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UNIDAD DIDÁCTICA N° 5 A new life for garbage


INSTRUCTION 1: Complete this organizer with two activities in each Item.

INSTRUCTION 2: Read the energy efficiency tips below to complete them with the words
in the wordsearch and name the pictures.

 Turn off the ________ when you leave a room.

 Keep the ___________ door closed to save energy.
 Wash your __________ in cold water, do not use the water ________.
 Unplug devices that consume ___________ when they are not in
use, for example cellphone __________.
 Take _________ instead of baths, so, you use less _______.
INSTRUCTION 3: Complete this mental map with two eco-friendly activities you do in
different parts of your house/school.

How to be eco-friendly
in my __________?

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