difficult days. In learning, children did not depend only with teachers. They
also need the presence of their family and community. Related with the presence of family is the capability of a family to send
to school their children and to provide the things he/she needed. With this, it is quoted in the article that children and
adolescents residing in low-income neighborhoods show lower rates of school readiness and achievement (Catsambis &
Beveridge, 2001; Ghase-Lansdale, Gordon, BrooksGunn, & Klebanov, 2000.) It is true that if a child is dreaming there are no
such hard things but considering the fact this will be still a problem. In our system of education at this moment, financial
support from our families is much needed. Especially that we are guarded with a new system that is output based. Then, if a
family will not be able to support well their children this can be resulted for that youth to be an out of the school. Many might
say that, government should carry the education of every youth where economic inequality issue arises. If we say economic
inequality this pertain to the notion of unequal distribution of income and opportunity between different groups in society.
Furthermore, school-community collaboration is a right idea to solve those issues as it was mentioned in the article entitled,
Communities, Schools, and Teachers by Mavis G. Sanders and Claudia Galindo. With the issues mentioned, it is
recommendable to really consider the collaboration of school and community to provide a more meaningful way of learning
among children. This only means that learning is not only at school but it also involves our community where we spend the
beginning of the chapters of our journey in learning. Lastly, teachers’ safe guards the security of students but other might
experience extreme school settings which is also one of the problem of teachers, nowadays as it was stated at the article
entitled Beyond education: what role can schools play in the support and protection of children in extreme settings? To
maintain the peacefulness of a certain school is needed for the teachers and learners to avoid toxic and negative
surroundings which may also affect the way of learning of the students. This idea was highly supported by Adrila (2016) that a
peaceful school can help students develop a healthy self-image, build trust with others, promote social growth, and address
the suffering in the world while learning compassion and empathy. Above all, teacher plays myriad roles in our life. He/she is a
guide, coach, a demonstrator, and a facilitator. A good teacher helps us to become a well raised human being in our
community and an example citizen of our country. Teachers know that students are the future of every nation. What we
become in life depends on how we are going to deal with the flow of our journey. Teachers impart the information in the brain
of students to analyze. Analyzing the situation what is possible is the most important thing that we learn from teachers and
apply it in the reality. Appreciation of teachers is very important because they are one of the most important people in the
apply it in the reality. Appreciation of teachers is very important because they are one of the most important people in the

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