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Sociology A Brief Introduction 10th

Edition Schaefer Test Bank

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Chapter 8: Stratification and Social Mobility in the United States
Multiple Choice

1. A condition in which members of a society have different amounts of wealth, prestige, or power
is called
A. socialization.
B. status.
C. social structure.
D. social inequality.
Answer: D
Type: D

2. Which of the following terms is used by sociologists to refer to a structured ranking of groups of
people that perpetuates unequal economic rewards and power in society?
A. social mobility
B. stratification
C. hypergamy
D. status
Answer: B
Type: D

3. An individual’s salary and wages are referred to as

A. wealth.
B. income.
C. prosperity.
D. finances.
Answer: B
Type: D

4. A panhandler makes $15 to $20 per day on the streets. This is his
A. status.
B. prestige.
C. income.
D. wealth.
Answer: C
Type: C

5. Wealth is
A. all of a person’s material assets, including land, stocks, and other types of property.
B. salaries and wages.
C. a term used by Max Weber to refer to people who have a similar level of income and
D. a term used by Thorstein Veblen for people who have the same lifestyle, independent of
their class position.
Answer: A
Type: D

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6. A well-known Hollywood actress owns a home in Beverly Hills and another one on the French
Riviera. She owns her own movie production company along with a large portfolio of stocks. The
total of the different things she owns is considered her
A. income.
B. caste.
C. esteem.
D. wealth.
Answer: D
Type: C

7. An ascribed status is a social position

A. attained by a person largely through his or her own effort.
B. assigned to a person without regard to the person’s unique characteristics or talents.
C. based solely on income and wealth.
D. based solely on lifestyle.
Answer: B
Type: D

8. An 83-year-old woman is placed at a small table in a dark corner of a trendy nightclub and is
ignored by the staff. Her shoddy treatment is probably due to her age, which is a (an)
______________ status.
A. ascribed
B. achieved
C. horizontal
D. structural
Answer: A
Type: C

9. Achieved status is a social position

A. attained by a person largely through his or her own efforts.
B. assigned to a person by peers, without regard to the person’s unique talents or
C. assigned to an individual at birth.
D. given to an individual based upon his or her age, race, or gender.
Answer: A
Type: D

10. A system of enforced servitude in which people are legally owned by others is known as
A. feudalism.
B. slavery.
C. communism.
D. a caste system.
Answer: B
Type: D

11. Which of the following statements about slavery is true?

A. It is considered the most extreme form of social inequality.
B. The only recorded examples of slavery occurred in the U.S. and in ancient Greece.
C. Slavery was considered a permanent status in ancient Greece.
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D. Slavery in the U.S. was considered an achieved status.
Answer: A
Type: I

13. Which of the following terms is used to refer to hereditary systems of rank that are relatively
fixed, immobile, and generally religiously dictated?
A. tenure
B. slavery
C. castes
D. feudalism
Answer: C
Type: D

14. Some sociologists have suggested that in the southern U.S. in the pre-civil rights era, an African-
American individual was born into a status that would always be subordinate to the status of all of
the White members of the community. This would be an example of a (an)
A. estate system.
B. class system.
C. caste system.
D. feudal system.
Answer: C
Type: C

15. A system of stratification under which peasants were required to work land leased to them by
nobles in exchange for military protection was known as a (an)
A. estate system.
B. slavery system.
C. caste system.
D. feudal system.
Answer: A
Type: D

16. A class system employs a social ranking based primarily on

A. age.
B. caste.
C. economic position.
D. religious and ethnic background.
Answer: C
Type: D

17. A woman is born into a homeless, single-parent family. She is very talented and as an adult,
becomes a wealthy, world-acclaimed pianist. This scenario most closely represents which type of
stratification system?
A. caste
B. class
C. estate
D. slavery
Answer: B
Type: C

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18. In sociologist Daniel Rossides’s model of the class system of the U.S., which social class contains
the smallest portion of the population?
A. lower class
B. lower-middle class
C. working class
D. upper class
Answer: D
Type: I

19. A single mother who works in a factory sewing large sheets of canvass would be considered:
A. Upper class
B. Middle class
C. Lower middle class
D. Working class.
Answer: D
Type: C

20. A disproportional percentage of which group falls in the upper class?

A. White, non-hispanic
B. White, Hispanic
C. Non-white, non-hispanic
D. Non-white, hispanic
Answer: A
Type: I

21. Karl Marx argued that social, economic, and political inequalities are dependent on
A. class differentiation.
B. achieved status.
C. the Protestant work ethic.
D. religious factors.
Answer: A
Type: I

