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*계획 = 1, 2 번(~1 일차)/3,4 번(~2 일차)/5,6,7 번(~3 일차)/1,2,3 번(~4 일차)/4,5 6,7 번(~5

*붉은색 글씨=기존 기출 목록에서 누락된 것

1. Syntax (Keyword: Argument, Subcategorization, Theta theory, Projection Principle, Extende

d projection principle, Expletives, Unaccusative predicates)

문장의 통사구조
[2020-2] Subcategorization
[2019-2] Unaccusative predicates in English [=2017-2]
[2014-1] Argument structure of unaccusative predicates [=2008-2]
[2008-2] External arguments in English

Theta theory
[2018-2] Theta criteria
[2012-2] Theta criteria and expletives

[2015-2] The ungrammaticality of “Mary abandoned” is attributable to a violation of the
Extended projection principle (T/F)
[2011-2] Complements, arguments and extended projection principle [2007-2]
[2011-1] Expletives and extended projection principle in English
[2010-2] Extended projection principle and theta criteria
[2010-1] Projection principle and theta criteria
[2009-2] Expletives, projection principle and extended projection principle in English

2. X-bar theory and Phrase structure (Keyword : DP, IP CP)

Phrase structure
[2014-1] Inflections and complementizers in English [=2008-1]
[2013-1] Head, complements and specifier of IP
[2012-1] DP IP CP in English
[2007-1] NPs and DPs in English

X-bar theory
[2011-2] X-bar theory and word order in Korean and English
[2009-1] Word order and X-bar theory

3. Movement
[2020-2] Overt movement and non-overt (covert) movement in English
[2018-1] Verb movement in English (밑으로 이동)

[2018-2] Wh- movement in relative clauses
[2017-2] Provide a D- and an S-structure representations of (a): Who did you ask to co
me tomorrow?
[2017-1] Provide a D- and an S-structure representation of “Who is believed to have be
en invited to the party?” and discuss how “Who” is assigned case and theta-role
[2017-1] Discuss the unacceptability of “Who did John make the claim that was innocen
[2016-2] Provide a D- and an S-structure representation of “Whom did John believe to
be a genius?”, and discuss how “Who” and “John” are assigned case and theta role.
[2016-1] Provide an S-structure representation of ”Whom did they believe to be smart?”
And discuss how “whom” is assigned case.
[2010-1] Subjacency condition

Head to head movement (I-to-C movement)

[2020-1] Head-to-head movement
[2018-1] Verb movement in English
[2015-2] In the X-bar representation of “Will John buy a car after the holidays?”, C c-co
mmands VP. (T/F)
[2014-2] X-bar representation of “Did Dabin meet them?”

4. Case Theory, NP movement, ECM, Small clauses

[2012-2] Case filter and NP movement
[2011-2] Adjacency condition in Case theory

[2015-2] In “I consider Maigret an inspector of great value.”, the verb “consider” assigns
a thematic role to the constituent [Marigret an inspector of great value]
[2014-2] Discuss the syntactic mechanism which is responsible for the case of the NP “h
er” in “They consider her smart.”
[2014-1] Small clauses in English
[2013-2] Exceptional nature of exceptional case marking

5. PRO, Binding theory

[2018-1] Non-overt categories in English
[2010-2] PRO and binding theory
[2010-1] PRO theorem
[2009-1] PRO and pro

Binding theory
[2020-1] Principle A of Binding theory
[2016-2] Reflexives and Accessible subject/SUBJECT
[2016-1] Discuss the coreference relation between “John” and “himself” in “John believes
that a picture of himself will be on show.”, focusing on binding properties

6. Construction
[2019-1] Discuss the English resultative construction [=2017-1,2016-1]
[2017-2] Discuss the English caused-motion construction
[2014-1] Transitive verb particle constructions in English

7. Language acquisition (최근엔 별로 안나옴+영교론과 일부 겹치는 내용 있는듯)

[2008-1] Parameter resetting in SLA
[2007-2] Minimal Trees Hypothesis in SL syntax acquisition
[2007-1] Universal Grammar in Second/Foreign language acquisition

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