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Dr. Drs. Paulus Subiyanto, M.Hum







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1. Barang siapa dengan sengaja dan tanpa hak mengumumkan atau memperbanyak
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Penerbit IN MEDIA
Anggota IKAPI No. 250/JBA/2014
1 jil., 17 × 24 cm, 59 hal.

Perpustakaan Nasional : Katalog dalam Terbitan (KDT)
1. English 2. English for Character Education

This exercise book contains of 10 topics. It aims to develop English competence and to
build character simultaneously so it may be used as a supplement combined by other
textbooks. Student-centered is an approach adopted in this textbook so the role of teacher
is to be facilitator and motivator. Cooperative learning and problem solving in group
discussions serve as learning model supported by using media in order to enhance the
effective learning.
The importance of English competence in this era is as urgent as the role of
character as a means to be successful. Therefore, the teachers in all subjects as educators
have responsibility to help students growing and building their character. This book,
especially English teachers, may help on arranging their learning-teaching plan.
English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student, of course, is not exclusive for
polytechnic students, it can be used for all students. However, it is not a perfect book, it
still needs more improvements and further developments.

iv English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student

Preface .............................................................................................................................................. iii

Table of Content........................................................................................................................................ v

Module 1 Self-Confidence .................................................................................................... 1

Module 2 Harmony in Universe........................................................................................... 7
Module 3 Social Solidarity ..................................................................................................... 13
Module 4 Five Characters ..................................................................................................... 17
Module 5 Plan and Priority ................................................................................................... 21
Module 6 Living Value ............................................................................................................ 27
Module 7 Honesty .................................................................................................................... 31
Module 8 Responsibility......................................................................................................... 37
Module 9 Self-Discipline ........................................................................................................ 41
Module 10 Business Plan ........................................................................................................ 45

References ...................................................................................................................................... 47
Curriculum Vitae ............................................................................................................................... 49
vi English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student
Module 1


1. Topic: Self-Confidence

2. Linguistic Focus: finding human characteristic vocabulary, describing oneself,

and writing curriculum vitae.

3. Psychological Focus: Accepting oneself, and growing self-confidence.

4. Procedure:

Apperception: Show some pictures/slides with various expression!

Question: What kind of persons are they?

Based on their expression, describe orally the characteristics of those persons

2 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student

Step#1: The students are asked to prepare a piece of paper, then fold or divide
into two parts: the left column with NEGATIVES and the right
column with POSITIVES.


e.g: fat, lazy e.g: bright eye, diligent

Step #2: - Write all about yourself as many as possible that you think as
negative things (physically, mentally, characteristics, habit) in
the left column in 10 minutes. For examples: I hate my fat body, I
dislike my laziness, etc.
- (after 10 minutes), write all about yourself as many as possible
that you think as positive things in the right column in 10
minutes. For example, I like my blue eyes, I am proud of my music
talent, etc.

Step#3: Make some small group discussions consisting of 4-5 persons. Each
person gets chance to tell what they have written. Choose the leader
or moderator who leads the course of discussion and the secretary
who notes the result. Time: 15 minute
Give questions for group discussion:
1. Which one is easier, finding positives or negatives?
2. Give reasons why you have more negatives than positives!

Step#4: Make a plenary session in which each leader of group presents the
result of their discussion in front of the class.

Step#5: Make Exploration! (most answers: more negatives than positives, or

negatives are easier),
What does it mean that you feel easier to find negatives about
yourself ?
(Guide to awareness that if they have more negatives, it means they
think negatively about themselves, they don’t appreciate to themselves,
they have underestimated attitude to themselves)
As a result they have NEGATIVE SELF-IMAGE. They consider

Module 1. Self-Confidence 3
themselves as being unable, bad, negative. Finally, they feel
unconfident, afraid to express their thoughts and feelings.
who they are. This is the source of the problem: LOW SELF-
CONFIDENCE. At last, people with low self confidence will face
difficulties to grow their personality, and consequently, they will fail
in life.

Draw a diagram:





Question: If you want to be successful person, what must you do?

Step#6: Make Reframing: (This step is aimed to know the cause of their low
self-confidence based on their past experience or childhood).
Remember how your parent and teachers treated you when you were
a child, and then answer YES or NO!
1. Did they rarely give you compliment?
2. Did they underestimate to you?
3. Did they not let you to make mistake?
4. Did they often compare you to the other?
5. Did they feel disappointed or angry when you failed?

4 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student

What people (your parent and teachers) treated you in the past will form
in your mind about the image of yourself, and you will be what you think
about yourself.

After knowing the causes of their less confidence, the students are
convinced that they can choose to change their self-image. Firstly,
accept as what they are now, and don’t compare with the others, then
focus on positives, other than negatives.

Step#7: Make Affirmation. Each student is asked to draw something (things,

animals, etc.) symbolizing who he/she is, and to describe orally about
the picture in relation with their positive characteristics.

5. Language Exercise
Read the Text!
A business is an organization producing goods or services to make a profit. Private
enterprise is known as American business system because the factors of production
are owned by individuals. This system is based on the right to private properties.
There are four factors of production which include machinery, building, tools and
means of transportation. These four production factors are obtained from individuals
owning the business to produce goods and services in exchange for income

1. Based on the production, how many kinds of business? Mention!
2. What is American business system?
3. Is there other business system? Explain!

Structure: All the sentences below are wrong grammatically, correct them!
1. Most people works to earn their living.
2. People who work in factory called employees
3. A consumer will purchases the productions of a business firm
4. Food, clothes,and shelter is basic human needs.
5. He employ many workers to run his business.
6. A manager have responsibility for operating the business.

Module 1. Self-Confidence 5
7. Employees are requiring to supply the skills and ability.
8. All consumers wants to have better products.
9. Mr.Anwar asked I to join him for lunch.
10. The letter from she has not been answered.

Vocabulary: Make a sentence based on these below words!

