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# version
# Betaflight / STM32F7X2 (S7X2) 4.5.0 Sep 10 2023 / 14:26:36 (a72ad8b2b) MSP API:
# config rev: 09f53ae

# start the command batch

batch start

# reset configuration to default settings

defaults nosave

board_name FOXEERF722V4
manufacturer_id FOXE
mcu_id 004c00403232510738393431

# name: Lumenier

# feature
feature SERVO_TILT
feature GPS
feature RSSI_ADC
feature LED_STRIP
feature OSD
feature ESC_SENSOR

# serial
serial 0 64 115200 57600 0 115200
serial 2 2 115200 57600 0 115200
serial 3 1024 115200 57600 0 115200
serial 4 128 115200 57600 0 115200
serial 5 131073 115200 57600 0 115200

# beeper
beeper -ARMING
beeper -BAT_LOW
beeper -GPS_STATUS
beeper -READY_BEEP
beeper -ARMED
beeper -ON_USB
beeper -CRASH_FLIP

# beacon
beacon RX_LOST
beacon RX_SET

# map
map RETA1234

# led
led 0 4,10::CO:2
led 1 5,10::CO:2
led 2 6,10::CO:2
led 3 7,10::CO:2
led 4 8,10::CO:2
led 5 9,10::CO:2

# aux
aux 0 0 0 1950 2050 0 0
aux 1 1 1 1700 1800 0 0
aux 2 1 1 1600 1700 0 0
aux 3 1 1 1175 1375 0 0
aux 4 13 1 1925 1975 0 0
aux 5 13 1 1825 1875 0 0
aux 6 13 1 1600 1650 0 0
aux 7 13 1 1500 1550 0 0
aux 8 13 1 1325 1375 0 0
aux 9 13 1 1700 1750 0 0
aux 10 15 3 900 1800 0 0
aux 11 19 2 1925 1975 0 0
aux 12 35 1 1425 1575 0 0
aux 13 35 1 1300 1375 0 0
aux 14 35 1 1175 1275 0 0
aux 15 49 2 1875 1925 0 0

# rxfail
rxfail 5 s 2100

# master
set gyro_lpf1_static_hz = 500
set gyro_lpf2_static_hz = 1000
set dyn_notch_count = 2
set dyn_notch_q = 500
set dyn_notch_min_hz = 120
set gyro_lpf1_dyn_min_hz = 500
set gyro_lpf1_dyn_max_hz = 1000
set acc_lpf_hz = 10
set acc_calibration = 3,21,-228,1
set align_mag = CW180FLIP
set mag_align_pitch = 1800
set mag_align_yaw = 1800
set serialrx_provider = CRSF
set blackbox_device = SERIAL
set dshot_bidir = ON
set motor_output_reordering = 3,2,1,0,4,5,6,7
set failsafe_delay = 3
set failsafe_recovery_delay = 20
set bat_capacity = 1100
set ibata_scale = 186
set yaw_motors_reversed = ON
set small_angle = 180
set gps_sbas_mode = EGNOS
set gps_auto_baud = ON
set gps_ublox_use_galileo = ON
set gps_set_home_point_once = ON
set simplified_gyro_filter_multiplier = 200
set report_cell_voltage = ON
set osd_rssi_alarm = 75
set osd_cap_alarm = 1000
set osd_alt_alarm = 110
set osd_rssi_pos = 7218
set osd_link_quality_pos = 3154
set osd_tim_2_pos = 266
set osd_remaining_time_estimate_pos = 299
set osd_flymode_pos = 2661
set osd_anti_gravity_pos = 2172
set osd_throttle_pos = 2139
set osd_crosshairs_pos = 302
set osd_current_pos = 6201
set osd_mah_drawn_pos = 7201
set osd_craft_name_pos = 480
set osd_gps_speed_pos = 2132
set osd_gps_lon_pos = 67
set osd_gps_lat_pos = 35
set osd_gps_sats_pos = 3186
set osd_home_dir_pos = 2126
set osd_home_dist_pos = 2094
set osd_flight_dist_pos = 79
set osd_compass_bar_pos = 41
set osd_altitude_pos = 2100
set osd_warnings_pos = 6361
set osd_avg_cell_voltage_pos = 6170
set osd_battery_usage_pos = 32808
set osd_disarmed_pos = 6714
set osd_rtc_date_time_pos = 8
set osd_flip_arrow_pos = 2100
set osd_core_temp_pos = 2597
set osd_sys_goggle_voltage_pos = 1617
set osd_displayport_device = MSP
set osd_canvas_width = 60
set osd_canvas_height = 22
set debug_mode = GYRO_SCALED
set vcd_video_system = HD
set rpm_filter_fade_range_hz = 100
set craft_name = Lumenier