22. Capitalism is an economic system in which

A. the means of production and distribution are collectively owned.
B. all property is communally owned and no social distinctions are made on the basis of
people’s ability to produce.
C. the means of production are largely in private hands, and the main incentive for economic
activity is the accumulation of profit.
D. none of these
Answer: C
Type: D

23. Which term is used by Karl Marx to refer to the capitalist class that owns the means of
A. bourgeoisie
B. proletariat
C. peasantry
D. oligarchy
Answer: A
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Type: D

24. In Karl Marx’s view of class conscious workers in revolt, who will guide the working class in its
A. bourgeoisie
B. revolutionary leaders
C. proletariat
D. peasantry
Answer: B
Type: I

25. Karl Marx used the term “proletariat” to refer to

A. the capitalist class.
B. the owners of the means of production.
C. the working class.
D. the middle class.
Answer: C
Type: D

26. In Karl Marx’s view, social relations during any period of history depend on who controls the
A. mass media.
B. primary mode of economic production.
C. legislature.
D. most powerful religious organizations.
Answer: B
Type: I

27. Karl Marx used the concept of class consciousness to refer to

A. an attitude held by members of a class that does not accurately reflect its objective
B. the reputation that a particular individual has within an occupation.
C. a subjective awareness held by members of a class regarding their common vested
interests and the need for collective political action to bring about social change.
D. the respect and admiration with which an occupation is regarded by society.
Answer: C
Type: D

28. Which of the following terms did Karl Marx use to refer to an attitude held by members of a class
that does not accurately reflect the class’s objective position?
A. false consciousness
B. bourgeoisie consciousness
C. class consciousness
D. proletariat consciousness
Answer: A
Type: D

29. In Karl Marx’s view, a worker who identifies with the wealthy and believes that she can achieve
great wealth through hard work is likely to have developed a
A. bourgeoisie consciousness.
B. class consciousness.
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C. false consciousness.
D. caste consciousness.
Answer: C
Type: C

30. One shortcoming of Karl Marx’s work is that he failed to anticipate the
A. end of feudalism.
B. extent to which political liberties and relative prosperity could contribute to a false
C. effects of alienated labor on the working class.
D. conflict between various capitalist nations.
Answer: B
Type: I

31. Max Weber uses the term “class” to refer to people who share a similar level of
A. culture.
B. wealth and income.
C. power.
D. esteem.
Answer: B
Type: D

32. Which of the following did Max Weber suggest were analytically distinct components of
A. conformity, deviance, and social control
B. class, status, and power
C. class, caste, and age
D. class, prestige, and esteem
Answer: B
Type: I

33. In Max Weber’s view

A. people hold three distinct ranks in society.
B. our position in a stratification system reflects some combination of class, stigma, and
C. our rank in society is determined by four separate variables.
D. all of these
Answer: A
Type: I

34. Which sociologist maintained that a person’s position in a stratification system reflects some
combination of their class, status, and power?
A. Max Weber
B. Ralf Dahrendorf
C. Gerhard Lenski
D. Karl Marx
Answer: A
Type: S

35. A status group refers to

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A. people who share a similar level of wealth and income.
B. people who share the same prestige or lifestyle, independent of their class position.
C. members of a class who have a subjective awareness regarding their common vested
interests and need for collective political action to bring about social change.
D. a feudal class.
Answer: B
Type: D

36. Every evening at a neighborhood bar, the clientele, which consists of construction workers, police
officers, plumbers, and factory workers, watches sports events on the big screen television set and
plays pool. The people who hang out in this bar are an example of a
A. status group.
B. power group.
C. class.
D. caste.
Answer: A
Type: C

37. Max Weber defined __________ as the ability to exercise one’s will over others.
A. control
B. status
C. class
D. power
Answer: D
Type: D

38. The owner of a major league baseball team can fire employees for not winning a pennant, have
the city build him a new ballpark, and prevent companies that compete against his own team from
airing advertisements during the team’s televised games. In Max Weber’s view, this owner would
most likely be considered to have
A. power.
B. class.
C. esteem.
D. status.
Answer: A
Type: C

39. Thorstein Veblen suggested persons at the top of the social hierarchy convert wealth into
conspicuous consumption while the behavior of the lower classes is often subjected to ridicule.
Veblen’s views are from the
A. functionalist perspective.
B. conflict perspective.
C. interactionist perspective.
D. feminist perspective.
Answer: C
Type: P

