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ED 007

The observation was conducted on April 14, that was on friday. The goal of this
task is to know and identify the social literacy on how a particular person interacts with.
Together with my respondent named: Ellen Adran Cañada a 39 years old, who has 3
children, and her live-in partner work abroad. I choose Ellen as my target respondent
because she has her full time in the canteen during weekdays at Manuel Lugod Central
School, in addition she also has a part time job that offers manicure and pedicure in our
community. It also shows that she is a great respondent for this study since she
encounter and socialize various people, and I could say that she is perfect for this study.
By her occupations it makes this a reason to observe how she interacts, socialize and deal
with different people when she’s at work and when she’s at home.
Social literacy implies a level of skill in being able to form respectful
relationships. It implies learning about the give and take of interacting with others. By
this as I observe to my respondent she has a great essence of sympathy which is part of
ten characteristics of an emotionally intelligent person. Also she display a good social
skill which she commonly use in here business, wherein she encounter numerous
students,teacher and others. As I analyse why and how this exists to my respondent, it’s
because when the feelings or emotions of one person lead to similar feelings in another
person so that they share feelings. Mostly sympathy means the sharing of unhappiness or
suffering, but it can also mean sharing other (positive) emotions. In addition I notice that
she has a Good communication skills which belong to Strategies in Obtaining Good
people skills. People who have strong communication skills include the ability to make
information, clarify comments and participate in effective verbal and written exchanges.
That’s why Good communicators are often skilled at connecting with their audience in
various ways that help their listeners understand the topic about which they're speaking.
For example, a public speaker might use nonverbal cues like eye contact to engage
listeners by showing them that their attention is important.
After all, I conclude that because of my respondents' occupation both full time
and part time, they are in a canteen at school, and offer manicures and pedicures. Those
are required with sympathy and Good communication skills that’s why I understand that
in order to fulfil her duty work it needs sympathy to interacts with different people,
regardless of the age, and status she must be a flexible, adjust, and adopt different
personality and by having a Strong communication skills, this what make sense to have a
lasting job as it should be. Her social literacy skills are not bad at all because of her
personality, and skills that make a Good person: Full of sympathy and a Strong
communication skills.

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