Establish :

Decision :

Evolve :

Gap :

Obtain :

Salary :

Wage :

Divide :

Expect :

Provide :

6. Task
1. Find at least 10 words/terms relating to character!
2. Write your Curriculum Vitae

6 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student

Module 2


1. Topic: Harmony in Universe

2. Linguistic Focus: Practicing listening skill, interpreting the meaning of

figurative words, describing object.

3. Psychological Focus: Growing awareness of harmony in nature, and growing

attitude of loving peace.

4. Procedure:

Apperception: Show some pictures of beautiful views or video about nature!

Question: What do you think about those pictures above?

8 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student

Step#1: Play music/song “From A Distance” (Bette Midler), or the students
may watch in YouTube by their android: First, listen to the song
carefully; secondly, listen and sing the song, then write the lyric.

Step#2: Make a group consisting 4 persons, then discuss the lyric to answer
these questions:

From A Distance
From a distance the world look blue and green
And the snow capped mountain white
From a distance the ocean meets the stream
And the eagle take to flight

1. What is “blue” and “green” here refered to?
2. By saying ”the world looks blue and green”, where is the writer
(the position from the earth)?
3. When the writer moves closer to the earth, then see dan say “the
eagle take to flight”, what the meaning of the phrase?

From a distance there is a harmony

And it echoes through the land
It’s the voice of hope
It’s the voice of peace
It’s the voice of everyman

1. Use your internet to make definition of these words: harmony,
hope, and peace!
2. Explain the relationship of harmony, hope, and peace!

From a distance we all have enough

And no one is in need
And there is no guns, no bombs and no disease
No hungry mouths to feed

Module 2. Harmony in Universe 9

1. What the meaning of phrase “ we all have enough”?
2. What the meaning of “in need”?
3. What are “guns”, “bombs” refer to?

From a distance we are instruments

Marching in a common band
Playing songs of hope
Playing songs of peace
They are the songs of every man
God is watching us
God is watching us
God is watching us from a distance

1. What “instruments” are you like?
2. Explain what marching band is! Why does the writer think that
human being is like marching band?

From a distance you look my friend

Even though we are at war
From a distance I just cannot comprehend
What all this fighting for
From a distance there is a harmony
And it echoes through the land
And it is the hope of hopes
It’s the love of loves
It’s the hearts of every man
It’s the hope of hopes
It’s the love of loves
This is the song of every man

1. The phrase “we are at war”, what happens people at war?
2. What the meaning of “the hope of hopes”, the love of loves”?

10 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student

Step#3: Make a plenary session, and each leader of groups presents the result
of their discussion. And then, the teacher asks question for all students:
What is the message of the song? Let them answer spontaneously!

5. Language Exercise
Read The Text!
Entrepreneurs are the seeds of industrial development. The word “entrepreneur” is
derived from French verb “ entreprendre”, which means “to undertake”. It refers to those
who undertake the risk of new enterprises. So an entrepreneur is one who create a new
business, and the process of creation is called entrepreneurship.
The important factor of entrepreneurship is the willingness to assume risk, and a
continuous search for innovation. An entrepreneur should also have patience to see his
efforts bear fruits.

1. What is the different meaning between “entrepreneur” and “businessman”? Explain
2. Give an example of a successful entrepreneur!

Structure: Change these sentences into PRESENT SIMPLE!

1. A Business organization is distributing goods and services
2. My employer called me into his office
3. These letters needed my attention
4. They are working together to complete the report
5. The engine often failed to operate
6. Costumers have needed new products
7. Giving orders are the task of manager
8. They usually decided the business target
9. A manager will subordinate some staffs
10. You always showed the best performance at work

6. Task
1. Change the lyric of From A Distance into Bahasa Indonesia (not literal translation)
2. Describe in writing about a place that you think it is very beautiful.

Module 2. Harmony in Universe 11

12 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student
Module 3


1. Topic: Social Solidarity

2. Linguistic Focus: practicing writing skill, and giving opinion.

3. Psychological Focus: growing empathy, problem solving.

4. Procedure:

Step #1: Play the short film “Chicken Ala Carte” (may be taken from YouTube)
on screen, watch it together in the classroom!
Step #2: Ask students to write a synopsis of the film (summary of story)

Step #3: Make a group consisting of 4 persons. Each student reads synopsis,
then they discuss these questions:
1) What does the film talk about?
2) What do you feel after watching it? (not opinion but feelings)
3) What lesson of life do you get from this film?
4) What is your personal resolution in a real action (e.g.I won’t
waste food)

Step #4: (Elaboration) Replay the film slowly, scene by scene, while asking
questions. The students may answer spontaneously.

Question 1: In the very beginning, the film shows up some modern

restaurants (KFC, Mc Donald, Pizza Hut, etc). What
is the meaning of it?

14 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student

Questions 2: When the girls enter the restaurant and order some food,
what kind of attitude that the girls act? What kind of
society are the girls represented?

Question 3: When the poor man collects leftover food from the rubbish,
what kind of social rank is he represented?

Question 4: When the children eat leftover food, please compare the
attitude of the girls and the children?

Step #5: (Problem Solving). Discuss in the group!

1. Find the causes why in the urban society (metropolitan) there is a
hard gab between the poor and the rich!
2. Give solutions how to reduce such a gab!

Step #6: Each group presents the answers in the plenary session.

Module 3. Social Solidarity 15

5. Language Exercise
Reading The Text!
A cooperative is a legal entity with several corporate features, such as limited liability,
an unlimited life span, an elected board of directors, and an administrative staff. A
cooperative does not keep profit, instead it distributes all profits to its members in
proportion to their contribution.
There are two types of cooperatives, seller cooperative is popular in agriculture and
buyer cooperative which buys in volume for best possible prices. Individuals producers join
in a seller cooperative to compete more effectively with other large producers. Members
also support to develop market.

1. What are the similarities of cooperative with other corporate?
2. How does a cooperative maintain its profits?
3. Why is a cooperative suitable to farmers?

Structure: Find the appropriate question tags on the right side!