40. What term did Thorstein Veblen use to describe the behavior of those at the top of the social
hierarchy when they engage in such activities as jetting off to a remote destination for dinner?
A. consumption flow
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B. inconspicuous ridicule
C. conspicuous leisure
D. consumptive frivolity
Answer: C
Type: D

41. Which sociological perspective would be most likely to argue that most talented people would not
go to school for many years to become biochemists if they could make as much money and gain
as much respect working as elevator operators?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. feminist perspective
Answer: A
Type: P

42. Which sociologist(s) argue(s) that stratification is universal and that social inequality is necessary
so that people will be motivated to fill functionally important positions?
A. Ralf Dahrendorf
B. Karl Marx
C. Pitirim Sorokin and William Ryan
D. Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore
Answer: D
Type: S

43. Which sociological perspective argues that competition for scarce resources results in significant
political, economic, and social inequality?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. feminist perspective
Answer: B
Type: P

44. Sociologist Ralf Dahrendorf suggests that among the most powerful groups in society are
A. managers of industry.
B. heads of the government bureaucracy.
C. legislators.
D. all of these
Answer: D
Type: I

45. Which sociologist has merged Marx’s emphasis on class conflict with Weber’s recognition that
power is an important element of stratification?
A. William Julius Wilson
B. Ralf Dahrendorf
C. Gerhard Lenski
D. Kingsley Davis
Answer: B
Type: S
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46. Gerhard Lenski argues that social inequality may have once served the overall purposes of
society, but the degree of social and economic inequality that now exists far exceeds the need to
provide for goods and services. This facet of Lenski’s analysis is consistent with which
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. global perspective
Answer: B
Type: P

47. Which of the following notes that while a system of rewards for filling highly expert professions
demanding long years of education and skill may have once served the overall purposes of
society, this situation no longer exists?
A. Gerhard Lenski
B. Ralf Dahrendorf
C. D. Stanley Eitzen
D. David Featherman
Answer: A
Type: S

48. The objective method of assessing social class assigns individuals to classes on the basis of
A. criteria such as occupation, education, income, and place of residence.
B. self-assessment.
C. assessments by friends and colleagues.
D. the neighborhoods in which they reside.
Answer: A
Type: D

49. Prestige refers to the

A. reputation that a particular individual has within an occupation.
B. ability to exercise one’s will over others.
C. respect and admiration with which an occupation is regarded by society.
D. people who have similar levels of wealth and income.
Answer: C
Type: D

50. Which term is used to refer to the reputation that a specific person has within an occupation?
A. power
B. prestige
C. esteem
D. status
Answer: C
Type: D

51. Inequality exists in:

A. All societies
B. Western societies only
C. Developed societies only
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D. Developing societies only
Answer: A
Type: I

52. Which sociological perspective would be most likely to suggest that studies of social class have
tended to neglect the occupations and incomes of women as determinants of social rank, thereby
elevating the status of males?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. feminist perspective
Answer: D
Type: P

53. The federal tax policies of the last four decades, especially in the 1980s and in the ten years from
2001 to 2010, have favored
A. people below the poverty line.
B. lower-class income earners.
C. middle-class income earners.
D. the affluent.
Answer: D
Type: I

54. Which of the following would be the best example of absolute poverty?
A. A homeless man in tattered clothes begs in the streets for money and food.
B. A dual-career couple lives in a suburban community and struggles to pay their monthly
C. A family owns only two luxury automobiles, although their friends and neighbors own
three such vehicles.
D. none of these
Answer: A
Type: C

55. Which of the following would be seen as a contributer to poverty in the U.S. according to your
A. Large numbers of workers employed at minimum wage.
B. Large numbers of people who wish to stay poor
C. Large numbers of CEOs
D. Large numbers of technologically savvy workers
Answer: A
Type: I

56. The commonly used “poverty line” measure of poverty used by the federal government is used to
measure which type of poverty?
A. relative poverty
B. absolute poverty
C. elementary poverty
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D. dramatic poverty
Answer: B
Type: I

57. Which of the following refers to a floating standard of deprivation by which people at the bottom
of a society are judged to be disadvantaged in comparison to the nation as a whole?
A. absolute poverty
B. elementary poverty
C. relative poverty
D. dramatic poverty
Answer: C
Type: I