profile 0

# profile 0
set dterm_lpf1_dyn_expo = 10
set p_pitch = 64
set i_pitch = 115
set d_pitch = 58
set f_pitch = 158
set p_roll = 56
set i_roll = 100
set d_roll = 53
set f_roll = 138
set d_min_roll = 43
set d_min_pitch = 46
set auto_profile_cell_count = 6
set launch_control_mode = PITCHONLY
set launch_angle_limit = 15
set feedforward_smooth_factor = 30
set feedforward_jitter_factor = 9
set simplified_pids_mode = RP
set simplified_d_gain = 145
set simplified_pi_gain = 125
set simplified_dmax_gain = 70
set simplified_feedforward_gain = 115
set simplified_pitch_d_gain = 95
set simplified_pitch_pi_gain = 110

profile 1

# profile 1
set dterm_lpf1_dyn_expo = 10
set p_pitch = 64
set i_pitch = 115
set d_pitch = 58
set f_pitch = 158
set p_roll = 56
set i_roll = 100
set d_roll = 53
set f_roll = 138
set d_min_roll = 43
set d_min_pitch = 46
set auto_profile_cell_count = 6
set launch_control_mode = PITCHONLY
set launch_angle_limit = 15
set feedforward_averaging = 2_POINT
set feedforward_smooth_factor = 45
set feedforward_jitter_factor = 8
set simplified_pids_mode = RP
set simplified_d_gain = 145
set simplified_pi_gain = 125
set simplified_dmax_gain = 70
set simplified_feedforward_gain = 115
set simplified_pitch_d_gain = 95
set simplified_pitch_pi_gain = 110

profile 2

# profile 2
set dterm_lpf1_dyn_expo = 10
set p_pitch = 64
set i_pitch = 115
set d_pitch = 58
set f_pitch = 158
set p_roll = 56
set i_roll = 100
set d_roll = 53
set f_roll = 138
set d_min_roll = 43
set d_min_pitch = 46
set auto_profile_cell_count = 6
set launch_control_mode = PITCHONLY
set launch_angle_limit = 15
set feedforward_averaging = 2_POINT
set feedforward_smooth_factor = 45
set feedforward_jitter_factor = 8
set simplified_pids_mode = RP
set simplified_d_gain = 145
set simplified_pi_gain = 125
set simplified_dmax_gain = 70
set simplified_feedforward_gain = 115
set simplified_pitch_d_gain = 95
set simplified_pitch_pi_gain = 110

profile 3

# profile 3
set dterm_lpf1_dyn_expo = 10
set p_pitch = 64
set i_pitch = 115
set d_pitch = 58
set f_pitch = 158
set p_roll = 56
set i_roll = 100
set d_roll = 53
set f_roll = 138
set d_min_roll = 43
set d_min_pitch = 46
set auto_profile_cell_count = 6
set launch_control_mode = PITCHONLY
set launch_angle_limit = 15
set feedforward_averaging = 2_POINT
set feedforward_smooth_factor = 45
set feedforward_jitter_factor = 8
set simplified_pids_mode = RP
set simplified_d_gain = 145
set simplified_pi_gain = 125
set simplified_dmax_gain = 70
set simplified_feedforward_gain = 115
set simplified_pitch_d_gain = 95
set simplified_pitch_pi_gain = 110

# restore original profile selection

profile 0

rateprofile 0

# rateprofile 0
set thr_mid = 25
set thr_expo = 65
set rates_type = KISS
set roll_rc_rate = 130
set pitch_rc_rate = 130
set yaw_rc_rate = 100
set roll_expo = 30
set pitch_expo = 30
set yaw_expo = 30
set roll_srate = 74
set pitch_srate = 74
set yaw_srate = 74

rateprofile 1

rateprofile 2
rateprofile 3

# restore original rateprofile selection

rateprofile 0

# save configuration

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