1. I am late,…………..? A. is there
2. I haven’t met her,………? B. are there
3. The shops close at one thirty,…….? C. have I
4. There isn’t much water here,……….? D. isn’t she
5. They don’t understand it,………..? E. do they
6. They are sad,……..? F. aren’t they
7. There are not many people here,…….? G. am I
8. I am not allow to get in,……….? H. don’t they
9. Your mother’s at home,………? I. aren’t they
10. She thinks she’s going to succeed,……? J. doesn’t she

6. Task
1. Make a personal letter to your parent, expressing your gratitude for your parent’s
kindness to you.
2. Tell your resolution relating your attitude to the food!

16 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student

Module 4


1. Topic: Five Characters

2. Linguistic Focus: Practicing listening skill, giving opinion and making


3. Psychological Focus: identifying dominant characters, making choice in

dilemmatic situation

4. Procedure:
#1 Step: Read this story interactively, and the students are asked to listen
There was a young girl living near the river and she has a boyfriend
living across the river (ask the students to give names, may choose the
names among them). They loved each other and seriously made a good
relationship because they had a dream to marry and build a happy
family. One day the girl heard that his boyfriend got a severe illness,
even he was dying (what is the girl feeling? What will she do?) Yes , of
course, she must cross the river to visit him. She believed the power
of love. If she might meet him and cared him with truly love, she was
very sure that he would be better, and got well.

Unfortunately the river was flood with strong and dangerous

stream. She was very sad because she couldn’t cross the river, and she
was very afraid of his boyfriend’s condition (who can give solution to
this problem?). Because she couldn’t do by herself, she must try to get
help from some people who have boat to cross the river. Aha! She
remembered three persons who had boats (Can you give them names?).
Hurriedly she went to the first man (who?) and met him. She told
her problem, and asked him, “ Would you help me sir?”. And he
answered shortly,” Sorry, it is not my business. Isn’t it? I cant!”. She
felt very disappointed but she didn’t give up, and ran to the second
man. Frankly speaking, she asked him,” Please helm me sir. It is
about my boyfriend’s life!”. Looking at his face,” I hope you will
sir?” The man said smilingly, “ Okay, I will do it! But you know, it is
very dangerous job. As a return, I ask you mam, one million on cash
now!”. Oh My God! She don’t have any money. For the sake of her

18 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student

love, she must struggle. There is an opportunity from the third man.
After telling her problem “ Sir, you are my last hope. Please help me
to save my loving boyfriend” she asked. After thinking for awhile, the
man said, ”Well, I will help you mam but with one condition, sleep
with one night before we across the river!”.
The young girl was surprised to hear that. She faced a dilemma.
It is impossible to do it but it is the only way to visit his boyfriend,
to save him (Can you give solution or advice?). The desire to save his
boyfriend is stronger than her logics so she accepted the offer given by
the third man (what do you think?)
Having cared by his girlfriend with heart and love, the young
man was getting well and finally was fully recovered. He got back his
health. His girlfriend, however, is an honest person, and felt guilty
because of having slept with the third man. Finally, she decided to tell
the truth. After hearing this , the young man was very angry, and said,
“ Well, from now we end!”

# 2 step: Make a group consisting 4 students to discuss these instruction and

1. Describe what kind of person are the characters in this story! (the
young girl, the young man, the first man, the second man and
the third) Which one is individualistic, materialistic, hedonistic,
egoistic and naïve person?
2. Who is the best person and the worst person? Give reasons!

#3 Step: each group presents their answers in a plenary session .

5. Language Exercise
Read The Text!
The rate at which goods and services are created is called productivity. In a normal
economy, productivity must be high and steady increasing. One common measure of
productivity is expressed in money of output per hour worked. Another important factor
in output is technology and how it is being used by employees. Labor and technology is
combined to generate the outputs which are prices and sold to costumers.
Managers must estimate each worker’s productivity during a work period to employ
enough workers to produce a certain quantity of units on schedule. Productivity estimates
also are used in drawing up a budget for labor cost based on each employee’s output.

Module 4. Five Characters 19

Therefore, the manager may know how many units a worker can produce in a certain

1. How to measure productivity?
2. What is the importance of knowing productivity?
3. What is the synonym of “steady”, “generate”, “estimate”, drawing up”?

Change into PAST SIMPLE!
1. They are operating some companies by professional managers last year.
2. The best manager resigns from this corporation two months ago
3. This morning the owner visiting my office to check all reports.
4. Before I work here, I am a salesman
5. We plan to expand this factory two years ago.


1. He may make some decisions to grow this new company.
2. Marketing manager is promoting new product around this country
3. Director makes a meeting with all managers
4. You must read the manual direction before you use new machine.
5. They have worked in this office since 2010.

6. Task
Write a description of someone physically and mentally you consider as the closest one
with you!

20 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student

Module 5


1. Topic: Plan and Priority

2. Linguistic Focus: practicing speaking skill, applying the function of future


3. Psychological Focus: able to make plan and priority

4. Procedure:

#1 Step: Suppose each student is given one billion rupiah (Rp.,-),

and asked to spend all the money with some conditions as follows:
- Aren’t allowed to invest (property, jewelry, savings, etc)
- Aren’t allowed to donate/help others
- Aren’t allowed to study

So, you should spend all the money to buy everything you want to
have or to do.

22 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student

#2 Step: Each student makes a plan and priority they want to buy or to do in
detail. What brand is it? What color? How much? What specification?
Why do you choose it? (use Internet to get information about the
product), therefore it looks like a real plan.

#3 Step: Each student makes presentation with Power Point to explain their
plan and priority in front of class.

Module 5. Plan and Priority 23

5. Language Exercise
Read The Text!
Accounting as a discipline has existed since the 15 th century. Since then, both business
and economies have greatly evolved. Accounting theory is continuously evolving subject,
and it must adapt to new ways of doing business, new technological standards and
gaps that are discovered in reporting mechanisms. For example, organization such as
the International Accounting Standards Board helps creating and revising practical
applications of accounting theory.

1. Define what accounting is with your own words
2. What the meaning of these words: discipline, evolve, continuously, gap, revise?

Read this dialoque in pair!