58. The fact that an unemployed coal miner in Appalachia has a higher standard of living than a
doctor in Congo, illustrates the idea that
A. poverty is absolute.
B. poverty is relative.
C. being a doctor is not a high-prestige occupation in all countries.
D. Americans are ethnocentric.
Answer: B
Type: I

59. By 2008, the number of female householders accounted for 51 percent of the poor in the U.S.
This alarming trend is referred to as
A. discriminating poverty.
B. elementary poverty.
C. the feminization of poverty.
D. dramatic poverty.
Answer: C
Type: I

60. Which sociological perspective suggests that the higher rates of poverty among single mothers
are due to the difficulty women have finding affordable child care, sexual harassment, and sex
discrimination in the labor market?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. global perspective
Answer: B
Type: P

61. A family lives in a remote area of Appalachia, where coal mines that once employed many
workers have been idle for years. There are no jobs in the area, the distant schools are poorly
funded, and because of the remote location, there are no churches or medical facilities nearby.
These poor, chronically unemployed people who barely survive from winter to winter are an
example of
A. the underclass.
B. structural mobility.
C. an estate.
D. false consciousness.
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Answer: A
Type: C

62. Which of the following groups experiences the highest levels of chronic poverty?
A. African Americans
B. Hispanics
C. Asian Americans
D. Whites
Answer: A
Type: I

63. Which sociologist has identified a number of social, economic, and political functions that the
poor perform for society (e.g., poor people do society’s dirty work at low cost; poverty creates
jobs for those in occupations serving the poor; the existence of poor people guarantees the higher
status of the more affluent)?
A. Herbert Gans
B. Émile Durkheim
C. Peter Blau
D. Daniel Rossides
Answer: A
Type: S

64. Employment that is poorly paid and from the worker’s perspective, insecure and unprotected is
A. Pink collar work
B. Whie collar work
C. Hard word
D. Precarious work
Answer: D
Type: D

65. Max Weber referred to people’s opportunities to provide themselves with material goods, positive
living conditions, and favorable experiences as
A. power.
B. wealth.
C. life chances.
D. status.
Answer: C
Type: I

66. What historical tragedy is noted in the text to illustrate the impact of social class on life chances?
A. the terrorist attacks of 9/11
B. the assassination of John Kennedy
C. the sinking of the Titanic
D. the sniper attacks in the Washington, D.C. area
Answer: C
Type: I

67. Which sociological perspective would be most likely to emphasize that a person’s health and
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educational opportunities are affected by his or her class position in important ways?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. global perspective
Answer: B
Type: P

68. Which of the following refers to the movement of individuals or groups from one position of
society’s stratification system to another?
A. social mobility
B. life chances
C. relative poverty
D. social distribution
Answer: A
Type: I

69. A stratification system that implies that the position of each individual is influenced by the
person’s achieved status is referred to as a (an)
A. open stratification system.
B. closed stratification system.
C. egalitarian class system.
D. fractured class system.
Answer: A
Type: C

70. Some analysts suggest that inner-city riots have frequently occurred when poor people realize that
their chances of climbing out of poverty are unlikely, because of the structure of our social
system. Their frustration is based on their perception that they are living in a (an)
A. open stratification system.
B. closed stratification system.
C. egalitarian class system.
D. fractured class system.
Answer: B
Type: C

71. An inner-city youth spends many hours in the neighborhood playground shooting baskets on the
basketball court and engaging in every game that he can play. His skills become outstanding, and
he receives a college scholarship and then signs a lucrative contract to play in the National
Basketball Association. This is an example of
A. vertical mobility.
B. ascribed status.
C. horizontal mobility.
D. structural mobility.
Answer: A
Type: C

72. Which of the following is an example of vertical mobility?

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A. A person loses her job as a corporate vice president because of downsizing and remains
unemployed for 14 months.
B. An African president is overthrown in a bloodless coup and flees to a neighboring
country where he works as a farmer.
C. A National Football League star suffers a career-ending injury and gets a job as an auto
D. all of these
Answer: D
Type: C

73. A woman who was born and raised in a poor family becomes a regional supervisor for the U.S.
Postal Service. She has experienced
A. structural mobility.
B. horizontal mobility.
C. upward intergenerational mobility.
D. institutional mobility.
Answer: C
Type: C

74. Which sociologist first made the distinction between vertical and horizontal mobility?
A. Ferdinand Tönnies
B. Émile Durkheim
C. Pitirim Sorokin
D. Wilbert Moore
Answer: C
Type: S

75. Research concerning the degree of social mobility within the occupational structure of the U.S.
indicates that
A. occupational mobility has been common among males.
B. much of the social mobility in the U.S. covers a very “great distance.”
C. occupational mobility among African Americans is no longer sharply limited by racial
D. all of these
Answer: A
Type: I

76. College students who come from families with higher incomes are ___________ to graduate from
college than students from lower-income families.
A. much more likely
B. slightly more likely
C. equally likely
D. less likely
Answer: A
Type: I

77. According the Schaefer text, which level of college degree serves as less of a guarantee of
upward mobility today than it did in the past?
A. A.A./A.A.S.
B. B.A./B.S.
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C. M.A./M.S.
D. Ph.D.
Answer: B
Type: I

78. Which sociological perspective would most likely urge policy makers and the general public to
look closely at corporate tax breaks, rather than focusing on the allowances given to welfare
mothers and their children?
A. functionalist perspective
B. conflict perspective
C. interactionist perspective
D. global perspective
Answer: B
Type: SP

79. Nearly 60 percent of adults who remain on welfare are not in school or enrolled in welfare-to-
work programs due to their usually facing
A. substance abuse.
B. mental illness.
C. a criminal record.
D. all of these
Answer: D
Type: I

80. What is the special challenge facing European governments beyond the concerns similar to its
Western neighbors to keep taxes low even when it means cuts to services helping the poor?
A. Previously, there was no need to provide unemployment insurance, so now this is an
extra cost burden.
B. Previously, the government often provided both housing and utilities subsidies.
C. Governments no longer feel the burden of competition from the West.
D. Previously there was no need to provide unemployment insurance, so now this is an extra
cost burden AND the government often provided both housing and utilities subsidies.
Answer: D
Type: I

81. The recent bail out of the automobile industry would be an example of which of the following:
A. Consumption flow
B. Corporate welfare
C. Corporate gains
D. Business welfare
Answer B
Type I


82. The most extreme form of legalized social inequality for individuals or groups is a caste system.
Answer: F
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83. Varnas refers to the major castes in India.
Answer: T

84. Peasants required to work land leased to them by nobles in exchange for military protection and
other services is referred to as a caste system.
Answer: F

85. According to Karl Marx, a worker with class consciousness may feel that he or she is being
treated fairly by the bourgeoisie, and a worker with false consciousness realizes that all workers
are being exploited by the bourgeoisie and have a common stake in revolution.
Answer: F

86. Max Weber argued that the actions of individuals and groups can be understood solely in
economic terms.
Answer: F

87. Even if stratification is inevitable, the functionalist explanation for differential rewards does not
explain the wide disparity between the rich and the poor.
Answer: T

88. Conflict sociologists argue that stratification will inevitably lead to instability and to social
Answer: T

89. Slavery still exists in the U.S. today, as the conviction of a wealthy New York couple for holding
two Indonesian women in 2007 demonstrated.
Answer: T

90. The concentration of wealth in the U.S. has decreased substantially in the last two decades.
Answer: F

91. Students from lower-middle-class families are as likely to attend college as students from wealthy
families, as long as they try hard.
Answer: F

92. Stratification is universal in that all societies maintain some form of social inequality among
Answer: T

93. Men are more likely than women to withdraw from the workforce when their skills far exceed the
jobs offered them.
Answer: F

94. The United Nations has valued the unpaid work performed by women in child care, agriculture,
and housework at $11 trillion.
Answer: T

95. More than 6 million people still remain on the welfare rolls as of September 2009.
Answer: F
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96. Poverty is functional in the U.S. system.
Answer: F

97. Corporate welfare gives big business tax breaks and direct payments.
Answer: T

98. The wealth of the top 1 percent exceeds the collective wealth of the bottom 90 percent.
Answer: T


99. Describe the differences between ascribed status and achieved status. Give examples to support
your answer.

100. Discuss Karl Marx’s view on class differentiation. Define the terms “bourgeoisie” and
“proletariat.” Describe what Marx termed as a “false consciousness” and give an example to
support your answer.

101. Compare and contrast the functionalist and conflict views of social stratification. Give examples
of each view to support your answer.

102. Describe the various issues surrounding the definition of poverty. Define the difference between
absolute and relative poverty.

103. Discuss the functionality of poverty in the US.

104. Discuss the controversies surrounding welfare reform in the U.S.

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