Mother : Dad, I am so busy today. Would you go shopping please?
Father : With pleasure! What would you like me to buy? I’ll take a note.
Mother : We need a kilo of sugar, 5 kilo of rice, a half of chicken, ten eggs, and some
Father : What about fruit?
Mother : Yes, we need 2 kilo of oranges
Father : Let’s calculate them!
Mother : one kilo sugar costs four thousands five hundrends rupiah. A kilo of rice
is three thousands, so five times three thuosands is fifteen thousands. One
chicken costs twenty thousands rupiahs, so twenty thousands divided by
two is equal to ten thousands. .One egg is five hundreds rupiah, so ten times
five hundreds is five thousands. What else?
Father : vegetables are about five thousands, and two kilo orange is ten thousands.
So, how much all?
Mother : four thousands and five hundreds plus fifteen thousands added by ten
thousands, plus five thousands, plus five thousands, plus five thousands,
added by ten thousands.
Father : fifty four thousands and five hundreds.
Mother : Wonderful! But it is to much., we just need one kilo orange.
Father : I agree. Fifty four thousands and five hundreds minus five thousands equals
forty nine thousands and five hundreds. Right?
Mother : Of course, you use calculator!

24 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student

Answer these questions:
1. Who will go shopping?
2. What do they need?
3. How much sugar will they buy?
4. How many kilos oranges do they need?
5. If he brings fifty thousands rupiahs, how much is the change?

Fill the blank with these words!

twenty 1st second three

1. My office is on the.....………floor
2. I have .....………pencils
3. The.....………room is for the director
4. Pronoun “you” is the .....………person
5. .....………divided by five is four

Make a sentence using these words:

Some any few little much many a lot of several a great number of.....………
A number of.....……… a pair of.....……… a glass of.....……… a piece of.....………

6. Task
Make a paragraph using some connecting words such as therefore, thus, then, however, etc.

Module 5. Plan and Priority 25

26 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student
Module 6


1. Topic: Living Value

2. Linguistic Focus: practicing speaking skill, applying the function of
conditional sentence

3. Psychological Focus: able to identify the most important in life

4. Procedure:

Step #1: After you spent all your money, to enjoy travelling around the world
and buy some luxury items such car, bike, fashion, etc, now you felt
sick . The doctor checked up all your health, then made a medical
diagnose for you. You had got a cancer with four stadium, it means
you have no chance for life. The doctor predicted your rest of life is
only a month!
Step #2: Write your plan about what you will do during a month! Your
activities should be able to be realized and tell in detail. Use the
second conditional sentences such as “ If I had just one month to live, I
would …. “

Step #3: Make a small group consisting of 5 students. It is not a discussion

group but a group in which you may express your feelings and
thoughts. When one of you are telling the personal plan, the others
should be listening to the story without any disturbing or interrupting.

Steps #4: After telling your plan, now make a reflection by answering these
1. Do you think togetherness in the family is important?
2. Do you feel guilty?
3. Are you afraid of death?
4. Do you want to be closer to God?
5. Do you think you will not waste your time?
6. Do you think life is valuable?
7. Do you think you will use your rest of life in a better ways?
8. Do you feel happy when you know the value of life?

28 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student

5. Language Exercise

Read The Text!

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a technology that is already impacting how users interact
with, and are affected by, the Internet. In the near future, its impact is likely to only
continue to grow. AI has the potential to vastly change the way that humans interact,
not only with the digital world, but also with each other, through their work and
through other socio-economic institutions – for better or for worse. If we are to ensure
that the impact of artificial intelligence will be positive, it will be essential that all
stakeholders participate in the debates surrounding AI. In this paper, we seek to provide
an introduction to AI to policymakers and other stakeholders in the wider Internet
ecosystem. The paper explains the basics of the technology behind AI, identifies the key
considerations and challenges surrounding the technology, and provides several high-level
principles and recommendations to follow when dealing with the technology. If more
stakeholders bring their points of view and expertise to the discussions surrounding AI,
we are confident that its challenges can be addressed and the vast benefits the technology
offers can be realized.

1. What do you about Artificial Intelligence?
2. Give some impacts of AI?

Structure: Change into Present Continuous Tense!

1. The company send messages to its costumers
2. The manager introduce a new product to his staffs
3. My accountant make tax report during this period
4. The board of directors meet in the third floor of this building
5. The technicians operate new engines for the factory

6. Task
Make an obituary (speech on your burial) about yourself which will be read on your
burial ceremony!. You want to be memorized as what kind of person.

Module 6. Living Value 29

30 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student
Module 7


1. Topic: Honesty
2. Linguistic Focus: to improve Reading Skill, to describe people
3. Psychological Focus: to grow awareness on honesty as important value
4. Procedure:
Apperception: Show some pictures of figures that are well known due to their

Do you know about the picture? Tell about him to your friends!
Do you know about the picture? Tell about him to your friends!

Step #1: Make a group consist of 4 students, and give this text! Each student
reads the text then discuss these questions:
1. Do you know who Abraham Lincoln is?
2. Explain how honesty grows to be someone’s character!
3. What are some characteristics of person who appreciate honesty?

32 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student

Module 7. Honesty 33
Step # 3: Find a story telling about honesty done by Hugeng Iman Santoso and
Mohamad Hatta (use Google), then write as an article.

5. Language Exercise

Read The Text!

The first step in accounting circle is to analyze the data collected from many sources.
All transactions with a financial impact on the firm must be documented. Next, each
transaction is recorded in a journal, a listing of financial transactions in chronological
order. Then the journal entries are classified into accounts, categories of items that
appear in the financial statements, which are records of increases and decreases in a
specific asset. The accounts are next posted to the ledger, which contains all of company
accounts. Balance sheet are generally prepared quarterly but may be prepared only at
year end.

1. Make scheme (summary) based on the text
2. What is the meaning of “impact”, ”journal”, ”chronological”, “ ledger”, “balance

Structure: Choose the best answer!

1. It is up to the accountant to…………… the various financial statements.
a. Interpret
b. intercept
c. invent
d. translate

2. The bookkeeper keeps a record of every financial……………

a. Action
b. transaction
c. entry
d. transcription

3. Such items as buildings and machinery are known as ……………assets.

a. Current
b. hidden
c. fixed
d. liquid

34 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student

4. By examining the balance …………… and other documents we were able to find
out that the company was not doing as well as they claimed.
a. Slip
b. ledger
c. account
d. sheet

5. Do they have enough working…………… to keep trading?

a. Capital
b. expenses
c. accounts
d. currency

6. people are working with accounting…………… in running a business

a. concept
b. field
c. framework
d. performance

7. in planning and controlling the activities of an organization, managerial decision

makers require a financial……………
a. accounting
b. reports
c. information
d. records

8. to analyze the data collected from many sources is included in the

a. Records
b. cycle
c. asset
d. liquid

9. …………… is the money amount of sales added by income received from rents,
dividends, and interests.
a. Liquidity
b. revenues
c. ledger
d. account

Module 7. Honesty 35
10. All of companies accounts are posted to the……………
a. Liquidity
b. accounts
c. ledger
d. journal

36 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student

Module 8


1. Topic: Responsibility

2. Linguistic Focus: giving suggestion or solution orally

3. Psychological Focus: understanding what responsibility , and practicing as

responsible person.

4. Procedures:

Step #1: Which one do you think the meaning of responsibility is the most
appropriate for? Give an axample in real action!

Character Education: Responsibility

Reacquaint yourself with the students and tell them which trait you
will be discussing today. Ask the following questions and call on
different students for answers. Below each question are examples of
responses. You may need to rephrase students'answers or guide them

(Ask) What is responsibility?

1. Being accountable for what you do, for your actions and behavior.
2. Doing the right thing at the right time, so other can trust and
depend on you.
3. Taking care of your property, yourself, and other.
4. To know what your job is and to do it to the best of your ability.
5. When you choose to make a poor decision, you admit to it,
apologize for it, and then take steps to change it.

(Ask) What are you responsible for?

1. My own actions
2. My time
3. My possessions
4. Chores
5. My family
6. Pets
7. Homework
8. My community
9. The Earth

(Ask) What are ways you can show responsibility?

1. Complete your homework and chores on time without being
2. Follow through on your commitments, even when you don't feel
like it.
3. Accept responsibility for your mistakes and learn from them.
Don't make excuses or blame others.
4. Take care of your things and those of other people. Return items

Step #2: Tell what answers you have chosen and explain to your friend (may
be a pair of students in the same desk) so there is a questioning-

Step #3: You have an interview and asked to tell your solution orally for one of
these problem!
1. Tell me about a time when you faced an unexpected situation at
your study, and how to handle it?

38 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student

2. Tell me about how you give suggestion when someone came to
you with problem!
3. Tell me how about a time when you had to change your planned
course of action at the last minute!

5. Language Exercise

Read the Text!

Promotion is marketing activity that stimulate demand for a firm’s products. Marketers
promote everything from needle to aircraft. Once the product has been created, promotion
is often used to competition.
Promotional strategy is the plan for informing, persuading, or reminding the target
market about a product. The goal is to stimulate action. In a profit-oriented firm, the
desired action is for consumer to buy the promoted item. The combination of advertising,
personal selling, sales promotion, and publicity used to promote a product is called the
promotional mix.

1. What is the goal of promotion?
2. What is the meaning of target market? Give example
3. Choose a certain product and promote it!

Supply in, on, or at to the following sentences
1. Yanto has just gone to he library. He is probably still …………… the station now.
2. The children have gone to school at seven o’clock. They must be …………… school
3. The victim was brought to hospital yesterday, He is ……………Hospital now.
4. The Ridwans live…………… No 34 Rambutan Street.
5. Intan has just gone to her friend’s party. She is still…………… the way now.
6. He has gone to the bookstore. Now he is still ……………The bookstore
7. The participants was sitting…………… the floor for watching movie.
8. Father doesn’t go anywhere today. He is …………… Home now
9. I’ll meet you…………… ten o’clock
10. Rita is cooking for dinner …………… the kitchen.

Module 8. Responsibility 39
40 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student
Module 9


1. Topic: Self-Discipline
2. Linguistic Focus: giving reasons and argumentation
3. Psychological Focus: growing awareness on the importance of self-discipline
to achieve success.
4. Procedures:
Apperception: Show the picture and ask questions!

Do you know who he is?

What is his well-known achievement?
What do you think how he has attained his success?
Step #1: Choose one of the statements about self-discipline below that you
think it is suitable for you!
1. I show Self-Discipline when I accept that things do not always go
my way.
2. I show self-discipline when I finish my chores before playing.
3. The foundation of self-discipline is the ability to control one’s
thoughts, actions, attitudes, and feelings.

Step #2: Give reasons and examples for your statement about self-discipline,
then tell to your friends in front of the class.

Step #3: As a student of Polytechnic, what kind of self-discipline do you need

to be successful? Discuss this question in a small group! Write an
article with theme “Success needs Self-Discipline”

5. Language Exercise

Read the Text!

Financial management is closely related to accounting. In most firms both areas are
the responsibility of a vice president of finance or the chief of finance officer. But
accountant’s main function is to collect and present financial data. Financial managers
use financial statement prepared by accountants to make financial decisions. Financial
managers focus on cash flows, the inflow and outflow of cash.
Financial managers are those who keep track of how money is flowing into and
out of the firm. They are responsible to decide how the available funds will be used, how
much, and where to get it. Financial management is the art and science of managing a
firm’s money so it can meet the goals.

1. What is a financial manager?
2. What is financial management?
3. What do financial managers do?

42 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student

Structure (Conditional Sentence)
1. If I……………to French, I will visit Paris
a. Went
b. Go
c. Going
d. Gone

2. …………… you bring the report if you come to my office?

a. Will
b. Would
c. Do
d. Don’t

3. The manager would give incentive if the profit……………

A. Increases
B. Increasing
C. Increased
D. Increase

4. Last year the company would have expanded abroad if it …………… changed its
a. Had
b. Hadn’t
c. Have
d. Has

5. I would understand what your problem if you told me what happened with your
family. The sentence means……………
a. I understand
b. I will understand
c. I understood
d. I don’t understand

Module 9. Self-Discipline 43
44 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student
Module 10


1. Topic: Business Plan

2. Linguistic Focus: Presenting material in written and oral form

3. Psychological Focus: Growing entrepreneurship

In this topic, you are asked to set up a small business in a group consisting two
persons. As your output, you have to compose a proposal of your business plan and
present it in the class. Before doing it, please find some information relating with
your task.

Step #1: Make definitions of Branding, Positioning, Differentiation, and the

relationship among them.
Step #2: Discuss in group to determine what kind of business you want to do:
service or product? Then, sharpen your choice in specific domain:
culinary, manufacture, craft, healthy, fashion, body treatment, etc.
Give reasons why you choose such a business/product!

Step #3: Discuss on the three components (1) Branding:What brand do you
want to give to your product or service? Your Brand should be short
so it is easy to be remembered, expressing the value of product, and
having clear meaning. Express the brand with Logo!(2) Positioning:
… (3) Differentiation: What makes your product different from the
other? What strength does your product have?

Step #4: Write a proposal on business plan with a template following:

Title: (brand of your product)
1. Introduction: the reasons why you will set up business, the
reasons why you choose your product , and arguments that
people need your product.
2. Branding: Explain the meaning of your brand, and reasons why
you name your product.
3. Positioning: What is your target of market: men/women/
children/adult/Students/Teenagers/middle up/etc.?
4. Differentiation: what is the strength of your product? What
makes your product different from the other?
5. Promotion/Marketing: How to promote your product?
6. Budgeting: How much do you need to start this business? How
much profit do you want to get?

Step #5: Present your proposal using Power Point in front of class!
Notes for presentation in Power Point:
1. Write only the points, not all material.
2. Use font type and size insomuch audience can read easily.
3. Explain in your own words with examples
4. Don’t put any picture or ornament which is not relevant to your
5. Speak aloud and clearly
6. Make sure that all your audience listen to you
7. Be confident, but remember that being nervous is normal

46 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student


Chatib,Munif.2016. Gurunya Manusia. Bandung: Kaifa.

Gardner,Howard.2008. 5 Mind for the Future. USA: Harvard Bussines Press
Gardner, Howard.1993. Frame of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. NewYork:
Basic Books.
Halliday,M.A.K. 1994. Functional Grammar. London: Hodder Headline PLC .
Krashen,Stephen. 2013. Second Language Acquisition: Theories, Applications, and some
Conjectures. Cambridge University Press .
Seel, Norbert M;Thomas Lehmann; Patrick Bluschein; Oleg A. Podolsky. 2017.
Instructional Design for Learning.The theoretical Foundations. Rotterdam: Sense
Philip.G. 2010. “Textbook: International Dimensions” dalam Falk Fingel (2010)
UNESCO Guidebook on Textbook Research and Textbook Revisions. Paris:George
Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research.
Pingel,Falk.2010. UNESCO Guidebook on Textbook Research and Textbook Revisions.
Paris:George Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research.
Robert N.Gagne, Leslie J. Briggs, Walter W. Waser.1993. Principles of Instructional Design.
Florida: Harcourt Brace.
Sugiyono.2010.Metode Penelitian Pendidikan: Pendekatan Kuantitatif,Kualitatif dan R&D.
Bandung: Alfabeta.
Tillman, Diane and Diana Hsu .2000. Living Values: An Educational Program. USA: Health
Communication Inc.
Taylor, Amanda. 2017. Character Education: A Bibliography of Recent Research,Reports and
Resources. New York: National Fondation for Education Research (INFER)
Benninga, Jacques S;Marvin W.Berkart;Phyllis Kuen;Karen Smith in”The Relationship
of Character Education Implementation and Academic Acheivement in
Elementary School”. Journal of Research on Character Education Vol.1,No.1,
Berkowitz,MarvinW; Bier Meldic in “ What works in Character Education. Journal of
Research on Character Education Vol.5, No.1 2007
Billig,Sally & Jesse Dan in “Using Service Learning to Promote Character Education
in A Large Urban District. Journal of Research on Character Education Vol.6
No.1 .2012.
Diane M.Dods in “The Effects of Character Education on Social-Emotional
Behavior”(Action Research Paper St Chaterine University , New Jersey)
Edyani,Elsa . 2015. dalam “Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Berbasis Web Pada Topik Teori
Atom Mekanik Kuantum”.
J.Kristiadi dalam “Paidaea: Filsafat Pendidikan Politik Plato”. Kompas 12 Februari 2018
Kawi,I Gusti Ayu; Santyasa, Rasana dalam “Pengembangan Buku Ajar Untuk
Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kreatif Terintergrasi Bagi Siswa Kelas IX SMP
Semester 6”. E-Jurnal Program Pascasarjana Prodi Teknologi Pembelajaran,
Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. Vol 3.Tahun 2013
Khairun Nisa, Jusman, Mansyur,Rapii, Rifki dalam “ Pengembangan Bahan Ajar
Berdimensi Karakter Lokal pada Mata Pelajaran Pancasila Untuk Sekolah
Dasar”. Jurnal SD Vol.5 No.1 Tahun 2016
Marsuki dalam “Pengembangan Buku Ajar Bahasa Inggris Berdasar Kurikulum 2013”.
Lingua Vol.10.No.2.2015.ISSN1693-4725
Muchtar Buchori.2007. “Character Building dan Pendidikan Kita” dalam https://www.
Mumtazah Maulidia,Mustika Wati, Syubhan Annur dalam “ Pengembangan Bahan Ajar
Berbasis Pendidikan Karakter dalam Mendukung Implementasi Kurikulum
2013”. Berkala Ilmu Pendidikan Fisika Vol.3.No.1. 2015
Prince, Kort C & Ho Edward H in “ Effects of A School Based Program to Improve
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Character Education Vol.8 No.2 .2010
Suyitno, Imam in“.The Development of Education on the Character and Culture
of the Nation Based in the Local Wisdom”https/
Wuri Widayanti, Joko Sutopo dalam “Pengembangan Materi Ajar Berbasis Pendidikan
Karaketer bagi Guru Bahasa Inggris SD di Kecamatan Tebalang”. Rekayasa
Vol.11.No.2. 2013

48 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student

Curriculum Vitae
A. Biodata
1 Nama Lengkap Dr. Drs. Paulus Subiyanto, M.Hum.
2 Jenis Kelamin Laki-Laki
3 Jabatan Fungsional/Golongan Lektor /IIIC
4 NIP 196106221993031001
5 NIDN 0022066108
6 Tempat,Tgl.Lahir Bantul, 22 Juni 1961
7 Email
8 No Tlp/HP 081338547383
9 Alamat Kantor Politeknik Negeri Bali, Kampus Bukit Jimbaran, Kuta
Selatan, Badung, Bali
10 No Tlp Kantor (0361) 1701981
11 Lulusan yang telah dihasilkan D3: 1.250 lulusan D4: 820 lulusan
12 Mata Kuliah yang diampu Bahasa Inggris 1
Bahasa Inggrs 2
Bahasa Inggris Terapan 1
Bahasa Inggris Terapan 2
Bahasa Inggris Profesi 1
Bahasa Inggris Profesi 2

B. Riwayat Pendidikan
Nama Sekolah SDN Sabdodadi, SMP BO SMAN 1, Bantul,
Bantul,Yogyakarta PKRI,Bantul, Yogyakarta
S1 S2 S3
Nama Perguruan IKIP Sanata Dharma, Universitas Udayana, UniversitasUdayana
Tinggi Yogyakarta Denpasar Denpasar
Bidang Ilmu Pendidikan Bahasa Linguistik Linguistik
Tahun Masuk- 1986-1991 2004 -2007 2008 -2019
Judul Skripsi/ Understanding Translating Metaphors in Metafora Pencitraan
Tesis/Disertasi Polysemious Words for The Song of Songs Tuhan dalam Kitab
English Department Mazmur; Kajian
Student of IKIP Sanata Teks Terjemahan dari
Dharma Perspektif Teori Konitif

Module 10.
Curriculum Curriculum Vitae
Vitae 49
Nama 1.Drs.Ariyanto,M.A 1. Prof.Dr.Ida Bagus 1. Prof.Dr.Ida Bagus
Pembimbing/ 2.Drs.JB .Gunawan,M.A Putra Yadnya,M.A Putra Yadnya,M.A.
Promotor 2. Prof.Dr.Aron Meko 2. Prof.Dr. Aron Meko
Mbete Mbete
3. Dr.Frans Made Brata,

C. Pelatihan dalam 4 Tahun Terakhir

No Jenis Pelatihan/ Sertifikasi Tempat & Waktu Penyelenggara Luaran
1 Bimtek Penulisan Proposal 24-25 Februari Jurusan Akuntansi PNB Sertifikat
Hotel Amaris
2 Workshop Standarisasi Buku Ajar 22 Juni 2018, Unit Lab Bahasa PNB Sertifikat
Bahasa Inggris di Perguruan Tinggi PNB
3 Pelatihan Asesor Kompetensi 11-14 September BNSP/ LSP PNB Sertifikat
2017, PNB
4 Wrkshop Using English as Medium 6 Oktober 2016, Jurusan Akuntansi PNB Sertifikat
of Instruction in Teaching PNB
5 Pelatihan Teknis manajemen Risiko 16 Okt 2015 Jurusan Akuntansi PNB Sertifikat
6 Pelatihan Akuntansi Keuangan: Fair 11 Juni 2015, Jurusan Akuntansi PNB Sertifikat
Value Vs Historical Cost Principle PNB
7 Pelatihan Teknis Auditing 20 Nov 2015,PNB Jurusan Akuntansi PNB Sertifikat
8 Workshop Cross Cultural 30 N0v 2015,PNB Unit Lab Bahasa PNB Sertifikat
Understanding in Teaching and
Learning Language
9 Workshop Assesing Student 7 Juli 2015,PNB Unit Lab Bahasa PNB Sertifikat
Performance on Language Leraning
10 Teaching Communicative Grammar 14 Mart 2015, IALF Sertifikat
11 Pelatihan Teknis Aplikasi Akuntansi 28 Agustus Jurusan Akuntansi PNB Sertifikat
Komputer 2015,PNB

D. Pengalaman Penelitian dalam 4 Tahun Terakhir

No Tahun Judul Penelitian
Sumber Jumlah(juta Rp)
1 2020 Kajian Ekolinguistik Terhadap Karya Tulis Dipa 17
Peneliti 1 Mahasiswa Berprestasi PNB 2020
2 2019 Pengmbangan Model Belajar Writing Dipa 15
Peneliti 1 Berbasis Tema Rema

50 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student

3 2018 Pengembangan Buku Ajar Bahasa Inggris Dipa 18
Peneliti 1 Berbasis Pendidikan Karakter

4 2015 Kontrak Sosial dan Kontrak Komunikasi:

Peneliti 2 Pola Penggunaan Tingkat Tutur Rendah Hibah 50
(Ngoko) Bahasa Jawa

E. Pengalaman Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 4 Tahun Terakhir

No Tahun Judul Pengabdian Kepada Keanggotaan Pelaksana
1 2018 Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris dan Jepang untuk anggota Unit Bahasa PNB
Guide Lokal di Desa Wisata Belimbing,
2 2018 Bimbingan Teknis Pengelolaan Dana Desa anggota Jurusan
dan Pajak di Desa Singapadu,Gianyar akuntansi,PNB
3 2018 Pelatihan Pemakaian Bahasa Baku dalam anggota Unit Bahasa,PNB
Karya Ilmiah
4 2017 Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris untuk Giude Desa anggota Unit Bahasa,PNB
dan Remaja di Desa Tua dan Cau, Marga,

F. Publikasi Ilmiah Dalam Jurnal dalam 4 Tahun Terakhir

No Judul Artikel Nama Jurnal Volume/Nomor/Tahun
1 Ecolinguistic Study of The Writing Journal of Apllied Study in Vol.4 Issue Juni
Works of The Achieving Students of Language (JASL) 2020;e-issn2615-4706/
Bali State Polytechnic 2020
2 Conceptualization of God Image Education and Linguistics ISSN 2377-1356
in The Book of Psalms: A Study Research (Macrothink Vol.5/No.1/2019
of Metaphor Based on Cognitive Institute)
3 Image Schema Analysis on Psalm e-Journal of Linguistics Vol.13/No.19/ Januari
23: A Study of Metaphor Based on 2019
Cognitive Theory
4 Learning and Growing: An Journal of Applied Studies Vol2/No2/ Desember
Alternative Strategy to Teach in Language 2018
5 The Impact of Transposition on International Journal of Vol2/No 9/September
Grammatical Metaphor. Study of Linguistics, Literature,and 2016
Translation from The Perspective of Culture (IJLLC)
SFL Theory

Module 10.
Curriculum Curriculum Vitae
Vitae 51
G. Pemakalah dalam Seminar (Oral Presentation) dalam 4 Tahun Terakhir
G.1 Pemakalah Seminar Internasional dalam 4 Tahun Terakhir
No Nama Temu Ilmiah/Seminar Judul Artikel Waktu dan Tempat
1 The 5th International Language Development of English 30 Nov-11 Des 2018
and language Teaching Textbook Based on Sanata Dharma University,
Conference Character Education Yogyakarta
2 The 4th International Language Learning and Growing: An 3-4 November 2017,
and language Teaching alternative Strategy to teach Sanata Dharma
Conference English University,Yogyakarta
3 The 3th International Language Image Schema in Psalm 21-22 Oktober 2016,Sanata
and language Teaching 23: Study of Conceptual Dharma University,
Conference The 5th International Metaphor Yogyakarta
Language and language Teaching
4 The 7th International Seminar on Analisis Skema Citra 28-29 Agt 2015
Austronesian –Non Austronesian Terhadap Mazmur 23: Universitas Udayana,
Languages and Literature Kajian Linguistik Kognitif Denpasar

G.2 Pemakalah dalam Seminar Nasional dalam 4 Tahun Terakhir

No Nama Temu Ilmiah/Seminar Judul Artikel Waktu dan Tempat
1 Webinar Nasional Riset Linguistik Nara Sumber: Mencari Kampus PNB (online)
dan Pengajaran Bahasa ( Senarilip Landasan Filosofi untuk 6-7 Oktober 2020
IV) Pendidikan Vokasional
1. Webinar Nasional Riset Linguistik Kajan Ekolinguistik Kampus PNB (online)
dan Pengajaran Bahasa ( Senarilip terhadap Karya Tulis 6-7 Oktober 2020
IV) Mahasiswa Berprestasi
PNB 2020
2. Seminar Nasional Riset Linguistik Writing Based Theme- Hotel Vanisi Denpasar, 27
dan Pengajaran Bahasa ( Senarilip Rheme Theory Agustus 2019
3 Seminar Nasional Terapan Riset Pengembangan Buku Ajar 24-25 Agt 2018,
Inovatif (The 4th Sentrinov) Bahasa Inggris Berbasis The Patra Bali Resort
Pendidikan karakter Untuk
Mahasiswa Politeknik
4 Seminar Nasional Riset Linguistik Learning and Growing: 30-31 Agustus2018,
dan Pengajaran Bahasa ( Senarilip Strategy To Teach English Kampus PNB, Bukit
II) and Build Character Jimbaran
4 Seminar Nasional Riset Linguistik Analisis Metafora 20-21 Okt 2017, Hotel
dan Pengajaran Bahasa ( Senarilip Konseptual pada Nirmala Denpasar
II) Mazmur23

52 English for Character Education for Polytechnic Student

5 Seminar Nasional Bahasa Ibu Dampak Penerapan 26-27 Februari 2016,
(SNBI IX) Prosedur Penerjemahan Universitas Udayana
Terhadap Metafora
6 Seminar Nasional Pertemuan Kontrak Sosial danKontrak 17-18 September 2015,
Peneliti(Senapati) Komunikasi: Pola Kampus PNB
Penggunaan Tingkat Tutur
Rendah (ngoko) Bahasa

H. Karya Buku dalam 10 Tahun Terakhir

No Judul Buku Tahun Jumlah Penerbit
1. Fighting for Marriage 2019 144 Penerbit PT Kanisius Yogyakarta.
ISBN: 978-979-21-6139-1
1 Senja nan Indah: Menjadi Lansia 2018 100 Penerbit PT Kanisius Yogyakarta.
Bahagia dan Bijaksana ISBN: 978-979-21-5655-3
2 Love, Sex and Dating 2012 175 Fidei Press,Jakarta.
3 Meretas Rintangan Perkawinan 2012 153 Fidei Press, Jakarta
ISBN: 978-602-8670-58-6
4 Tuhan Tidak Menciptakan Sampah: 2012 153 Fidei Press, Jakarta
Pola Baru pendidikan Anak ISBN:978-602-8670-68-5
5 The Handbook of Marriage 2011 295 Elex Media Komputindo, Jakarta
6 KIat-Kiat Jitu Merawat Perkawinan 2010 286 Pustaka Nusatama, Yogyakarta
ISBN: 979-719-530-9

Semua data yang diisikan dan tercantum dalam biodata ini adalah benar dan
dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara hukum. Apabila dikemudian hari ditemukan
ketidaksesuaian,saya sanggup menerima sanksi.
Demikian biodata ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya untuk dapat digunakan sebagaimana

Denpasar, 28 Februari 2021

Dr. Drs.Paulus Subiyanto,M.Hum

Module 10.
Curriculum Curriculum Vitae
Vitae 53

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